Chapter 289.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:59:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sheng An’s voice remained calm, “Doesn’t he want us to voluntarily deliver the shards? Then I’ll go ahead and deliver it.”

Whether it’s more fae in the capital, lower temperatures, less oxygen …… it’s all about making them helpless with this shard.

Finally personally delivering the entire shard they had worked so hard to collect back to the fae.

When the cold wave came, the temperature of the capital was even lower, and they were not willing to let Hao Jingye get what he wanted.

Resolving the cold wave crisis and realizing that an even bigger crisis was coming, they had reached the limit of what they could see.

Hao Jingye succeeds.

Sheng An prepares to take the shard out of the capital, if he wants it, then he’ll see it again.

Jiang Yu covered her chest and looked at Sheng An blankly, unable to say a word.

She wanted to say, the shard can not fall into the hands of the fae, she wanted to say, Hao Jingye is very dangerous, fierce, she also wanted to say ……

But when she thought of the situation she was facing right now, she swallowed all these voices.

Dr. Yan hung his head.

After a long time, he softly said-

“After you guys found out that Hao Jingye was M, you brought the fragments with you and gave us the integrated information ……

“The Institute has analyzed the situation many times, and can only come up with two very different paths, heading in two opposite directions, and the way ahead, both of them are desperate.

“The first, to see the move, with Hao Jingye, with the idea of the fae against the grain, not let him as he wishes, is what we are doing now, and the conclusion is chronic suicide.

“Oh no, Hao Jingye has accelerated this suicide process, it’s now a quick suicide, with only a little over three months to survive.”

They had previously determined two paths based on the information from the review, but they were leaning towards the first, so they didn’t tell the Special Intelligence Service about the second path.

Song Linwei’s voice trembled lightly, “The second path is the same as Sister Sheng’s decision, right?”

Dr. Yan nodded, “The second path – Hao Jingye must know the truth about the fragments, or rather, he’s the culprit, so we have to get close to him and get information from him.

“If he doesn’t tell us anything, then …… go along with him, he wants the shard, give it to him, and from what he does with it, determine the secret of the shard and find a solution.”

Too risky!

These four words instantly surfaced in Jiang Yu’s heart.

What if Hao Jingye pieced together the shards and repeated the results of his last life, which made Sheng An say “wrong”?

What if Hao Jingye utilized the fragments to make the fae powerful and destroy the human camp?

But it’s just winter, it’s just low temperatures. It’s true that they left the fragments in the capital, but there’s a lack of oxygen now, and there’s more trouble to come than they know.

It was always one calamity after another, the bloodsucking mosquito crisis was solved, and now it was the lack of oxygen, and they didn’t have a good solution yet.

If they couldn’t find the reason why they weren’t oxygen-deprived in their last life, how would they survive without oxygen in this world after more than three months had passed?

Wear protective suits, carry oxygen tanks, and struggle to survive?

And then wait until after a catastrophe they can’t get through and disappear with the world?

All the disasters are in advance, in this life, is there really a fifth year of the end of the world, or even the second year of the end of the world?

The operating table bets on the extremely low probability that the result will be death, and this kind of “conservative treatment” will also result in death.

Dr. Yan looked at Sheng An: “The second way, you, and even all the people involved, will be in the most danger, and what Hao Jingye, who has obtained the fragments, will do and what he can do, no one knows.”

Therefore, they never mentioned the second path in the beginning.

But now, as the first path saw the end of failure, Sheng An took the initiative to choose the second path, shouldering everything and heading down the path of extreme danger.

Sheng An: “When does the Special Intelligence Service not face danger? We will go all out.”

Her eyes were wave-less and she stood straight, like a standing mountain.

Song Linwei pinched the collar of his chest and inhaled, his voice hoarse: “Okay, let’s change the path and be more proactive!”

Waiting for death was never an option for Sheng An, or even the entire Special Intelligence Service.

Qi Lingmu stretched out his hand, gently holding her cold fingers, wordlessly standing at his side.

Shanhua jumped onto Sheng An’s shoulder.


It was as if it was saying – I will cooperate with you.

