Chapter 46: Immortality, Eternity, and Divinity

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:32:38
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A cosmic primary civilization, in front of the master of the Meteorite Ink Planet, was like a mole cricket?

Luo Feng was stunned by these words.

This Silver Blue Empire, was a vast cosmic kingdom that commanded eight galaxies such as the Milky Way Galaxy and Beta Galaxy! The Milky Way galaxy alone had over 210,000 planets with a large number of humans living on them, what kind of huge country was this? Compared with others, the Earth is simply a drop in the ocean, small and insignificant! But such a powerful kingdom seemed to count for nothing in Babata’s mouth.

“Don’t you doubt it.”

“The master is so powerful that you can’t even imagine it.” Babata’s eyes had a hint of admiration in them.

“As I just said, the Milky Way Galaxy, Beta Galaxy, and eight other galaxies make up the Silver Blue Empire, a Cosmic Primary Civilization Kingdom!”

“According to the description on the cosmic map, this Milky Way Galaxy of yours is part of the ‘Black Dragon Mountain Starfield’, which contains a total of over 8,000 galaxies! And the …… that rules the ‘Black Dragon Mountain Starfield’ is the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, a cosmic medium civilization nation that is considered relatively good in the universe.”

“The Black Dragon Mountain Empire directly controls over 6,000 galaxies, along with over 500 ‘Universe Primary Civilization’ dependencies. The Silver Blue Empire, on the other hand, is just one of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire’s vassal states.” Babata spoke fluently.

Luo Feng was a bit confused.

Black Dragon Mountain starfield? It included over eight thousand galaxies? There are just over 500 vassal states? The Silver Blue Empire was just one of its vassal states?

“Don’t have that look on your face.”

“Although the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is relatively powerful, when it encounters my master, it has to be respectful!” Babata said, “As for strong people, with normal development …… generally one ‘sector lord level’ strong person can be born in 1000 galaxies.”


Luo Feng even shouted.

“What’s wrong?” Babata looked at Luo Feng.

“What do you mean by sector lord level? I only know from within the ruins of the 9th ancient civilization that …… martial artists are divided into apprentices, planetary level, stellar level, cosmic level, and powerhouses above cosmic level.” Luo Feng even asked, now listening to Baba Towers narrate, Luo Feng had the feeling of looking up at a high mountain only to realize that there was another mountain higher!

The universe is vast, there are countless strong people ah!

“Oh, to give you some common sense.” Babata said, “This Martial Artist, Spiritual Numinous Marshal level, don’t mention apprentice to me, apprentice is not qualified to be called ‘Martial Artist, Spiritual Numinous Master’.”

“Mainly divided into planetary level, stellar level, cosmic level, domain lord, sector lord these five levels, beyond sector lord …… that is immortal!”

“Planetary level, it’s considered to be able to wander in the universe, it’s enough to be a fighter, servant, cannon fodder or whatever.” Babata was disdainful.

“Stellar level, staying on a frontier planet in the universe is considered a big shot. But on some important planets, it’s better to keep a low profile.”

“Cosmic level, well, strong, sort of! After all, the norm is that only so much as one cosmic level is born in a galaxy. Joining a cosmic kingdom was something that could easily get dozens of planets as territories.

“A domain lord is equal to a party hegemon! Cosmic Primary Civilization kingdoms don’t dare to mess with them easily and can build their own forces. In the vast universe, domain lord level powerhouses, any cosmic kingdom is desperately trying to pull them in!”

“Sector Lords, tsk, earth emperors! It’s easy to get a galaxy as a territory! This domain lord level powerhouse …… must have reached the realm of ‘inner world’, controlling a side of the world …… Luo Feng, if you can become a domain lord level powerhouse, if you don’t have ambitions, you can get away with the universe! .” Babata looked at Luo Feng with a smile.

Luo Feng listened carefully.

According to the ancient civilization relic #9, countless planets only gave birth to one universe level, Luo Feng had little hope. Now it sounded like there were …… domain lords above the cosmic level! There were domain lords above domain lords! One could imagine how difficult it was!

“Above sector lords is immortality!”

Babata’s expression turned serious.

“Regardless of whether it’s planetary level, stellar level, cosmic level, domain lord, or sector lord, there is still a limit to their lifespan. Stellar level powerhouses can live up to 1 epoch, cosmic level can live up to 10 epochs, domain lords can live up to 100 epochs, and sector lords can live up to 1000 epochs! Of course according to your Earth time, a Realm Lord can live for a little over 10 million years.”

“Sector Lords exist, and under time, they also have to decay!”

“Transcending a Sector Lord is what makes one immortal! Immortal powerhouses, also known as ‘Eternal Powerhouses’, are also known as ‘Deities’.” Babata’s gaze was bright, “Once you become an immortal powerhouse, you can have an infinite lifespan! Master …… he is an immortal strongman!”

Luo Feng completely held his breath.

Immortal powerhouse?

Planet, star, universe, domain lord, sector lord, immortal!

“Immortal powerhouses have countless special abilities.”

“Even the Star Orbital Cannon that can extinguish a star system can instantly annihilate a star system! But it can’t harm an immortal powerhouse!” Babata smiled, “You should now understand why I said that …… universe primary civilization kingdoms are just like ants in front of their masters.

Luo Feng’s blood boiled.

An attack that made a star system instantly annihilate? Unable to harm an immortal powerhouse?

“Don’t think too far ahead.”

