Chapter 285.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:59:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sheng An hadn’t guessed wrong, the early arrival of winter was just the beginning.

Next, there would be more trouble, forcing them to send the pieces that brought the trouble out of the capital and into, well, his hands.

How come Hao Jingye didn’t make a move?

Every action he made was a tremendous stroke.

The base chief shook his head and said with almost certainty, “Humans and fae are absolute enemies, the more he wants something, the more we can’t give it to him, if he takes the shards and kills you all like he did Team Leader Qiu, what will humans do?”

No one can die again, especially not the forces of the Special Intelligence Service.

Without them, there was no hope.

He supported still keeping the fragments.

They absolutely could not let Hao Jingye have his wish!

Song Linwei and Li Lao nodded at the same time.

Sheng An wouldn’t have a second answer, she said, “Then start mobilizing the Exalted and everyone at the capital base to build the insulation layer with all their might, winter is coming a month early, this winter, I’m afraid it will be even more terrifying than the last life, we have to prepare for it right away.”

If it was the cold winter of the last life, they didn’t have to go through all the trouble of building a temperature barrier, but this life was different.

They had to have more means for the capital base to survive this cold winter.

Hao Jingye wanted something.

They couldn’t let him have what he wanted.

The sky had just dawned, and humans were just a little bit acclimated to this cold winter, when the capital base was busy.

Things that insulated the temperature were not as easy to make in the end times as they were before the end times, but because of the presence of the aliens, they could be done faster and better instead.

They had gold-type adepts, earth-type adepts, wind-type adepts, water-type adepts, and fire-type adepts, and these adepts joined forces to create better and newer things.

Li Xin didn’t take so many classes before the end of the world for nothing, and the gold system adepts modeled after him likewise didn’t learn for nothing, and they were the mainstay of this job.

Against the cold and frost, wearing thick clothes, next to the fire-type psychics helping out, the ordinary laborers who were still somewhat barely adapting walked out of their dormitories and joined in the construction.

They were not going to build the entire base as a temperature-insulated area, that would be too consuming of alien energy and almost impossible to do.

According to the design department’s plan, the underground shelter was built first, so that when the cold got extreme, they would have an absolutely safe space.

Construction was in full swing.

In the world of ice and snow, the capital base was burning with a large fire, bringing warmth and at the same time, it seemed to represent an unyielding fighting spirit that blazed.

In the distance, the top of the mountain.

After there was no more vegetation, the top of the mountain was bare, and at the moment, it was covered in cold ice, like a magical world.

On the top of the mountain stood a man.

He was dressed in simple black clothes, cloaked in a black robe, quietly looking at the fire jumping within the base, soundless, his slightly reddened eyes, wave-less.

Soon, he tore off his cloak, his black wings spreading out, and disappeared into thin air.

The second night of winter.

“The temperature has now dropped to -67°, the temperature in Stone City is -60°, the temperature in Base B11 is -58°, the temperature in the Capital Base is 7° lower than the temperature in Stone City, and 9° lower than the temperature in Base B11.”

“Casualties are flat, some people have severe frostbite, but it’s manageable.”

On this night, charcoal fires were still burning, and the people in the capital base were even more concentrated, with each centrally heated house equipped with three fire-type adepts.

The Special Intelligence Service still shuttled in and out, treating the wounded and providing supplies.

The third night of winter.

“The temperature has now dropped to -75°, -65° in Stone City, -61° in Base B11, and the temperature in the capital base is 10° lower than the temperature in Stone City and 14° lower than the temperature in Base B11.”

“The number of casualties has risen, and the number of frostbitten people has skyrocketed, but it’s still within a manageable range.”

This night, Sheng An and the others remained sleepless.

The centrally heated house was even warmer than last night, creating a new ventilation system so the whole room was sealed, and with a higher temperature, things were better.

The increase in casualties was the result of those who had been out in the previous two days not being able to stay up.

Seventh night of winter.

“The temperature is now down to -90°, -75° in Shi City, -70° in B11 base, and as predicted by the statistical temperature mapping, the capital base is 20° below normal, the situation is grim.”

“The number of casualties has skyrocketed again, frostbite medication may be in short supply after three according to estimates, the cold winter is predicted to end in four more months, and there is a shortage of heating supplies.”

