Chapter 53 The Coming of War!

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:52:46
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“All Universe Exalted and Sealed King Immortals, all enter the Demon Ancestor Universe!” The two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Race both issued orders.

The war had begun!

Then, the Sealed King Immortals and Cosmic Honored Ones were the resources that would give birth to the “Lord of the Universe” in the future, so naturally they couldn’t take any risks! As for those domain lords, sector lords and so on, it is hard to say whether a universe venerable can be born among them, not to mention that even if a large number of them die, after a long time, a group of them will be born again.

Within the virtual space of the Demon Race.

“Zhen Horn, I will personally lead the departure this time!” The silver-colored giant snake said, “You guard the clan, just in case.”

“Uh-huh.” The Sawtooth Shell Alien Beast said, “The Bug Clan and the Mechanical Clan all only have just one Universe Strongest Person, and my clan has two …… You going out is already enough! Carry my token by your side, if something goes wrong in the battle, I will immediately arrive.”


A few moments later, in the same place, the Zhen Demon Ancestor and the Dream Demon Ancestor then looked at the twelve strong figures of the demon race in front of them.

The Dream Demon Ancestor opened his mouth and said, “This battle is a battle to take over the foundation of humanity, the human race will definitely counterattack madly, my Demon Race will personally lead you guys out this time, and I will naturally protect you! However, the twelve of you …… should be divided into four groups, and three of you should join forces together during the battle, or even at the critical moment, two groups should join forces together, or even the twelve of you should join forces …… together In short, ensure your own safety, and your task is to assist me! I am the main force in this battle.”

“Yes, Demon Ancestor.”

The 12 Demon Race Universe Lords were excited and filled with anticipation.

The three races united ah.

This was simply going to destroy the entire human race, and with the 12 of them joining forces, they alone would dare to charge recklessly within the human race, not to mention having the Dream Demon Ancestor leading them this time.

“Depart!” Dream Demon Ancestor ordered.

The distant territory of the Insect Race.

A gigantic purple sphere with a height of trillions of kilometers was suspended in the starry sky, and on the surface of the purple sphere, there were layers of twisted and coiled lines, as if they were human veins.


A distant stream of light flew to this huge purple sphere automatically split open a channel entrance, the stream of light quickly flew into.

A moment later, there was another stream of light.

One after another, another stream of light, one after another, flew into this purple sphere.


Inside a beautiful hall within the huge purple sphere.

The six Insect Mother Emperors who were covered in a layer of hidden and transparent veils all respectfully saluted the Insect Empress on the throne.

Bug Queen overlooking the bottom, slowly said, voice full of endless charm, but at the moment contains a trace of killing intent in it: “Broken East River lineage inheritance, we must get, through which my insect race will be able to transcend the cycle of reincarnation! This battle …… you and other six all in my war nest, all control under the banner of the insect warriors fighting, in order to this battle, you and other reserves have reached an extreme, although you are only six, joint power is afraid of no less than the Demon Race, Mechanical Race twenty, thirty masters of the universe.”

“How can the Demon Race and Mechanical Race be compared to my Insect Race?” An Insect Mother Emperor said, “One-on-one, my race already has the advantage. If it’s a group battle, my Insect Race has an even greater advantage. This time, we even used our reserves, and within the Emperor’s Battle Nest, we don’t have to worry about our own safety, and each of us can explode with the strongest combat power.”

“Our six sisters, combining our attacks at the same time, and only attacking a Cosmic Lord, even if the strength is strong enough to not die, I’m afraid that we can be blinded by our attacks and directly suppress and seal it.”


“With the six of us joining forces, our might has definitely reached the limit within the primordial universe.”

These six Insect Mother Emperors were all extremely confident.

“Then let the humans see how powerful my Insect Race is.” The female queen on the throne laughed softly, “Depart!”

The laughter was moving, but it contained absolute killing intent and ruthlessness.

Silence reigned in the mechanical universe.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A towering figure that looked like it was cast in metal flew at high speed towards the huge black oval sphere after instantaneously moving to the surrounding area from all directions.

“Father God!”

“Father God!”

“Father God!” A powerful idea spread out.

“Go, go to the primordial universe, go to the human frontier!” The black oval sphere issued a voice, and one by one, those lofty metallic figures answered the order, and then they all flew into the cosmic channel together.

The speed of the Demon, Insect, and Mechanical races was very fast, and on the same day that the Prison Race secretly spread the news, they acted.

And the human race was also on alert and monitoring at all times.

Initial Universe, Chaos City.

At this moment, Chaos City had become the true core of the human race, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Pangong, and Luo Feng were all here.

“Senior brother, Peng Gong, Luo Feng! Come quickly!” A voice instantly rang out from different three corners of the entire Chaos City, those three corners were naturally where Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong were.

Luo Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in a tranquil hall, opened his eyes.

“Has it started?” Luo Feng softly chanted.


An instantaneous transfer.

Inside the main hall of the city lord’s mansion.

Three figures appeared almost instantaneously one after the other, glancing at each other, then they all looked up at the Chaos City Lord in front of them.

“Chaos, has the news leaked out?” The Lord of Darkness inquired.

