Chapter 77.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:49:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The two were shocked and horrified.

Shocked because of what he said, and horrified because …… he was right, that’s what he or she had in mind.

The two glared at each other.

But at the same time, their reactions showed that Wu Buye was telling the truth.

Li Xin had looked dumbfounded, “Crap, what else is he capable of?”

Sheng An snorted lightly, his voice tinged with laughter, “If I’m not wrong, Wu Buye, you seem to possess – mind reading?”

The last three words were very light, yet very certain.

Wu Buye did not speak.

Obviously it was acquiescence.

Other than Hao Jingye, Qi Lingmu and Song Linwei who had already guessed, everyone else was stunned.

Mind reading?

Crap, this kind of thing that only existed inside a novel, reality also existed?

Wait, that’s not right.

Reborns, space and supernatural …… abilities have all appeared, so it seems that mind reading isn’t too strange?

This damn world, it seemed like it was normal for anything to appear!

Hao Jingye pushed up his glasses and sighed:

“It’s true that only the mind-reading technique fits, especially when he spoke Long Tianyu’s and Lai Wan Yun’s hearts, the mind-reading technique became the only answer.”

Song Linwei similarly exclaims, “No wonder you know so much gossip because you can hear hearts.”

Hao Jingye: “Just by rubbing shoulders with you, you can hear what’s going on in the other person’s mind, that’s why you started avoiding crowds, because that would let you in on too many secrets.”

Song Linwei paused and continued, “But you seem to like gossiping so much that you can run off with someone halfway, so why would you still avoid crowds?”

This was something he did not understand.

He understood that “autistic” people didn’t like to talk, because he was afraid of accidentally revealing secrets, and apparently he had suffered from this in the past, so he simply didn’t speak up and kept it to himself.

But he was clearly curious.

He could run off with someone halfway through the day, and more than once.

Then why was he reluctant to go out and touch people?

Wu Buye slowly climbed up from the ground.

For this question, he was speechless, “It’s precisely because I’m curious that I can’t go out and contact people, otherwise if I hear just a little bit of what’s going on, I’ll be curious and will want to explore ……”

Song Linwei and Hao Jingye were bewildered.

Sheng An calmly said, “Every time he goes out, he meets a lot of people, and the first person’s heart evokes his curiosity, and before he can figure out the cause and effect, the second person will evoke his interest …… And his lack of distraction leads to a lot of curiosity not being explored to the end.”

Wu Buye was like seeing a confidant, grasping Sheng An’s hand, excitedly saying, “You know me, you should know the pain of listening to gossip pinching the head and tail, right? It’s too unbearable, I’d rather not hear anything!”

Also for this reason, he doesn’t go out and contact people.

The only people he usually touches are his family members, all of whom he has stripped clean and can’t arouse his curiosity.

As long as he didn’t contact people, he was at home every day surfing the internet and eating melons, and didn’t know how happy he was.

But the end of the world is coming ……

If he was allowed to never go online again, he would definitely die of boredom!

However, Sheng An drew back his hand and smiled slightly, “No, I don’t understand you, I’m just analyzing you.”

Wu Buye: “……”

He was a bit bereft and hung his head in solitude.

Jiang Yu was puzzled, “Then wouldn’t you be able to hear all sorts of sounds at all times? Is it useful to hide at home?”

Hao Jingye rolled his eyes in disgust:

“Your brain should still be used on farming, it’s obvious that his mind-reading skill has a range.”

Wan Wan nodded and analyzed, “Before he sat on the worship mat and didn’t notice us, but then when he picked up the apples he immediately noticed it, it should be because he heard Li Xin’s heart.”

Song Linwei counted the distance, “Hearing Li Xin but not us, so your mind reading range is only two meters?”

Wu Buye was surprised.

He didn’t expect these people to have such a good brain, Sheng An first guessed his ability, and with a few analyses, these people picked his character and ability, cleanly!

–Truly a terrifying group of people.

