Chapter 315.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 14:00:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Hao Jingye’s supernatural ability is the opposite of time – the

Rule order, space.

In an instant, all the thoughts that could not be sorted out were strung together, Sheng An’s eyes were moist, as if he saw Hao Jingye standing right in front of him.

He wore glasses, they looked at each other across time and space, and the two of them smiled at each other, and all the tacit understanding and words were in no words.

She was Team Leader Sheng.

He was Assistant Hao.

“You’ve done your best, leave the rest to me.” Sheng An said.

No matter who it was, in the face of this sentence from Sheng An could always immediately put down his heart.

Just like the former Academician He, who had laid out the groundwork with his death, there was no need to say anything or worry, the rest of everything was handed over to Sheng An, and she would never fail to live up to it.

–Because she is Sheng An ah.

The smile at the corner of their mouths was almost identical.

She was thankful for all his efforts, and he was glad that she was able to find all the traces of struggle he left behind and hold on to life.

Hao Jingye’s figure disappeared, a smile on his face with genuine anticipation, that of human victory.

Sheng An took a deep breath and wrapped her arms tightly around Qi Ling Mu as she disappeared inside the debris.

She had found the truth, and it was time to return with the news.

She was already awake, with a piece of debris on the tip of her tongue. The “debris egg” could not be forced to stay, so she could only let them leave the world of time fragments.

When she opened her eyes, Sheng An seemed to be standing still.

Into the eyelids is suspended in front of the debris egg, the red lines on the top of the interlacing, and more and more clear, the flow of blood as if alive, at first glance, as if a living creature in the incubation, has already grown blood veins.

There were many people around them.

Not only were there familiar teammates, but there were also occasional people who came in from outside and reported to Song Linwei.

Jia Guangliang wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief, “Finally, the situation is stable, just now, Team Qi almost died due to the exhaustion of their powers, and the healing powers couldn’t help, fortunately, it’s fine now, and I don’t know what’s going on, and when are they going to open-open their eyes again? ”

The last four words, steeply plucking up his voice, mixed with shock and surprise.

The pale-faced Song Linwei immediately looked up, right into Sheng An’s open eyes, and the body of Qi Lingwu next to her collapsed helplessly, and Sheng An’s hand that was holding with him turned to catch him.

Due to the stiffness of his body from standing for a long time, Sheng An followed and fell softly to the ground.

Qi Ling Mu slowly opened his eyes, his gaze fixed on Sheng An for a long time before sluggishly moving to the others.

He attempted to sit up.

But Sheng An pressed his head down to rest on his knee and patted it gently.

Qi Lingmu did not struggle anymore, instead relaxing and leaning against Sheng An, feeling her warmth, one hand clasped with her fingers, not daring to let go.

His reaction was a bit strange, but no one was pursuing it at the moment.

Sheng An just sat on the ground, surveying her surroundings.

She is still in the same place, but not in the same place, the surrounding is still the laboratory mold, but added a lot of things, looking out from the door ……

Like a ship’s cabin?

And the rest of the Special Intelligence Service was all around, each pale and overdrawn with their powers.

The person who came in from the outside was wearing a protective suit, carrying an oxygen tank, wearing a mask, and only after entering the cabin did he take off his mask, but did not take it off, closing it and hanging it casually on his body, as if he had already gotten used to it.

Sheng’s heart sank.

She entered the meteorite fragment this time, and was afraid that a long time had passed.

“Sister Sheng, you guys finally woke up ……,” Jiang Yu was teary eyed.

Sheng An spoke with difficulty, her voice hoarse, “How long has passed?”

Although everyone wanted to know if she had found anything when she entered the shard, it was imperative to synchronize the situation outside to Sheng An first to better facilitate her analysis.

Jiang Yu sat on Sheng An’s side and looked at her blearily, but did not speak again.

The others were similarly quiet.

Song Linwei: “49 days, fortunately you’re a 9-star alien, and Team Qi also has 8-stars, or else if you don’t eat or drink for 49 days, I’m afraid you’ll never wake up again.”

He pursed his lips, didn’t say much, and directly opened the projection screen on the side of the lab, showing the outside appearance at the moment in front of her eyes.

Sheng An looked over, her guess was verified, and her heart sank.

Her eyes stared straight at the screen, a picture was already enough to illustrate the human tragedy at this moment.

The soil and air conditions outside didn’t look as bad as in the fifth year of the End Times, and even because spring was coming, the ice from the cold wave melted a lot, and it was no longer a vast expanse of despairing cold ice.


