Chapter 28 Misty Island

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:31:49
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Following behind the black clothed man Hong and the white robed monk Thunder God, Luo Feng calmly followed.

“The two of them, they’re the strongest on Earth.” Luo Feng looked at their backs, treating these two as targets to surpass in his mind! To be able to reach planetary level 7th stage in just a few decades, one reaching planetary level 7th stage, and one claiming to be ‘planetary level invincible’ despite being planetary level 6th stage, this kind of cultivation speed was far beyond anyone else on earth.


Along the passageway, the metal gate opened, the three of them entered, and the metal gate closed.

Moving along, they soon arrived on the open-air rooftop.

Hong and Thunder God both sat down, Hong glanced at Luo Feng, “Sit.”

“Yes, pavilion master.” Luo Feng went to the side and sat down, his back straight.

“Luo boy, how did you kill Li Yao with a recluse shuttle, tell me in detail.” Thunder god had a smile on his face and looked cordial, “Back then, your pavilion master and I found this recluse shuttle and pondered over it for a long time, even though we knew that this ‘thought weapon’ was very powerful, but we never knew how to use it.” Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.

The bald crystal man said that both Hong and Thunder God had received the inheritance of other ancient civilizations, so they obviously knew that the “Thought Force Weapon” was extremely powerful! However, the “Heavenly Escape Shuttle” is one of the unique Nian Li weapons of the Meteorite Ink Planet, and the method of using it is also top secret. Outsiders who get the recluse shuttle have no way to use it. Chapter 28: Misty Island “What to do?”

“The secret of the Secret of the Transported Sky must not be leaked out, according to what is stated above, passing it on to the inside of the Meteorite Ink Planet are punished with sixty years of hard labor, and passing it on to outsiders will result in death without pardon! That bald crystal person is monitoring the entire planet, once I leak it, it will definitely know. It might directly release a wave of light to cleave me to death.” Luo Feng didn’t dare to take the slightest risk.

Hong and Thunder God looked at each other.

“Having a hard time?” Hong looked at Luo Feng.

“I was thinking about what exactly to say.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, “I believe that the pavilion master also guessed that that 9th ancient civilization relic has an intelligent system controlling it behind the scenes!” Hong and Thunder God both nodded.

Many war gods on earth had entered time and time again, it was very easy to find out that this ancient civilization relic was heavily “programmed”, so naturally they guessed that the ancient civilization relic was also controlled by an intelligent brain system.

“As I said before, because of the high brain width, I received a special test in the No. 9 ancient civilization relics, and also experienced a death crisis, during which I received a little guidance from the “Spiritual Master’s Control Master”! In the process, I received a little guidance from the “Master of Spiritual Numinaries”, in which I learned the two uses of the Sky Escape Shuttle, one for attack and one for defense.

“In the end, I was there for one year and three months before I successfully completed my mission! And I obtained a set of the Spiritual Numinous Master’s Controlling Master’s secret cultivation method.”

“It’s just that I’ve always felt that this 9th ancient civilization relic is as if it’s a teacher, sifting through disciples yet covering up a lot of knowledge.” Luo Feng shook his head and sighed.

Hong and Thunder God nodded slightly.

“It’s normal.”

Hong smiled blandly, “That ancient civilization relic #9 is one of the few relics on earth today that is functioning perfectly, and as far as we know, it’s a place to screen disciples! However, it gives more favorable treatment to Spiritual Numinaries. It can be seen by looking at the death rate of Spiritual Numinaries and the death rate of martial artists.”

Luo Feng was stunned.

Yes, before entering, Hong said that some of the “Higher War God level” spiritual masters who entered the 9th ancient civilization ruins had failed, but none of them died! On the other hand, the death rate of War God martial artists was very high.

Obviously, this Ancient Civilization Ruins No. 9 “favored” spiritual masters and was not very fair in its screening.

“That’s why I guess that the power behind the No. 9 Ancient Civilization Ruins should be favoring Spiritual Nihilists.” Hong said.

Luo Feng secretly applauded.

According to what he had learned, the owner of the Meteorite Ink Star “Huyan Bo” had created many Nihilistic weapons, someone who could create Nihilistic weapons. I am afraid that he is an incredible existence in the lineage of spiritual masters! It must be known, this “recluse shuttle” third form want to use, at least is the universe level spiritual master!

To be able to create a weapon that even a universe-level powerhouse would have to work hard to master.

I’m afraid that this Hu Yan Bo’s strength exceeds the Cosmic Level!

Since the master of the Meteorite Ink Star had great achievements in “spiritual masters”, it wasn’t surprising that he had specifically screened out disciples of spiritual masters.

“This power values spiritual masters, and the 9th Ancient Civilization Ruins is just an introductory screening test, how could it teach many?” Hong shook his head, then looked at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, there’s only one Spiritual Nian master on Earth who has reached the ‘councilor level’, it’s the 4th Speaker Esther. But his talent isn’t as high as yours. And that person is greatly ambitious, I don’t like it.”

“You can control 16 concealed weapons now, you should be able to break through, right?” Hong looked at Luo Feng, “That Easter, but at most he can control 14 hidden weapons.”

“I guess so, I also feel like I can break through anytime lately.” Luo Feng replied.

“Hmm.” Hong and Thunder God both nodded slightly.

If anyone on Earth knew the most about the universe, it was Hong and Thunder God! Most of the many relics on Earth were discovered by the two strongest of them! Luo Feng also knew far less than Hong and Thunder God.

The more they knew about the vast universe, the more Hong and Thunder God didn’t dare to relax a bit.

“Work hard.” Hong gave an encouraging cry.

