Chapter 43.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:48:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was still before the end of the day, and Long Tianyu had no money in his pocket.

So their meeting place in an old factory, four wind leakage, three people sitting on the ground, in front of a supermarket shopping bag, filled with some beer snacks.

–The “Chosen One” is still in the developmental stage, and is slightly strapped for cash.

Of course, the other two didn’t care.

Because they were just as poor.

Ke Jiaxue ate her chips and asked curiously, “Brother Long, what happened before you were reborn? Can you tell us?”

Zhang Kun reached out and grabbed a handful from inside the bag of chips, his eyes equally expectant.

There was nothing to hide, Long Tianyu took out the beer inside the plastic bag, opened a can and took a big drink before slowly narrating about his last life.

In his last life, he lived until the second year of the end of the world, and awakened his flash ability in the first year of the end of the world.

However, the initial flash ability was not powerful.

The flash distance was very short, so he suffered a lot of losses.

But later, as the flash distance became longer, he became the perfect assassin, able to instantly appear around anyone.

Taking advantage of someone’s surprise, he broke down the defense and succeeded in his assassination.

He also became a minorly famous shifter and joined a shifter powerhouse.

It was only later that they were killed by a group of hidden xenos during a raid for meteorite fragments.

Even after he exhausted his psychic abilities, he still died at the hands of the fae.

The fear of death loomed over him, but soon, his chin lifted and he regained his fighting spirit.

Long Tianyu let out a breath.

Good thing, everything was different.

He was reborn.

With his memories from before he was reborn, he searched for many of the Alterants from his previous life, but unfortunately, none of them had awakened, and only Ke Jiaxue and Zhang Kun had awakened.

The water alien Ke Jiaxue was actually incidental.

The space alien was his goal.

However, space adepts were very rare, Long Tianyu had only come into contact with a few space adepts in his last life, and the strongest of them was a space system adept named Li Wan Yun.

But after he was reborn, he had never found Li Wan Yun, and did not know in where exactly she was.

He thought she was just in a corner, living a normal life before the end of the world.

Did not find Li Wan Yun, but he found Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun’s space is just ordinary space, unlike Li Wan Yun can use space to fight, but it does not matter, he can fight himself.

–The value of a space alien is just to help him stock up.

Thinking of fighting, Long Tianyu breathed heavily.

Before he died in his last life, the longest distance he could flash at a time was 100 meters, and furthermore, five long-distance flashes in a row would exhaust his psychic abilities.

Instead, after being reborn, he became even stronger.

Not only could the longest distance go up to two hundred meters, he could even flash ten times in a row.

What does this mean?

Within two kilometers, he was the strongest king!

Not only did it give him a chance to start over again, it also made him even stronger, what was this if not the Chosen One?

This was his most powerful golden finger!

However ……

Long Tianyu was a bit puzzled: “I was reborn before the end of the day and my powers became powerful, you two pre-doomsday awakenings are surprisingly very powerful as well …… several times more powerful than the ones that were just awakened in my last life, it’s really strange.”

“Could it be that all those awakened before the end are different from those awakened after the end?” Zhang Kun offered a guess.

“It’s possible.” Long Tianyu frowned, “But in my last life, I didn’t hear anyone say that there were pre-doomsday awakened psychics, in my last life, I came into contact with Jiaxue for the purpose of buying water, and at that time, Jiaxue was living in quite a straitened circumstance, and the amount of water she could put out daily wasn’t too much.”

But in this life, having just been reborn, it had already surpassed the previous life!

This was a very strange phenomenon.

He was not the only one, Zhang Kun and Ke Jiaxue were both like this.

The three fell into silence.

Soon, Ke Jiaxue had an explanation, “It must be because of Brother Long’s butterfly effect!”

Zhang Kun suddenly realized, “Yes, it’s very likely, Tian Yu was reborn, and according to the law of secondaries, Tian Yu is the protagonist, and we are in the protagonist camp, so we followed suit and became stronger.”

He smiled somewhat coyly, his voice soft, “Brother Long, I will always follow you to mix, will never betray.”

Jokingly, those who betrayed the protagonist and went against the protagonist were called villains.

A villain is doomed to failure.

Hearing this, Long Tianyu revealed a satisfied smile and nodded his head:

“Don’t worry, we are a team, even if the team becomes more people in the future, I still trust you guys the most, we are the ones who started making preparations before the end of the day.”

Thinking of the food they carried from the granary, Ke Jiaxue’s eyes brightened and her voice was excited:

“Knowing the news of the arrival of the end of the world in advance, starting to stock up on supplies and forming an alien ability squad when everyone didn’t know, the end of the world might be our chance to show off ……”

Long Tianyu nodded heavily.

Before the end of the world, he was an unusual person who hadn’t waited for his chance yet, but this time, he hoarded supplies in advance, formed an alien squad, and possessed powerful alien abilities …… he would definitely become the king of the end of the world!

Ke Jiaxue: “Give us a name for our alien ability squad!”

Long Tianyu did not hesitate: “Ghostly Alien Energy Squad.”

“Ghostly ……,” Zhang Kun muttered, “Coming without a shadow and going without a trace, isn’t it just like a ghost? Let people can not feel the direction, can not catch us.”

Ke Jiaxue: “Then Brother Long is the Ghost King! Hahaha, so domineering.”

Ghost King!

Long Tianyu reveals a smile, yes, “Ghost King” is too suitable for his ability, this time, he will surely make the title of Ghost King known.

He raised the can and glowed, “Celebrate the success of the first operation, and also celebrate the establishment of the Ghost Alien Team.”

“Good!” Ke Jiaxue and Zhang Kun immediately raised their cans and collided hard.

The three of them drank a bottle of beer painfully.

Ke Jiaxue’s eyes widened as she was tipsy, “Brother Long, what do we do next?”

Long Tianyu was also a bit on top.

Not only because of excitement, but also a little …… drunk.

In his last life, in the end of the world, everyone was poor, where could he get any alcohol to drink, so his drinking capacity was very poor.

Two cans of beer, almost.

Long Tianyu’s cheeks were slightly red, and his eyes were arrogant: “Naturally, we continue to hoard supplies, the entire stone city was lost in the last life, it’s only natural for us to take away the stone city supplies.”

They had no money, they could only rely on zero-dollar purchases, gleaning the national wool.

“The food is already there, the next step is ……” Zhang Kun blinked.

Long Tianyu laughed, “You all said that you have meat to eat after me, naturally – hoarding meat.”

Doomsday Special Intelligence Service camp.

“…… So, the brat who flashed his powers is this social youth called Long Tianyu.” Hao Jingye briefly introduced Long Tianyu’s entire life history.

From how old he was when he went to school, to what mistakes he made at school, the comments of others, the wages and status of several jobs ……

There was even information about his cell phone screening, including but not limited to contacts, chat records, search records, purchase records, and so on.

-Suffice it to say, stripped the person clean.

Sheng An calmly flipped through it.

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