Chapter 85.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:50:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The first captain’s breath stuttered.

His gaze met with Sheng An’s resolute eyes, and in that instant, the other party’s gaze seemed to pierce into the soul, shocking and solid, as if a big stone had fallen to the ground in his heart, and all of a sudden, he had a backbone.

Sheng An together with the captain walked towards the gate of Lin’an District.

The situation is urgent, can only let Wu Buye first bring them over, and the distance is too far, he can only bring a maximum of three people.

Sheng An then brought Lai Wan Yun and Gu Qian Sheng.

One could fight and the other could restrain the murderous alien, the most suitable combination.

She left Qi Lingwu behind, and only he could suppress Long Tianyu’s group of guys.

The first captain said as she walked:

“Due to …… time constraints, we are always supervising the various areas, and after receiving the report today, the nearest civilian police officers rushed to …… in five minutes.”

He explained the situation as he walked.

Not too optimistic.

The murderer killed five people at the beginning, dismembered and brutally dumped the body, shaking the entire neighborhood, received a report, the police rushed to chase the murderer at the first time, which caught up with the murderer of the two police officers killed immediately after.

The captain knew that the situation was urgent, but also knew that the perpetrator was not a traditional murderer, prevented the other police officers from re-entering the neighborhood, and at the same time was notified to immediately blockade, do not give each other the opportunity to escape.

The murderer, the probability is that he is still in the Linan neighborhood.

As for why is it a high probability?

After all, it was an alien, who knows if there are still means they don’t know about that escaped the scene?

Lai Wan Yun frowned: “Sure it’s an alien? Can you tell what kind of alien ability?”

The first captain shook his head.

His face was unsightly, “After dumping the body, someone witnessed the perpetrators disappearing at an extremely fast speed, inhuman speed, and then the police chased after them, and they had weapons with them. But to be killed, dismembered, and thrown down the stairs in the time it takes to take a single look, this is not something an ordinary person can do.”

“Speed-based psychic ability?” Wu Buye was curious.

Gu Qiansheng wrinkled his brows in thought, full of doubts, “Compared to what kind of alien ability the perpetrator actually had, I’m more curious – why did he kill? Awakening an alien ability isn’t a bad thing, there’s no need to riot and kill?”

Wu Buye offered a guess, “Could it be that the perpetrator’s alien ability is problematic?”

Upon hearing this, Lai Wan Yun mockingly smiled, “Put away your naivety, there are all sorts of aberrants who have awakened their powers, rioting and killing? This is nothing at all, the end times, this kind of thing is very unusual.”

In her last life, she didn’t know if anyone had awakened before the end times.

But in her previous life, after the arrival of the end times, the first thing someone who had awakened their powers did was to kill all their enemies and those who had offended them.

It was hard for ordinary people to imagine before the end of the world, but it was true.

Suddenly awakened powerful ability, killing is not common.

Altered beings killed people, and sometimes they didn’t need a reason.

By possessing special abilities, they possessed a weapon to create trouble and crisis.

The two of them were in a state of awe at the same time.

Sheng An’s footsteps did not stop and his tone was light:

“I don’t care what kind of person I killed or what I killed because of, after the other party brutally killed five people and dumped their bodies, and killed the civilian police, they all deserve to die.”

The last three words, the voice was faint, but carried endless killing intent.

Suddenly, the air turned cold.

Wu Buye subconsciously touched his neck.

Originally thought that Sheng An would be merciful because the other party was an early awakened alien, now it seems that she was in a hurry to rush over …… perhaps in a hurry to finish off the perpetrator!

The three people looked solemn and accelerated their steps.

The scene was chaotic, and the cell gate was crowded with people, making a lot of noise.

“Let us out!”

“The murderer is still inside, why are you locking us up if you’re not going to catch the murderer?”

“It’s so scary, oooooooh, I’m scared.”


“Can you let us out? I’m really scared.”

A scene of chaos.

Lai Wan Yun shook her head, “It’s just one alien who riots and kills, and these people are in such a mess, Sheng An, can you imagine what the whole country will be in chaos when the end times come?”

She looked at Sheng An, her eyes rarely serious:

“People like Long Tianyu and I who have experienced the end times have always known how hard it is to maintain order in the end times, you are doing something that is almost impossible.”

