Chapter 84.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:50:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Countdown to Doomsday: 8 days.

“Well? Did they listen?” Millionaire looked up from in front of his computer, curious.

This them, now a member of Team B.

Sheng An: “Pretty well behaved.”

If there was only one strong person something might have happened, but this B group of hers was a bunch of oddballs, strong as clouds, no one could do anything to anyone, and starting friction from time to time, and they were all really well-behaved.

Even Gu Qian Sheng, who was almost as much of a prick as Long Tian Yu, became honest after determining the others’ fighting strength.

Song Linwei exclaimed, “Sister Sheng doesn’t have Qiu Yu’s puppet powers, and she was able to make them obedient, Sister Sheng is awesome.”

Wan Wan nodded heavily.

Yu Feng was curious: “What’s going on with Group A?”

Hao Jingye immediately reported, “Group A has added two members, both of which are currently unavailable Alterants. Zuo Fan, a power alien, extremely strong, when he activates his powers, he is very strong in melee combat, Team Leader Qiu is having someone teach him fighting techniques, the other one, Ruan Zifeng-”

He paused slightly.

Sheng An looked over, “Very special?”

Hao Jingye nodded and said seriously, “The Academy of Sciences ruled that that should be ‘probing’.”

“Probing?” Song Linwei was surprised.

“Yes, Probing Ability.” Hao Jingye pushed his glasses, “He can probe the truth through clues and also figure out the direction in complete darkness, the specific ability is still being explored. This kind of psychic ability is very special, the institute also categorizes it as a mental system psychic ability.”

The full name of Ruan Zifeng’s psychic ability was – Spirit System Psychic Ability: probing.

It was just like Wu Buye’s other supernormal ability – Spiritual lineage supernormal ability: mind-reading.

Yu Feng muttered, “It’s really special, Group A also has a mental faculty.”

Wan Wan: “It’s considered auxiliary, but auxiliary psychic abilities are far more powerful than offensive when used well.”

Hao Jingye nodded with a serious face, “The top is very concerned about the spiritual lineage, and the institute is also focusing its research on Wu Buye and Ruan Zifeng because-”

Sheng An slowly picked up, “Because, mental faculty powers have the potential to aid in the discovery of fae.”

The crowd sucked in a breath in unison.

What was the greatest crisis of the end times?

Other than the initial meteorite descent, after the end of the world, the biggest crisis was not a natural disaster, but rather – the Fae.

The above could actively prepare for natural disasters.

But there was no way to guard against the Fae that could appear amongst humans at any time after the End Times.

If the Spirit Department could assist in identifying the Fae, then humanity would have a weapon in this bloody duel, instead of waiting for the Fae to take the initiative with their bare hands.

Why was Sheng An exceptionally friendly to Wu Buye before?

It was precisely because she valued his spiritual fae abilities!

Song Linwei muttered, “But there are too few spirit lineages.”

As if he thought of something, he asked busily, “Can we find the two Spirit lineage psychic abilities that Lai Wan Yun and Long Tianyu know about?”

Regardless of whether they were awakened before the end of the day or not, as long as it was determined that they could have a spirit lineage.

The country would have to gather them up!

Hao Jingye sighed, “The one in the north is clueless, there is no information at the moment, and the other one is only known as her name ‘Teacher Xu’, other information is unknown.

“We asked Yang Chuan, he doesn’t know the so-called Teacher Xu at all, we can only find all the teachers surnamed Xu in the capital and surrounding cities, and let Long Tianyu recognize them one by one.”

Sheng An: “Arranged for him?”

Hao Jingye nodded.

Long Tianyu was already sifting through them now, but because he only had one side of the story, it wasn’t very efficient, and besides, that guy was a bit negative about such an irritating job.

Sheng An: “Tell him that if he can find it today, he’ll have a melee blade specially crafted for him, the unique kind. If he can’t find it today-”

She smiles slightly, “I’ll keep an eye on him tonight to find it.”

Hao Jingye; “…… Okay.”

He immediately went out to relay the message.