The victims who fell to the ground and didn’t have time to be carried away, those who collapsed while walking, and the occasional person who traveled through them, wearing protective suits, masks, and carrying oxygen tanks, all made people feel a sense of suffocation.

Was this still their planet?

Was this still their home?

Song Linwei suppressed his heavy and sad mood, his voice a slate:

“Sister Sheng, 49 days have passed since you entered the shard, and there are still six hours left for spring to arrive, which means there are still six hours left for oxygen to go to zero.

“In fact, oxygen deprivation has been occurring since twenty days ago, and a week ago, the outside world needed to wear oxygen tanks in order to survive, the situation was very bad.”

Sheng An looked at the screen, her hand tightening for a split second.

She asked again, “The number of people killed?”

Song Linwei: “More than forty million, and this is not the most dire time, the oxygen has not yet gone to zero, our resources can still hold out ……”

And when the oxygen goes to zero and their resources can no longer hold out …… is the real extinction disaster.

Lai Wan Yun wet her eyes and said softly, “The research institute has calculated that after six hours, it will officially enter the widespread death period, and the number of people killed will increase exponentially, especially in bases that are farther away from the capital.”

The hand held by Qi Lingmu moved, the two men’s heavy emotions were exactly the same at the moment.

The situation outside was very bad.

The drop in oxygen levels had already brought huge casualties, and in six hours, when the oxygen levels went to zero, they would face hell on earth.

This world ……

Even a seamless survival was no longer possible.

Wu Buye’s eyes were complicated, “Luckily you guys woke up in time, there are some things that still need Sheng’s idea.”

From the beginning of the possession of supernormal capabilities, they have been working side by side with Sheng An, everything has “Sister Sheng” as the backbone, but in the past 49 days, Sheng An does not know whether or not she can wake up, when she wakes up, they can only rely on themselves for everything.

The past forty days have been a nightmare, and an even bigger nightmare is on its way.

Sheng An took a deep breath and looked at the outside cabin through the door, frowning, “Not the Stone City Meteorite Research Institute?”

Song Linwei nodded and shook his head, “Yes and no, this is an escape ship that was remodeled by the Meteorite Research Institute, it is currently only half built, in here, the oxygen supply is done by artificial oxygen production with a small fold.”

This was the escape ship plan!

I’m afraid that what she was asked to make up her mind had something to do with this as well.

Sheng An was about to open his mouth to inquire, when the sound of footsteps sounded again, and Elder Li similarly came in carrying an oxygen tank, and the moment he stepped in, he spoke before even removing his mask –

“Team Leader Sheng, since you’ve woken up, organize manpower as soon as possible to push forward with the escape ship plan, build the escape ship, and live with hope.”

“Where’s the base chief?” Sheng An asked.

Song Linwei: “After a serious drop in oxygen, the base chief is critically ill, still in the hospital, I’m afraid he won’t make it for long.”

Elder Li’s face was expressionless: “I will take over all affairs now, don’t worry, the ground will be guarded by me.”

Sheng An looked at him.

She understands what Li Lao means, the ground is guarded by him, which means that not only will he not get on the ship, he will also control the situation on the ground to ensure that they, the very few selected people, will live smoothly through the escape ship …….

Sheng An, however, did not agree and took a deep breath, “Are there other options?”

Song Linwei glanced at Elder Li and continued:

“Before the base chief fell into a coma, he led the people to formulate two plans – Plan A is the escape ship plan, which only allows the Special Intelligence Service and a very small number of other people to continue to live with the human civilization, and Plan B is, to repeat the results of the last life and conduct a time regression.

“Before Sister Sheng you woke up, we could only go with Plan A. Now that Sister Sheng and Team Qi have woken up, we can consider Plan B. Which one to choose specifically ……

“Sister Sheng, we need your advice.”

Before Sheng An could speak, Li Lao shook his head, his voice bitter:

“Even if we start over again, as long as the meteorite isn’t solved, we still don’t have a solution, and we’ll still encounter the same predicament, besides, time regression is too reliant on the supernatural ability, and it may not be successful.”

He stared at Sheng An closely, “Compared to throwing our lives away, my opinion is to grab what we can save first.”

If it doesn’t work in the end, try again.

Since the death of Elder Zhang and the fall of the base chief, Elder Li had become even more conservative than the Elder Zhang of the past.

He no longer dared to take risks.

Everyone looked at Sheng An, either way, the Special Intelligence Service was the backbone, and Sheng An’s words were almost the choice of the Special Intelligence Service.

Feeling a gentle pat on the hand holding her, Qi Lingmu was supporting her silently.

Sheng An took a deep breath and word for word-

“No, AB can’t even be chosen.”

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