Chapter 305.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 14:00:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sheng An’s hand suddenly off the force, straight waist seems to be slightly drooping, her expression did not have any change because of the old man Qin’s words, but the air pressure around her body is dropping, in front of the rising smoke, a moment of shaking.

Inside the room became quiet, the soup pot “thud thud” sound clear.

At the door, Song Linwei was horrified.

Black and white, the same chess player, the world is a huge pool of blood……

Old man Qin made everything clear.

It turns out that there is no victor at all in the confrontation between humans and the fae, and the purpose of their confrontation is to produce blood, the blood that humans shed on this land!

That blood-stained soil was nourishing the true invaders.

Humans are the nutrients, the fae are the puppets, both camps of this game are just pawns of the invaders, tools to nourish themselves.

Everything is manipulated by the fragmented “egg”.

Ruan Zifeng opened his mouth, his voice soft: “The shard releases energy to the world, but then nourishes more energy through the blood of humans in the world to strengthen itself?”

It was a rhetorical question, but there was already an answer.

It can be seen as an “egg” broken, it landed in this world, seemingly giving energy to the world, but only through their blood to make more energy, constantly nourishing it.

It destroys the world, but strengthens itself.

The existence of the Fae is strange in itself, why are they so murderous, why do they love blood, why do they have original memories that they can hide perfectly?

If the purpose is the death of all mankind, the blood of all mankind, then the setting of the fae as a tool is just perfect.

They’re just tools for the Shards to get the blood of the soil, ah.

The butcher’s knife, the whetstone, for one.

He thought of Hao Jingye being drained of all his energy, and if the final victor was the fae, after piecing together the shards, it could reclaim all the energy of its puppets.

If the final victor is human ……

Gu Qiansheng’s voice trembled, “If we don’t piece it together, the natural disaster will destroy humanity, enough for it to complete the automatic piecing together.

“If we put it together, with its energy, the xenos will only become stronger and stronger, and there is no longer a difference between a 9-star xenos and a 9-star fae, the best nutrients for it to complete its final step?”

He was in shock, even though he offered a guess, he was unwilling and unable to believe it.

However, Old Man Qin slowly nodded his head.

In a flash, everyone’s faces turned white and their bodies shook.

So it was like this, surprisingly so!

The truth was so cruel that it made people crumble.

They thought that the fight against the fae was a battlefield to defend the world, but it wasn’t, the fae struck them down and sharpened them.

They were just pawns, just sustenance.

As they were getting stronger, they became better sustenance, able to bring it more of what it needed.

Wu Buye came to a realization.

In his last life, when humans had died in large numbers at the hands of the Fae and at the hands of their fellow humans, everything had gone smoothly, the cold wave hadn’t come early, and the oxygen hadn’t dropped so significantly.

It was the Shard that was behind the manipulation!

And in this life humanity was united, the death toll plummeted, and even the hidden Fae leader M was found, so disaster struck, extinguishing humanity at a terrifying rate.

After they piece it together, it will absorb all of humanity as sustenance.

They don’t piece it together, and it brings disaster, destroying the whole world, again becoming its sustenance, and it all ends the same way.

There is no victory.

Humanity can’t win at all!

This is a game for it, they are just its tools and sustenance, and it writes the ending.

From the moment it came into the world, the whole world was a huge playground, and they were just “fertilizer”.

How ridiculous!

And how sad!

At this moment, they all suddenly understood Old Man Qin, his despair and sadness.

All their efforts and struggles were just a joke.

Old man Qin’s eyes were moist, his voice hoarse-

“You see, walking on is also losing, we have no path or choice, we might as well live one day at a time, from the last life until now, none of you have ever really had it easy.

“If death is doomed, then don’t know the truth, live an easier life.”

In the last life to later, Lai Wan Yun, Long Tian Yu and the others all said that after the end came, the easiest was instead the first two years, because they didn’t know anything.

Even if they would worry about supplies, even if they would have friction with other xenos, even if they had to be careful all the time that the people around them would turn into xenos …… they still had hope and were still free people, not a pile of fertilizer.