“1000 galaxies, normal development only gives birth to one sector lord!”

“Luo Feng, even if you have my master’s legacy and my help, and spend 100,000 years, you might be able to barely become a sector lord! But the possibility of becoming an immortal …… can be said to be almost zero!” Babata shook his head slightly, “Alas, you earth humans are indeed too poorly qualified, you lose to others at the starting line and want to have great achievements;difficult! Difficult! Difficult!”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, “Babata, give some face.”


Babata grinned, revealing two small fangs, “I’m just saying it’s almost zero! There’s actually a way to make you cultivate ten or a hundred times faster.

“What way?” Luo Feng was curious.

“Seize the body!” Babata smiled mysteriously.

“Seize the body?”

Luo Feng of course understood the meaning of this term.

Babata smiled, “You should have noticed that when you earth humans appear as some of your so called ‘martial artists’, the probability of your offspring appearing as a martial artist increases significantly.”

“Right.” Luo Feng nodded.

Offspring of martial artists were more likely to be martial artists! Because the parent’s even transmitted genes were perfect, the son’s genes couldn’t be any worse!

“This is an evolution.” Babata said, “If you give your Earth 100,000 or 100,000 years, by then every single Earthling will be able to become an ‘apprentice level’ martial artist.”

“And in the vast universe, there are some human races with very perfect evolution.” Babata lamented, “For example, in the top ten bloodlines among the human races – the Barbarian Card Star People, although the number of Barbarian Card Star People is extremely rare, but as soon as every Barbarian Card Star People is born, when they are babies they are at the planetary level, in childhood they are usually at the stellar level, when they are teenagers they are usually at the cosmic level, and when they reach adulthood! It is the domain master level! It’s one of the peak bloodlines of the human race.

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Sun ah!

People comparing themselves to people, it’s really exasperating!

All the humans on the entire planet desperately cultivated, suffered all the hardships, thought of all the ways, tons of strange encounters, good teachers …… Finally! There was a supreme genius who stepped into the stellar level!

And what about others?

Eat, drink and grow up to adulthood, is the “domain master level”, turn over their hands can destroy a planet.

“This, this is so unfair.” Luo Feng didn’t know what to say.

“Unfair? That’s because the Barbarian Card Planet forefathers practiced hard one by one, allowing their racial bloodline to continuously improve and perfect! Only in the end did the bloodline stabilize to that level!” Babata was dissatisfied, “Just like Earth, without a large number of awesome martial artists being born, the offspring will never be able to rise on a large scale.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly, the unfairness in his chest dissipated.

That’s right, only the stronger the forefathers were, the higher and more perfect the genetics were, could the offspring have even more amazing qualifications!

“How many times faster is a barbarian card planetarian than you earthlings to cultivate? Can you imagine?” Babata snorted, “The entire galaxy has more than 210,000 inhabited planets, the population is even more countless, and it’s not bad to produce a universe level powerhouse.

As long as a Baraka Planetarian comes of age, he’s a Domain Lord!”


“You want to become an immortal powerhouse, there is a way to …… wait until you are stronger later. Seize the flesh of a powerful bloodline race!” Babata turned his head to look at the crystal coffin, “Do you see? The master’s original body, although it was a little better than you earthlings, it wasn’t much stronger.”

“Later on, by chance, the master performed the secret method of seizing the body and seized the flesh of a teenager of the ‘Lonke Clan’! The Ronco Clan, which can be ranked in the top thirty amongst the countless bloodlines of humans, can reach the ‘Cosmic Level’ when they reach adulthood! With this flesh, the master’s cultivation speed immediately skyrocketed, frighteningly fast! Even so, the master went through hardships and dangers before he was called an immortal powerhouse!”

“After all, it’s the Barbarian Cardians and Lonkers who want to become immortal, it’s also hard, hard, hard!”

Babata grinned towards Luo Feng, “What, very mindful of taking over your body? Can’t give up your body?”

Luo Feng admitted that indeed, he couldn’t give up his body.

“You’re so stupid!” Babata helplessly skimmed her small mouth, her blood red eyes casting a look of contempt towards Luo Feng, “Still a spiritual ninja, don’t you know that …… a person’s root is actually the soul?”

“Don’t say it.”

“Anyway, it’s not that easy to take over the soul, you can only take over souls that are weaker than your own, and when you meet a strong one, you’ll be exterminated by others instead.” Babata shook his head, “It’s just a pity that your Earthling’s qualifications are too weak, and it’s rare that a Brain Domain Broadness 22 appears. I can’t ask for too much.”

“It should be 21, right?” Luo Feng said.

Babata patted the small head, “Oh my god, you’re as pure as a piece of white paper! Do you think a spiritual nihilist cultivates on and doesn’t improve his brain field breadth for the rest of his life? When you were an apprentice at the ninth level, your brain field width was 21, and when you broke through to the planetary level, it was a leap in your life level, so your brain field width increased a bit, reaching 22.”

“But don’t be complacent, this value, it can only be said in the Galactic Galaxy.” Babata shook his head in disdain, “Some powerful planets, or the core planets of some cosmic kingdoms, there are those whose cerebral field broadness reaches 30, or even 40, at the apprentice level!”

“There’s no way, I have no choice. To be precise, I can only choose on Earth.”

“Choose a tall one amongst the short ones.”

“I can only let me, the titular Demon Babata, help you, a planetary level kid.” Babata raised his head.

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