Chapter 282.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:59:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Redemption Point.

The girl was a little nervous.

The power had gone out, and the air conditioner and furnace at work had stopped, so even if she wore winter clothes, stayed indoors, and stayed with many people, she still felt cold.

Not to mention ……

There were people among them who hadn’t received winterized clothing.

Her family was not with her, and she was a little afraid, wrapped in her winter jacket and carefully cowering in a corner.

Someone carried the injured patient from outside into the room, the injured patient had severe frostbite, the whole person was motionless, as if frozen into ice, no one dared to touch him.

“Clothes! Is there anything else to keep warm?” The person who carried the injured patient in asked anxiously.

Staff member: “The cold-proof clothes have already been claimed, and there are few quilts left, so we need to go to the warehouse to get them, but right now-”

Someone said, “We can’t go outside, this cold snap is terrible.”

The girl gritted her teeth, thinking about giving the cold-weather clothing out, and a little scared.

At this time, a staff member had already peeled off the cold suit and wrapped it around the injured patient along with the blanket covering his body, and said urgently, “There’s no way to treat it here, what can we do about this?”

The words landed.

“Bang!” A sound rang out.

Someone suddenly appeared, and under the reflection of the table lamp, the two people’s appearance was clear.

It was Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun!

Lai Wan Yun: “How many people need cold-proof clothing?”

The staff reported a number.

Lai Wan Yun left more supplies, and at the same time left a few large fire pans filled with charcoal, and the things to ignite them were placed next to the fire pans.

There were also iron kettles set on top to boil water.

Long Tianyu: “Let the injured get close to the fire pots, try to save them first, someone will come to treat them later.”

After saying that, the two disappeared.

And inside the exchange point house, everyone was busy, some people went to collect the cold-proof clothing, those who already had cold-proof clothing, went to light the fire pot, there was a fire-type psychic amongst them, and they soon started a charcoal fire.

The desperate coldness inside the room seemed to be dispersed by the charcoal inside the fire pot.

The girl stared blankly at the charcoal.

That was not ordinary charcoal before the end of the world, it was after the end of the world, they went up to the mountains to pick up, that time there was no acid rain, the scorched earth just after the fire, leaving many of these charcoal ……

During that time, many people went up to the mountains and picked it up to sell to the base, getting a lot more points than just working for it.

So they collected a lot of charcoal.

At that time, they were all still wondering what they needed so much burnt charcoal for.

Now the girl understood.

–These charcoals taken from the summer fire disaster were winter warmth and hope when the cold snap came.

Soon, a second group of people came in from the darkness.

It was Healing Alien Jia Guangliang and the doctor, who closed the door and left after hastily treating the injured.

The third batch of people who came in was a team of fire system psychics, who made sure that their fire pots were all lit, and made sure that the people were all fine before they left.

The door was closed, and after that it was just the shifters asking through the door what was going on inside, not opening the door to let the cold air in.

The inside of the room buzzed with activity, boiling water, talking, and cheering each other up.

“Here, have some hot water, don’t sleep.”

“You can’t sleep on the first night of the cold wave, the state has repeatedly explained this, come and talk.”

“There’s still hot water, want some?”

The girl broke into a smile.

Yes, this wasn’t a movie or TV, why would she worry about someone robbing her cold weather clothes?

That was robbery, it was a deduction of points and sending to labor camp.

Everyone was cooperative, everyone was actively trying to survive.

And the temperature, it was still dropping.

“We’ve reinforced a shield, the temperature inside the base is a little higher than outside the base, but there’s still no way to insulate the cold, can’t do it.” Li Xin huffed and rubbed his hands together, shivering from the cold.

They were all indoors at the moment.

It couldn’t be helped, it was too cold outside, and after sending everyone to a temporarily safe place, they were able to catch their breath and rest for a while.

Li Xin was so cold that he wanted to cry.

He was still a high-level alien, so he could imagine how ordinary people felt.

Liu Yue and Geng Leqian ran back, also wearing cold-proof clothing still feeling cold.

