Chapter 61.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:48:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After saying that, Sheng An lifted his feet and walked outside.

Qi Lingmu put away his gun and walked next to Sheng An, the two of them walking side by side.

Li Xin gulped.

He first looked at the target and shook his head, “Too ferocious, I didn’t realize that Sheng An’s marksmanship is also so good, does this give anyone a chance to live?”


At this time, Li Xin suddenly noticed that in addition to the holes in the center of the target, there is also a circle of obvious traces ……

Love heart!

Very standard shape.

Li Xin jumped up and cursed, “Shit, really show love anytime, anywhere, damn it, there are objects terrific ah.”

He walked a few steps and stopped violently.

Not right ah.

Shooting in accordance with the shape of the love heart, this point is not difficult, Qi Lingwu shooting method does not have the slightest problem.


Drawing a standardized love heart, that wasn’t something that could be done in one go.

This is practiced, right?

Thinking about Sheng An’s calm reaction, Li Xin’s mouth twitched.

— The young couple used to play really flowery.


Group B now had quite a few people, Sheng An was sitting in the very center, and Qi Ling Mu was naturally next to her.

Ke Jiaxue and Jiang Yu grabbed the seat on the other side of her, and in the end Jiang Yu narrowly won and sat next to Sheng An, so Ke Jiaxue could only curse and sit next to Jiang Yu.

There was an empty seat on the opposite side.

It was reserved for Long Tianyu.

Jiang Yu frowned, “I don’t think he’ll cooperate, right? That guy is wild as hell.”

Qi Lingmu didn’t say anything, just moved the gun that was placed next to him.

Li Xin instinctively shrunk his neck.

–Quite good, forceful suppression, make that guy honest and obedient.

However, Sheng An said, “No need to suppress by force this time, serve some delicious food.”

Ke Jiaxue hesitated, “It shouldn’t work, right? Brother Long said that he won’t be tempted by these external things ……”

Sheng An didn’t explain and waved his hand, “Do it.”

The cafeteria staff immediately executed it.

Song Linwei still had doubts, “Team Leader Sheng, why are you suddenly curious about Long Tianyu before he was reborn? We already know all of his experiences.”

Ke Jiaxue and Zhang Kun had sold Long Tianyu clean, and later Hao Jingye had inquired about it once more, and Long Tianyu’s past life had already been made into a report, documented in detail one by one.

Do you need to ask again?

Sheng An shook his head, “What I want to know is not about his past life, but the end times of his past life, and the other people he knows.”

This was originally meant to be asked.

It’s just that that Long Tianyu guy wasn’t cooperative before, and now was the right time to ask.

Of course, Sheng An didn’t think that “past life” was a given.

No one can make a decision for a future that has not yet arrived.

Not long after, Hao Jingye brought Long Tianyu over.

Originally, Long Tianyu was very dissatisfied, and even cursed all the way, but stepped into the cafeteria, Sheng’an and Qi Lingmu at the same time to look over ……

Long Tianyu gave a beat.

The fear of the ward once again echoed in the mind ……

These two were not good people, people who would strike at the drop of a hat!

Long Tianyu held his fire, his tone muffled: ”Looking for me for what? Can’t you go to the hospital to find me if you have something? I’m a wounded man, how-”

The voice ended abruptly.

He suddenly noticed the things on the table.

The colorful and fragrant variety of meals, from seafood to small fry, and even several major cuisines famous cuisine ……

As a poor man who had been reborn back from the post-apocalyptic world, Long Tianyu indisputably gulped.

Sheng An: “Eat, prepared for you.”

“Not poisoned?” He was skeptical.

“You still need to be poisoned to clean you up?” Sheng An smiled slightly, “Kudos to you for cooperating with us.” When he thought about it, Sheng An didn’t need to poison him in order to finish him off, it was so complicated.

Long Tianyu walked over in big strides and was serious, “Of course, cooperating with the team leader is the obligation of the team members …… This cafeteria can I usually come in? How come no one sent me a logistics call?”

Li Xin was puzzled, “Brother Long, you’re not unwilling to–”

Long Tianyu covered his mouth and smiled slightly, “What are you talking about? I can’t understand, it’s better to hurry up and eat, don’t waste a big meal, you won’t be able to eat it even if you want to when you get to the end of the world.”

Jiang Yu spoke quietly, “Can’t understand? You let him finish, let’s see if we understand.”