Folding Ear Root was a little confused, its leaves poking out, puzzled.

Jiang Yu gritted her teeth, grabbed it and held it high in the air, fighting, “Sister Sheng, we’ll all listen to you!”

Folded Ears: “……”

— Is this being represented?

When one can clearly perceive a drop in oxygen levels, it only means that the situation has gotten very bad, even uncontrollable.

To ward off the cold, people gather together, centralize their heating, and use electricity and charcoal to increase the temperature, all of which makes the oxygen in the air even thinner.

As the oxygen levels outside dropped, warm underground shelters had to have a few more air exchangers, air changes, and vents.

And it still wasn’t enough.

The number of people dying from physical collapse caused by the cold and falling oxygen levels climbed higher and higher by the day.

The capital base began to create oxygen with technology.

Each family distributes a pot of origami, there is no way to grow it in the soil outside, so it’s potted.

The soil is brought back from outside, poisoned, not to be touched directly.

But the color green, in the midst of breathing conditions that clearly feel like they are becoming difficult, provides psychological comfort and quicker acclimatization.

There are also pots of hydroponic plants, even if they are cilantro flavored with folded roots, which are soothing to the heart.

Wan: “The situation in the capital is a bit more serious, but because we have more ways to cope, the situation is rather the best, and the situation is worse at all bases.

“Oxygen levels have dropped significantly, we contacted the coastal bases, now that the seawater is carrying poison, the ocean’s ability to create oxygen has been completely lost, the coastal bases are in a worse situation than us.”

B11 base.

“Ahem! I’m a little out of breath again.”

“Oxygen tanks, someone here can’t make it!”

“Let’s get some more air through, it’s too much, I can’t take it.”

“It’s so cold, cough-”

Liu Zhao frowned tightly, “There’s no way to provide more oxygen?”

“It can, but this is not a short-term state, if we use the resources regardless, in two months, no, in a month, the situation will be worse.” The researcher sighed.

Captain Tan hurriedly arrived, “Base Chief, the newly opened vents were not handled properly, and the thirty seven people who took refuge under the vents were all …… killed in the hypothermia.”

Liu Zhao stood up with an ugly face.

Southwest base.

Southwest has no debris, it should be in the best situation, but the bad thing is – the altitude is high, the oxygen content was already low, now it is falling again, the situation is grim.

Base Chief: “Oxygen production still going well? What about planting?”

Liu Miao: “It’s all going well, the alienists are doing their best, and the plant-based alienists are stepping up planting the folded roots sent from the capital, both hydroponically and soil-planted.”

“Can everyone adapt?” The base chief asked again.

Liu Miao sighed, “We’re at a high altitude here, and now that it’s effectively remedied, we can barely adapt, but a lot of people have died due to complications from the lack of oxygen and the cold.”

One calamity after another, many people’s bodies were already riddled with holes.

The lack of oxygen in the cold environment induced their previous injuries and even pre-apocalyptic physical illnesses, causing them to collapse in the middle of the cold night.

The number of people killed ……

climbed straight up.

Capital Base.

Wan Wan: “This is the latest data, almost every base, the number of new deaths per day is doubling, the lower the temperature and the lower the oxygen level, the more deaths, and, recently, there have been fae unrest in every base.”

He pursed his lips and took a deep breath before he spoke again-

“Coastal 2 base is lost, last night 1 base sent a team of fae to check it out, and it was determined that 2 base has …… completely disappeared, and everyone has been killed.”

23 bases, now became 22.

Song Linwei’s face was unsightly, his voice hoarse: “The reason?”

Wan Wan replied with only one sentence, “All the water on Earth is poisoned, cold waves, lack of oxygen, and fae unrest.”

Multiple reasons determined the destruction of a base.

Yet, in reality, it was all the same cause – meteorite debris.

The debris that was the bane of this disaster.

Sheng An quietly listened to the report and waited for them to finish before she slowly spoke, “Depart tomorrow.”

“Where to find Hao Jingye?” Song Linwei’s voice was obscure.

Sheng An raised her head, “Stone City, wait for him to come to us.”

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