Chapter 89

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:50:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The perpetrator has been identified, the crisis in the Lin’an neighborhood is temporarily lifted, the child will be sent to the rescue, the ground Lai Wan Yun cut off the fae’s arm collected and sent to the institute.

The captain led the police officers to stay behind to settle the aftermath and pacify the masses.

And Sheng Anze they took Ruan Zifeng, who had just arrived and was in a daze, to the car.

Wu Buye’s supernormal abilities hadn’t been restored yet, so taking the car instead became the most convenient way.

Ruan Zifeng: “What the hell happened?”

Sheng An signaled Song Linwei to explain to him.

She, on the other hand, slightly closed her eyes as if she was resting.

By the time the explanation was finished, Ruan Zifeng was in a trance.

Group B ……

This is all met with fae?

On Hao Jingye’s computer screen, several messages were synchronized and relayed in real time:

“The fae is fleeing to the south, he’s very smart, he seems to know where there is surveillance, avoiding the surveillance on the run, only able to lock the general location.”

“He has appeared again, the direction is South Lake Park.”

“Huh? Long Tianyu and Gu Qiansheng’s signal lights flashed, why are they returning?”

Hao Jingye rolled up his sleeves and pulled out his cell phone, “I’ll contact them.”

It took several calls to get through.

Long Tianyu’s cell phone was not connecting when he was flashing.

Contacting the two, and not saying much, they stayed on the side of the road where the car must pass through, standing in an unnoticed corner.

The police car drove by and the two had disappeared.

After Long Tianyu sat down and stabilized, he gasped, “Shit, Gu Qiansheng, this waste, for nothing I consumed so much alien energy!”

The crowd was stunned.

They were busy looking at the two.

At this moment, the two of them were in a bit of a sorry state, especially Long Tianyu, who was carrying quite a few injuries on his body, if not for the strong body of an alien, I’m afraid that he would be in danger right now as well.

Gu Qiansheng was slightly better, but also carried injuries.

Of course, what was even harder to see was their faces.

Almost instinctively, Zhang Kun asked, “It’s not contagious, right? They shouldn’t turn into fae?”

Lai Wan Yun rolled her eyes, “I’ve said it’s a fae, not a zombie, it’s not contagious.”

“What the hell is going on?” Hao Jingye pursued, “You guys didn’t catch up? Or ……”

Gu Qiansheng pursed his lips, “Long Tianyu led me to catch up, but, my xenomancy is useless against him.”

His xenomancy was only useful to people whose xenomancy was inferior to his own.

That fae, was stronger than him.

This made the crowd’s hearts sink.

Long Tianyu cursed, “Your ability is too wasteful, it’s because he’s strong that he needs you, and it turns out that you damn well don’t work at all!”

Gu Qian Sheng blackened his face, but didn’t say anything in the end.

In just now, if it wasn’t for Long Tianyu risking his life to take him away in time, I’m afraid that he himself would be dead now.

Wan Wan sucked in a mouthful of cold air, “What then? The fae is so strong, or an undead body, and Gu Qian Sheng’s special ability can’t do anything to him, how are we going to deal with him?”

Fae strength was only one aspect, the main thing was that the “Immortal Body” ability was too tricky.

“Activate the weapons of mass destruction?” Yu Feng suggested.

“If there’s no other way, I’m afraid this is the only way.” Hao Jingye let out a long sigh.

Long Tianyu frowned, really puzzled: “How could a fae appear before the end of the day, and it’s still so strong, according to the division in the previous life, this is definitely a high-level fae!”

“Early awakened xenos, early appearance of fae, all become stronger ……,” Gu Chisheng muttered.

In the past, he thought he was the son of destiny.

But when he met this group of “sons/daughters of destiny” around him, as well as the equally powerful “fae” that appeared in advance, the idea of the son of destiny faded away, and instead, more doubts crept into his mind.

Qi Ling Mist: “It may not be impossible to deal with him, he will choose to escape in a roundabout way, indicating that he is not really not going to die, there are weaknesses, can be dealt with.”