“Negative slacking” Long Tianyu was suddenly like being hit with chicken blood, his body sat up straight, and instantly cut into the mode of rolling his own involutions.

Finally, in the evening, Long Tianyu locked “Teacher Xu”!

“Hahahaha, I finally found it, Sheng An, that’s her, hurry up, promise me the knife?” Long Tianyu’s eyes were green and black, his tone was exuberant.

Sheng An looked down at Teacher Xu’s profile.

However, she had just picked it up and skimmed through it when Hao Jingye barged in-

“Sister Sheng, something’s wrong! There’s an alien riot killing people!”

Sheng An’s face changed and she violently got off the table.

Qi Lingmu wrinkled her eyebrows and gripped her gun tightly.

Alterans killing people?

Sheng An looked at Hao Jingye with a sullen face.

Without hesitation, Hao Jingye reported all the information:

“Stone city, Lin’an district has just had a murder, five people were killed, the bodies were dismembered, and the bodies were thrown from the upper floors to the district, there are witnesses who saw a shadow like the wind, quickly disappearing, there are two police officers who chased after them and were also killed, the above sent the Special Intelligence Division to support!”

Disappearing like the wind, extremely fast, could only be a psychic.

Then, it would be difficult for ordinary people to deal with them, and the people below could only seek help from the Special Intelligence Division.

The Special Intelligence Division, which was responsible for controlling heretics, had the responsibility to deal with this matter.

Sheng An put on his clothes with an icy expression, and said as he walked outside-

“Surround Lin’an District, evacuate the surrounding crowd, within one kilometer of the surrounding area, do not allow any vehicle or anyone to approach, supervise all surveillance within three kilometers, lock down the perpetrator as soon as possible.”

“Summon the team, set off.”

The Lin’an neighborhood was in chaos.

A brutal murderer was most likely still in the neighborhood, people were on edge, everyone was blocking the entrance to the neighborhood, trying to get out.

The first captain was anxious, but he didn’t dare to let anyone out.

He knew the inside story, when the Stone City warehouse was burglarized, he was the first captain of the interrogation.

Of course he knew how terrifying the xenos were!

But just because a shifter was terrifying, a shifter who didn’t know why he was retaliating against society was even more terrifying.

The probability was that the perpetrator was still in the Linan neighborhood.

After they rushed here, there were also police officers who were killed, and the higher-ups gave the order that they immediately surrounded the district, blocking off a one-kilometer range and supervising three kilometers, and the current synchronized news – the perpetrator didn’t leave.

If he puts out such a terrible perpetrator, I do not know how many more people the other side will harm?

However, surrounding this place, the other party could equally harm people at any time.

The brigadier could only gather everyone in the Linan neighborhood together, as protection and as a watchdog.

The residents were protesting, not understanding.

But only he knew how terrifying the yet-to-be-found perpetrator really was.

–That’s a Shifter, an extremely difficult guy to deal with.

What to do?

What should we do now?

It was already dark, and that assailant had psychic abilities, how could they find him?

The captain was in a hurry, he knew that the Special Intelligence Service had already arrived, but it would take at least four hours to get from the capital to the Lin’an neighborhood, even by helicopter, it would take more than an hour.

The hidden assailant was like a bomb, and he felt that every second was precarious.

It was at this moment-

In the darkness behind him, the sound of flapping wings suddenly rang out, becoming clearer and clearer.

The first captain turned around violently.

In the darkness, he squinted his eyes to barely see.

A huge bird flew towards him, extremely fast downward, in the time when he froze, the “bird” with wings landed on the ground, the wind made him subconsciously take a step back, and the dust filled the sky.

But his eyes were firmly fixed on the scene in front of him.


There was a sound, and several people jumped down from the back of the bird.

At the head of the group was a woman, she was wearing an assault suit and had a sharp gaze, and the moment she landed, she lifted her feet and walked, nodding her head at the first captain-

“Special Intelligence Division, Sheng An.”

“I’m taking over here, synchronize the current situation to me immediately.”

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