Chapter 284.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:59:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The crowd froze.

Sheng An stood up straight, his eyes stern.

Qi Lingmu stared intently at the plant in Jiang Yu’s hand.

Probably because it went into space to replenish the soil nutrients, this guy is now refreshed, even the leaves are green and vibrant.

Jiang Yu was still in a bit of a trance, “It suddenly burrowed into space and rooted itself, I brought it out and it went back in on its own, it’s just like, there’s absolutely nothing I can do to stop it!”

She lifted the folded ear root, probably in protest, the folded ear root’s feet stomped about.

Sheng An asked, “How did you get in there?”

The folded ear root struggled.

Wu Buyi moves over and doesn’t hear an answer.

Sheng An: “Huh?” Eyes grow dangerous.

Folded Ear Root: “……”

It doesn’t dare to struggle anymore and answers honestly.

Wu Buye translated, “It said it wanted to go in so badly that it drilled in smoothly.”

Everyone present frowned at the same time.

“What does it mean?” The base chief was a bit bewildered.

Sheng An pursed his lips and explained, “It has no way to give a specific way to enter, it just succeeded because it wanted to go in.”

Cold waves and acid rain were different.

During acid rain, at least the indoor soil was still able to allow it to take root, but when the cold wave came, ice formed everywhere and came so suddenly that even the soil in the base was frozen.

There was no place for the Folding Ear Root to take root, and when it saw Jiang Yu enter the space, it ran in by itself.

As for the principle?

–They couldn’t possibly expect a plant that hadn’t even been to elementary school to inform them.

Qi Lingmu looked at Sheng’an, “Something to do with its supernormal ability?”

There was no way to define this guy’s psychic ability, they simply didn’t know what else it was capable of, at first it was speed, then it could get bigger, and now it could enter Jiang Yu’s space ……

Thinking back to when he was in the southwest, being chased by the Time Fae for so long and still alive, this guy was special enough.

Song Linwei: “The research institute is not sure how to classify its ability, but it must be related to its mutation, so its ability, Dr. Yan temporarily named it – mutation.”

Sheng An looked at it and said a name with almost certainty-

“Rule Order Class: mutation.”

The crowd was stunned.

Surprisingly, it was another Rule Order Class?

That’s right, it was so special that if it wasn’t a Rule Order Class, there was no way for it to survive under the Time Fae in the first place, much less protect the entire Capital Base by itself.

Rule order to now five.

Two humans with obvious alien ability flaws, and a Sheng’an who was pale and in pain every time he controlled time, and a cat and a plant.

They were powerful, but they were also special.

Song Linwei held the tablet and grew more and more serious, his eyes looking earnestly at Sheng An:

“Sister Sheng, Hao Jingye’s move towards Jiang Yu is actually a move towards the space, and the space belongs to Jiang Yu, yet there are other existences that can get in through other ways ……”

Sheng An said word for word: “Jiang Yu, may just be the key to the space.”

Jiang Yu was bewildered to the core.

Sheng An took the Mutant Folding Ear Root and touched its leaves, “Take us into space, can you?”

Mutant Folded Ear Root: ……

It didn’t quite want to listen.

Sheng An: “You don’t want your leaves anymore?”

In the next moment, the roots of the Folding Ear Root reached out, wrapped around Sheng An, Qi Ling Mist, Song Lin Wei, and the base chief, and disappeared into place.

After another moment.

They appeared.

The Folding Ear Root was much more wilted than it was just now, obviously, it had consumed quite a bit of energy to enter the space.

It had indeed entered the Jiang Yu space by virtue of itself.

Song Linwei blinked and let out a breath, “Sister Sheng’s guess …… is yes, Jiang Yu might just be the key to the space, not the owner of the space.”

Therefore, without Jiang Yu’s permission, Folding Ear Root was able to bring them in.

The way of entering, the feeling of entering, was exactly the same as Jiang Yu.

The base chief shook his body, and after he stood firmly, he looked equally serious, even if it is still uncertain what changes this discovery will bring, but at least ……

this was something they had never had before, new news.

“This space, there’s still a lot to explore.” Elder Li muttered.

Sheng An handed the folded ear root to Jiang Yu-

“From today onwards, you can no longer enter the space alone without us, and in addition, think again about the specific details of when you ‘gained the golden finger’.”

Although Jiang Yu was bewildered, she immediately nodded her head, “Okay, I will think carefully and report back as soon as possible.”

She didn’t understand why she could no longer enter the space alone.

Defense against the Mutant Folded Ear Root?

She looked towards the Mutant Folded Ear Root and then reacted, her pupils shrinking.

Duplication ah!

Hao Jingye was able to replicate his supernatural abilities, and he might not have failed to replicate Mutant Folding Ear Root’s supernatural abilities.

That also meant that it was possible for him to enter space as well.

Jiang Yu’s space would no longer be safe.

She couldn’t help but shiver, but when she thought about the fact that she hid in the space last night, but no existence other than Folding Ear Root went in.

Perhaps, Hao Jingye didn’t know that Folded Ear Root’s ability was Rule Order, and like they did before, thought it was just speed and didn’t copy it?

If he had replicated it, Jiang Yu would have died last night.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu was slightly relieved.

The others thought the same, but to be on the safe side, Sheng An asked Jiang Yu not to go in alone again.

Taking a deep breath, Sheng An averted his eyes.

This was a new discovery, and it also brought a new crisis; even Jiang Yu’s space was no longer safe.

But at the moment, they didn’t know the meaning behind this discovery yet, and the priority remained what they needed to face the most – the cold winter.

She looked at Wan again, “Is there something to discover?”

Besides Song Linwei, who had just arrived, there was also Wan Yuan, who also had important news to report.

Wan Yuan averted his eyes from Jiang Yu and turned back to him with a serious expression, “The temperature outside the capital base is -60°, but the several bases that have just made contact all had temperatures between -45-55 last night, with the capital base having the lowest temperature.”

After a pause, he added, “Including the bases in the north.”

The cold current came from the north, no matter what, the temperature in the north would be lower than them, but it didn’t occur to him that it was the capital base that had the lower temperature?

Lai Wan Yun was almost certain, “Fragments.”

She clenched her hand into a fist and said word by word, “It’s because of those fragments that the temperature in the capital is the lowest.”

And according to this trend, the temperature would probably be even lower, and the gap would be even bigger.

Lou Mingwei cursed, “F*ck, what the f*ck is going on!”

Long Tianyu gritted his teeth, “The debris is a disaster, let’s send it out, it’s only the first day, the cold winter is a month ahead of schedule, who knows what will happen in the future.”

Li Xin concurred, “Hao Jingye hasn’t shown up, he must be watching from the sidelines.”

“Calm down.” Song Linwei shook his head, “Have you forgotten how Team Leader Qiu died? What a disaster the shard is, have you forgotten? It must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Fae.”

And the only ones who could protect the shard from being snatched by Hao Jingye were them.

Carrying it around, they would have to face this difficulty.

Qi Lingmu looked at Sheng An.

Sheng An coldly said, “I don’t know how Hao Jingye made the cold wave come a month earlier, but he must have used the shard to do something, the cold wave is related to both Hao Jingye and the shard, and in this month, maybe he is also outside collecting shards.”

She looked at the overhead shield, the ice was still frozen on it, even after warming up, it still wasn’t enough to dissolve the layer of cold ice, firmly wrapped around the shield.

Sheng An continued, “He might be waiting for us to send all the fragments, all of them, out of the capital.”

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