Chapter 49: Returning with a full load

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:32:46
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“More than enough? It’s too extravagant.” Luo Feng felt the wealth in Babata’s tone.

“Luo Feng, it’s not that I’m talking about you! As the only heir to the master of the Meteorite Ink Planet, you need to look farther ahead, don’t always look at things through the eyes of an ordinary Earthling.” Babata said discontentedly, “If the master was still around, your status as his only heir would be higher than the emperor of the Silver Blue Empire! Looking at the vastness of the universe, the disciples of immortal powerhouses, which one wasn’t cultivated with countless treasures?”

“You have to understand!”

“In 1000 galaxies, only one sector lord comes out of normal evolution!”

“So, if you want to become a sector lord 100%, you have to surpass others at the beginning, you’re already starting low. What’s the point of using the Moksae Crystal? Compared to the disciples of other immortal powerhouses, your treatment is probably quite a bit worse.” Babata was the one who had traveled across the universe for tens of millions of years with the master of the Meteorite Ink Planet, his eyes were high.

Luo Feng: “I understand.”


Babata continued, “You cultivate energy by relying on ‘wood sae crystals’, the defensive battle armor at planetary level, your teacher prepared for you is also the ‘black god suit’. Since you have it, it’s just that! There is also …… a Mo Yun Vine hatchling on my side, when the time comes, you can use it to protect your body and also use it to attack the enemy, it’s the best companion.”

“Mo Yun vine?” Luo Feng had heard this name before, from when Hong and Thunder God talked.

“Mo Yun vine, is an extremely popular type of plant life in the universe, very much favored by some strong and powerful disciples.” Babata said, “In the process of cultivation, the Mo Yun Vine can continuously evolve and constantly become stronger. There are just many different routes of evolution for the Mo Yun Vine, mainly related to the various treasures it can suck up.”

“If you put it on Earth, it can only absorb cosmic energy, and at the top, it will only be a planetary level 7 or 8 strength.”

“But if you have countless Moksae Crystals for it to take, it can grow to ‘Cosmic Level’ one hundred percent.” Babata’s eyes glowed, “More than half of the master’s wealth is almost all cultivating his Mo Yun Vine, and that Mo Yun Vine …… eventually grows into an ‘Immortal’. The master relied on the Mo Yun vine but escaped several times. Just the last time, the enemy is too strong …… Mo Yun Vine is also killed.”

“More than half the wealth?” Luo Feng didn’t dare to imagine.

A supreme powerhouse with nine immortal powerhouse servants, how astonishing was more than half of his wealth. By all accounts, this ‘Meteor Ink Star’ was already incredibly expensive.

But it was obviously just a small portion of the Meteor Ink Star owner’s wealth.

“Babata, how many Moksae crystals do we have here, is it enough for the Mo Yun vine to grow to universe level?” Luo Feng asked after him.

“Dream on!”

“Cosmic level! How many Moksae crystals does that require, it’s countless!” Babata shook his head back and forth, “for you to cultivate is still enough, the wood sae crystals I have here is just enough for you to reach the ‘stellar level’, for a king of appetite like the mo yun vines is definitely not enough, don’t worry, how exactly do you cultivate the mo yun vines, I’ll tell you later on, the mo yun vines cultivation routes are many kinds of things, it’s easy to know that this cultivation method , there are countless treasures to cultivate, that’s the hard part.”

Luo Feng listened carefully.

“Master also left you with a nimbus weapon, suitable for planetary level use. It’s called the ‘arc blade disk’. But it’s also a basic weapon, it’s not too far off from your ‘recluse shuttle’. Go back and decide for yourself which weapon you will actually use in the future.” Babata revealed a hint of a smile, “The recluse shuttle and the arc blade disk, those are secondary, in fact, your strongest weapon right now is the edge fragment of the airship.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Of course he understood, that fragment was a material that even an immortal powerhouse would have trouble destroying, its value could be thought of with his eyes closed.

“Luo Feng, listen carefully.” Babata’s little face had a serious expression, “This concerns your little life.”

“Huh?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“This fragment material is extremely valuable, domain lords will all frantically snatch it up, boundary lords won’t go crazy but they will also covet it.” Babata said, “Once a knowledgeable powerhouse sees it, snatching the fragment is small, maybe they will even kill you to see if you have any other treasures on you, that would be tragic.”

Luo Feng’s heart trembled.


A contraption that domain lords would go crazy to snatch? Just this fragment?

“Don’t worry, there are very few domain lords or sector lords who know the ‘Red Mixed Copper Mother’. What’s more, you can go buy a lottery ticket if you really come across a Domain Lord within the galaxy.” Babata joked, “Turn around and think of a way to make this Red Mixed Copper Mother change its appearance, even if you know about the ‘Red Mixed Copper Mother’ realm lord powerhouses, I’m afraid they won’t recognize it.”

Luo Feng nodded.

It was hard to come across a domain lord in the galaxy, what was there to be afraid of?

“Well, master, what was prepared for you at your planetary level is the defense ‘black god suit’, attack ‘arc blade disk’, energy needed for cultivation ‘moksae crystal’ , storage artifact ‘Space Ring’, and his most important cultivation inheritance.” Babata said, “This was given to you at the planetary level.”

“Nothing?” Luo Feng looked at Babata.


Babata nodded, “When you’re weak, holding a bunch of treasures is looking for death. So, the master left three accounts for you in the ‘Cosmic Star River Bank’, which are for you to be able to get your hands on at the stellar level, cosmic level, and domain lord level. When you reach the domain lord level, you are also the emperor of the land on one side and can take away that huge amount of wealth and tons of treasures.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

This fallen teacher was indeed very careful in his preparations, he even left three accounts for himself.

“What suits you is good.”

