Chapter 33 Stationing on Misty Island

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:32:03
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After the ceremony was over.

In the global headquarters of the Authorized Martial Arts School, in the metal passageway inside the giant airship building.

The black clothed man “Hong” was in the front, Luo Feng followed behind him on the side.


The metal door automatically opened and after Hong and Luo Feng walked through, this metal door automatically closed again.

“Luo Feng, the first time you saw my extreme martial arts hall headquarters, did you doubt …… this giant airship building, is it a real airship, or is it a simulated airship?” The man in black, Hong, opened his mouth and said, Luo Feng was slightly stunned, then he said, “I guessed, but there was just a hint of doubt.”

“I’m telling you, it’s a real starship.” Hong said.


Luo Feng couldn’t help but observe the corridor passage in surprise. While at this moment, Hong had already stepped into the middle of a secret room, Luo Feng followed into it.

Inside the secret room there was only a large display.

“This is a damaged star warship.” Hong’s expression was flat, “When I found it back then, it was already damaged and couldn’t fly into the universe anymore. But …… even if this star battleship is an empty shell, the degree of defense far exceeds any other base city building on Earth.”

“Then when I had the ability, I got it out of the ground.”

“With the Star Battleship as the headquarters of my Extreme Martial Arts School! Even if it’s a laser cannon, it will never be able to break through the star battleship.” Hong pointed to the display, and at once the display lit up, surfacing a cosmic starry sky image. “This universe …… is not as simple as what quite a few ordinary people of our Earth think.”

“We Earth humans are sometimes arrogant.”

“Even the various animal and plant species on land. Many of them have not been discovered. There are even countless plants and animals in the ocean that have not been discovered! That is to say …… even the Earth itself, a lot of it has not been figured out, there are people who confidently say …… that there is no other intelligent life in the universe, there is only one kind of life, human beings. Do you think it’s ridiculous?” Hong looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Indeed ……

In ancient times humans thought the earth was flat. Only later did they realize …… that the world was round. In ancient times, humans thought that the earth was the center, and that the sun was revolving around the earth, and then gradually, they realized that the earth was revolving around the sun!

Humans will always understand a little time, they think all mastered.

Only later do they realize how wrong they were in the past!

Even the Earth itself many species, many reasoning did not understand, with some shallow principles to conclude that the galaxy, judging a larger range of only one kind of intelligent life of human beings!

“Very arbitrary.”


“The endless oceans, there’s just a lot that humans haven’t explored.”

“And the universe is so much more vast than the oceans, billions and billions and billions of times? Far more than that! The infinite universe is not something that humans confined to Earth can determine. Isn’t this equivalent to a frog sitting at the bottom of a well, thinking that the sky is as big as the mouth of the well?” Hong shook his head, “The civilizations in the universe, the races are incredibly complex and mysterious.”

“Luo Feng, martial artists, spiritual reciters, the real grading, look at the screen.”

Hong pointed to the screen.

The screen instantly floated up with detailed martial artist, mental recitation master levels, apprentice level, planetary level, stellar level, and cosmic level! Each level was divided into nine ranks! And the video on the screen also depicted the strength of planetary level powerhouses, stellar level powerhouses, and even cosmic level powerhouses to be recorded.

“Heavens.” Luo Feng was completely stunned.

From the bald crystal man, he knew that universe level powerhouses were terrifying, but watching the video …… felt significantly different!

“A city just went up in smoke?”


“What is that, a white dwarf?” Luo Feng looked at an incandescent colored planet on the video in shock, the video was recording two powerful martial artists on an incandescent colored planet that had landed on the planet to kill each other! Next to the video was a text introduction. It was a white dwarf star whose ground gravity reached 300 million times that of Earth!

Gravity is 300 million times ah!

Luo Feng’s ancient civilization relic gravity room in the elite training camp only had a maximum of 1000 times, not much different from 300 million times!

300 million times, it’s not simply a number.

Under this kind of horrible gravity, even atoms would be crushed, according to the theory of earth humans …… it is impossible for humans to live to fight on a white dwarf star.

“Fighting on a white dwarf star.”

“Incredible, isn’t it? But is the true mystery of the human body not something that those sciences on Earth can study through? Can they imagine that there would be a miniature planet within the human race? That a magnetic field would be generated? A weight of only a few hundred kilograms, a fist can smash out thousands and thousands of tons of force, is this in line with Earth’s so-called ‘science’?” Hong said indifferently.

The deeper you study, the more you realize your ignorance.

Luo Feng agreed with this statement.

This video completely blew Luo Feng away.

No matter how much the bald crystal man said, it wasn’t as shocking as a video.

“This is a video of a cosmic level powerhouse battle, the only video I’ve gotten that records a cosmic level powerhouse battle.” Hong looked at the video with a hint of yearning in his gaze, “Cosmic level powerhouses are able to cross the universe and physically fight with cosmic interstellar battleships! Even existing on white dwarf stars. A universe level powerhouse can easily exterminate all of Earth’s humans as if they were eating!”

“A planetary level powerhouse, in the universe, can barely make a living as a bodyguard and a fighter.”

“A stellar level powerhouse is only considered a big shot.”

“A universe level powerhouse, that’s truly a character that can be called an earth emperor! By casually joining a cosmic kingdom, one can own a large number of planetary territories and control hundreds of billions of subjects.” Although Hong’s voice sounded calm, it vaguely had a hint of trembling, just – a hint of trembling that was almost undetectable.

Hong turned his head to look at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was looking at the video with a blazing gaze, which day would he be able to fight under 300 million times gravity? But according to what the bald crystal man said, only one universe level powerhouse was born out of countless planets.

