Chapter 30.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:51:49
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Not having become the strongest person in the universe, yet creating a secret method at the level of the strongest person in the universe? This was like a huge rift, stopping Luo Feng, Lord of Deer Bug, Lord of Yuzan, Venerable Biyu, and other powerhouses. In the cosmic sea, this was simply insurmountable, even Luo Feng’s teacher “Chaos City Lord” couldn’t do it, but now Broken Donghe was clearly forcing them to do it.

Time passed, another thirty years passed in the blink of an eye.

Virtual universe.

“Giant axe founder.” Luo Feng sat there on his knees, surrounded by a large number of Rhino Emperor Bureau three dimensional silhouettes, he looked at the savage giant man in front of him with his brows furrowed, “I’ve been thinking hard, but in the end, I couldn’t find a stronger blade technique. May I also ask the Giant Axe Founders to point out how exactly I should move forward?”

Giant axe founding father sat there on his knees, “Broken east river lineage inheritance is an extremely powerful inheritance in ancient civilizations, the requirements for the inheritor are extremely high, if he has this requirement, naturally it must be possible.”

Luo Feng nodded.

He also knew it was possible …… but how could he look for this possibility?

The feeling of not being able to advance an inch despite one’s own painstaking research and contemplation was extremely painful, and the Universe of Gold was already the theoretically perfect limit of the Dao of Golden Air, so how could one break through? He couldn’t even find the slightest flaw, and didn’t even have the slightest ability to perfect it.

“This Inheritance of the Blade, granting you 360 sets of the Secret Code of the Blade, and giving you three mountains of blades, naturally has its own intentions.” The Giant Axe Founders sighed.

“I also understand that in order to make a breakthrough, I must draw on these 360 sets of secret code of swords and the mountains of swords, but how to make a breakthrough is not the slightest path to find.” Luo Feng was helpless, since he created the Universe of Gold although it seems like 30 years have passed, it’s actually 30 epochs that have passed, not the slightest breakthrough in the whole 30 epochs, how can it not be discouraging?

The Giant Axe nodded, “I have asked the Original Ancestor.”

“Original ancestor?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Hm.” Giant Axe nodded and slowly said, “Original Ancestor he said …… that the root cause of the desire to break through is in the three saber mountains!”

Luo Feng frowned slightly and silently read in his heart ……

The root cause is in the three blade mountains?

The giant axe founder continued, “Only the existence of the three saber mountains which contains the ultimate wonders can make it possible for you to create a secret method at the level of the strongest person in the universe when your secret pattern diagram flow attainments are only at the limit of the master of the universe.

The so-called …… cast out created, but not necessarily truly understand.”

“Cast out created, yet not necessarily truly understood?” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

“The original ancestor has a point.”

“Back then I could create The Golden Light, today I can create an even stronger one.” Luo Feng said softly.

In fact, from the experience of countless strong people in the cosmic sea, the possibility of creating a secret method at the level of the strongest person in the universe was zero!

And the three icebergs made this matter harbor a glimmer of hope.


It’s too tough.

Luo Feng wasn’t the only one stuck at this step, a number of the Eastern Emperor Holy Land’s powerhouses were also stuck at this step, even that Venerable Biyu Blood who spent 20 years creating a perfect secret method at the level of Master of the Universe was also stuck at this step.

“Patriarch, there’s no hope at all.” Venerable Bi Blood sat on a huge leaf and said in agony and anxiety, “Searching so hard, I can’t even feel a thing.”

“Beginning Ancestor.” The Lord of Youzan also looked anxious, “My Eastern Emperor Holy Land has existed for an endlessly long time, and there has never been a Lord of the Universe creating the Universe’s Strongest Person level secret method, so how can we break through this? I still ask for the Patriarch’s guidance!”

There were other candidates who were sitting one by one on their knees on one of the huge leaves, listening from the side.

This was within a dimensional space of the Eastern Emperor Holy Land, where time was accelerated up to ten thousand times, and the main thing within the entire dimensional space was an ancient tree with countless leaves, and at the moment, all of these powerhouses, including the Eastern Emperor Beginning Ancestor himself, were sitting cross-legged on the leaves.

“That’s a pattern of laws you’ve never seen before.” The Eastern Emperor Patriarch’s entire body has a hidden green light, sitting in the distance, slowly said, “The pattern of laws, the exhaustion of all the mysteries of the law, there is the pattern of laws to attract …… is for you to open the door to advance!”

A group of strong people looked at each other.

Open the door to advance?

“Enlighten yourselves carefully, don’t slack off in the slightest, I guess when any of you finally realize the secret law of the strongest person in the universe, it will be the time when all the other candidates will perish.” The Eastern Emperor Patriarch directly said.

“Yes.” The dozens of candidates all respectfully answered.

Purple Moon Holy Land.

The Purple Moon Patriarch smiled faintly as he looked down on the many candidates, “Since that Broken East River has given you and the others an iceberg, naturally, the mysteries are all in that pattern of laws, so if you carefully analyze it, you will surely gain something. Abandon the many thoughts of the past, and study and comprehend that pattern of laws in detail from many aspects.”


The Lord of Deerworms and the others answered one by one.

The strongest people of the universe from the other forces of the vast cosmic sea were all a bit bewildered when they were questioned by their side’s candidates. Because even they hadn’t seen the “Law Patterns” before, they could only say, “Since there’s only one iceberg, the path is naturally within the iceberg, so it’s just a matter of carefully comprehending it.”

