Chapter 70.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:49:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Lai Wan Yun froze, her eyes blank, “What tricks?”

“The moves you used today when you fought with Sister Sheng, who taught them to you?” Yu Feng came closer and asked after her.

Lai Wan Yun frowned.

After thinking for a long time, she suddenly said, “It should have been me figuring it out on my own.”

“You groped for it yourself?” Yu Feng’s tone questioned.

Wan Wan looked odd: “Should?”

There were quite a few doubtful points in this sentence.

How could there be a trick that one groped out on their own and still use the word should?

Ri Wan Yun thought seriously and said with certainty, “I groped it out by myself because no one taught me in my memories, and those moves are instincts that I learned from many battles.”

“Impossible.” Qi Lingmu’s expression was calm.

But the words were very certain.

“Why?” Lai Wan Yun frowned.

Sheng An lifted his eyelids to look at her and spoke calmly:

“Your move won’t be an instinct created in battle, you may not be able to see it yourself, but battle instincts and specially created moves in training are completely different.”

What’s more, this move had the shadow of her and Qi Lingmu.

Yu Feng and a few others nodded in agreement.

Lai Wan Yun shook her head, helpless, “But really no one has taught me.”

Sheng An: “It can’t be ruled out that you saw it, memorized it in your mind, but forgot that you saw it, and used it in the many battles you had later.”

After a pause, she looked at her and calmly stated the creepy speculation-

“It is also not ruled out, that someone taught it to you, but you have no memory of it, or rather, it was wiped from your memory.”

The inside of the room was quiet for an instant.

Even Long Tianyu felt a chill down his spine.

Li Xin rubbed his arms, “Please, don’t make it sound so scary, okay? Moreover, how could someone teach someone else and then erase their memories?”

He asked Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun, “Do you have someone with such special abilities in your memories?”

The two shook their heads together, “No.”

Hao Jingye had a pensive look on his face, and after a moment, he asked his next question, “Lai Wan Yun, do you know Sister Sheng and Team Qi? Sheng An, Qi Ling Mist, me, Wan Wan, Yu Feng, Zhao Zhicheng, Chen Yue, Jiang Returns the Book, Li Shuang, and Jiusu?”

–Sheng An and the core members of Team 0.

Lai Wan Yun tried hard to think of these names and finally shook her head firmly, “No, never heard of or seen you guys.”

She swept her eyes over Sheng An and Qi Ling Mu, if she had seen these two in her previous life, she would have some impression.

The crowd fell silent.

It was getting stranger and stranger.

All the reborns didn’t recognize Sheng An and the people from Team 0!

Did they all die on the day of the doomsday?

Or, did they all turn into Fae?

Everyone had a pensive look on their faces.

Sheng An lowered her eyes, and after a long time, she asked another strange question-

“When did you die in your last life?”

Lai Wan Yun: “The end of the second year of the end times.”

What kind of question is this?

Hao Jingye was suddenly stunned, and Song Linwei also reacted.

The two of them looked at each other with shocked faces.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Yu was bewildered, scratching his inadequate head.

Hao Jingye took a deep breath and his voice was hoarse, “Except for you and Wu Zhi, everyone else died in the last few months of the second year of the End Times.”

Sheng An took the pen and paper next to him.

On it, she wrote down the second year of the End Times.

And then, she wrote everyone’s names on it, according to the month.

“Integrating the information from Group A’s side, Yang Chuan died at the end of the second year of the End Times before he was reborn, and in his memories, Huang Weiyang and Geng Leqian all died in the middle of a fae massacre a month ago.”

Although the two groups were at odds, valid information had to be shared at the first opportunity.

Neither Sheng An nor Qiu Yu would do anything about it.

Both Hao Jingye and Gu Cheng also had the moral sense of a national assistant.

Competition that was under the overall interest.

“Ke Jiaxue and Zhang Kun died before Li Xin, this is Long Tianyu’s information. After that, Li Xin killed Xiang Hanfang, while he himself died with the fae.” Sheng An wrote down a few more names.

Hao Jingye sounded excited, “And then after that is Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun!”

The last name was Lai Wan Yun!

The end of the second year of the End Times had not yet officially entered the third year of the End Times!

Sheng An stopped his pen and looked up, his gaze sharp: “There are two more people, what about the lightning system alien Lou Mingwei and the mutant Wu Buye?”

Long Tianyu: “Wu Buye is also dead.”

He frowned, “I don’t know how he died, but this news is true.”

It was depressing to say the least, after Doggie died, before he could be happy, he died as well.

Lai Wan Yun’s face turned cold into frost, her voice hoarse: “Did I not tell you that among the people who struck out against me, the leader was Lou Ming Danger-”

After a pause, she laughed coldly, “And I chose to die with him and take him to hell with me!”

She was reborn and thought that she could ruthlessly clean up Lou Mingwei in this life.

I didn’t expect that the other party also awakened his supernormal ability in advance ……

That guy’s supernormal abilities were not easy to deal with.

Sheng An’s eyes sank slightly as she wrote Wu Buye’s name before Long Tianyu’s.

Finally, she wrote down Lou Mingwei’s name right on the timetable, underneath Lai Wan Yun, and drew a line behind them, next to which was –

[The third year of the End Times.]

A deathly silence fell inside the room.

Ke Jiaxue muttered, “Why did everyone die in the second year of the End Times?”

Hao Jingye corrected, “It’s all the reborn aberrations as well as the aberrations that awakened early that died at the end of the second year of the end times.”

Wu Zhi died at the end of the end times.

Jiang Yu died at the end of the first year of the end times.

–But they had one thing in common, neither of them were Alterans, just pure reborns.

Jiang Yu possessed space not because of her psychic ability, but her ancestral bracelet.

Song Linwei looked obscure and his voice was hoarse: “It’s strange, why is it not until the third year of the end times, is it something that happened? Or is the sample limited?”

Everyone shook their heads.

The reanimated people were not clear about it, then let alone those of them who obtained information from the reanimated people.

Sheng An stared at the piece of paper, then she slowly raised her head.

Her eyes were bottomless, but a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth-

“I think that when we unlock this secret, we might touch the fundamental reason for your appearance.”

“And discovering that brings us one step closer to the truth, which is a good thing, isn’t it?”

Jiang Yu and the others couldn’t laugh.

On the contrary, they felt like there was a big hole in front of them, not as deep as the bottom, making people fearful for no reason.

In the middle of the day, Qi Lingmu hooked her lips and nodded:

“It’s a good thing.”

Sheng An turned the pen, closed the cap and threw it on the table, and handed the piece of paper to Hao Jingye: “After organizing the information, share it with Team A, and at the same time submit it to the top, so that the professionals can analyze it.”


Hao Jingye immediately responded and turned around to execute.

And then, Sheng An looked at Lai Wan Yun and Long Tian Yu with a gentle smile.

The two, however, inexplicably had a chill down their spine.

Long Tianyu stammered, “What are you, you, you doing?”

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