They are, always, still relaxed.

Not handcuffed by the shackles of despair and not being able to see the road ahead, at least they still had a period of easy days before they actually died.

Silence fell once again inside the room.

The soup pot was about to boil dry, the smoke was soaring, everyone seemed to have even disappeared breathing, Jiang Yu and the others, in tears.

At this time, Sheng An, who always kept her head lowered, laughed lowly, her laugh was mocking and sad, laughed until her body trembled, the energy around her body churned, the raging of time caused the space to become distorted, and the smoke that was steaming in front of her, froze in mid-air.

She raised her head amidst the churning of energy, her face pale, a smile on her face, her voice hoarse and frantic-

“No, do not admit defeat.”

“Since black and white are the same chess player, then, topple this game!”

Around them, space twisted and crackled.

The chairs behind them lifted off, the tabletop was a mess, and the cups and plates were shattered.

As everyone watched, Sheng An stood up, and she smiled gently at Old Man Qin:

“Keep eating, let Lai Wan Yun give you some more ingredients, Liu Yue is good with his hands, help re-cook a pot, the tender greens from Little Fish’s space are also very good, you can pinch a few handfuls out.”

It was as if she had regained her composure, the smile on her face was extraordinarily relaxed, more relaxed than she was before she knew the truth, even caring about Old Man Qin’s ingredients.

However, her eyes were bottomless, carrying the extreme to the point of homoerotic madness.

Lai Wan Yun, Liu Yue, and Jiang Yu reddened their eyes and nodded heavily.

If old man Qin likes to eat, then feel free to eat.

–This is all what he deserves.

Li Xin hugged Qin Xuan, tears barred down his face, the sight of old man Qin had long been blurred by tears, sourness and sadness, all on his face.

Once upon a time they always disliked him for eating for nothing.

It turned out ……

He never ate in vain.

Every meal he had in the Special Intelligence Service was something he should eat, rightfully so!

Sheng An looked at him with extra tenderness.

This dying body was for the sake of the world, for the sake of mankind, he was young in the end, and in his last life, he lacked supplies and didn’t have much of a good life.

In this life in the remaining days, do as you wish.

And she, to think about all the information she just got, as well as continue to think about Hao Jingye in the end there is nothing left, there are 49 days, 49 days ……

In her eyes, the color of madness intensified, tinted with scarlet.

Sheng An turned around.

Behind him, Old Man Qin said, “I’m already full.”

He patted his stomach like little Qin Xuan, his face insatiable, the corners of his mouth rising, “Very full and satisfied.”

Sheng An turned around violently.

Old Man Qin’s body began to disappear from his feet.

He looked at Sheng An, and as if he was looking at something else, murmuring, “Sister Sheng, I always have to help you guys, so let’s prophesy one more time, and show you all the full strength of the 8-star prophet.”

From the moment he was willing to tell the truth, he stood at Sheng An’s side again, joining her in her desperate struggle.

If he really gave up completely, then he would never tell Sheng An the truth.

–Full, time to work.

“Qin Xuan!” Sheng An shouted.

She anxiously reached out her hand to try to grab Qin Xuan, her body’s Time Abnormal Ability having been activated.

However, old man Qin’s hand avoided it and smiled:

“Qin Xuan is still alive, isn’t he?”

His eyes shed two rows of blood tears and his eyes were red, this was the Prophecy Alien Ability had been activated, his body was disappearing while his Prophecy Ability was reaching its peak!

–This was his last prophecy, and the strongest one for a human being.

Sheng An saw it in his scarlet eyes.

He was telling her to be sensible, that the world would be destroyed in 49 days across the board, and he was also telling her that if she still wanted to struggle, she couldn’t waste any of her efforts and sacrifices.

Sheng An’s hand was still in mid-air, in front of her, Old Man Qin’s hand had disappeared, and the ground was covered in blood.

Her hand trembled more and more, and her eyes had long been wet and blurred.

But her voice was incomparably clear-

“Qin Xuan, then prophesy Hao Jingye.”

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