Chapter 12 – The Rhino Emperor’s Bureau

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:51:04
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While the outside world was frenzied, there was silence in the corridor of life and death within the tomb tomb boat.

The Lord of Deerworm, Luo Feng, Lord of Shadow Eyre, and Lord of Witch Fairy were flying in the corridor, and their speeds were slower and careful. Moreover, when Luo Feng got the news from the clan’s side, the Lord of Deerworms, the Lord of Shadow Eyre, and the Lord of Witch Fairy got the news much earlier …… knowing the importance within the clan.

The Purple Moon Patriarch himself appeared and personally talked to the Lord of Deerworm’s doppelganger! What kind of honor? At this moment, the Lord of the Deerworm was simply the biggest contributor to the Purple Moon Holy Land universe.

The Seven True Lords, moreover, solemnly requested that Shadow Eyre and the Witch Fairy must do their best to …… After that, there would be the Second True Lord and the Seventh True Lord leading many universe lords to come here.


“Fight for a chance of survival!” The Shadow Witch couple went crazy over it.

“The Purple Moon Patriarch has personally appeared, I’m afraid this is the most honorable moment in my life as a Deerworm, I will definitely do my best.” The Lord of the Deer Worm also went crazy.

“I’m a weak human with a limited number of strong people, I can’t compete with them in numbers …… Then let’s see what I, Luo Feng, can do.” Luo Feng’s heart was also filled with grandeur.

The eyes of the four strongest flying occasionally touching were filled with battle intent.

As they flew forward, the corridor was getting wider and wider, and it was also getting brighter and brighter, gradually, on both sides of the corridor a stone pillar began to appear, each staring at either a square body shadow, or a pyramid shadow, or a polygonal body shadow, in short, there was a shadow on each stone pillar.

On the left side of the stone pillars, the shadows were solid and contained thousands of different fluctuations.

On the right side of the stone pillars, the shadows were loose, just barely forming a skeleton.

There were 123 pillars on the left side.

The right side had a total of 10080 stone pillars.

“This is?” Luo Feng, Lord of Deer Bugs, Lord of Shadow Eyre, and Lord of Witch Fairy in flight were puzzled, flying slowly all the way, and at the same time carefully observing the three-dimensional shadows on top of these stone pillars, these three-dimensional shadows, each of them were huge and contained huge amounts of fluctuations.

And the left side of the 123 stone pillars on top of the three-dimensional shadow, and the right side of the first 123 stone pillars on top of the three-dimensional shadow, just one-to-one correspondence.

On the left side, three-dimensional shadow, solid and complete. It was like the Great Wall of China.

On the right side, the three-dimensional shadow was merely skeletal, as if many of the bricks in the Great Wall of China had been pulled out and shaken.

“The left side is merely 123 blocks, but the right side has so many ……” Luo Feng secretly wondered while flying.

Each three dimensional silhouette had a plethora of different colors, radiating millions of rays of light.

For a while, the entire corridor was beautiful, like a fairyland.

Luo Feng and the four of them advanced all the way and soon came to the end, it was in front of the 10,080th stone pillar on the right side, the light coalesced and transformed into a silhouette, it was none other than that Broken Donghe.

“My lord.” The Lord of Shadow Eyre and the Lord of Witch Fairy took the lead and bowed respectfully.

The Lord of the Deer Worm and Luo Feng followed suit and bowed.

However, Broken Donghe looked away, while his gaze fell on a three-dimensional silhouette held up by stone pillars in front of him, sighing with emotion, “Can you all see it?”

“My lord, there are a total of 123 three-dimensional shadows on the left side, and 10,080 three-dimensional shadows on the right side. Among them, the ones on the left side are flawless …… seem to contain secret law wonders in them. The ones on the right side however are all crippled.” The Lord of Shadow Eyre was the first to say.

The Lord of Deerworm also said, “The first 123 shadows on the right side just happen to correspond one by one with the 123 shadows on the left side.”


Broken Donghe looked at one of those dazzling three-dimensional shadows radiating thousands of rays of light, his eyes were misty, and he said softly, “This is a kind of entertainment that is most popular in my hometown, that is, in my civilization, and it is also a means of cultivating the exercise of enlightenment, any great power, special inheritance, etc., will generally bring it out to test the enlightenment of the candidates, and it is called the –Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau!”

“Rhino Emperor Bureau?” Luo Feng, the Lord of Deer Bugs, the Lord of Shadow Eyre, and the Lord of Witch Fairy all listened carefully.

“Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau, it was created by an ancient powerful existence ‘Rhinoceros Emperor’ before he perished, he tried his best to create it, Rhinoceros Emperor’s life can be described as sad, he was a true hero, but the result …… However, the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau, has made him to be remembered by my civilization amongst All the strong people remember. Of course, he can be much stronger than me.” Broken Donghe said, “After he perished, this game Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau was circulated, and at first, countless strong people only thought that it was a kind of entertainment, but later on, they found out that it demanded an extremely high level of enlightenment! And often studying the Rhino Emperor Game can also improve enlightenment! In our civilization, from children just born to the highest existences, they all like to play a game.”

“The Rhinoceros Emperor Game, there are a total of 10,081 basic stump games.” Broken Donghe said, “On the right side, there are a total of 10080 stalemate games, as for the so-called 10081st stalemate game …… is a no game! The left side, on the other hand, is a perfect solution! Completing the first 123 stumps is the solution.”

Luo Feng and the four of them nodded.

“Studying the method of solving the first 123 blocks …… you should be able to study the basic rules of its mysteries.” Broken Donghe said, “If you can’t even realize the basic subtle rules, your enlightenment will be too low …… When you realize the basic rules, start going to solve the game, solve the 124th stump on the right side, the 125th stump …… Solve the games in turn!”

