Chapter 322.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 14:01:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Shard’s confidence was not without cause.

Sheng An destroyed the shard, so what if he cheated out its energy?

Such a huge power, derived from the energy accumulated from three times of world destruction, Sheng An cheated it out, there was no way to absorb much of it, one tenth of it?

No, at this moment, all the Altered Beings were working together, and it would be difficult for them to absorb one percent.

Sheng An was able to acquire more, but she already had the energy stolen from the broken fragments in her body, and she was still absorbing it in a steady stream, once she overdid it, she would be bursting at the seams.

Doing everything they could was just destroying a bit of the surface, they couldn’t kill it, and there was no way to absorb the energy, so what could they do?

In a few more minutes, the oxygen went to zero.

Humans will lose.

And it could continue to build up its energy, it was only a little bit closer, with a little more blood, or another reboot, it could fully recover.

But it’s pushing back the recovery.

It couldn’t be pushed back for long.

It was incomparably calm, so it could watch as if it was watching a play, watching these humans dying and struggling, watching them play new tricks over and over again.

It wasn’t even in a hurry to grab the huge energy that was converging and taking shape with them.

“Then you can just watch.” Sheng An said.

She continued to pull the energy into her body, as if she wasn’t even afraid of being burst by the energy, absorbing the energy expressionlessly and calmly, the clock standing still behind her, her energy always hooked up with the fragmented energy.

Qi Lingmu could do nothing to help, but could only devour the energy into her body immediately after slowing down.

Jiang Yu was the only exception.

She was trying to communicate with space right after Little Fold landed and walked away.

She could see the space right under her feet, overlapping with the scorched earth world, but the real one was the scorched earth world, and the black earth space shrouded in mist was just a shadow.

Her task was to make this imaginary shadow connect with the real.

–This was what Sheng An had just commanded in her ear with his voice ability.

–It was Sheng An’s arrangement.

This step was difficult, but every step was difficult, and everyone was doing something “difficult”.

Hao Jingye is [Rule Order Class: Space], but this space is taken from the planet, itself is real, how can she break the space barrier?

In just a few minutes, Jiang Yu tried multiple times.

She was moving in and out of space, and both Lai Wan Yun and Zhang Kun were helping, but they couldn’t do anything either.

The “space alien” and the “rules and order space” are two very different existences, they understand space a little bit better than the others, but they can’t finish this step.

Zhang Kun wanted to cry, “Maybe only Hao Jingye can do it.”

Lai Wan Yun gritted her teeth, “Hao Jingye is dead, we have to finish it, damn it, even if there is no way for space to connect with the world, then opening a door is still good!”

Her space blade slashed down hard, however it was useless.

Instead, Chiang Fish landed on the ground without re-entering space, she muttered, “Open a door ……”

Jiang Yu smiled, “Aren’t I the key?”

She had to get the key out first.

As the words landed, vines appeared on her hands and wrapped around her neck, she revealed a bright smile and pulled hard on the vines around her neck!

The vines strangled, and her face turned blue in an instant.

This method of death was painful, but there was no need to bleed.

Song Linwei chortled, ”Jiang Yu! You communicate space, since Hao Jingye gave you the space, the key belongs to you, you must be able to communicate space, try again! We still need plant-based psychics.”

Jiang Yu’s breathing became difficult and his voice was hoarse:

“There’s only 70 minutes left …… There’s no delay …… I’m no good, I can’t communicate …… This is what I should do, it’s safer this way ……”

There are other plant-based psychics yet, her special is the black earth space.

Everyone has an existence value and is doing their best.

She had the golden finger given by Hao Jingye, and along the way, everyone was protecting her, hiding her behind, and Qiu Yu died for her.

She had space, it was her golden finger and her mission, her responsibility.

Everyone is trying, everyone has a mission.

–The mission that belonged to her had to be accomplished.

She was no longer the “Toki Shinobunsho” who only had love affairs.

She was Jiang Yu, the little fish of the Special Intelligence Division.

The vines were tightening, life was passing, but Jiang Yu had a big smile on her face.

Li Xin’s hand was raised, the metal knife was in his hand, his arm was trembling madly, but the metal knife was always in his hand.

He wanted to save his teammates!

However, he couldn’t be bad.

This was a war of mankind, and everyone had to be ready to sacrifice at all times.

Jiang Yu was ready.

Jiang Yu swept over everyone one by one, the smile on her face became clearer and clearer, with the fearlessness of valor, her eyes were a pride that everyone could feel.


Suddenly a thin root system reached out and broke the vine that was wrapped around Jiang Yu’s neck, breaking the scene of “valor and righteousness”.

Jiang Yu instantly landed on the ground, choking and coughing.

The Folded Ear Root stood in front of her.

At this moment, it is very angry, very very angry, so angry that the root system is bulging, angry puffer fish, and even especially do not think it is enough, use the root system to secretly whip the just saved Jiang Yu a little.

In the moment when everyone froze, it viciously unleashed its foreign energy, allowing the only leaf to detach.

Sheng An noticed it with his afterglow and revealed a smile.

Unlike the past, this was not removing a leaf, but splitting it in two, making the leaf a separate entity, active, another “it”, which also meant that…

It’s bald.

It’s really bald!

It’s so angry.

But it couldn’t watch Jiang Yu die.

The leaf spins and grows bigger in mid-air.

Don’t forget that it can also enter space, and its special ability is – Rule Order Class: Alteration.

[Alteration] exerted its full strength at this moment.


With a loud bang, the leaf was half in the black earth space and half in their world, and then the leaf [Mutation] turned into a turquoise door!

The door was shrouded in mist, and outside the door was the scorched earth world that was about to zero in on oxygen, a wasteland and lifeless.

Inside the gate was the black land that was intact before the end of the world, full of plants and vibrant.

–This is the true [Rule Order Class: Mutation] ability!

The Folding Ear Root was stuck headfirst on the ground, holding its bare head with its root system, crumpling and rolling, and when it rolled next to Jiang Yu, it was so angry that it gave her a blow, and continued to roll again.

Its root system was coiled on its head, and it had no face to see anyone.

Li Xin opened his mouth and spat out a sentence only after a long time, “No wonder this guy has so few leaves and it is hard to grow out …… originally, so useful.”

Extraordinarily useful things are always rare ah.

Jia Guangliang healed Jiang Yu and patted her shoulder.

Song Linwei stared tightly at the door, which cut to the ground and also communicated inside and outside, causing the contaminated space of the scorched earth world to start entering the door.

“Sister Sheng!” Ruan Zifeng pulled up his voice.

Sheng An smiled gently, “Bao, you did well.”

The Folding Ear Root that was rolling around on the ground in grief and indignation paused slightly, and then the root system opened up, as if it was “peeking”.

Sheng An’s smile remained unchanged.

Her hand clutched the confused shard tightly as she continued to frantically absorb the energy, her eyes slightly reddened as she laughed lowly-

“Didn’t you want to see what I was doing?”

“I’m doing a very simple thing, what about what you’ve been doing.”

“Since you treat us as sustenance, then you …… will come to be the sustenance of our planet!”

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