Chapter 68: For the sake of the pack

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:53:25
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Human frontier, primordial secret realm.

Luo Feng was sitting cross-legged in a high level hall, all four sides were unobstructed, and he could see the endless void in the distance as well as other magnificent palace buildings.

In order to prepare for the upcoming battle, Luo Feng has been going all out to cultivate, but …… perhaps can only say that this bottleneck barrier is not in a hurry, break through this critical bottleneck, sometimes perhaps watching the universe change, or and strong kill midway, sometimes instantaneous process, in short, there may be the heart of the enlightenment of direct breakthroughs.

“Luo Feng, come to the main hall quickly!” The vast river of a thousand treasures spread out, covering an area of several light years, and the voice instantly resounded in Luo Feng’s mind.

“Teacher!” Luo Feng snapped his eyes open.

“War is coming?”

Luo Feng couldn’t hesitate, he instantly got up, swish! An instantaneous movement then immediately disappeared.

Inside the silent palace complex, there were powerful foreign race existences living there, they were either perched there like a mountain range, or they were all turquoise and like meatballs, with only a pair of eyes on their godly bodies to make their hearts tremble, or they were …… all in all, these foreign race cosmic lords, not far away from each other, were all dispersed and living in the “Chaos City Lord’s main hall” around.

They are also waiting.

Waiting for the war to come! They are also aware of the dangers of joining this war, but the dangers and the benefits correspond to each other! Join the human camp …… As long as the human camp can become the third holy universe in the future, then at least their respective communities will be able to allocate a portion of the space for inheritance, and they, the high-level Universe Lords, will also be able to survive for a long time.

In addition, human beings will also give part of the “Lord of the Universe to the universe’s strongest” experience, they know …… that human beings can not tell all, perhaps compared with human beings know, is only one tenth? It may even be one percent or even less, but it’s better than not knowing anything at all.

As long as they know part of it, it is of great benefit to them.

“For the sake of the pack!”

“For the sake of the clan!” One by one, the Cosmic Lords were all like this.

When it was time to fight, it was time to fight.

In order to put up a fight, they rushed in, with great benefits, but likewise …… this war, there is also the danger of perishing.

“Lords of universes, quickly go to the main hall.” As the River of Thousand Treasures filled the air, the Chaos City Lord’s voice resounded in the ears of every Lord of the Universe.

“Here it comes.”

“It’s finally here.”


One by one, the Fae Cosmos Lords had waited for a long time, and each of them was either excited, apprehensive, or frantic, but they were each ready! Then they instantly moved one by one ……

Inside the Primordial Mysterious Realm, within the Chaos City Lord’s main hall.

A silhouette appeared out of thin air, the number of strong people gathered continued to rise, 60, 70, 80, 90 …… just a few moments, all arrived, the entire hall to restore a quiet.


The Chaos City Lord stood on the steps, overlooking the bottom, and at this moment, he had not gone to sit on that throne.

Below stood a strong person, there are human ethnic groups, there are Hong League foreign races, there are also other foreign races …… of course from the moment of joining this moment, the original other idle ethnic groups also automatically become a part of Hong League! Among the large group of super existences standing under the main hall, the one standing at the front is-

Luo Feng with his silver armor and silver wings and his sword on his back! The chubby and pot-bellied Lord of Peng Gong with the Yanjun Stick in his hand! The Lord of Darkness who exuded a silent aura and was dressed in black robes!

“The Demon Race, the Insect Race, and the Mechanical Race, have already moved.” The Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “And the three of them have converged together at the moment, apparently, after being severely taught a lesson by our side last time and losing six Masters of the Universe, none of the three of them dared to kill our human frontier alone, and were so scared that they only dared to join forces and act together.”

A smile immediately surfaced on the faces of some strong people below.


What about the three clans? They were still so scared that they could only join forces and act together.

“At this moment, they have already gathered, and it is estimated that they will act soon.” The Chaos City Lord looked down at all the Cosmos Lords, “Now, according to our earlier plan, all the Cosmos Lords participating in this battle …… will be in the Black Prison Tower, except for the Galaxy Lords, Darkness Lords, and Pangong Lords who have the right to act on their own.”

A trace of relief appeared on the faces of many of the universe lords below.

The Black Prison Tower, and even the Strongest Supreme Treasure.

Inside the Black Prison Tower, natural security skyrocketed, of course …… when the real battle, naturally can not completely hide in the tower Otherwise how to attack? Must go to the exit of the Black Prison Tower, there is no obstruction, so that you can attack to the outside world! Can attack to the outside world, the outside world can naturally attack them.

But since they were at the exit entrance, naturally they could always hide in the depths, at least it was better than being in the void without any barrier.

“Dark Lord.” The Chaos City Lord looked towards his senior brother.

The Lord of Darkness nodded slightly, then with a stretch of his hand, a black pyramid appeared in his palm.

“Black Hell Tower?” Those foreign race universe lords looked at it one by one, their eyes glowing, this was a supremely powerful supreme treasure! How could they, the idle races, be qualified to obtain such a supreme supreme treasure.

“Go!” The Dark Lord’s mind manipulated, and instantly, the Black Prison Tower floated to the center of the entire hall, rapidly growing larger and taller, turning into a lofty pyramid, and three side doors even appeared at the same time on the edges of the pyramid. This most powerful supreme treasure has side doors and main doors, like the first layer of the edge of the Star Tower also has a large number of side doors, at the same time, the base can also be separated to form a huge abyss, devouring everything. Like the bottom of the ship of the tomb boat, the same can be separated into a huge entrance, just …… because the tomb boat also did not have the ability to swallow and absorb, so it has been using the side door kind of small hatches.