“Pavilion master, you guys said ‘monster emperor’ before?” Luo Feng even pursued, “What’s this Monstrous Beast Emperor all about?”

Hong and Thunder God looked at each other.

Hong solemnly said, “You’ve been in the circle of councilors for too short a time, it’s actually not a big secret! Regardless of whether it’s humans or monsters, it’s not that their strength doesn’t grow after breaking through the ‘War God Level’ and ‘Lord Level’! There are strong and weak parliamentary powerhouses among us humans, and there are even Thunder God and I, who far exceed the others.”

“Monsters are the same.”

“There are strong and weak among the king-level monsters, but the difference is usually not too shocking, just a few times the difference.

“But the sea area is several times the size of the land area, countless monsters are entrenched, and there are so many king level monsters! Naturally, extremely terrifying monsters will also be born! These two monstrous beasts are called ‘Monstrous Beast Emperors’ by us! The strength of each of them is extremely astonishing. Other than Thunder God and I, anyone else on Earth who encounters them will surely die.” Hong spoke without hesitation.

Luo Feng was shocked in his heart. There were still such terrifying monsters?

But if you thought about it carefully, you could understand that the higher the status, the more you knew. For example, the “spirit of grass and trees” and so on, ordinary martial artists didn’t even know about it. This “Monster Emperor”; once the news spreads, it will only make human society more turbulent. As long as the councilors knew that there were still monstrous beasts that could kill them in seconds, only then would the councilors work desperately hard and not dare to slack off.

“Remember, the councilor level is just the beginning, not the end.” Hong solemnly said, “Do not slack off.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded.

Of course he understood ……

The so-called councilor level, the real title is ‘planetary level’, he also knew that planetary level is divided into nine steps, he also knew that there are two pavilion masters, one is planetary level six, one is planetary level seven.

“Hmm.” Hong slightly contemplated, “I Limit Martial Arts Pavilion appointed the sixth inspector, is to be global public, is to choose an important day, I think …… January 1st, 5th, 18th are good days, you choose a day.”

“Taking over as inspector?”

Luo Feng thought slightly and smiled, “January 1st is new year’s day, it doesn’t feel good, let’s go with January 5th.”

“Hmm.” Hong nodded, “Alright, go to the banquet.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng answered the order and immediately retreated away. Only Hong and Thunder God remained on the open air rooftop.

“Brother Hong, I sense that this little guy is hiding something.” Thunder God looked at Hong with a smile.

“Everyone has secrets, some of which even loved ones won’t tell, is there a need to force it?” Hong solemnly said, “What I’ve been worried about is that Earth will one day be discovered by some kingdoms and forces in the universe! At that time, it’s hard to say whether Earth’s humans will perish, or be enslaved and sold as slaves, or whether they will be lucky enough to survive …….”

“Therefore, we must enter the ‘Stellar Level’ as early as possible;that way, we also have the ability to protect Earth.”

“Hmm.” Thunder God also nodded slightly.

The two peak existences on Earth …… were worried about the fate of Earth’s humans.

They knew very well how small Earth was in the vast universe! And the humans of Earth are just the natives living on this planet ……

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A knock sounded on the door.

“Come in.” Hong opened his mouth and the door automatically opened.

The pro-guard Enchanting walked up to the open-air rooftop and respectfully said, “Pavilion Master, I just got the news that some special changes have occurred over at Misty Island, Pavilion Master will know after watching the video.”

“Fog Island?” Thunder God was astonished, “Brother Hong, isn’t it the place where you got the Mo Yun Vine?”

“Play it.” Hong commanded.

Bright Moon neighborhood.

At night, Luo Feng’s family was having dinner.

“Dad, mom, I’m going out on an errand tonight, it’ll take about five or six days.” Luo Feng held his rice bowl and picked up a piece of scrambled egg.

“Five or six days?”

Beside the dinner table, his father Luo Hongguo, mother Gong Xinlan, and younger brother Luo Hua, who were sitting in a wheelchair, were all taken aback.

“It’s only been back for two days, why did you go out again?” Gong Xinlan couldn’t help but say, “It’s not dangerous, right?”

“The child went out, it’s a big deal, don’t interrupt.” Luo Hongguo said in a low voice.

“I am concerned about Xiao Feng, what are you shouting about.” Gong Xinlan immediately shouted.

“Ok mom and dad.” Luo Feng even said, “This time I’m going out is not dangerous at all, I’m just running an urgent errand, I’ll be back in five or six days.”

The family was then slightly relieved.

After all, Luo Feng had indeed just disappeared for a year and three months.

Late at night. Luo Feng stepped on the recluse shuttle and quietly left the house, then silently entered the “king class intelligent fighter” in the darkness of the night.

Inside the intelligent war machine.

The seats were flattened and leveled like the floor. Luo Feng sat cross-legged in it. “Don’t worry, good boy, I’ll call you when the time comes.” Luo Feng ended his call with Xu Xin.

“Number 1, for the next period of time, don’t allow anyone to disturb me until I come out.” Luo Feng instructed, everything was ready!

He had spoken to his family and Xu Xin, the appointment of the inspector would be on January 5th, there were still 8 or 9 days left, enough time for him to break through to the “planetary level”.

“Ninety-nine Calcined Gods.”

Luo Nian took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and quickly recalled the eighty-one steps of the Nine Nine Calcined Gods process in his mind.

“No problem.”

“Then ……”


Luo Feng’s breathing gradually became calm, his heartbeat decelerated, and in the middle of that boundless sea of consciousness, the originally calm spiritual thought power that had already formed like a river of stars surged violently, “Rumbling ……” the surging spiritual thought power suddenly began to rotate and began to constantly Accelerate, accelerate ……

The first step of the JiuJiu exercise began!

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