Hao Jingye sits up and analyzes it seriously, “He used the hostage to block his head, maybe hitting his head will kill him.”

“But Team Qi tried it, it’s useless.” Lai Wan Yun frowned.

Long Tianyu: “I also tried to cut his neck, hell, do you guys know how horrible it was? My knife cut directly across his neck, and the place where the knife cut through immediately recovered.

“I even suspected that the entirety of my knife sliced through his neck, and the places cut in front had grown back before the knife went out the back!”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but shiver.

This kind of opponent was too terrifying.

Even in his previous life when he had fought against people many times, he had never seen such a difficult opponent.

You could kill, but you couldn’t stop them from healing instantly.

And this is the “Zhang Jia Liang” ability, the fae will also be generally fast, strong, the higher the level, the faster the speed, the greater the power, in the premise of the friendly attack is useless, the enemy can also kill back.

Too difficult to deal with!

Qi Ling Mist turned back with his gun in his arms and shook his head, “Recovery is his supernatural ability, which he was using on himself when he was under attack, playing a role.”

In the end, he had to be a bit more experienced in combat, able to instantly grab the core weakness.

The crowd was stunned.

Hao Jingye tapped his head, “Right! As long as he’s distracted and his powers aren’t functioning on themselves, a single strike will have a high possibility of killing him!”

This was very understandable.

It was like the adamantine body inside the TV series.

How to destroy it?

Of course, it was to take advantage of the other party’s lack of use of supernormal abilities and the most distracted time, and kill him with a single blow, so that he would be completely dead before he could “heal”.

Of course, this is very difficult.

After all, the fae they encountered this time were not careless.

“Then in that case, it’s unlikely to want to capture it alive?” Li Xin asked rhetorically.

Song Linwei shook his head, “The fae is too threatening, and it’s hard to capture it alive with his kind of powers, so it would have to be, as Sister Sheng said, killed.”

Hao Jingye let out a breath, “Provided, let’s catch up with the person first.”

He turned his head and asked Ruan Zifeng, who had been silent, “Is your psychic ability useful? Can you find the person?”

Probing Allomancy.

This was a very special ability.

Ruan Zifeng was quite good-tempered and politely said:

“It should be able to, I just smelled his odor at the scene, it’s a very strong smell of blood, and now the smell is drifting from the south.

“Combined with the occasional footage captured by the previous surveillance, the Fae is now at the north side of South Lake Park, and according to the rapidity of his continued descent, in an hour, he may enter the park.”

The crowd looked at him.

Ruan Zifeng paused and added:

“Along the way, from the analysis of some of the footprints I saw, he seems to have slowed down and his footprints have become deeper, the battle just now still has some impact on him, at this time, his combat power has decreased.”

The crowd stared at him closely.

Ruan Zifeng: “In addition, South Lake Park usually has early risers who go to exercise, if we want to solve it, we must hurry, he may want to find a suitable hostage.”

The crowd was still staring at him.

Ruan Zifeng scratched his head, embarrassed, “What are you guys looking at me for? Is there a problem?”

Long Tianyu suddenly asked, “Sheng An, this person is not returning, is it feasible for you to snatch him from Team A?”

Ruan Zifeng: “???”

Sheng An didn’t raise his head, “You can ask Qiu Yu.”

Long Tianyu: “……”

Forget it, he kinda wanted to live.

The crowd suddenly realized that Sheng An hadn’t said anything just now and was very quiet.

Lai Wan Yun’s head came over and carefully opened her mouth, “Sister Sheng, so? Because Zhang Jia Liang …… is in a bad mood?”

Sheng An shook her head.

She raised her head and suddenly said, “You guys say, Xu Jia is neither next to the cell phone, nor is she a person in distress, where is she?”

The crowd froze, their eyes blank.

They didn’t expect Sheng An to suddenly mention Ms. Xu ……

However, Sheng An’s next sentence was even more creepy-

“You guys say, is there really only one Fae?”

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