Chapter 88.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:50:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Without any hesitation, almost out of instinct, Long Tianyu pulled up Sheng’an and Gu Qiansheng and disappeared into place.

Ke Jiaxue froze.

Her eyes were somewhat blank, “What happened?”

Wu Buye was equally bewildered, shook his head, and muttered, “Sister Sheng should have found something? Could the murderer be at the front door?”

“Didn’t you read all the hearts?” Ke Jiaxue scratched his head.

Yeah, he had read all the hearts.

The residents, he had read every single one of their hearts already.

Those cops had all arrived after the fact and could attest to each other.

All that was left was them, the members of Team B. That was even more impossible.

Who else?


There was indeed one more.

Wu Buye thought of that youthful and sunny face, and was creeped out when he thought of the other party’s bright and enthusiastic smile.

Zhang Jia Liang.

The one who had awakened his psychic abilities, helped maintain order, and had already been included in the category of their teammates, Zhang Jia Liang!

In an instant, chills ran up the spine.

The main entrance.

After Sheng An left, Qi Lingwu stood in place, holding his gun, his eyes wave-free.

Jiang Yu sat back in his chair, his chin resting on the backrest, muttering: ”Who exactly is the perpetrator? Could it really be the teacher Xu who didn’t show up?”

Xu Jia, a mental system psychic, happened to be in this neighborhood, happened to have a murder, and she didn’t show up.

Very coincidental.

Song Linwei and Wan Yuan were sorting out the information synchronized in real time from various places, and Hao Jingye was standing next to him.

He looked up at Jiang Yu:

“It’s very likely, Ms. Xu’s supernatural ability is to make people invisible, so doesn’t that equate to her being able to be invisible?”

Lai Wan Yun leaned against the security booth in boredom.

At those words, she rolled her eyes:

“Invisibility is invisibility, Ms. Xu that’s darkness, it’s not a concept. Her supernatural ability is that her surroundings are plunged into darkness for an instant, nothing can be seen, if it was done by Teacher Xu, it would be impossible for there to be no traces.”

After a pause, she added:

“However, if Teacher Xu was awakened before the end of the world, then she might also be more powerful than when I knew her in my last life. Moreover, the physical qualities of both xenos and fae are so high that it’s not impossible to split someone’s body into pieces.”

Li Xin sucked in a breath of cold air and was a bit nervous, “I should have known that we would go in with Sister Sheng, how dangerous it would be if they encountered someone.”

“What’s the point of worrying about Sister Sheng?” Hao Jingye pushed his glasses, “If you guys are too idle go learn from Zhang Jia Liang, look how enthusiastic he is, he’s always busy with–”

His voice ended abruptly.

At some point, Zhang Jia Liang, holding a child, had already arrived at the back of the crowd.

Almost out of instinctive intuition, Hao Jingye shouted:


As the words landed, not only did Zhang Jialiang not stop, instead, he carried the child and jumped onto the police car, quickly disappearing from the spot.

“Zhang Jia Liang has a problem!” Hao Jingye shouted.


“Bang Bang!”

Qi Lingmu had already fired, while at the same time, Lai Wan Yun leapt up and the space blade slashed at the other party.

The three shots avoided the child and all hit.

The Space Blade cut off the opponent’s arm.

However, in the next instant, something frightening happened – the other party’s severed arm grew back, and the location where he was shot also healed at an extremely fast speed.

“Damn it, what the hell kind of ability is this!” Lai Wan Yun cursed out loud.

He was extremely fast and was still carrying the child to block his head.

Their guns could only land on places other than their heads, and every serious injury was quickly healed!

“Let me go, otherwise, I’ll kill him!” Zhang Jia Liang’s voice was hoarse.

He exerted force in his hand, blood flowed out of the child’s neck, a face turned blue and purple, his mouth was wide open, and the lollipop he was holding inside fell to the ground.

Half-eaten candy stained with dust on the ground, rolled under the car.

Zhang Jia Liang’s nails pinched in the child’s skin, as long as another one or two millimeters gently to the inside, the child will die!

Qi Lingmu’s movement to shoot paused.

Lai Wan Yun gritted her teeth and did not dare to shoot again.

The key place was blocked, and the other ground could not hurt him, and worried about that child ……

Zhang Jia Liang pulled out a smile.

With that, his footsteps accelerated, and as he rounded a corner, he threw the child violently.