“Luo Feng.” Hong said in a low voice.

“Pavilion master.” Luo Feng looked at Hong.

“Your brain area broadness is high, although I don’t have the means to fully test it out, but your experience at the 9th civilization ruins proves it.” Hong said in a low voice. “Your mentalist talent is nothing in the vast universe, but at least on Earth, your mentalist talent is number one!”

Hong stared at Luo Feng: “Thunder God and I, we have the highest martial artist talent, he and I, we are the two strongest people on Earth. You’re number one in spiritual ninjutsu talent, and I also hope that you don’t have a hint of laxity. Don’t ever be complacent just because you’ve achieved merit on Earth.”

“In the vast universe, we, Earth humans, are just natives on a planet.”

“Earth’s status requires us to fight for it!”

“Even the fate of Earth humans in the future depends on us!” Hong stared at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded heavily, “Understood, pavilion master!”

At this moment, Luo Feng finally understood why Hong and Thunder God were already so much stronger than everyone else, still progressing without letting up in the slightest!

That day.

Hong stayed with Luo Feng and traveled to the ‘Misty Island’ on the Australian continent in their respective intelligent fighters. Although Luo Feng had gotten the information about his relatives that Liu Yan had sent, but right now, his father’s body wasn’t well, so there was no way he could visit his relatives in a faraway place. And once this information was known by the parents …… the parents were afraid that they wouldn’t be able to wait a moment.

So Luo Feng didn’t give the information to his parents for the time being, wait, wait for his father’s health to get better before telling. Already waited for more than twenty years, not bad for half a year.

A blood red triangle fighter was in front, a dark blue triangle fighter followed behind.

Luo Feng, Hong, and the Thunder God all stayed inside the blood red triangular warplane.

“Misty Island has arrived.” Hong said.

The three dimensional virtual projection inside the cabin, had long ago completely displayed the scenery below, Luo Feng looked at the large lake below that was a hundred miles in circumference, around this large lake, there were a large number of flying saucer fighters, triangular fighters and so on, and even some garrison bases that were being constructed.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but be taken aback, “Pavilion master, this is fog island?”

“Of course it’s fog island!” Hong nodded.

“But, but ……” Luo Feng looked at the fog island displayed in the three dimensional virtual projection and was stunned.

This fog island lake, there was no more fog, even the island in the center of the lake had disappeared.

All that was left was a white lake!

There was no fog, there was no island in the center of the lake……. Was this the Fog Island that one had come to in the first place?

“The coordinates are right.” Luo Feng looked at the coordinates on his communication watch and was even more shocked.

“Ever since that long vine life in the fog island was taken away by me, the fog in that fog island has dissipated.” Hong said, “As for that island, a great battle not long ago destroyed the entire island. At least the surface of the island was destroyed, as for the deeper part of the island it was all flooded with water.”

“Destroyed an island?” Luo Feng was secretly shocked in his heart.

What kind of battle could destroy an island with a ten mile radius?

I’m afraid it’s at the very least that long vine life level battle.

“Luo Feng!”

The white robed “Thunder God” next to him pointed at the white vastness of the lake, “This fog island lake, it’s very strange, there are a large number of water beasts inside, many in number, very strong! And …… there is also a terrifying monster with thirteen long tentacles, the third ‘Monster Emperor’ on Earth that we have discovered!”

“Monster Beast Emperor?” Luo Feng couldn’t believe it.

That lake ……

He himself could have been incredibly close to it once and almost played with his little life. If there was a ‘monster emperor’ that was more terrifying than a king level monster, he would have been dead long ago.

“This fog island is very peculiar.”

Hong also solemnly said, “A small island has given birth to a large number of grass and tree spirits! It can also give birth to terrifying existences like the Long Vine Life! In addition to these, the density of Monster Lords in the waters is much higher than even in the ocean, and there is also a Monster Emperor.”

“The Long Vine Life, many grass and tree spirits, and the Monster Emperor are all gathered here!”

“Almost all the strengths of all parties on Earth have decided that there are strange treasures here!”

“After all, the previous ancient civilization relic discoveries were not so exaggerated, and I’m afraid that this discovery …… is earth-shattering.”

Hong pointed around the three-dimensional virtual projection lake.

“Look, those flying saucer fighters, those stationed bases, all of them are the five major powers, the major base city forces, and some parliamentary powerhouses.”

“Even around the fog island lake, there are over twenty laser cannons!” Hong looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was obviously a bit surprised.

Laser cannons that could kill king level monsters, over twenty of them here?

“Who gets the treasure depends on luck.” Hong commanded, “You can go back if you’re not interested, if you’re interested, you can station yourself around Misty Island! However, I have no place to entertain you, so go back to your intelligent fighter.”


Luo Feng nodded and headed directly outside.

“Remember, if you run into that monster emperor, don’t touch it, rely on your flying speed to escape farther.” Hong commanded and Luo Feng walked out of the hatch.

Jumping off the fighter jet, he landed in the endless wilderness and looked at the endless lake in front of him.

Compared to over a year ago, this place had changed too much. The so called “fog” was completely gone.

“Fog Island, what exactly are you hiding? Drawing the attention of all the forces on the entire planet?” Luo Feng sighed with emotion, then turned his head towards his dark blue intelligent fighter, Hong, Thunder God and the others are all here, even if there really is a strange treasure, it’s almost unrealistic for me to get it. I’d better watch the show from the side while learning the second layer of the first form of the recluse shuttle.”

Luo Feng wasn’t greedy either.

People are precious in their self-knowledge, the five major powers, the major base cities, the two major pavilion masters gathered …… there are monster emperors among them! Who was he, Luo Feng, to take it?

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