Chapter 47: Worshiping the Master

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:32:41
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“I admit that my starting line is very low.” Luo Feng said, the gap in his heart was obvious, on earth especially in “martial arts” he had always been a genius, from a young age he was the best among his peers in the martial arts school! When he was in high school, he was also the best in his high school! Becoming a martial artist, he even entered the global elite training camp, and is still the best!

At the age of 21, he became a planetary level powerhouse, one of the six inspectors! He can even fight with the Third Speaker of the House of Representatives and so on!

But when it comes to the mouth of “Babata” ……

But in the mouth of “Babata”, his own qualifications are pitifully low! Luo Feng also understood that what the other party said was indeed right, but the other party put the scope in the vast universe.

“Babata, if I don’t take over my body, how long will it take to cultivate to the stellar level? How long will it take to reach cosmic level?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“50 years to the stellar saint level, with certainty.”

Babata said confidently, “500 years to cosmic level, no problem either! As for becoming a domain lord …… with the many preparations my master left behind for his disciples before he died, 5000 – 10,000 years, that’s about right! These four levels I have full certainty, as for the Realm Lord …… to spend a 100,000 years, it can only be said that it is barely enough, maybe the time is longer.”

“50 years stellar level? 500 years cosmic level?” Luo Feng blinked twice, the time seemed quite long, from birth until now Luo Feng was only over 20 years, 500 years ah, too long. The Monkey King was crushed under the Five Finger Mountain in the four famous Journey to the West for only 500 years, and the culture of the Chinese nation was only 5000 years old.

Too long.

“What, too long?”

The black robed child “Baba Towers” instantly jumped up in anger, revealing his fangs, roaring, “Luo Feng, you have to understand, the entire galaxy where your earth is located has only had one cosmic level of normal evolution! You think it’s so easy to reach a universe level? And your qualifications are still so low. If I wasn’t stuck on Earth …… looking at the universe, countless geniuses of all races of humanity would be on their knees begging me, Baba Towers, to become the master’s disciple.

“What identity do you know of the master?”

“Master of the Meteorite Ink Planet!!!”

“Not only is he an immortal being, but he is also the ‘strongest’ of the immortal powerhouses! Master, he has a full nine immortal powerhouse slaves under his command! When looking at the universe, it was a medium civilization kingdom in the universe, such a huge kingdom! In the face of the master, they are also respectful, not daring to say a word of disapproval!”

“It’s the Universe High Civilization Kingdom that treats the master with respect!”

“Master, that’s the one that walks across the universe! Do you understand?”

“With the master’s careful preparations and arrangements for you, being able to let you, a person with such a weak qualification, 50 years of stellar level, 500 years of cosmic level, 5,000 – 10,000 years of domain lord, and experiencing 100,000 years to reach the realm lord level! Is that still too long for you?” Babata roared in anger, “You really are in a blessed state and don’t know it!!!”

Luo Feng actually understood ……

After all, at the 9th ancient civilization ruins there, it was determined that Luo Feng had no hope of stepping into the universe level. Not to mention domain lords and sector lords! It must be known that it took 1000 galaxies to evolve normally to produce a sector lord! In these 1000 galaxies, I’m afraid there are hundreds of millions of geniuses of various races who are more talented than Luo Feng, and countless geniuses who are more talented than him can’t even become domain lords. ……

Becoming a sector lord is difficult to imagine!

“Babata, what did you just say, nine immortal powerhouse slaves?” Luo Feng glared, “Could it be that those few immortal powerhouse corpses outside are all slaves?” Fifty thousand years without the slightest bit of decay, even his hair and skin were lifelike, Luo Feng of course guessed that apart from the ones with only ‘golden bones’ left, the others were all immortal powerhouses.

But I didn’t expect …… to be slaves!


Babata raised his head with a proud look, “You understand the greatness of your master now?”

“Of the seven corpses within this ‘Meteor Ink Star’ ship, one is rotting with only bones left. The other six are all immortal.” Babata looked at Luo Feng, “You should have seen that one of the six immortal powerhouses had a large hole in its chest but didn’t have any internal organs, right Eeba?”

