Chapter 6 Difficult choices

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:50:48
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Broken East River-Wu’s voice seemed to be faintly still echoing in the control room hall, which was silent.

The Lord of Deer Worm, Lord of Liu Jiu, Lord of Shadow Eyre, Lord of Witch Fairy, Lord of Newt Sea, and Luo Feng all had struggles and madness in their eyes.

“Going or not! I’m from the holy land universe, eternally exist, never perish …… Go, then there’s a danger of perishing! But if I don’t go …… this encounter that I can’t even beg for even if I want to will be missed.” The Lord of Deerworms struggled.

“How powerful is that ancient civilization?” The Lord of Shadow Eyrie’s eyes narrowed, and the one-eyed silhouette behind him flickered as well, clearly the fluctuations in his heart were extremely strong, “Being able to create cosmic boats! A large number of items like the black patterned stone pillars are merely one item within the Cosmic Ark, this Broken East River-Wu’s so-called that inheritance is unique even amongst ancient civilizations! What a noble inheritance …… However, the difficulty of such an inheritance can also be imagined ……”

“Chance, the only chance, the only chance!” The Lord of the Freshwater Sea’s eyes, however, were filled with madness, “Grant me the opportunity ah.”

“This time ……,” There was hesitation in the perfect countenance of the Lord of Liu Jiu.

Everyone present was struggling.

Luo Feng is also similarly struggling, his whole body can not help but divine power rushing, the surrounding caused a wave of fluctuations, this time thought it was a tomb tomb boat scramble, but I did not expect …… this tomb boat is just an addition, more importantly, it is contained in it in the ancient civilization are extremely powerful inheritance.

Inheritance moves the heart! But the same danger of perishing!

Luo Feng also understands that although he has a split body, can ancient civilization’s means, since he dared to say “spy on my lineage of inheritance, then must die” this word, then once the punishment, it must not be simple to deal with a split body.

“Am I going or not?”

“I, Luo Feng, have only been cultivating for a dozen epochs! Even if I didn’t have this encounter, I believe that with my strength, it would be easy for me to become the Lord of the Universe. After that becoming the strongest person in the universe …… is also hopeful!” Luo Feng secretly said, “But once I go and accept this inheritance, it’s a real risk!”

“Risky or not?”

Luo Feng hesitated.

“I’m also merely certain of becoming a universe lord. I don’t even have a clue about becoming the strongest person in the universe! Even if I become the strongest person in the universe in the future, so what? It would only be a mere maximum of living three reincarnation eras.” Luo Feng said darkly, “If you want to be truly eternal, you must succeed in breaking into reincarnation.”

“Unfortunately, if you look at the cosmic sea, who has succeeded after countless epochs? It’s just those two great holy land universes.” Luo Feng’s mind recalled those messages left by generations of space masters on that smooth cliff wall that he had seen earlier in the separate space of the black token chamber.

The 1st …… 2nd …… 3rd ……

Passed down one by one from the Lord of the Nine Mortals until the Lord of the Five Huns, Luo Feng! There had been a full 20,295 space masters! As for how many space masters there were before the Lord of Nine Mortals, no one knows. These alone showed the number of reincarnation eras that had passed through.

“Endless reincarnation eras, how many people with heaven-defying talents are there? Yet there are only two Holy Land universes.”

“There are dozens of the strongest people in the universe in each reincarnation era. For tens of thousands of reincarnation eras and beyond, how many strongest people in the universe are there? Who can be eternal?”

Luo Feng raised his head and stared at the throne in the great hall, his eyes were full of fervor: “This time is the opportunity, an extremely powerful inheritance from that incomparably powerful ancient civilization! According to judgment, Broken East River-Wu’s position in the Cosmic Boat is all ranked at the top, in that ancient civilization this opportunity is all precious.”

“With this inheritance!”

“I can see a farther path, see a path higher than the strongest people in the universe, with the inheritance to guide me, I will be able to go even higher.”

Just as each and every one within the great hall was struggling with their thoughts.

Suddenly an aura appeared out of nowhere.

“Lord of the Golden Fang, since you want to come out, I will let you come out. How you choose is your business.” The Lord of the Witch Fairy said icily, while next to him appeared a golden-armored man of the God’s Eye Race, it was the Lord of the Golden Fang who had been hiding within the palace’s supreme treasure, although he hadn’t come out, he had seen and heard everything that had happened in the outside world, so naturally, he couldn’t hold back any longer.


Next to another figure came out, it was a tall and evil figure with a reddish body, as if it was coalesced from blood-colored bones, it was precisely the Skeleton Race powerhouse.

“Red Ruler, this is a choice about life and death, I won’t obstruct you.” The Lord of the Freshwater Sea directly said.

“Hm.” The Lord of the Red Ruler nodded his head.

“You all have helpers on all sides.” The Lord of Liu Jiu gently waved his hand, while next to him, a lanky and tall giant man with eight arms appeared, his entire body was like a rock, and he let out a low rumbling voice: “Liu Jiu, if you say go, I will go. If you don’t go, I won’t go either.”

“Lord of the Rock Giant? It’s really true that wherever Lord Ryuju is, there’s you Rock Giant.” The Lord of Witchfinder snorted.

“Deerworm, do you have any help?”

“Galaxy, do you have any helpers?”