Li Xin’s eyes lit up.

“Sister Sheng, all the gathered rooms have charcoal fires burning, and bonfires are burning outside a few dormitory areas, so there should be no problem tonight.” Liu Yue reported the situation.

After saying that, he looked down and realized that Li Xin and Lou Mingwei were already hugging him tightly on the left and right, like they were hugging hand warmers.

Next to him, Geng Leqian had Jiang Yu and Lai Wan Yun hanging on him.

Liu Yue: “……”

Is this how a Fire Alien is used?

Li Xin is comfortable, her eyebrows are stretched, and she sincerely exclaims, “Fire ability is so good.”

Jiang Yu nodded tearfully.

“If you’re cold, go into space.” Song Linwei glanced at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu firmly shook her head, “Unless you all can’t care about me, I’ll never go into space, I want to stay with you guys and get used to the new-it’s cold-”

She suddenly felt a chill and looked towards the door, it turned out to be Xiang Hanfang returning.

Not only did she bring the chill when she opened the door, she herself was a chill maker, and the only one, who didn’t wear a cold-proof suit, as if this weather didn’t have any effect on her.

Jiang Yu and Lai Wan Yun dragged Geng Le Qian farther away.

Li Xin was also busy waving her hand, “Don’t release the cold air, stay slightly away from us!”

Xiang Hanxiang: “?”

She was expressionless, “That’s not what you guys said in the summer.”

“It’s not winter.” Lou Mingwei hugged Liu Yue tighter, away from Xiang Hanfang.

Xiang Hanfang rolled her eyes.

Sheng An looked at her, “How is it now?”

Xiang Hanfrost immediately got serious and shook her head:

“The temperature is dropping too fast, right now it’s at least fifty degrees below zero outside the base, and forty degrees inside the base, the ice that was just cleared off the generators and the power system will condense again very quickly, and we moved all the machines down to the ground.”

“Can we recover by moving it down?” Jiang Yu asked busily.

Xiang Hanfeng smiled slightly, “I can’t, the ground is just as frozen and cold.”

She looked at Sheng An, “They are trying several ways to recover, it will take time.”

Sheng An nodded.

At this time, there was another knock on the door.

“Who is it?” Jiang Yu was curious and probed, “Is it Jia Guangliang?”

Long Tianyu and Jia Guangliang, Zhang Kun, they hadn’t returned yet.

Outside the door, the knocking continued, but there was no opening of the door and no sound.

The crowd was stunned.

The door was unlocked, why didn’t they open the door and come in?

Li Xin and Jiang Yu immediately raised their heads, their faces full of wariness.

Qi Lingmu went forward and opened the door, he already knew who it was.

The door opened, no one.

However, there was a leaf poking in under the foot, followed by the roots reaching in, and the mutated folding ear root appeared in front of them, the leaf was almost frozen up, extraordinarily stiff.

Just as it entered, it pounded the ground hard, very angry.

“What’s wrong with it?” Jiang Ling was bewildered.

Wu Buye translated, “The soil is frozen up, it can’t take root.”

The emotions that were just slightly lighter immediately disappeared, and everyone’s hearts were once again heavy.

The soil was frozen, not even the mutated Folding Ear Root could take root, what about those cultivated plants?

Before they could be planted in large quantities in this scorched earth, were they forced to end?

Song Linwei exhaled a breath, a bit gruff, “It’s too cold, not only did the cold wave come early, the temperature is even lower than in Lai Wan Yun’s and their previous lives.”

He held up the real-time data that had been sent over, “It’s dropped another two degrees.”

“What about casualties?” Gu Qiansheng asked.

Song Linwei: “More than two hundred people have been killed tonight, but this is not the end, many people’s bodies can’t survive the cold, Jia Guangliang alone can’t save everyone ……”

After a pause, he tried to look relaxed, “Fortunately, although it came suddenly, because we reacted in time and started to respond, the casualties were much better than expected.”

Jiang Yu gritted his teeth, “If Hao Jingye wants to use the cold wave to make humans lose a lot of money, dream on!”

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