Chapter 283.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:59:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Memory can be wrong, but changing everyone’s memory of the time of the cold wave’s arrival is unlikely, plus the fact that the cold wave came so suddenly that, by extrapolation, a month later would be the time of the normal cold wave’s arrival.

Almost everyone can be sure –

The advancement of the cold wave was the work of Hao Jingye, or at least, related to him.

Song Linwei patted the angry Jiang Yu and sighed softly, “Regardless of how he did it, to be able to manipulate the cold wave to come early, his ability is far more powerful than we can imagine.”

Jiang Yu hung his head feebly, somewhat disheartened.

Yeah, M was too strong, and with their current helplessness, it was even more impossible for her to help Qiu Yu take revenge.

Sheng An didn’t say anything and looked out through the window.

The base was pitch black, only the emergency lights that relied on the batteries were still on, but most of them were also out, barely indicating the way.

The effects of the low temperature went far beyond that.

The data reported by Song Linwei was the capital city, one of the best and largest bases, one with the highest technology and combat power.

It was unimaginable how the other bases were doing this night.

They are not blindly superstitious “past life” memories, so they prepare in advance, also arranged in advance, once there are signs of cold wave, immediately respond.

But never thought, tonight the cold wave came so suddenly, without warning, suddenly came.

Sheng An and Qi Ling Mou saw with their own eyes how magical that scene was, and it wasn’t the low temperature that was scary, it was the instant drop in low temperature.

She had been feeling whether the world had been pulled back in time, whether it was a repeat of the Southwest tragedy?

However it wasn’t, Hao Jingye made the cold wave advance, but didn’t pull time.

How the hell did he do that?

The communicator beeped twice.

Song Linwei swept his eyes and looked at Sheng An, “Sister Sheng, the base chief is looking for you to go with him to pacify the people.”

Sheng An nodded and lifted her feet to walk out-

“Let’s go, enough rest, all Special Intelligence Division members gather and get to work.”

Li Xin and Lou Mingwei, who were just holding Liu Yue and not letting go of their hands, instantly loosened their hands and looked awe-struck, no matter how out of tune they are in private, when it’s time to get down to business, all difficulties can be overcome.

Jiang Yu honestly entered the space.

In such a cold day, the state did not arrange a person in her space, always letting her guard the space alone.

This prudence always reminded her of the past when she was worried about someone robbing her space, and she was incredibly chagrined.

All gone.

The inside of the room was suddenly empty, and the temperature dropped.

Mutant Origami: “????”

So what about me? What about me? No one cares about me anymore, right?

— Is it still a treasure?

The origami root was so angry that its roots pounded the ground, but thinking of the frozen soil outside, and feeling its frozen wig and wilted leaves ……

If it doesn’t take root in the soil, it will really shrivel up.

Jiang Yu’s space, warm and nutritious.

Why not let it in!

The Folding Ear Root stood in place, the powerful energy left behind by the debris in the air vaguely wrapped around its leaves.

It disappeared in place.

Inside the space.

Jiang Yu was preparing to ripen some fruits, ever since Yu Litian and Chen Jiaojiao died of exhaustion, if the Institute hadn’t arranged for someone to come in, Jiang Yu would have to go back to her old job as a planter again.

She picked a strawberry first and fed it into her mouth, humming and carrying a hoe ready to work.

In front of her, a familiar folding root fell to the ground.

Immediately taking root, the leaves became intoxicated, as if bubbling.

Jiang Yu: “????”

Frightened, she dropped the strawberry in her mouth and opened her mouth wide.

–Crap, how did this guy get in?


The temperature drops to 62 below zero outside.

Electricity couldn’t be restored for a while, but the huge number of candles stocked up before the end of the day, coupled with the fire pits heating the room while also bringing in light, every room with people gathered inside was still quite lively.

Long Tianyu, Jia Guangliang, Lai Wan Yun and the others, who were traveling around the capital base, distributing supplies and rescuing the injured, were able to grit their teeth despite the extreme cold.

“Hey! Guys don’t sleep!”

“Nui Nui, don’t go to sleep, we can’t sleep tonight, let’s stay up for a while and go back to sleep at dawn.”

