Chapter 67 – The Allied Forces of the Three Tribes

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:53:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng was sitting in the garden, while in his hands he was holding a crystal ball with a colorful surface, the colors on top of the crystal ball were circling around, those colorful circles of light eventually converged at a point – at first glance it looked like an eyeball. And this strange crystal ball was the supreme treasure that Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest had left behind when he came before.

“Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest is really unwilling to get involved, after giving this supreme treasure, he immediately left.” Luo Feng shook his head helplessly, just now when Sitting Mountain Guest came he said a few words and ran straight to him, throwing this crystal ball to Luo Feng, and then directly said, “The life mark is branded on it, then you can recognize the owner! Don’t say anything, and you don’t want to pull me into your human camp …… Remember, want me to help you refine a supreme treasure, just follow what you promised before, kill a universe lord and I’ll help you refine a supreme treasure. Of course, this is only a promise at your Universe Exalted level. When you become a Universe Lord, the requirements can go up.”

Just this paragraph, after saying this, he directly made an instantaneous transfer and simply ignored Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was helpless.

“This crystal ball ……” Luo Feng looked at the crystal ball in his hand, a trace of divine power immediately touched this crystal ball, the life imprint was easily branded on the crystal ball, easily recognized the owner.

“It’s really a teacher’s product, what message is not there.” Luo Feng smiled, like the primordial star born of some of the most precious treasure, generally recognize the owner will get a detailed message, but the teacher refining the most precious treasure is not necessarily, purely depends on the mood of the sitter, if the sitter is in a good mood or feel the need to, may leave a detailed message in it.

Otherwise, there was no message at all.

“But it’s simple.” Luo Feng understood how to use this crystal ball once he familiarized himself with it a little.

This crystal ball is only a secret pattern, used to control this crystal ball, a little control, can make “divine blood will” from the crystal ball’s eye pupil position directly shot out, if you stop control is closed. On the difficulty …… I’m afraid that is a universe honored one, can control well.

“Very simple supreme treasure.” Luo Feng sighed, “If it wasn’t for the drop of divine blood inside, this treasure itself alone would definitely be the lowest common supreme treasure, while a drop of divine blood at the core is immediately different.”

“Since, it’s similar to an eyeball, and the core is a drop of blood from an ancient civilization deity, then …… let’s call it the Ancient God Eye.” Luo Feng settled on a name.

Supreme Treasure – Ancient God Eye!

A grade that was hard to determine, a supreme treasure that was a near negligible threat to the strongest of the universe, but a near destructive threat to the Lord of the Universe. In a clan war …… its importance would even exceed that of a supreme supreme treasure.


Luo Feng got the ancient god eye, then immediately left the planet and returned to the primordial secret realm.



Luo Feng walked through the rolling palace complex, and wherever he passed, some universe honored, immortals, and sector lords respectfully saluted.

“War.” Luo Feng scanned around, although he couldn’t see the other universe lords with his naked eyes, he was able to sense a powerful aura, right now in the primordial secret realm where the “Chaos city lord” palace was located, there was indeed a large group of universe lords gathered, all of them were preparing for the upcoming war.

“Luo Feng.” In a main hall in the distance, a figure walked out, it was none other than the golden robed Chaos City Lord, this was the Chaos City Lord’s main battle principal.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng greeted him with a slight salute.

“You came to me, looking for me?” Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng, it’s no wonder chaos city lord specially came out, because at the moment the human community is facing an unprecedented crisis, and chaos city lord main hall this is the core place, controlling the whole situation, like receiving those forces that defected, arranging for those forces and so on are all done by chaos city lord.

Generally, there was no one who ran to this place to disturb the Chaos City Lord.

“Yes.” Luo Feng nodded, “Teacher, that divine blood that contained the will shock has been transformed into a supreme treasure.”

“That drop of divine blood? Transformed into a supreme treasure?” The Chaos City Lord was startled, and then he was suddenly overjoyed. The matter of the divine blood was earlier known to Luo Feng, Darkness, Peng Gong, Chaos, and perhaps Chaos also told the original ancestor …… while the other cosmic lords of the human race didn’t know about it in the beginning, and only after the war did they understand it a little better.

“You invited the Lord of the Crafting God? Or is it a sitter?” The Chaos City Lord couldn’t help but ask.

“Mountain Sitting Guest.” Luo Feng didn’t hide it.

There were some secrets that must not be exposed when one was weak, but now the strength was different the status was different! In the past, he didn’t dare to expose and so on, for fear of being besieged and seizing the treasure, but now what does Luo Feng have to fear?

“Your hometown earth, was created by this mighty one, guessed it earlier, you have some connection with the mountain sitter.” Chaos city lord couldn’t help but say, “You invited him to refine a supreme treasure, did you invite him to help my humans?”

“Invited, but it’s useless.” Luo Feng shook his head.

“No wonder.” Chaos city lord shook his head and sighed, “Right now on my human camp’s side, it’s not even a single strongest person in the universe! Our side is at an absolute disadvantage …… with the kind of nature of a mountain sitter who can’t take a loss and specializes in taking advantage, how could he come in.” Merely mentioning it, the Chaos City Lord stopped mentioning it.

“By the way, how powerful is that supreme treasure?” Chaos City Lord pursued.

Luo Feng grinned, “Anyone with a will below the ‘strongest person in the universe’ can’t resist it.” Previously, a drop of divine blood scattered in all directions could be resisted by the ultimate will of the universe lord. But now, it was one level higher, and could only be resisted by the will of the strongest person in the universe.