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded.

“That was the enemy, a mechanical race immortal powerhouse.” Babata snorted, “But he came in to die, thinking that the heavily injured master is so easy to mess with?”

“Mechanical race?” Luo Feng silently memorized, that was a race that was completely different from humans, none of their bodies were made of flesh and blood.

“The other five immortal corpses are the master’s slaves! The master actually had a total of nine immortal powerful slaves, it’s just that the battle back then …… involved too many supreme powerhouses in the universe, the master’s four immortal slaves perished, and the master’s soul was also traumatized and cut off from life. Even this powerful ‘Meteor Ink Star’ also suffered heavy damage.” Babata shook his head.

Luo Feng was shocked to hear this.

Four immortal powerhouses perished? The master of the Meteor Ink Star severed his life?

“Actually, the master has already reached the point where even if his physical body and soul are blown away, as long as there is a single cellular fragment present, he can be reborn. It’s just that that enemy was even more powerful than the master in the first place, and his methods were too ruthless.” Babata shook his head.

“It was a human?” Luo Feng was stunned silly.

Flesh and soul extinguished, even the soul is gone, and you can be reborn with just a sliver of cellular debris?

“Don’t be surprised, when you reach that realm of the master, any trace of cell fragment contains a soul imprint (spirit imprint), of course you can be reborn.” Babata was proud, “And the master’s means of preserving his life is not just this one. There are also many other means …… It’s just a pity that in the vast universe, for endless years, there are indeed ones that are stronger than the master!”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

One mountain is still taller than another, one should never be too proud at any time.

“Babata, you said that my planet, Earth, is affiliated with the primordial universe civilization ‘Silver Blue Empire’!”

“And the Silver Blue Empire, in turn, is a medium universe civilization that controls over eight thousand galaxies, the ‘Black Dragon Mountain Empire’.”

“What about the universe high civilization?” Luo Feng pursued. Babata smiled slightly, “Luo Feng, the map unit in the universe, 1 star field, has roughly 1,000 – 20,000 galaxies. Of course there are some very individual while small star domains, there are also very individual mega star domains! The Black Dragon Mountain star domain, is that there are over 8,000 galaxies.”

“And above the star domains are the star districts! The largest unit in the universe.”

“1 Star Area, the average level, is roughly 10,000 star fields, almost equivalent to 100 million galaxies. Of course different star districts, there are big and small.

“Your Earth, belongs to the ‘Qianwu Great Star Area, Black Dragon Mountain Star Area, and Galaxy’.” Babata said, “And Qianwu large star area, under the jurisdiction of more than 103,000 star fields, the number of galaxies more than one hundred million, is by the universe higher civilization country ‘Qianwu universe country’ under the jurisdiction of the universe medium civilization belongs to the country as many as nearly a thousand. This is considered to be the highest cosmic country amongst the human races in the vast universe.

Luo Feng took a deep breath.

Universe’s most advanced country?

The star field under its jurisdiction is more than one hundred and thirty thousand? A vassal state like the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was nearly a thousand? Primary civilizations like the Silver Blue Empire are afraid to be as numerous as gravel……. No wonder it’s seen as a mole cricket in the eyes of the master of the Meteorite Ink Planet.

“Cosmic high civilization, cosmic medium civilization, cosmic primary civilization.” Luo Feng silently memorized these three levels, “My Earth, belongs to the Qianwu Great Star Area, Black Dragon Mountain Star Area, and the Milky Way.”

“Don’t be overly ambitious.”

Babata droned, “‘Qianwu cosmic country’ has existed for an incomparably long time, the vastness of that territory …… is that it’s impossible for immortal powerhouses to wander through it for endless years.”

Luo Feng nodded.

The Milky Way galaxy was over 100,000 light years in diameter, the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom had over 100 million galaxies, how huge was it?

“Luo Feng.” Babata looked at Luo Feng, “In the vast universe, the human community is just one of the peak communities! Do you know why humans are at the peak?”

“Hmm?” Luo Feng was puzzled.