“Mom, I’m sleepy.”

“Don’t ever let your child sleep, the state said that the hardest thing for the body to adapt to is the first night when the temperature plummets, stay up through tonight, and only after you have adapted to the low temperature can you sleep.”

“Guys hurry to open your eyes, come on, let’s sing, or eat a late night snack, do you want noodles?”

This moment was the most sleepy time for all of them.

While they couldn’t hold on to encourage each other, suddenly, the in-base radio sounded a voice-

“Hello capital base residents, this is base chief Hua Weimin, tonight’s cold wave raid is another test for humanity, I think everyone must be very nervous, so I’ve brought along two old acquaintances to chat with you all, to get through this first night, and adapt to the bitter winter that has officially arrived.”

“Hello Capital Base residents, this is Li Jianjun, don’t worry, all departments are stepping up their cold countermeasures, restoring power as soon as possible, and all will be better soon.”

“Hello capital base residents, I’m Sheng An from the Special Intelligence Division, the entire Special Intelligence Division, doing their best to guard everyone’s safety tonight.”

These three were the lynch pins in everyone’s hearts, and at the moment, through the radio, they were chatting with the people of the base, rambling about the arrangements of the base, and the current situation.

It involved everyone’s lives, and they were the ones they worshipped.

Therefore, many of them steeled themselves and did not sleep.

The radio was lively, and every now and then an inspirational song was played to encourage everyone, making them feel that – even if the world was dark – they hadn’t been given up.

And having experienced countless disasters, they were all trying to adapt to the new one.

This is the reason why the first choice was made to resume broadcasting with full force.

And behind the resumption of broadcasting–

Lou Mingwei was generating electricity while cursing, ”What’s wrong with you, Xiang Hanfrost? How come it’s freezing again! I’m tired of generating electricity, be careful not to let the equipment freeze again.”

When the equipment froze, power generation would stop.

And he, a Thunder Alien, would have to temporarily act as a generator.

It could be said that his workload depended on the workload of the ice-type alien, Xiang Hanfrost.

The base was quiet, and behind it was Lou Mingwei who was all busy with sparks.

Xiang Hanfrost droned, “Shut up!”

She melted the ice away from the equipment that was once again frozen and diverted the water away, then scolded Li Xin, “Hurry up, get the power generation system done earlier so we can evacuate without having to listen to him chattering to death, it’s annoying.”

Li Xin wiped his tired sweat and muttered, “Both of you are annoying.”

7 am.

The outdoor temperature is maintained at -65° and the power supply system is restored.

The temperature inside the base began to rise as the lights came on, and the people who had suffered through the night could finally go back to their dormitories for a solid night’s sleep.

Sheng An and the base chief and Elder Li came out of the radio room.

The closed door had been frozen shut, and it was the security officer who had to exert some effort to open it, showing the horror of the cold wave.

Luckily, the power supply was restored to the base, and now that the temperature was starting to rise, the ice that had formed in the base would soon be able to melt away one by one.

The base chief stayed up all night and said a lot of words, and when he walked out of the gate, his body swayed slightly.

Sheng An supported him.

The base chief waved his hand and stood up straight with a gasp, his eyes did not relax because the situation was getting better, instead, he became more and more worried: “Sheng An, did you figure out how the cold wave is a month earlier?”

Sheng An shook his head.

The base chief sighed long and hard, “Even the time of the natural disaster can be changed, how far can M actually go?”

Sheng An did not answer, she knew that the other party was not trying to get an answer from her either.

Elder Li frowned, “Soldiers can always think of a way, the cold wave came in a hurry, but the response was pretty good, don’t worry, we can carry through.”

The words landed.

Wan Wan and Song Linwei hurriedly came, followed by Jiang Yu and Li Xin, Lai Wan Yun, Wu Buye and others.

“What’s wrong?” The base chief immediately stood straight and adjusted his state.

Sheng An looked at the two men, and his gaze landed on Jiang Yu.

They had come over protecting her, what happened must have something to do with her.

Song Linwei looked grave, “The Mutant Folding Ear Root was able to enter Jiang Yu’s space, it wasn’t led by Jiang Yu, it went in on its own.”

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