“Good, good, good!!!” The Chaos City Lord revealed a look of excitement, “Great, with this treasure in place, at least 90% of the enemy’s Masters of the Universe will not be of much use. Maybe we can even take the opportunity to capture some enemy universe lords. This one supreme treasure is even more useful than a supreme treasure of supreme strength.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng also nodded, “This treasure, has the ability to change the situation in this war, so I came to tell teacher.”

“I’ll ponder on how to deal with the war that’s coming soon.” Chaos City Lord nodded, “Alright, you hurry up and go cultivate, once you become the Lord of the Universe, then the pressure on my human side will be greatly reduced.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng immediately retreated.

Luo Feng actually, his divine power incarnation had been staying in the cultivation space of the “inheritance space”, constantly cultivating and comprehending in an environment where time flowed 10,000 times faster, the “golden sky law” had long since reached its final bottleneck… …It only lacked the last trace of inspiration, or some sort of enlightenment, and it would be able to cross over to the Master of the Universe level.

Once at the Lord of the Universe level, the Demon Slayer Clan bilocation and the Blood Sea bilocation …… will also have the top sixth order combat power!

At that time, Luo Feng’s four doppelgangers would be four sixth order top combatants! While the universe’s strongest people have no split just the original, just a sixth-order top combat power! So …… this was the reason why Chaos City Lord had been expecting Luo Feng to break through to Lord of the Universe.

“In the cultivation space of the inheritance space, one day outside, 30 years pass inside.”

“This bottleneck, the longest is at most tens of epochs, the shortest is a few decades or even an immediate breakthrough is possible.” Luo Feng was also in a hurry, but breaking through the bottleneck is not something you can break through in a hurry, you have to look for a certain moment of inspiration, moving.

Demon race frontier, a desert starry sky in the periphery.

Darkness, silence.

“Rumble ……” In the endless golden light, the huge purple sphere divine kingdom teleportation arrived.

And then turquoise light lit up in another place, and a huge ship slowly appeared.

In the distant …… white light, black oval spheres also manifested.

“Dream Tea, Zhen Horn!”



Four strands of thoughts exchanged.

Immediately afterward, a streaming figure began to fly out of the huge purple sphere, the ancient ship, and the black oval sphere at the same time, and soon, a figure with a powerful aura dispersed throughout the starry sky.


The ones with the largest body sizes were none other than the four strongest.

That sinuous coiled silver serpent, and in its side has a huge jagged shell of foreign beasts, as well as another is suspended in mid-air, has a thin as cicada wings “feathers” of the beautiful insect empress, a beautiful full of charm of the insect empress surrounded her, and there are more subordinate Lord of the Universe in the surroundings.

In the distance, on the huge black oval sphere, nine eyes were revealed, and he was the Father God of the Mechanical Race! Similarly scattered around was a line of Mechanical Race Cosmic Lords and vassal race Cosmic Lords.

“Follow my three races’ plan.” The Zhen Demon Ancestor’s voice spread out, “Of the three of us, Empress, you possess the Most Powerful Supreme Treasure Palace. Then, of the total 112 Universe Lords that our three clans have brought this time, 80 of them are within your supreme supreme treasure, Empress, and their joint attack will create the strongest power. My Demon Clan’s side and the Mechanical Clan’s side, on the other hand, will protect 16 Masters of the Universe each!”


“Now distribute them first.”

Since the three races had discussed this long ago, they naturally distributed them quickly.

This war was one that could be called the largest ever within the Primordial Universe, sweeping over the most forces for fear. When part of the forces to rely on the human race, but there are more strength more think “human will lose”, those forces and dare not kill up alone, part of the hesitation, there are some rely on the insect race, demon race, mechanical race!

Like the Prison Race, the Crystal Race, the Star Beast Alliance, the Ancestral God Cult, and the Northern Border Alliance,……, because there has been no movement, they naturally don’t want to join them.


Originally, the Demon Race, Insect Race, and Mechanical Race had subordinate races, and there were originally more than 80 Cosmic Lords. This defection of the three races also add up to nearly 80, they will be the community itself can not lose some of the Lord of the universe, as well as those who defected to the power to come in the middle of the selection of part of the “hostage” like, are left in the small universe of the various races.

Thus, the expedition.

Three tribes, a total of four universe strongest, 112 universe Lord.

“This time, our three races alliance will act together.” That black oval sphere emitted a voice, which resounded in the ears and minds of every Lord of the Universe, “And there are even many ethnic groups joining …… while the human camp with top combat power is only the three Lords of Darkness, Galaxy Lord, and Lord of Pangong. I can deal with both the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Pangong alone. Although that Luo Feng is powerful …… it’s enough to hand over to the Empress herself to deal with!”

The Insect Empress was in the distance, also nodding slightly.

“Other than that, it’s the Zhen Demon Ancestor and Dream Demon Ancestor leading 112 Masters of the Universe to sweep the human camp side! Our side holds an absolute advantage, and this war with the human camp must be won in one battle!” The Mechanical Race Father God said.

“Kill!” The native powerhouses of the Mechanical Race, Insect Race, and Demon Race immediately hissed.

“Kill!” Those subordinate races followed suit and hissed.

“Kill!” The entire starry sky, either flesh and blood beings, rock beings, metal beings, or intelligent beings …… all hissed and roared.

This was the war of the community’s fate!

“Advance, human frontier!” The Mechanical Race Father God let out a roar.

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