“I will give you guys a longer time.”

“You guys do your best to solve the game, and after the time limit, if you don’t even reach the bottom line of my requirements …… you will be eliminated.” Broken Donghe directly said, “Of course this time, if you are eliminated …… you will only perish.”

Luo Feng and the four of them were shocked.


“Of course you guys haven’t really touched the inheritance.” Broken Donghe said, “Only after the solution reaches my bottom line requirements and arrives at the next hall can you start touching the inheritance.”

“Before you have touched the inheritance, naturally you don’t have to have your souls exterminated, merely exterminating your current godly bodies, if you have bilocations, you can still survive.” Broken Donghe directly said, “But when you begin to contact the inheritance afterward, other than the only possible one to obtain the inheritance, all other souls will be annihilated.”

“Look ahead.”

Broken Donghe pointed ahead, “Rise!”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground in the center of the corridor trembled, and then it began to separate, and four pillars of light emitting colored light emerged.

“These four pillars, each belong to the four of you.” Broken Donghe looked at Luo Feng, the Lord of Deer Bugs and the four of them, “Once you have realized the rules of the mysteries, you can start solving the 124th bureau. Outline the complete innings …… directly with divine power and transfer it into this crystal pillar, once the solution is successful, the crystal pillar will remind you. If the solution fails, the crystal pillar will not react.”

“Go on.”

“Although the time is long, it is limited.”

“If any of you can unravel up to 6000 seats within the limited time! Will directly receive the inheritance of my Broken East River lineage! Of course to solve to 6000 seat …… destined to unlimited future, future achievements will be stronger than me. But I guess none of you can do it, in the limited time to reach the bottom line requirements, and finally solve the game the more people …… have their own benefits in the inheritance.” Broken Donghe swept his gaze over Luo Feng and the four of them, then his figure dissipated in thin air.

Broken Donghe dissipated, within this wide corridor, 123 three dimensional shadows on the left side and 10080 three dimensional shadows on the right side.

Luo Feng, Lord of Deer Bugs, Lord of Shadow Eyre, and Lord of Witch Fairy each felt invisible pressure.

“Games? Entertainment?” The Lord of Shadow Eyre whispered, “I didn’t expect this Broken East River to screen us and actually take out a game from an ancient civilization to test us.”

“Stupid.” The Lord of Deerworm coldly said, “Still think it’s a game? Haven’t you heard that in that ancient civilization, from the juniors down to the strongest existences, almost every one of them likes this Rhinoceros Emperor game? And as long as we are able to solve the game to the 6000th game, our future achievements are destined to be even higher than that Broken Donghe-Wu! That would also be the same as saying that …… breaking into reincarnation is a breeze.”

The Lord of Shadow Eyre, the Lord of Witch and Fairy, and Luo Feng were all on fire in their hearts.

Breaking into reincarnation!

What an honor to be able to make one’s own race exist eternally.

“Let my humans exist eternally.” Luo Feng said silently.

The Lord of Deerworms was similarly hot in his heart, “Even the Purple Moon Patriarch attaches so much importance to this, the Purple Moon Patriarch has long since transcended reincarnation and is incomparably strong and profound. He’s even paying extreme attention to this inheritance …… This inheritance is obviously extremely important. I would like to see how powerful this so called Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau …… is, I don t believe that I can t solve the 6000th bureau!”

Every heart in the room was on fire.

Lord of Shadow E, Lord of Witch and Fairy, Lord of Deer Bug, all considered themselves to be Lords of the Universe, the speed of their consciousness was incomparably terrifying, they could think an unknown number of thoughts in a single second, so they naturally had the backbone to do so.

Luo Feng had the same backbone.

“I have extremely high attainments in secret pattern diagram flow.”

“This secret pattern map and this rhinoceros emperor bureau, the same are all three dimensional map bureau, before just a simple look …… will see many secret pattern rhymes.” Luo Feng secretly said, “The two are afraid to have something in common, and since I left the black pattern stone pillar space for hundreds of years, my consciousness in the black pattern stone pillar that sense law, research secret law …… time flow rate is 3000 times faster, I now secret law attainment can be much higher.”

Purple Moon Holy Land Universe.


The Deer Worm Lord’s detachment directly addressed the endless sky and respectfully said, “I’m participating in the Rhino Emperor’s Bureau, a means of testing enlightenment in ancient civilizations, and I need to solve a sufficient number of situations in a limited amount of time, so I now need a space where the time flow rate is extremely fast.”

The Violet Moon Patriarch knew everything that was happening within the Holy Land Universe.

“Rhino Emperor Bureau?” A soft voice came, “I know about the Rhino Emperor Bureau, it’s very difficult and you must go all out. I’ll send this doppelganger of yours to the ‘Time Realm’, the Time Realm is capable of maintaining ten thousand times the flow of time, your main body observes within the Cosmic Boat, while your consciousness is enlightened within the Time Realm.”

The Lord of the Witchfinder and the Lord of the Shadow Eyrie, likewise went to beg the First True Lord.

And within the small universe, it was also possible to open up a side of space where the flow of time was extremely fast. The two of their avatars were similarly placed within it.

“Quickly, you, the Phantom Sea incarnation, quickly head to the Giant Axe Founders’ Small Universe. The original ancestor was permanently suppressed …… making the initial universe unable to maintain the most perfect acceleration, in the giant axe’s small universe, a space can be opened up to maintain 10,000 times time acceleration.” As soon as he was informed of Luo Feng’s situation, the Chaos City Lord couldn’t care less and personally brought Luo Feng’s new Psi Sea doppelganger and immediately traveled to the giant axe founders’ universe.

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