“Many treasures you can’t use even if you get them, holding them in your hands will cause trouble instead.” Babata said.

Over 105,000 meters deep underground, inside the Meteorite Ink Star ship.

Luo Feng was still satisfied with these harvests.

The. It wasn’t a frightening amount, but what the owner of the Meteorite Ink Star left behind were all very useful. From attack weapons, defensive battle armor, cultivation energy children, storage artifacts, combat partner “Mo Yun Vine”, and cultivation method inheritance, everything was ready!

“Luo Feng, actually these corpses are priceless.” The black robed Babata stared at the corpses, “These are the corpses of immortal powerhouses! This is a huge wealth that will drive the realm lords crazy.”


Luo Feng looked at the corpses on the ground, these four immortal powerhouse corpses in front of him were all other human races except for one that resembled an earth human. The fifth immortal powerhouse was even a mechanical race.

“But you’re looking for death if you dare to take out the immortal powerhouses now. And you don’t have the ability to utilize this corpse. Just put it all away. Watch it later.” Babata said.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng moved his mind.

An invisible strange force enveloped the surroundings, quickly putting away the five immortal powerhouse corpses, only a golden skeleton remained in the hall.

“Your senior brother’s bones, the bones of a realm lord powerhouse are considered valuable, but after all, it’s your senior brother …… when you leave Earth, or banish its bones into the vast universe so that he can return to the stars. Or find a hidden place to bury him.” Babata looked at the golden skeleton, and there were complex colors on his small face.

When it first followed the master of the Meteorite Ink Star across the universe, it had often bullied the master’s disciples.

Nowadays ……

The master died, the meteorite ink star destroyed, that once shining for a moment of huge power disappeared! Although Baba tower mouth is still that arrogant, but it is very clear …… that it is now also an intelligent life, a kind of virtual existence without any force, and the only thing it is proud of is knowledge and experience.

So it understands ……

Luo Feng who didn’t have a teacher, elder brother or elder to protect him, the road to becoming a strong person was still very difficult. It needed to be careful!

Include the six immortal powerhouse corpses, including the one in the entrance channel, and the skeleton of a senior brother, and put them all in the spatial ring.

Airship entrance.

The black-robed child and a youth stood there.

“This Meteor Ink Star ship is severely damaged and can no longer take off.” Babata shook his head, “If you want to repair an airship of the level of the Meteor Ink Star, the entire Silver Blue Empire doesn’t have the ability to do so. Perhaps the Black Dragon Mountain Empire has possibilities.”

“Traumatized, no energy?” Luo Feng asked.

“The ship itself is depleted of energy, but I have reserve energy in my storage space.” Babata shook his head, “The main thing is that some of the ship’s internal systems are damaged, the trauma is so severe that the self-repair system can’t repair it. Luo Feng – I am now a virtual being, so to leave with you, I must use artifacts.”

Babata flipped his hand and a pair of black wrists appeared in his hand.

“This pair of wrists, a common wrist in the universe, is not considered valuable. It’s just that there’s a crystal core in the inner layer of the left wrist, this is the temporary host for my intelligent life, and this core also has storage space, a large amount of Moksae crystals, arc blade disks and so on are all in there, and now it’s up to me to give it to you for safekeeping.” Babata looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded, this Babata would be equivalent to a substitute teacher from now on.

“Put them on.” Babata said.

Luo Feng immediately put on this pair of wrists, while the black child “Babata” smiled with Luo Feng, the whole thing directly burst as if it was a soap bubble.


Luo Feng who was originally standing at the entrance of the airship only felt a tremor in his body.


The huge Meteorite Ink Star ship directly disappeared, creating a huge void that caused a large amount of rocks to smash down. Luo Feng, who was dressed in a black robe, even used his spiritual nimbus to prop up his surroundings so that the rocks couldn’t get close to him.

“Luo Feng.” A crisp child’s voice rang out in Luo Feng’s mind.

“Huh?” Luo Feng jumped in shock.

“What’s the surprise? True intelligences communicate with their masters through their consciousness!” Baba Tade said smugly, “In the future, you can throw away that what’s-it-assisted light brain of yours, that kind of garbage, I have all the functions it has, it’s a million times stronger than it. Moreover, in the future, when you enter the virtual space, you don’t need to wear a helmet, that’s a very low level practice.”

“The universe has the status of, auxiliary light brain, consciousness sensor, life butler and many other systems, all of them are assembled into one.” Babata said, “If you want to talk to me, have a trace of your thoughts connected to the core crystal of the wrist guard, you can talk to me through your consciousness.

Luo Feng even tried.

That wrist guard didn’t block Luo Feng’s thoughts at all, obviously already recognized the master, the thoughts penetrated to contact the crystal core when …… Luo Feng seemed to ‘see’ in the crystal core, was sitting on top of a palace throne black robed child Baba Towers, Baba Towers also grinned at Luo Feng, revealing cute two fangs.

“Are you saying that I can enter the virtual space war god palace?” Luo Feng said.

“Of course. I can let you enter your ‘War God Palace’ or you can enter the personal virtual space that I, Baba Towers, have created for you.” Babata said smugly, “Your Earth’s War God Palace is only built by an intelligent host, on the degree of magic in the virtual space, it’s far from catching up to me.”

“It’s just a pity that ……”

“You are an earthling, your consciousness in the ‘virtual universe network’ belongs to the black account, even if I connect your consciousness to the ‘virtual universe network’, can not get authorization to enter, you this black account, you need to open an account in the present world, in order to connect to the virtual universe network. before you can connect to the virtual universe network.” Babata was a bit helpless, “Also, put away the Mo Yun Vine hatchling next to you inside the backpack, it is a life, so it cannot be included in the storage space. Stow the things away, and we can leave this place.”

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