Into the inheritance space of the strong harvest is indeed great, especially the master of the universe, originally each is the fourth or even the fifth level of ability, under the guidance of the pattern of law …… spend time or long or short, but also each have created the master of the universe level of the most perfect fusion of the strongest secret method!

If they can go out alive, naturally each of them is the top existence of the fifth order!

Unfortunately, it was destined …… that only one of them would live.

A year passed.

Luo Feng had long ago studied that 360 part sword secret codex thoroughly and knew it by heart, and he fully devoted himself to scrutinizing the three icebergs …… Laws of the Patterns ……

“A single pattern of laws.” Luo Feng’s eyes traced the meteor-like light, which flew up from time to time and fell down from time to time, tracing a perfect arc, simple but containing endless meanings.

Watching ……

That ray of light seems to have become bigger and thicker, as if it was an incomparably huge rainbow, the edge of the rainbow has countless knife shadows, either soft like water, or calm like a mountain, or violent like fire, each knife shadow is an incomparably complex secret pattern, so complex that it is far beyond the strongest top secret pattern of the Ninth Abyss that Luo Feng had watched, so that Luo Feng couldn’t comprehend it… …The countless shadows of the blades fit perfectly with each other to form this huge rainbow ……

This rainbow is a seemingly simple meteor-like ray ……

“Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, light rays, thunder and lightning, time, space, gold space, water space, wood space …… and even water time, gold time …… countless wonders that seem to be completely fused and partially fused. ” Luo Feng was mesmerized as he watched.

The pattern of laws, transcends any individual law.

Because it contained all the laws, it contained all the mysteries.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng’s left eye had been staring at a single meteor ray, while his right eye was simultaneously watching three ice mountains.The countless meteor rays combined with each other, also forming magnificent and inexplicable mysteries of the blade law……. Left eye, right eye, one viewed a line, the other viewed the three blade mountains.

Printing and illuminating each other.

There is a different kind of mystery ……

Luo Feng was most proficient in the three Laws of Gold, the Laws of Space, and the Laws of Gold and Air! As for the other laws, in fact, in the study of the secret pattern chart flow also involved, although each sense is not high, but some understanding.

Therefore, what Luo Feng’s eyes could see and savor the most were the “golden air” based blade shadows.

While watching, Luo Feng’s mind also surfaced all the blade techniques of the 360 part secret code of the sword, – surfaced to imprint. Even naturally Luo Feng created a style of knife law these knife law …… are all tracing the feeling of watching the “pattern of law”, to try to create that flavor of knife law just knife law or power is too weak, or itself is defective! But Luo Feng didn’t care about it, he kept on creating ……

I don’t know how long it took.

Luo Feng was immersed in creation ……

Even without realizing it, he had already dissected the “law of space”, and even mastered the secret application of the law of wood, the law of water, the law of fire, the law of earth, although he didn’t specifically try to comprehend the four basic laws, but because the comprehension was too deep, the secret application of these four laws was naturally comprehended, if Luo Feng had intentionally tried to comprehend the four laws, he would have been able to understand the secret application of these four laws, and if Luo Feng had intentionally tried to comprehend the four laws, then the secret application of these four laws would be naturally understood. If Luo Feng had deliberately comprehended the four laws, he would have been able to fully comprehend the four laws in three or two days.

“Gold …… empty ……”

“Empty …… but for gold, wood, water, fire and earth ……”

“Annihilation ……”

“Gold ……”

It is also not known how long it took to participate in the realization.

Space, originally divided into five kinds of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, this gold, wood, water, fire and earth and space, in the long enlightenment Luo Feng has long been familiar with can not be familiar, and both eyes look at the iceberg, one inside, the other outside, tracing the ultimate mystery, has vaguely have a new route ……

“This is the blade!”

Luo Feng held the Jedi Guest Battle Blade, silently rose and stood on the chaotic airflow.

He swung the blade!

Knife light lit up, instantly cut through the long sky, and then the light suddenly skyrocketed, and even converged into a dark huge sphere, countless knife light are all suppressed in the black sphere …… This knife light up surprisingly instantly transformed into this dark huge sphere, and for a moment the dark sphere was tens of billions of kilometers high.


The center of the black sphere violently cracked, a flash of brilliant golden light! A trace visible to the naked eye appeared in the entire space of the Inheritance Land for a long time.


“New life.” Luo Feng closed his eyes, tears flowed out, it was from the bottom of his heart, this move completely made him reach a new level.

“Candidate blade technique third style created!” An icy mechanical voice rang in Luo Feng’s ears.

“The inheritor is decided!”

“Other candidates …… extinguished!”

All the candidates who had long been as crazy as they were during the long hours, their minds were completely immersed in that iceberg, when suddenly an invisible force instantly descended from the star high in the sky, directly descending on each and every one of the candidates.

“No!” Venerable Bi Blood’s eyes glared, his face terrifying, “No, it should be me, it should be me who succeeds!!!” And then he was motionless, his divine body was still there, only his soul was extinguished.

“This is-” The face of the Lord of the Deer Worm in the enlightenment changed, and then he also did not move at all.

One by one, the strongest people instantly became as if they were frozen.

Each of them perished, and their divine bodies still existed.

At the same time, the strong ones with doppelgangers in other small universes, even within the primordial universe, also fell at the same time.

When the inheritor was born, all the others perished as a celebration.

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