Yu Feng sighed: “Then you’re also quite difficult, according to your investigation results indicate that you but had this ability when you were a child.”

Wu Buye had already died once.

Now he broke the pot and directly confessed, “Originally I thought it was quite good, after all, I can eat a lot of melons, but the people around me flip over those contents, and I’m afraid of being beaten up when I go outside.”

“Can’t you control it?” Ke Jiaxue asked weakly.

Zhang Kun rolled his eyes, “Nonsense, if he could control it, he would have already–”

Wu Buye suddenly interjected, “I couldn’t control it before, but since my body changed, I have a vague feeling that if I were stronger, I would be able to control the mind-reading technique, and maybe it could be stopped, or maybe it could be strengthened.”

The crowd was stunned.

Immediately afterward, Sheng An and Qi Lingmu looked at each other and spoke in unison, “Mental faculty powers.”

Wu Buye simply had more than just the Returning Mutation ability.

He also had Spirit System Abnormal Abilities!

Mind-reading, that was a Spirit System Abnormal Ability.

Hao Jingye muttered, “Spiritual lineage, the most complicated lineage of all the psychic abilities, very special.”

He fiercely looked at Lai Wan Yun and Long Tian Yu and asked, “How many spiritual lineage psychic abilities have you guys seen in your past lives?”

“Not many.” Lai Wan Yun thought for a moment and returned, “Spirit system psychics are really special, and their abilities are strange, I once heard of one, said to be a spirit system psychic psychic from a certain base in the north, who could directly attack a person’s head and kill them.”

Long Tianyu: “I’ve also seen a Spirit Department, her Spirit Ability is that she can interfere with other people’s vision and make them fall into darkness, very favorable in battle.”

“What a special ability ……,” Song Linwei took a deep breath, “And the most special thing is that Wu Buye possessed a spiritual faculty ability when he was a child.”

Only, he couldn’t manipulate it before.

Now as the meteorite got closer and closer, and the special substance it brought with it also got closer and closer, Wu Buye began to gradually control his mental system psychic ability.

Sheng An: “It’s a very useful ability.”

She looked at Wu Buye: “So, what are the conditions you’re going to propose?”

Upon hearing this, Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun simultaneously skimmed their mouths.

Although they were dissatisfied, they had to admit that this guy was indeed special, no wonder even Sister Sheng gave him preferential treatment.

Wu Buye smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head, “My condition is actually very simple, I wish to follow you all the time.”

This “you” was obviously Sheng An.

Crowd: “?”

–Friends, this request of yours is very dangerous, when Qi team is dead?

Wu Buye added: “Of course, it’s fine to follow you and this gentleman.”

“This gentleman” refers to Qi Lingwu.

Crowd: “?”

–Friend, this request of yours is even more dangerous, how dare you want to be a light bulb in the world of two?

Qi Ling Mu’s face is expressionless.

Sheng An instead raised his eyebrows and asked, “Why?”

Wu Buye revealed a bright smile, “Because I can’t hear your heart, and it’s comfortable to stay by your side, which is why I’m willing to join you.”

Someone like Sheng An who made him unable to hear his heart, no matter when he met them, he would follow them out of curiosity.

Joining them was actually inevitable.

Everyone was stunned.

Hao Jingye was surprised, “What? You can’t even hear Sister Sheng’s heart? What about Team Qi? You can’t hear Team Qi’s heartbeat either?”

However, Wu Buye shook his head, “I can hear it.”

But then he heard his next sentence was, “But his heartfelt voice is simple, and it hasn’t changed, so it’s just okay, a bit more acceptable than the others.”

“Huh?” Hao Jingye was bewildered, “What is Team Qi’s heartbeat?”

Wu Buye: “Sheng’an, Sheng’an, Sheng’an, Sheng’an, Sheng’an, Sheng’an, Sheng’an-”

The abrupt stop was not because he stopped, but Qi Lingmu knocked him out.

Team Qi’s face was expressionless:

“It’s getting dark, take him back.”

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