“There are many people!” Babata solemnly said, “Humans are divided into many races, the previously mentioned Barbarian Cardians and Lonkers are all extremely powerful bloodlines! However, there are thousands of bloodlines among humans, both strong and weak! The ones like Earth are among the lower ones, and don’t feel inferior, there are many in the universe that are even worse than you Earthlings.”

“There are many races among humans, and even more in number, so they have become one of the peak ethnic groups in the universe.”

“In addition to the peak ethnic groups, there are all sorts of strange beings and races in the universe! These beings, races, you must not think that they are good to mess with! They only have a low status in the universe because their numbers are too small, and there are many racial beings that are amazing if you are talking about the power of a single body.

“All kinds of strange, thousands of beings, very peculiar.”

“Most of them are weak in combat, but there are many that are stronger.”

“The Barbarian Card Star People among humans, who became ‘Domain Lords’ at adulthood is one of the most perverse kinds among humans. However …… in the vast universe, there are very few peculiar beings that are even stronger than the Barbarian Card Star People! The most famous of them is the ‘Starry Sky Beast’.”

“Starry Sky Beasts, once they grow to their peak, are all capable of wandering by their bodies in the cosmic stars.” Babata said.

Luo Feng was secretly surprised.

“Starry sky behemoths, there are many types, the weak ones, just born are ‘planetary level’, the growth period is ‘stellar level’, and the peak is ‘cosmic level’. This is the weakest starry sky behemoth.”

“Some are similar to the Barbarian Cardians, born at the hatchling stage ‘planetary level’, the growth stage is ‘stellar level’, the youth stage is ‘cosmic level’, and the peak stage is ‘domain lord’.”

“The most terrifying starry sky behemoths are ‘planetary level’ in their hatchlings …… ‘cosmic level’ in their youth, ‘cosmic level’ in their prime, and ‘Domain Lord’, and the peak stage is ‘Realm Lord’. This is the pinnacle in the universe.” Babata looked at Luo Feng, “Immortal powerhouses can’t be reached by bloodlines, so a bloodline that can become a sector lord is the pinnacle bloodline.”

“Humans, the pinnacle bloodline that can grow to domain lord. It is considered excellent.”

“In the universe, however, there are bloodlines that can grow directly to ‘Realm Lord’, and that’s what’s against the heavens. Of course …… the heaven-defying is envied by heaven. They are all incredibly few in number!” Babata laughed, “For example, the peak bloodline in the Star Beast clan – ‘Inferno Star Beast’, the Inferno Star Beast was born inside a star, the high temperature of the flames can’t harm it, and it usually devours quite a few stars and spends quite a few It usually devours quite a few stars and takes quite a few years before it can become a Sector Master. After becoming a Sector Master, it would no longer need to devour stars. An Inferno Star Beast has a long lifespan! But this from birth to death, drifting through the universe, I’m afraid it won’t be able to meet a second Inferno Star Beast!”

“There are several other kinds of beings similar to Star Beasts.”

“Without exception, there are pitifully few!” Babata shook his head, “But in the future, when you encounter such beings in the universe, make sure to be careful.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Oh my god, star eating star star behemoths, so heaven defying! It’s a pity that you can’t even touch a single one of its kind in your entire life, the number is so small.

“All in all, there are just countless races of cosmic humans, and all sorts of other countless strange beings.”

“The vastness of the universe, even an immortal powerhouse would have a hard time figuring it out.”

“Even as strong as my master, he will still fall.” Babata looked at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, before my master died, he said …… that no matter how powerful you are, you must hold the universe in awe!”

Luo Feng nodded.

The master of the Meteorite Ink Star, with nine immortal powerful slaves under his command, still perished!

“Luo Feng, you decide, whether to worship my master.” Babata looked at Luo Feng, “If you worship your master, only then will you be able to receive the many gifts the master has prepared for his disciples.”

“Of course, you can choose not to worship your master.” Babata smiled slightly, revealing two fangs, “If you don’t worship, I can only kill you in order to keep the master’s secret.”

“You choose, the choice is yours.”

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