Chapter 4

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:45:58
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You must join us

Sheng An was sitting on the sofa.

Hao Jingye was sitting on the dining table next to him, with his computer and other things all spread out, and a stand set up to film in real time.

As for Jiang Yu ……

She sat on the bench opposite the sofa.

Those three plainclothes, one guarded at the door, the other two, one left and one right stood next to Jiang Yu, staring at her in all directions without dead angle.

Jiang Yu’s entire body was creepy and fidgety.

Looking at the camera again, she became more and more uncomfortable.

“Still want to shoot?” Jiang Yu’s voice was weak.

She has been too busy lately, her hair is greasy and hasn’t been washed, she hasn’t washed her face and hasn’t put on any makeup, and there is a beautiful woman like Sheng An sitting across from her ……

Jiang Yu felt a bit awkward.

Sheng An: “Well, record it.”

When Jiang Yu heard this, she could only console herself that they should only record her “interrogation”.

It should be nothing, right?

At the same time.

On the other side of the camera’s real-time broadcast, inside the huge conference room, leaders at all levels and related personnel, totaling more than a hundred people, were all staring at the big screen.

They were holding books and pens in their hands, staring closely at Jiang Yu, itching to study all the strands of her greasy hair.

Jiang Yu did not know yet.

Sheng An: “Tell us about it.”

Jiang Yu stammered, “Wh, what?”

Sheng An placed the gun on the table, not knowing if it was intentional or not, the muzzle of the gun was still aimed at Jiang Yu.

And she played with a pen in her fingers, smiling lightly:

“Jiang Yu, there is not so much time to talk nonsense with you, since I appeared in front of you, I have all the information about you, you have no other choice, about rebirth and space, I think you might prefer to speak up yourself.”

Jiang Yu’s heart tightened.

Speak out yourself ……

That meant that there were ways to say it that weren’t yourself.

Her scalp tingled, but she was unwilling to just admit it and gritted her teeth, “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Sheng An looked at Hao Jingye.

Hao Jingye immediately slammed his face, his voice a slate:

“Jiang Yu, 24 years old, just graduated a year ago, her parents died five years ago, she has always lived alone. Has a boyfriend Yu Litian, just broke up a while ago because the other party cheated on him, four years in college, has been supporting Yu Litian and roommate Chen Jiaojiao.”

Jiang Yu violently inclined her head and looked at Hao Jingye in horror.

Anyone who was raked over the coals would not feel comfortable.

Sheng An raised his eyebrows, “You’re a real ingrate.”

Jiang Yu: “……”

–She already realized it, no need to emphasize.

Hao Jingye was still continuing, “But since five days ago, you have undergone some changes, installing steel doors and changing bulletproof glass ……”

Jiang Yu said sharply, “I was afraid that my ex-boyfriend and my mistress would come to find me in trouble! What’s wrong with that? Is it not okay?”

Sheng An smiled and shook his head, “Of course it’s okay, then please tell me, where is the disappearing iron fence? Why was it still in the basement, and when you went there empty-handed, it was gone?”

Jiang Yu: “!!!”

She almost breathed a sigh of relief.

Hao Jingye: “In the past two days you purchased a total of 135 bags of rice, 120 bags of flour, 5 boxes of salt, 5 boxes of sugar, and supermarket purchases ……”

Sheng An swept through this house, seemingly smiling:

“Such a huge pile of stuff, where do you put it?”

Jiang Yu: “……”

She has cracked up.

–How the fuck does this even know how much stuff she bought?

Who the fuck has nothing better to do than count?

Being dumbfounded, Jiang Yu closed her mouth tightly, and her entire being was bad.

The other party has obviously grasped the “evidence”, her brain is turned into a wind turbine, sparks, but still did not think of how to explain.

The fact that things have disappeared is a fact.

Either ……

Sneakily put things to another place to go?

She stole a glance at Sheng An, only to feel that this person was by no means easy to fool.

Sheng An, however, changed his expression, sighed, and looked at her with focused eyes:

“Jiang Yu, I have a hundred ways to get you to talk, but I ultimately chose the peaceful way because, not only do I want to know information from you, but I also want you to join us to fight against the End of Days.”

Fight against Doomsday?

Jiang Yu almost thought she had heard wrong.

Her expression became mocking, “Humans can still fight against the doomsday? Do you know what doomsday means?”

How could someone say something like that?

Resisting the doomsday?

What a joke, these people didn’t know what kind of disaster it was, flesh and blood, and they even uttered the words of resisting the doomsday.

How arrogant is that?

Jiang Yu couldn’t stop shivering at the thought of 21 days later.

Sheng An, however, did not have any expression and remained calm:

“You may think that we are arrogant, but if we don’t do anything, what happened in your last life will still happen in this life, the country is devastated, and human civilization is gradually disappearing ……”

“There are still more than a billion people behind the country, we can’t retreat, since we know it, we have to do our best.”

Chiang Fish: “That’s not doing your best will help!”

“I know.” Sheng An slowly spoke, “21 days later, that batch of meteorites descended and abruptly attacked the entire earth, bringing a devastating blow, that is, after that there were also natural disasters constantly ……”

As she spoke each word, Jiang Yu’s body tensed up more and more.

There are other reborn people?

The country …… really already knew about the end times?

“The country knows more than you think and has done more than you think.”

Sheng An finished and stretched out his hand.

Hao Jingye immediately handed her the tablet.

Sheng An set it on the coffee table and faced Jiang Yu.

