Chapter 44 – A 50,000-Year-Old Corpse

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:32:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“No wonder so many Moksae crystals appeared at the bottom of Misty Island, relics, relics, it’s true that discovering relics is the fastest way to get rich. Hong jumped to become the richest on Earth because he discovered several relics. Even to the point of being able to create unique intelligent fighters.” Luo Feng immediately had a black skin film flowing on his body, covering his entire body.

This one relic was huge.

One had to go in personally to explore it all!

“Give up the child to catch the wolf.” Luo Feng’s mind moved, the recluse shuttle instantly morphed into a “heavy mountain shield”, and the blade remnants also hovered around.

Luo Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, he quietly took a step to the hatch.

Inside the hatch was a channel about twelve meters wide and eight meters deep, at the end of the channel was a spacious passage to the left and right.

“Moksae crystals!” Luo Feng looked down in front of him.

Right on the hatch entrance channel floor, a crystal that had a hidden white halo all gathered together, ten, twenty, thirty …… densely packed, the rich rice flavor suffocated Luo Feng the moment he stepped into the hatch! Luo Feng squatted down and quickly put these semi suspended gathered into a ball of Moksae crystals, one by one into the black backpack behind him.

Then he picked up the wood sae crystals, Luo Feng also counted them while doing so.

“289!” Putting the last Wood Saeki Crystal into his backpack, Luo Feng still felt the rapid heartbeat, his heartbeat sounded like a heavy hammer hitting the surface.

“All the forces on earth have searched for only 42 Moksae crystals in three days! If you count some of the ones that weren’t publicized, it’s estimated that all of them added up to around 60.” Luo Feng estimated a rough number, every single Moksae crystal was a big fortune for Earth humans!

Hong might have gotten ten of them and was already happy beyond measure. He also told Luo Feng that he would give 20 stars for each Mok Sae Crystal.

Now ……

Luo Feng had picked up a full 289 of them in this hatch! More than all the parties on earth combined.

“This is where the Moksae crystals are stored, how many can there be scattered outside.”

“289 of them at the hatch, I don’t know what else is inside.”

Luo Feng was looking forward to it, there was absolutely no way that there was just Moksae crystals alone within the ruins of an ancient civilization …… However, this many Moksae crystals in the hatchway alone meant at least one thing, the ruins of this ancient civilization was already very rich! Much richer than most other ruins found on earth.

Along the entrance passage, Luo Feng carefully advanced, the ground had long been covered in a layer of dust.

At the end of the entrance passage was a spacious passage in the left and right direction.

Luo Feng had just stepped into the intersection and looked in the left and right direction and froze, “That, that ……” In Luo Feng’s left channel, the channel walls were cast in strange metal, but at the moment, this channel wall was a huge sunken fist print, a total of nine Big fist prints.

And on the floor of the passage was a huge corpse half leaning against the passage!

“Auxiliary light brain, detect.” Luo Feng even used his auxiliary light brain to aim at the huge corpse in front of him.

“Target has no life characteristics, dead.” The auxiliary light brain screen displayed text.

Yes, the corpse!

Luo Feng held his breath and carefully observed this huge corpse, this huge corpse had deposed black skin all over its body, its arms were thick, and its whole body was wearing a special layer of battle armor containing dense patterns, the dense patterns were many times more complex than the ones on the Transported Sky Shuttle. Moreover, it wore special gloves on its arms and fists, and a pair of blood-red eyes remained nu open.


Luo Feng and this corpse eye to eye, heart can’t help but tremble, as if the ants face the dragon general ……


To be precise, it was as if an ordinary mortal was facing Pangu who opened up the sky, even if it was a dead corpse, that pair of eyes even if they didn’t have the sharpness of the past! Even after dying for an unknown number of years …… but that residual hint of residual power made Luo Feng’s heart tremble, cold sweat instantly seeped out of his back and forehead.

“This, what level of powerhouse is this? Too terrifying.” Luo Feng sucked in a breath of cool air.

“Calm down.”

“Calm down.”

Luo Feng realized that he couldn’t even meet the eyes of this corpse, once he did, even if he kept himself calm, he still felt an uncontrollable wave of fear. That was fear caused by the level of life! No matter how strong the will was, it was useless.

“Don’t look at its eyes.”

Luo Feng gradually calmed down, skimming over this corpse’s eyes and carefully observing, “The height is estimated to be eight meters! At first glance it looks a bit similar to a chimpanzee, but there isn’t a bit of hair on its skin, bare black skin! But looking at the surroundings, it should have died many, many years ago. But the skin, the hair, surprisingly there is not a bit of decay and dryness? It’s just like it’s alive?”

If it wasn’t for the layer of dust covering this corpse, Luo Feng was afraid that he would have thought that this mysterious powerhouse had just died not long ago.

“There doesn’t seem to be any wounds on the corpse? How did it die?” After observing for a long time, Luo Feng could only shake his head, he couldn’t speculate anything at all.

“Take a look inside.”

Luo Feng wasn’t in a hurry to explore this corpse, instead he walked past this similarly tall corpse. Along this spacious passage, the way was unobstructed, beside the passage there was also a fork in the road, but Luo Feng continued to walk all the way along this widest passage.