The Chaos City Lord nodded, “The news has just spread, and the Original Ancestor told me that …… his Virtual Universe has already detected that the Demon Race, the Mechanical Race, and the Insect Race have already made movements, and it is estimated that there will soon be a team of superpowered people to kill us. We must make preparations immediately.”

“Original Ancestors?” Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong all revealed a hint of surprise.

“Never told you guys.”

The Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “The original ancestor’s virtual universe covers the entire primordial universe! Unless a certain universe’s strongest person speaks the law and hard changes an area, hard forcing the virtual universe away. So except for a very few regions, and rare regions such as the Primordial Star! As long as it is covered by the Virtual Universe, then it is as if the Original Ancestor is seeing it with his own eyes!”

“Ah.” Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Pangong instantly revealed joy.

They were happy that the original ancestor was capable.

Even happier was that …… such a move was tantamount to monitoring the entire battlefield at all times, and the Original Ancestor monitoring range was too large, almost the entire primordial universe.

“If the strongest person in the universe acts, even if it forces open the virtual universe.” Chaos City Lord said “The Original Ancestor will also be able to determine …… which area has forced open the virtual universe, and from this, the approximate area of the universe’s strongest person can also be deduced.”



Luo Feng and the others nodded one by one.

“The news has just spread, the demon race, the bug race, the mechanical race, even if the arrangements are all going to take some time, but it won’t be long now.” Chaos city lord even said, “Then the three, are the main force this time! Act immediately, there are also peak supreme treasures within the clans now and so on, if you have any urgent needs, you can also apply to use them now.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Pangong were slightly surprised, then they took it for granted.

It was also right.

“I do lack a peak domain type supreme treasure.” Luo Feng smiled, “However, I have peak palace supreme treasures and the like to exchange for them.”

“I also need that illusion supreme treasure for assistance.” The Dark Lord nodded slightly.

“Alright, hurry up. I’ll arrange for the other Masters of the Universe ……,” the Chaos City Lord said, “At that time, the other Masters of the Universe will also be divided into three teams, each following your actions, or assisting you. Maybe they aren’t strong enough individually, but together, they are still a great help.”

Luo Feng and the three of them nodded, then immediately left.

When the Broken East River lineage fought for their inheritance, the God’s eye clan had died a lot of strong people, and the tomb boat had scraped up some peak supreme treasures.

Among them was a peak soul type treasure!

However, there was no peak domain class, but it was obtained from the clan’s reserves.

“The vast majority of the clan reserves are left behind by the giant axe founders.” Luo Feng sighed with emotion.

“The Wuicide Feathers, there are now a total of three pairs.”

“Even if they fuse with each other, the power still hasn’t increased …… It’s better to separate them temporarily.” Luo Feng already had a plan, the first two pairs of Wufei wings were carried on the earthling’s body, when the time came, he could completely perform the “golden kingdom”, together with the peak domain type treasure! This kind of spatial binding will be strong to an extreme.

As for the white wings?

The Golden Horned Beast’s doppelganger will carry it, and anyway, the white feathered wings are used as ‘blade wings’, which are incomparably sharp and extremely powerful, so it’s already enough. When the time comes to perform Nirvana New Life, the power will definitely be strong.


Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Pangong and the rest of them gathered in the main hall once again, this time there were a full 12 universe lords gathered here.

“The 12 of them, split into three groups, each following the three of you.” The Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “This group, the Lord of Void Gold, will follow the Lord of Peng Gong. Lord of Qing Dong’s group, follow Lord of Darkness. Lord of Ice Peak and their group, follow Luo Feng!”

“You guys go ahead and make preparations, once I find out that those three clans have made a move, I’ll notify you immediately.”



“I couldn’t stand waiting for this a long time ago.”

One by one, the Cosmic Lords were filled with killing intent, humans, in their bones, were very proud.

To come against humans? Come, let’s fight!

“Luo Feng stays.” Chaos City Lord said.

Each of the others left.

Chaos City Lord said to Luo Feng: “The battle power of your Golden Horn Beast doppelganger, you confirm?”

“Confirmed.” Luo Feng nodded, “When it explodes it won’t be inferior to one of the strongest in the universe, compared to the strongest in the universe, the weakness is that it doesn’t escape as fast as the strongest in the universe! Of course the battle lasting ability isn’t as strong as the strongest in the universe either, but I have many protections, and I can fight for a long time by burning my godly body normally.”

Just kidding.

The Golden Horn Beast’s doppelganger had the Star Tower and the White Feathered Wings, both of which could be called the strongest and most precious treasures, in its own arrangement! The will impact of the divine blood bloodstain on the white feathered wings was that terrifying again. Combined …… combat power is indeed terrifying.

“Hm.” The Chaos City Lord nodded.

“Good, the battle power of this doppelganger of yours will not be disclosed for the time being.” Chaos City Lord nodded, “This time, the three groups of you, Darkness, and Peng Gong, are the main battle force. And this golden horn doppelganger battle force of yours is the maneuvering one, ready to deal with accidents.”

“Hm.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Go.” Chaos city lord said, “I will notify you guys as soon as there is a movement.”

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