“Gentlemen, go in.” Chaos City Lord said.

With an order, the human community’s Lord of Dragon Walk, Lord of Ice Peak, Lord of Desolate Discernment, one by one they walked directly over without hesitation, the other cosmic lords hesitated slightly and looked at each other, but one by one they also walked in one after another, in just a few moments, there was only a black prison tower left in the hall, and Chaos, Luo Feng, Darkness, Peng Gong, the four of them.

“Darkness, inside there are a total of 21 members of my original Hong alliance, and a total of 70 new defectors, a total of 91! It’s all given to you to lead.” Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “This will be the most important force, with 91 of them joining forces, any of the strongest people in the universe will be blown away and blinded. How the 91 of them split up, how they attack, how they defend, everything depends on you.”

“Hmm.” The Dark Lord nodded his head and without saying much, he stepped inside the Black Prison Tower.

He is the controller of the Black Prison Tower, so he can suppress those foreigners, because once there is anyone who messes around, the Lord of Darkness can completely foreigners permanently “imprisoned” in the Black Prison Tower, even if you want to escape, I’m afraid that you can not escape the strongest treasure of the swallowing. This battle …… dark Lord is mainly to manage that group of 91 universe Lord.

In fact, those foreigners may not be able to escape at the critical moment, because before a total of 92 defectors to come, at this moment to participate in the war only 70 …… other 22 are in the initial universe, in fact, is also equivalent to the “hostage”, for example, a group of three masters of the universe, two The first one is in the initial universe, and the second one is in the initial universe. The excuse of the human community is …… for the heritage of these communities, try to share the risk! Those alien races also know the reason why humans do this, and will not refuse. In fact, the demon race, the mechanical race, and the insect race …… did the same.

“Luo Feng, Peng Gong, I’ll leave the rest to you two.” The Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng and the Lord of Peng Gong.

Luo Feng and Peng Gong both nodded.

With that, Luo Feng waved his hand and a ship landed in the main hall hall, it was none other than the tomb tomb boat.

“Go.” Luo Feng said.

The two of them, him and Lord Peng Gong, flew directly into the boat of the tomb tomb.

“Depart! Head to where my virtual universe base camp is and wait there.” The Chaos City Lord ordered.

Boom! Boom!

The Black Prison Tower and the Tomb Boat, simultaneously disappeared in an instant.

The Virtual Universe base camp was originally a centralized place for many domain lords, sector lords, and immortals of the Virtual Universe Corporation, while the Primordial Mystery Realm was a bit more secretive. Of the two, one was public and the other was hidden. One dealt with many basic matters, while the other cultivated core geniuses to deal with high-level matters.

Both it and the Primordial Secret Realm have cosmic passages leading to the “Initial Universe”.

It is also the place where human beings must be protected!

Estimated that the enemy wants to attack, afraid that is to attack the virtual universe base camp and the primitive secret realm one of the two places …… and these two places, at the moment, has also long established a stable divine country channel, if the enemy attacked the primitive secret realm, can also immediately return.

A black pyramid and an ancient ship were all suspended in the void of the virtual universe base camp.

“Luo Feng, nervous?” The Lord of Pangong laughed.

“Of course I’m nervous.” Luo Feng let out a breath and looked at Peng Gong next to him, “This is the three races alliance, and according to the intelligence, when some of the idle races defected to us, there can be some of the same that went to the three major races! And there are also four of the strongest, after all, in a real fight, the strongest can have an advantage over us.”

It was because the strongest people themselves possessed seventh-order combat power, or even eighth-order combat power. It was just that the primordial universe suppressed it, and it was only the top of the sixth rank.

Therefore, they were completely able to do two things at once, i.e. maneuvering for distant attacks and close combat, while utilizing their top sixth-order battle power at the same time! Completely able to fight two at once! This was …… completely manifested during the war with the Demon Race.

“And the mechanical race father god, insect race empress, one on one alone, are all a bit stronger than the demon race Zhen demon ancestor, dream demon ancestor.” Luo Feng said softly, “This battle, it’s not easy.”

“We still have a glimmer of hope of winning.” The Lord of Pangong said.

Luo Feng nodded.

It was just that Luo Feng’s heart was still heavy because the mechanical race father god and the insect race empress were both good at group battles with weird and unpredictable methods. One could get a glimpse just by looking at the fighting styles of the mechanical race and the insect race.

“Luo Feng, Peng Gong, Darkness, here are the coordinates, those three races allied forces just teleported here from their goddoms.” Within the virtual universe, the Chaos City Lord immediately informed Luo Feng, Darkness, and Peng Gong.


“Got it.”


Luo Feng and the three of them immediately concentrated, no longer distracted.

Swish! Swish!

The black pyramid and the ancient ship, one after the other, instantiated one after the other, instantly moving towards the coordinates! The coordinates …… were extremely close to the virtual universe base camp, Luo Feng only needed to instantly move about 300 light years to get there.

There was a silent desert planet in the distance, and beside the desert planet, there was a star in its final stages that was dimly glowing red.

It was in this part of the starry sky.

Huge purple spheres, ancient ships, oval black spheres, all in the void, emitting endless pressure, causing space and time to be distorted, the distant stars began to tremble under such pressure, and began to undergo drastic changes.

Boom! Boom!

Ancient ancient civilization ships and black pyramids appeared at the same time.

The allied forces of the three races! The human camp! Gathered in this space and time.

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