Qi Lingwu’s gun shot at his head at this instant, Lai Wan Yun’s Space Blade, and Li Xin’s Vajra Blade, all attacked the other party’s fatal spot at the instant Zhang Jia Liang threw the child away!

However, the other party just shook his body.

With his supernatural ability in use, the attacks began to heal the instant they created damage.

Three simultaneous deadly attacks like this still didn’t leave him behind.

Hao Jingye’s voice was hoarse, “Immortal Body ……”

At this time, Zhang Jia Liang had already disappeared.

Only the child was left, smashing into the ground in a parabola.

Song Linwei’s pupils tightened.

Ji Yani rushed over, yet as fast as she was, she wasn’t as fast as the child landing on the ground.

The tiny body was only a few centimeters from the ground.

“Ah…” someone screamed.

Jiang Yu closed her eyes in impatience.

At this moment, a pair of hands appeared out of nowhere and grazed the ground to catch the child.

In the next moment, Long Tianyu, Sheng An, and Gu Qiansheng appeared in sight.

Sheng An caught the child.

Gu Chisheng cursed, “Shit, not in my silent range!”

Without hesitation, Long Tianyu took him and flashed after him again.

Hao Jingye let out a long breath and instantly held it again, running towards Sheng An with the others.

“Sister Sheng!”

Sheng An slowly straightened up and handed the child over to the first captain, her voice hoarse, “Resuscitate.”

The first captain nodded heavily and carefully took the child and left.

Jiang Yu glanced at the child, the fragile life was already dying, his neck was drenched in blood, and his body still carried the blood puddle left by his fingers ……

Obviously ten minutes ago, he was laughing and eating candy and running around.

Obviously ten minutes ago, Zhang Jia Liang was still smiling and touching his head, hugging and coaxing him, even that candy was given to him by Zhang Jia Liang before.

“How come?” Jiang Yu muttered, “How did Zhang Jia Liang become like this after he awakened his powers?”

Hao Jingye looked heavy.

Qi Lingmu slowly spoke, “Fae.”

These two words were like thunder on a flat earth.

Sheng An looked at them, his eyes bottomless, “He’s not a fae, he’s a fae.”

There were already fae before the end of the world!

In an instant, everyone’s faces became unsightly and stony.

Nowadays, not only were the xenos awakened in advance, but there were also fae in advance ……

Fae that were more powerful than in the previous life.

A fae that was just as powerful than the previous life.

Moreover, it is still an immortal body, is there anyone else who can kill him with his xenos ……?

Song Linwei had worry on his face.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Qi Lingwu pursed his lips, “He used a hostage to cover his head, that means he’s not completely immortal, he always has weaknesses.”

At this moment, Wu Buye returned with Ke Jiaxue.

Hearing this, Wu Buye panted, “We still have Gu Qiansheng ah.”

His alien ability was immortal.

But Gu Chisheng’s supernatural ability was silence.

He and Long Tianyu had already chased after him, so there should be no problem, right?

Wan Wan asked, “Sister Sheng, should we capture it alive?”

The fae that appeared before the end of the day was too much to study.


Is it possible for that guy to be captured alive?

Sheng An didn’t say anything.

Hao Jingye’s communication vibrated twice.

He looked down, his face changed, and he pulled up his voice: “Sister Sheng, the identity of the deceased is confirmed!”

Everyone looked at him.

Hao Jingye’s voice was hoarse and obscure, and every word was spoken with difficulty, “There is no teacher Xu, but …… there are Zhang Jia Liang’s parents and grandmother.”

The air froze for a moment.

The horror of the fae, at this moment, bloodily displayed in front of them.

Zhang Jia Liang thought about his parents and valued his family.

The first thing the Fae Zhang Jia Liang killed was his parents and family.

No, he is not Zhang Jia Liang anymore.

The moment he became a fae, Zhang Jia Liang died.

Sheng An closed his eyes slightly.

【If I become a Fae, can I really join you and fight side by side with you in the end times?

[Of course you can.]

The teenager’s satisfied smile was still in front of his eyes.

The image of him waving his hand and bouncing away from the Special Intelligence Division was still vivid.

Sheng An opened his eyes, eyes awake, looking ahead at Ruan Zifeng who had just arrived, his voice calm-

“Let’s go, let’s go after them.”

“The Fae is extremely harmful, we must clear this trouble tonight, if we can’t capture it alive, we’ll directly kill it.”

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