“Nine days ago, the first alien was discovered, seven days ago, the Reborn was discovered, six days ago, the country was working on an emergency program and set up the Doomsday Special Intelligence Division, and five days ago, preparations had already begun everywhere.”

She calmly said every word that shocked Jiang Yu.

“Jiang Yu, you’ve been stocking up on supplies recently, you should have noticed that food prices are rising, right?” Sheng An looked at her.

Jiang Yu subconsciously nodded her head.

It’s not just rising, the price of food has directly doubled!

However, since the meteorite news, there had been all sorts of news on the internet, and there were also people buying rice and salt.

So the price increase, although she was strange, she didn’t take it to heart.

Could it be that ……

Sheng An: “Yes, it’s the country that’s stocking up on food, and at the same time, it’s also purchasing from outside the country.”

Her finger slid the screen, and a picture appeared-

“Not just from the aspect of food, five days ago, shelters have been built on top of bomb shelters everywhere, and in 21 days, every city will have several shelters, each equipped with food and living supplies.”

“The communications department has been working overtime to rush the communication equipment for each shelter, so that even if there is no signal, the satellites are destroyed, and a disaster strikes, the thousands of shelters can be connected into a single network and be dispatched by the state.”

“In addition to this, hundreds of military factories are stepping up their work, tens of thousands of factories from five days ago, day and night to start production, market surplus resources, all recycled ……”

Sheng An leaned his body forward and stared at her closely:

“Jiang Yu, like this, do you still think that the state has no role to play in the end times?”

Jiang Yu had almost stopped thinking and held her breath, dumbfounded by the news.

And Sheng An continued to press closer, those stern phoenix eyes carrying complex emotions that made people move at the touch of a button.

“Jiang Yu, most of the country’s current response is because of that meteorite, the information of the reborn is too little, about the end of the day, it is not yet 100% certain.”

“You, are the most crucial part.”

Her eyes were serious to the extreme, and when she locked eyes with Jiang Yu, she seemed to be able to pierce into each other’s souls.

Sheng An: “If we can get more certain information from you, with 21 days left to deal with the end of the world, the country can still do more. Turning core factories underground, seizing food, and moving people ……”

“Jiang Yu, since you are a reborn person, it is impossible for you to be biased, your rebirth can do more things and bring greater value to the lives of millions of people and the hope of the country!”

Jiang Yu couldn’t stop his body from shaking when he was stared at by Sheng An’s gaze like this.

In her mind, two thoughts felt like they were trying to cut her apart.

Can’t admit it!

She had a space, what if the result of admitting it was being studied?

But ……

Wouldn’t admitting it really bring hope?

She was just an ordinary person with a little selfishness, but not the kind of sociopathic personality that favored disaster.

Moreover, she couldn’t help but feel her heart stirring again when she met Sheng An’s solemn gaze.

Whether it was in her previous life or this life, she had never been looked at by someone like this ……

Sheng An struck the iron with special heat: “You don’t need to worry about anything else, join us, you are our teammate, sheltered by the state.”

She reached out and held Jiang Yu’s cold and trembling hand, revealing a gentle smile:

“Jiang Yu, even if you are in a special situation, none of us will harm you. Heresy, sign of abnormality, this may not be a bad adjective, and it may not be a bad thing.

“The arrest warrant is a last resort, and you are the country’s hope.

“That’s why I’m sitting here, in your home, communicating with you in a way you’re comfortable with.”

Jiang Yu’s eyes were filled with struggle.

She wanted to speak, but she couldn’t stop being afraid.

Rebirth and space was her biggest secret, should she really say it?

Sheng An: “Oh yes, the country out to hoard, if you as a member of the end of the special intelligence service, the end of the living conditions will never be worse than before the end of the end of the world, you hoard more things to do by yourself, in the special intelligence service there are state chefs, there are also national warehouses of supplies …… The state protects you from all sides, and provides you with supplies. ”

Jiang fish: “……” good heart.

“Special policy for special times, the Special Intelligence Service also has arrest qualifications, such as those who make trouble and obstruct your mission, under the premise of reasonable compliance, you can deal with it on your own.” Sheng An added.

Jiang Yu didn’t understand.

Sheng An smiled slightly, “For example, Yu Litian and Chen Jiaojiao.”

Jiang Yu: “!!!”

Directly pinpointing the lifeline ah.

Sheng An withdrew his hand, sighed, and said sadly, “Forget it, if you don’t want to, we won’t force you.”

Hao Jingye was serious on his face, but in his heart, he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

As expected, Sister Sheng is worthy of being Sister Sheng!


The “tenderness” that the muzzle of the gun is aimed at.

First military and then courtesy, and sell misery, complain of suffering, righteousness plus will be described as “hope”, “the future of the country”, and then lure, and then finally a retreat for progress …….

This is a customized “interrogation” plan for people with Jiang Yu’s personality.

The character of Jiang Yu, who is sentimental, soft-hearted, indecisive and simple, and who has been reborn after the end of the world, is such that a harsh interrogation will not be able to get her to join us.

Not forced?

Are you kidding me? If Jiang Yu really bites the bullet and doesn’t say anything, Sheng can “force” her on the spot.

Her gun is loaded!

Sure enough.

Jiang Yu felt Sheng An’s warm hand left, subconsciously grabbed.

Afterward, she stumbled and spoke, “For the sake of the country, I, I, I’m willing to tell you everything and join you.”

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