Chapter 291.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:59:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At these words, Old Man Qin lowered his eyelids and stopped speaking, obediently being brought down by the root system.

Sheng An looked at his back and frowned once again.

Song Linwei continuously sighed, “It’s a pity that Qin Xuan doesn’t have any way to predict, we don’t know what we’ll face on this trip?”

After a moment of decadence, he cheered himself up again, “However, if we can’t kill Hao Jingye, it will be hard for him to kill us.”

Last time, they were not prepared for the death of Qiu Yu.

And this time, they would be extremely careful.

Outside the capital.

Far above the top of the mountain, a figure stood, quietly looking in their direction.

“Will you all choose to come out?”

He had been waiting for a long time.

Inside the capital base.

Sheng An suddenly spoke, “I’ve always wondered, Jiang Yu is just the key, why did Hao Jingye kill her?”

Song Linwei was about to stand up and leave, when he heard this, he squatted back down, the roof was frozen, he was too cold to sit, so he chose to squat.

His attention was all on top of Sheng An’s words, frowning, “Sister Sheng, what do you mean?”

Sheng An told him what she had guessed at first.

Song Linwei’s pupils shrank, pursed his lips, and said only after a long time, “But he’s a fae …… Perhaps, he doesn’t know that Jiang Yu is just the key, and he doesn’t know that Xiao Fold can go in as well, or else he would have long ago copied Xiao Fold’s fae ability, wouldn’t he?”

Sheng An shook his head, “It wasn’t Jiang Yu who died, but it made us focus on space, and he really didn’t copy Fold’s powers?”

Their presumption was that it hadn’t been replicated, so they couldn’t get in.

But what if it was replicated?

And if it was replicated, why didn’t he go into the space and kill Jiang Yu? Did he really not know that Jiang Yu was just the key?

He knew nothing about the space, so why did he choose to go after Jiang Yu?

Song Linwei frowned.

He was caught up in the same confusion.

Sheng An asked again, “If he had absolutely no control over space, at that time, how did Jiang Yu enter space and get kicked out?”

Qi Lingmu pursed his lips, “Sheng An, what are you doing?”

Sheng An raised her head and looked out in the direction of the stone city, as if through the darkness, she saw a familiar shadow in a distant place ……

Her eyes were calm and cold, one word at a time, “I want to bet once, if I win the bet, tomorrow, we might be able to kill Hao Jingye.”

Song Linwei was filled with horror.

With a white face, his voice trembled, “Sister Sheng, you’re crazy! Gambling on a guess that has a very low possibility? What if you lose the bet? Will you still be alive?”

If Sheng An died, would the Special Intelligence Service still be alive?

Would there still be hope for humanity?

Song Linwei kept shaking his head.

Qi Lingwu was silent afterward, but said, “Bet on it.”

He held her hand, always supporting her unconditionally, and his voice was calm, “Humanity is already dying, we can fight for our chance of survival, bet together.”

He agreed, but together.

Song Linwei’s head was about to explode, with only one thought in his mind-

What madness!

However, he opened his mouth but said, “How can I bet? Sister Sheng, what can I do?”

The ground was frozen into ice, and the effects of acid rain had almost disappeared.

But in order to conserve oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide, they didn’t choose to drive, but built a “sled car” that could glide on the ice.

The base chief’s condition is getting worse and worse, and he can barely stand on his feet with the help of an alien.

This old man has lasted from before the end of the world to now, and is approaching his limit.

Jia Guangliang used his healing ability.

However, he waved his hand, his voice firm and strong: “There’s no need to waste alien energy on me, I’ll stay alive, sit in the capital base, and wait for you guys to come back.”

Elder Li hesitated for a moment and spoke softly, “Sheng An, you guys are just going to deliver the fragments, even if you don’t find a breakthrough, don’t dwell on it, there is hope if you come back alive.”

What a radical person he used to be.

Quarreling with the conservative Zhang Lao, and still looking down on Sheng An, now, he finally took the path in the middle of conservatism and radicalism, like an old man at home, worried about Sheng An and the Special Intelligence Service.

Sheng An revealed a smile and nodded, “Good.”

Without saying any more, after raising their hands in salute, they got into the car.

The folded ear root moved.

Academician Zhou had a death grip on it.

Folding Ear Root was aggrieved.

–Why don’t you bring it again?

Academician Zhou poked its leaves, “Bao, you can’t go, if M didn’t copy your supernatural ability and you went, wouldn’t that be sending people’s heads for thousands of miles? Be honest!”

Folded Ear Root covered its leaves.

If it had eyes, Academician Zhou would have realized that its eyes were dribbling and fighting.

Wu Buye’s black wings shook as he took Liu Yue up, and then, he pulled the sled car to disappear in front of the base, the ice smooth, in the cold, towards the city of stone.

Xiang Han Shuang retracted his outstretched head and sighed, “The ice is very thick, another layer thicker than yesterday, not to mention planting, it’s difficult for the small folds to root in.”

It was hard to make some progress on planting, but the cold wave aborted them again.

Jiang Yu shrank on Ke Jiaxue, away from Xiang Hanfeng, shivering in the cold, “Quickly close the window, it’s freezing, ah ah ah, if I had known, I would have brought Geng Leqian with me.”

Liu Yue, the only fire alien brought along, is up there to keep Wu Buyi’s temperature up.

Lai Wan Yun: “If I had known, you wouldn’t have come.”

Jiang Yu: “……”

She straightens her back, “No way, group activity, how can I not participate? Cold is as cold as cold-ahhhh-”

The others, after all, were mostly high-ranked alien, and their adaptability was much better than Jiang Yu, Wan Wan, and Song Linwei.

Wan Wan hitched the blanket towards Jiang Yu, “Lie down if you can’t stand it, keep quiet.”

Jiang Yu tugged on the blanket, still rambling.

Song Linwei looked at Sheng An: “Will he go to Stone City?”

Sheng An: “Will.”

There was no reason, she knew that Hao Jingye would definitely go.

Already gradually away from the capital, Sheng An stretched out her hand, Zhang Kun gave her the box containing the meteorite fragments, took it out and opened it, the air around her became more and more suffocating, as if even the temperature had dropped again.

Sheng An looked at all the fragments inside.

After determining what the fragments could be put together into something, they roughly knew the quantity, they had painstakingly collected them for a long time, and before the cold wave, they had sent people to other countries to collect them.

And so far, it was only a third of the total.

But the impact they brought was already terrifying enough.

Sheng An took the case and tightened the special combat uniforms, icy and snowy, they wore helmets and glasses, the collars pulled up to cover the lower half of their faces.

But it didn’t affect the line of sight.

Traveling very quickly on the ice, Sheng An opened the door of the sled car and looked ahead through his glasses.

There, Stone City’s Meteorite Research Institute was wrapped in cold ice.

The meteorites at the entrance were similarly frozen into icebergs.

On top of the tallest iceberg, a conspicuous black shadow sat on top, looking in their direction with quiet indifference.

Jiang Yu and the others immediately sank their faces.

-It was never a question of whether he would come or not.

Because, he had been waiting for them in Stone City.

The sled car reached the bottom of the iceberg.

The black shadow jumped down from the iceberg, its wings retracted, and landed gently and delicately.

“You guys are finally here.” His voice was calm, as if he wasn’t surprised at all.

Around them, countless shadows silently appeared, surrounding them.

Their breathing almost disappeared, and without exception, they all wore masks to cover the face that might change.

Sheng An jumped out of the car, “Long time no see, Hao Jingye.”

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