Sheng An looked back at her.

The two of them locked gazes.

Just for a moment, Sheng An gently smiled, “I know, I’ve always known.”

After saying that, she lifted her foot and walked to the front, taking the horn in the hands of the police officer maintaining order.

Tapping the horn, she raised her voice and said, “Quiet!”

The chaotic scene didn’t completely quiet down, but there were quite a few people looking at her with puzzled eyes.

Sheng An took a long leg and stood on a nearby chair.

Her voice was calm and subdued, “I am the person sent from above to handle this matter, Sheng An. I know all of you are scared, but please believe that we will catch the perpetrator as fast as we can.”

As she was talking, more and more people looked at her.

The noise gradually became smaller.

Sheng An did not give anyone time to ask questions and continued:

“Compared to leaving immediately, I believe that all of you will be more interested in catching that perpetrator under the protection of the police to put an end to the problem.

“So, please line up and register, after registering, you can leave anytime you want, or you can stay under the protection of the police and wait to catch the murderer.”

As the words landed, the noisy crowd was finally completely quiet.

This was their home, this neighborhood was where they lived, escaping was only temporary, catching the murderer was the most important thing.

Moreover, Sheng An had said that they could leave at any time after registering.

The first captain immediately shouted, “Line up here, everyone keep quiet.”

Gradually, some people walked towards the place where they lined up, more and more people lined up, the originally chaotic scene seemed to become orderly all of a sudden, there were still sounds of talking and crying, but it didn’t stop them from lining up in the queue.

Sheng An put down the speaker and looked at Lai Wan Yun:

“See? This is the resilience of the country’s people, as long as they are given hope and a backbone, their ability to adapt, is beyond imagination.”

Now there was chaos because of the perpetrators.

That’s because they’ve never seen this before.

The future, too, will be chaotic because of Armageddon.

But the resilience engraved in their bones, as long as they have a main backbone, they will be able to adapt as fast as they can, even if they don’t have a main backbone, they will eventually become their own main backbone.

This is thousands of years, the result of historical verification.

And the country, is the main backbone.

Sheng An and the others were the ones who supported the main backbone.

Lai Wan Yun stood frozen in place.

Sheng An jumped down from his chair and clapped his hands, “Wu Buye, it’s your turn to play a role, come on, listen to the hearts one by one.”

Wu Buye looked at the dense crowd, trembled, and his voice stuttered, “Sister, if I say that I am socially terrorized …… what will you do?”

Mamma mia, so many people!

Sheng An smiled slightly, “I will finish you off.”

Wu Buye: “……”

He silently walked to the front of the crowd, took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “Come on.”

The first captain organized people to pass by Wu Buye two by two.

The residents didn’t understand but remained very cooperative, they also wanted to find the murderer just as much.

Wu Buye was forced to start reading minds.

Sheng An stood farther away, and Lai Wan Yun walked next to her, similarly watching the scene.

After a long time, she suddenly said, “It’s really different from the last life.”

In this life, the country planned ahead, as long as the country was still there, the order was still there, and it was really completely different from the last life.

Humanity, perhaps, really had hope.

Gu Qiansheng was a bit puzzled, “Did the end of the last life instantly collapse the human order?”

Lai Wan Yun nodded.

Gu Chisheng murmured, “How strange.”

How could such a large country, such a resilient people, instantly collapse order?

He hadn’t experienced the end times, but he didn’t think it was normal.

The first captain came over with quick steps.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed, “Finally, we have some clues, Mr. Wu’s special ability is very useful, the murderer can’t get away if he’s really hiding among the residents.”

Sheng An nodded, “Tough job.”

The captain waved his hand, “It should be, also thanks to the neighborhood there are a few young people who are very cooperative, at the beginning they helped to maintain order, in the middle there were people who wanted to force them to leave, and a young man even suppressed them.”

After a pause, he suddenly lowered his voice: “I suspect that young man has also awakened supernormal abilities.”

Several people were stunned.

Sheng An asked curiously, “Where?”

The first captain pointed to a volunteer who was helping to maintain order in the queue, “That’s him.”

Sheng An looked over.

The man happened to look over, and the two of them met their eyes.

Sheng An was stunned.

The man revealed a bright, sunny smile.

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