Even with every effort to control it, the situation was going downhill.

Especially the shortage of heating resources.

After the meteor, after the fires, after another acid rain, and now the frost wash, they have to use fuel oil to generate electricity, and wind power is becoming difficult.

And as much as there are reserves of fuel oil resources, they are non-renewable.

Besides, they had to support other bases across the country.

When the crisis was not lifted, it was always like a boulder pressing on the heart.

Sheng An, and even all the base executives, remained calm.

The ninth night of winter.

The shelter’s special energy insulation layer was officially activated!

Everyone entered the underground shelter from the original heating room, the place where they stayed on the day of the meteorite’s arrival.

They carried large and small bags, carried their families, and entered the underground with hope.

The shelter was wrapped in a temperature-insulating layer, taking the most perfect plan to complete this difficult construction with the cooperation of the most powerful aliens, gold, water, fire, earth, thunder, ice, and wind.

The insulation layer has four layers, the outermost is frost, while the next is water as well as vacuum, and only the innermost is the insulating metal.

At first glance, the shelter looks the same as before, but in the center stand several “pillars”, isolated inside the fence, radiating warmth.

On all sides, something like a radiator was also heating up.

Beneath their feet, even the ground was warm.

Those who entered froze in place, and then, got excited.

“Oh my god! It’s so warm!”

“It’s really not cold here ugh!!!”

“Hiss, it’s so cozy, I knew the country had a way.”

With frostbite, they hated to cry inside the warm shelter.

And the staff who traveled through them, planning the place and maintaining order, it was another cold night outside tonight, but they would feel the warmth.

Sheng An, Qi Ling Mist brought Chu Lao and Wu Buye to check again.

Not only will the newly appeared fae be found out, even after experiencing the cold, some of the people with psychological problems are also screened out.

The fae cleaned up, and the psychological problems were centralized and channeled.

Chu Lao revealed a smile, “That’s good, even if the temperature continues to drop, the capital base is saved.”

Qi Lingmu’s brows relaxed.

The temperature continued to drop, the temperature difference between the capital and the outside, pointing to all the debris.

If there was no good solution and the debris was around, I’m afraid that more and more people would die because of it, and it would again become a psychological burden of the dilemma.

Now this ……

Sort of like they responded to another strike from Hao Jingye?

Sheng An similarly relaxed quite a bit and revealed a smile, “Let’s go, let’s go back to the villa.”

The other Exalts were underground, both for disaster avoidance and protection, while it was equally necessary for someone to stay on the ground to guard against sudden crises, so they remained in the ground villa.

Qi Lingmu took Sheng An’s hand, her fingers were frostbitten again.

Every day Jia Guangliang had to treat her injuries, and she didn t care when she was working, always just healed and then frostbitten again ……

He frowned slightly.

Sheng An immediately activated her supernormal ability and pulled the time of her hands to when they were not injured, she raised her hands to show him, intact, with a smile in her danfeng eyes.

Qi Ling Mu was helpless and smiled back.

He tightened his grip on her hand, pulling open his clothes and tucking her hand in.

Wu Buye: “???”

He looks at the frostbite on his hand, silently averts his eyes, speeds up his pace, and shouts from afar-

“Jia Guangliang! I’m hurt! Hurry up and take care of me.”

Entering the villa.

Everyone else had already returned, and Jia Guangliang was sitting next to the hot pot, resolutely not moving his position, smelling the aroma with a face of intoxication.

They had worked hard for a while, so busy that they hadn’t eaten properly.

Today, when everything came to an end, the logistics immediately arranged for them to be served with hot pot, which made Jia Guangliang, a southwesterner, so happy that he wanted to cry.

Sheng An came back, and the people inside the villa divided some of their attention.

Then, the cooking hot pot stopped.

Jia Guangliang shouted, “Ah ah ah, Liu Yue, how can you let the hot pot freeze, quick, don’t stop, we’re counting on you and Jia Xue tonight!”

Liu Yue smiled nervously and continued to heat up.

On his shoulder, Shanhua clung to him.

Ke Jiaxue rolled her eyes, speechless, “You’re the only one who has to eat hot pot, so troublesome.”

Sheng An swept through the crowd and realized that Long Tianyu and Jiang Yu were not there, she looked at Song Linwei suspiciously.

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