After roughly three hundred meters or so, the passageway began to turn, and a tall gate appeared! This gate was over ten meters wide and over ten meters tall, and at the moment it was half open.

“This is ……”

Luo Feng tried not to make a sound and stepped along the gate.

“Oh my god.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cool air, this was a super semi-circular ornate hall that was tens of meters high and almost two hundred meters long and wide, what shocked Luo Feng the most was that …… there were a full five oddly shaped corpses inside the hall! No …… it’s six corpses to be exact!

Luo Feng tested it with his auxiliary light brain, indeed none of them had a life breath, a life fluctuation.

Because five of the corpses, were lifelike, without the slightest bit of decay and so on.

The sixth corpse, however, only had skeletons that were glowing with gold, the skin hair and such had long since turned into flying ash.

“These six corpses.”

Luo Feng looked at them carefully.

One of the corpses was very similar to the one found by the entrance channel, slightly thinner, similar in size to a giant chimpanzee, about six meters tall. This corpse was half kneeling on the ground.

Its body armor was already tattered, and its body was covered with hideous wounds, but the wounds did not have a trace of decay.

The second corpse, similar in size to a human, was around four meters tall, had black scales all over its body, and had a unicorn horn on its forehead, while this corpse also had a tail covered in scales!

The third corpse, body type similar to human, just height of six meters, the whole body skin looks similar to the “tortoise shell”, as if Luo Feng is more familiar with the United States of America, an old movie “Fantastic Four” in the stone man, but this body than the stone man is obviously better looking. The tortoise shell was shiny, assembled together as if it was a very precise battle armor.

The fourth corpse, it could be said to be exactly the same as an Earth human!

Yellow skin, black hair, and a scar on his face, but at this moment, he was calmly sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, his body covered in a layer of dust.

“Earthling? Huaxia people?” Luo Feng stared at the fourth corpse, that is, he was curious and regretful.

Luo Feng could feel …… that although the other party had died a long, long time ago, the lingering power that was hidden on the corpse still made people’s hearts tremble! This was a true absolute powerhouse! Than Hong, Thunder God and others do not know how many times stronger than him Luo Feng also do not know how many times stronger.

Moreover, this person looked exactly like a few hands of a Chinese person, even more so, Luo Feng somewhat regretted that the other party was dead.

“This fifth corpse?”

Luo Feng looked a bit puzzled.

The four corpses already watched in the hall had injuries, but none of them were fatal. And this fifth corpse was five meters tall, its entire body was purple copper in color, as if it was cast in purple copper, while a large hole appeared in the center of its chest, as if it was clawed through by a hand.

The strange thing is …… that the large hole in the chest is still purple copper color strange material, and there are no internal organs.

“Is this human?” Luo Feng shook his head.

“Still this sixth corpse is normal.” Luo Feng watched, the sixth corpse was around two meters in height, only bones were left, the bones were glowing with gold color, the most special thing was that there was a slightly curved sharp horn on the head of the skeleton’s head, it seemed to be showing how different it was from the humans of earth.

Six corpses, plus the entrance channel is a total of seven corpses.

Of these seven corpses, only one was so decayed that only golden bones remained, the other six were all intact and lifelike.

“If they died at the same time, this one rotted with only golden bones left, obviously died for a long long time, and how come the other corpses didn’t rot at all?” Luo Feng was puzzled, time was a very powerful weapon, under the passage of time, what kind of corpses could not decay? Looking around the hall.

The hall was empty, only the floor and roof had some occasional dents that seemed to be caused by fighting.


A voice lit up.

“Eh?” Luo Feng was taken aback.

Instantly the originally dim hall suddenly lit up, dazzling light shone down from high above the hall, making the entire hall bright. At the same time the strange light intersected in the center of the hall and began to form a black virtual silhouette, it was a small man of just one meter four and a half as if it was a child, with two unicorn horns growing from his forehead, his eyes were blood red and he was wearing a black robe.

“Luo Feng, you’re finally here.” The black robed child eyed Luo Feng, a hint of joy in his blood red eyes.

“You are?” Luo Feng cautiously looked at the black robed child in front of him.

The other party was surprisingly speaking an earth language, Chinese!

Moreover, it knew his name!

“I’ve been waiting for you for 50,000 years.” The black-robed child shook his head, “The qualifications of your Earth’s humans are really too poor, 50,000 years for me to wait for a suitable person.”

“Fifty thousand years?” Luo Feng was slightly stunned, “You’re saying that this relic has been here for 50,000 years, could it be that they’ve been dead for 50,000 years as well?” Luo Feng pointed to the six strange corpses around him.


“They’ve been dead for 50,000 years.” The black robed child glanced at the six corpses in the hall, shaking his head and sighing, “All of them are magnificent characters in the middle of the vast universe, all of them are immortal existences, time eclipses them in front of them, even if they die …… their corpses are immortal forever.”

“But once the master dies, they will have to be buried with him.” The black robed child looked at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, come with me to pay respects to the master.”

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