The God’s Eye Clan, the Wreck Clan, and the three parties of the First Ancestral God Sect actually all had helpers, but they were all just hiding a helper. In fact, it is quite normal, in the depths of the inner domain …… unless the Lord of the Deer Worm is this kind of extreme confidence, generally two act together. Such as the Lord of the Red Creeper, the Lord of the Fresh Sea act together, the Lord of the Shadow Eyre, the Lord of the Witch and Fairy act together, the Lord of the Ryuju, the Lord of the Rock Giant act together.

And the Lord of the Golden Fang simply happened to run into this.

“I’ve never acted alone when I’ve traveled across the Cosmic Sea.” The Lord of Deerworm said directly.

“I have no helpers either.” Luo Feng shook his head.

“Haha …… three from the God’s Eye clan, two from the Skeleton clan, two from the First Ancestral God Cult, and me and Galaxy, there’s a total of nine!” The Lord of the Deer Worm laughed out loud, “This choice is not easy I’m afraid, but this kind of opportunity is rare, even if it’s my Purple Moon Holy Land, I’ve never heard of this kind of mysterious inheritance, those ordinary inheritances are some, I’m afraid that it’s all the remains of the ordinary powerhouses within the Cosmic Boat back in the day……. But it’s obvious that it can’t be compared to This Broken East River – Wu compared! And once those ordinary powerhouses have perished, the ones left behind, even if some of them are dangerous, cannot yet threaten me.”

“But this Broken East River-Wu, since he dares to say this, I’m afraid that even if he perishes, the means left behind will be able to deal with the strongest people in the universe.” The Lord of Deerworms swept his gaze, “Everyone, you must think clearly.”

Just as all parties were struggling in their hearts.

On the throne above the great hall, energy converged, and converged into that green-haired figure, which was precisely that Broken Donghe.

“Can think clearly?” Broken Donghe got up and slowly walked down, looking at the nine figures below.

Luo Feng, the Lord of Deer Bugs and their group of existences also understood that this was only controlled by some similar “intelligence” that was left behind by Broken Donghe, as for Broken Donghe himself, he had long since perished.

“Rise!” Broken Donghe pointed to the floor of the hall and softly droned.


The hall immediately began to rise, and a huge circular stone plate directly levitated up, revealing a deep hole. That deep hole at a glance …… is vaguely crimson, occasionally some red air waves are twisting ……

“Willing to accept the inheritance, go down.” Broken East River directly said, “I will follow the method of my Broken East River lineage to choose the heir, to choose you, as then through the many tests, will gradually come into contact with the inheritance, once in contact with the inheritance, it is a life and death crisis. Successfully accept all the inheritance, live! Failed to fully accept the next, just accept a trace of …… must die!”

“If you are afraid now, you can leave immediately.”

“The gate is open and will not close.”

“Even then you can ask your clan friends to come and break in, the more people who come to break in, the better, so that it is more likely to give birth to a new Broken Donghe!” Broken Donghe swept his gaze over the nine figures that cared, “Choose.” Immediately following that, his silhouette shook and dissipated into nothingness as if it were dust.

The circular stone slab hovered high.

Revealing the endless crimson channel below, to enter or not to enter?

“A great limit is approaching, yet I was able to obtain this kind of opportunity.” The Lord of the Red Reign said in a low voice, “With the means of the Ancient Civilization, even though I am in the First Reincarnation Era, it is still possible for me to become the strongest person in the universe, and even break through the reincarnation! Even if the ancient civilization …… can’t break the limitations, then once I get the inheritance, I can still guide the strongest people in the universe of my Wreck Clan. As long as one of them succeeds, then the third Holy Land universe will be born. Haha ……”


A crimson stream of light flickered and drew a curve, flying directly into that deep passageway and disappearing directly.

“The only chance before the Great Limit is approaching, how can I miss it?” The Lord of Liu Jiu smiled and also directly turned into streams of light, flying into it.

“Liu Jiu!” A low, muffled voice rang out, “If you go there, I’ll go there.”

That Rock Giant Lord followed without hesitation and directly turned into streams of light and flew in as well.

“Shadow E.”

“Witch Fairy.”

The couple looked at each other and smiled.



One went straight in.

“Haha!” The Lord of the Golden Fang laughed out loud, “If we die it’s just a moment earlier.” He also followed.

In a moment all the powerhouses of the first universe era went in, only the Lord of Deerworm and Luo Feng remained outside.

“Are you going or not?” The Lord of Deerworms looked at Luo Feng.

“Are you?” Luo Feng asked back.

The Lord of the Deerworm’s eyes drifted as he said softly, “So what if it’s eternal years? The passion of my life is in the adventure …… It doesn’t matter at all if I’m missing one of my tribe. The Holy Land Universe exists eternally. This endless epoch is a rare inheritance, and I will regret if I miss it. This adventure may be my biggest one, but it’s worth it for me to go and die in the adventure.”

“Haha …… go first.”

The Lord of Deer Worms turned into streams of light and flew straight in.

The entire hall was left with Luo Feng alone.

“If I perish, since I am a universe honored one, I still have a chance to be resurrected. The cost of resurrecting me may be great, but I can afford it.” Luo Feng looked towards the crimson abyss, “I wanted to have the golden horned giant beast detachment leave with the star tower, but once I do perish, the star tower will also become a masterless object, floating in the universe boat, and get caught up in some of the dangerous places of the universe boat. It might even be seized by other forces.”

“Then bring the Star Tower and break in together, with the Star Tower, I’ll also be more certain of dealing with the many dangers.”

“Bet it all and fight once!”


Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and also rushed straight into that crimson abyss.

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