Long Tianyu ignored her as he gave Ke Jiaxue and Zhang Kun a condemning look.

These two traitors!

Surprisingly eating so well behind his back.

Seeing the condemnation in his eyes, Ke Jiaxue skimmed her lips, “Brother Long, didn’t you say that you can’t be bought by food?”

Hoping that he shook himself so quickly?

Long Tianyu lifted his chin with an arrogant face, “Of course, a little bit of food is just a little bit of food, only people with no spiritual pursuits will be seduced by a little bit of food, it’s not like it’s too much of a big deal to eat, where can’t you eat it?”

He picked up his chopsticks, “I’m hungry, eat first, you guys feel free.”

As the words landed, he winded up like a locust transit, eating furiously for a while.

Eating so much that the others lost their appetite.

Ke Jiaxue: “…………”

She kind of understood that her Dragon Brother was just a mouth breather.

It was still Sister Sheng who was bullish.

Not only can she suppress by force, she can also accurately lure.

Hao Jingye’s disgusted face: “Oh my god, how long has it been since I ate? There’s still a lot, what’s the hurry?”

Long Tianyu didn’t raise his head, his voice slurred, “Delicious, really delicious!”

Sheng An and the others were speechless.

When he finished eating, he contentedly wiped the corner of his mouth and nodded, “Ask, what do you want to ask, for the sake of this meal, I’ll know everything.”

Saying that, he also didn’t forget to drag the snack next to him in front of him, looking at Sheng An as he ate.

“You’re not full yet?” Li Xin was shocked.

Long Tianyu: “Casual eating.”

Said casually eating and didn’t see him stop.

Others: “……”

Sheng An didn’t care, and directly asked, “What powerful alien you knew in your past life? Did Xiang Han Shuang know any?”

Long Tianyu was shocked, “Xiang Hanfang?!”

“You know?” Hao Jingye asked busily, “She is very powerful?”

Long Tianyu nodded, “She’s very powerful, she’s one of the first batch of awakened psychic abilities in Doomsday, it’s said that it took her five days to awaken her psychic abilities and she suffered a lot, that’s why she’s ruthless after awakening her ice psychic abilities.”

The precursor to the awakening of psychic abilities was a high fever, just like a cold.

Most people awakened in a few hours, some for days, and it was said that the longer it took, the more likely they were to die, and the easier it was to awaken powerful psychic abilities.

“That woman is ruthless, anyone who offends her won’t see the next day’s sun, even if they say the wrong thing in front of her, they have to die. She also set up a team of xenos that ran amok, and of course, killed quite a few xenos.” Long Tianyu added.

Li Xin sucked in a breath of cold air.

Then, he sighed, “With her joining Team A, it seems that Team A’s strength has gone to the next level.”

Long Tianyu: “That woman also joined the country?”

He was obviously surprised.

Hao Jingye coolly said, “Xiang Hanfrost is a smart person, after awakening, she naturally knows that choosing the country is the right thing to do, and actively joins it, unlike some people ……”

Long Tianyu choked.

Immediately afterward, he lifted his chin, chewed something, and gloated, “But she joined Group A ah, it means that in her eyes, Group A …… is more powerful than you guys.”

“That may not be.” Song Linwei sneered.

Hao Jingye reported the names of the people in Group A again, curious, “There are still strong people among your memories?”

Long Tianyu was surprised, “Lou Mingwei and Yang Chuan and Huang Weiyang all joined, huh? They can all be very loud and famous Altered Beings in the future, especially Lou Mingwei, Thunder System, is a notorious combat expert, however, he is not in the temporary base over here in the capital, I haven’t dealt with him, I’ve only heard of his reputation.”

Sheng An and Qi Ling Mu exchanged glances.

It seems that in Long Tianyu’s memories of his “previous life”, those few in Group A have appeared, and they are all experts.

Jiang Yu sighed, “Group A is also full of experts, and there is also Team Leader Qiu Yu, she is also a rare puppet ability, our group …… ability seems to be worse.”

“Wait, who?” Long Tianyu snapped his head up.

Jiang Yu was bewildered, “Qiu Yu ah.”

Long Tianyu sucked in a mouthful of cold air.

His demeanor changed, and he couldn’t even bother to eat, pulling up his voice: “The leader of Group A is called Qiu Yu? Puppet Alien Autumn Rain?!”

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