Chapter 75.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:53:41
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Luo Feng had many plans before the battle, strong strength has a strong method of fighting, weak strength has a weak method of fighting! A hand …… three races allied forces really powerful, so that the human camp side is in a weak position, Luo Feng, they have been weak, hoping that the mechanical race father god’s “real body” to kill out.

But did not expect ……

After a few moments, the group of universe lords led by the Dark Lord couldn’t hold on any longer, and I’m afraid that if they continue to “show weakness”, they will really lose. Not being able to care about that much, Luo Feng immediately counterattacked!

“Surprisingly.” The allied camp of the three races jumped in shock as they listened.

The Mechanical Race Father God was also in a state of fear.

Previously, when their side had the absolute advantage, he did want to rush out and manipulate the puppet army while fighting in close quarters. So that they could explode into a stronger battle force …… And at that time, Luo Feng was worried that his side’s universe lords couldn’t carry it off, so he didn’t dare to wait much longer, thus allowing the three races allied forces to luckily lose less.

“Hmph, what’s the point of being complacent!” The Father God of the Mechanical Race exasperatedly droned, “It’s just that you’ve gotten lucky with the Will Impact’s strange treasure. If you didn’t have this strange treasure, your human camp would have lost this time!”

Luo Feng held the star tower in his hand and shook his head as he stood in the void of the dark universe.

Next to him, the Lord of Pangong even shouted, “You’re still looking for reasons to lose the battle? Father God of the mechanical race, you really don’t have the demeanor of the strongest person in the universe, you really make me look down on you.”

The two camps, in the void of the Dark Universe, were talking without lowering their heads in the slightest.

They all fought a few times with each other.

However, they both stopped moving, the human camp was looking at the other side with only the strongest person of the universe left outside, and they couldn’t be killed even if they wanted to. And the three races allied camp knew that they had lost this time, and fighting further was purely being ravaged! Naturally, they would not make another move.

“Zhen Demon Ancestor, Dream Demon Ancestor, Mechanical Race Father God, Insect Race Queen.” Luo Feng shouted aloud, his gaze sweeping towards the three forces in the distance of the opposite camp, “Some of the universe lords of your three races were collected by me within the star tower. Do you guys still want their lives?”

“To, of course.” The oval shaped black ball made a sound.

The coiled silver serpent and the sawtooth shell alien beast both looked over, the insect queen also levitated and looked this way, the insect queen even let out a voice with a hint of seduction, even though she didn’t intend to be seductive, she was born to be like this, “Speak up, human Luo Feng, what are the conditions?”

“The conditions are also simple.”

Luo Feng said in a loud voice, “In the next epoch, your three races’ universe lords and universe’s strongest people are forbidden to enter my human territory in the slightest. If you do …… after one epoch, this imprisoned group of universe lords will naturally return each and every one of them, even their supreme treasures.”

“Right, that’s the condition.” The Lord of Pangong said, “Can you three races promise?”

Luo Feng stared at the strongest of the three races allied forces in the distance, he knew very well that winning against the three races allied forces made things even better for the human side. But even so! If those on the sidelines forces, solo strongest people and so on were to kill them …… it would be a nightmare for the human camp.

And if by virtue of some captives, the allied forces of the three races could be kept out of the picture, the situation would naturally be better.

The four strongest people of the Demon, Insect, and Mechanical Races all quietly transmitted their voices to each other to discuss.

“This time, our three races will go all out and spare no expense! Even if we lose this battle …… alone, we won’t be able to do it. Those major forces that are watching and waiting for us and the human camp to lose both can’t still stand by with folded arms, right? Therefore, we wait, wait for their various forces to make a move, we then get involved …… With the ability of our four strongest, to share some inheritance, easy!” The Mechanical Race Father God first transmitted his voice and spoke.

“Right, having come this far, how can we retreat?” The Dream Demon Ancestor spoke in a shrill voice.

“The most promising ones from my three clans to impact the strongest in the universe are all within the small universes of each clan, and even though we have lost more than a dozen of them, almost all of them are foreign races. The losses of my three clans are still within the range of tolerance.”

The Zhen Demon Ancestor said in a low voice.

“I also agree with what you and the others have said.” The Insect Empress also spoke.

All of them immediately unified their opinions without the slightest argument.

Compared to the inheritance?

This loss, they could afford it! After all, since they were at war with the human camp, they had long been prepared to do some losses.

The Golden Horned Beast, Luo Feng, and the Lord of Pangong stood side by side in the void, and as the void fluttered slightly, they all silently waited for a reply.

“Killing so many powerful people from my three races and still want us to bow down?” The Father God of the Mechanical Race let out an angry voice, “Humans, and let you be complacent for a moment, soon, you will regret it!”

“Looks like it’s a refusal.” On the human camp side, Luo Feng gently stroked the star tower in his hand, his voice was flat, “You guys are forcing this group of universe lords I’m imprisoning to die. Zhen Demon Ancestor Dream Demon Ancestor, I talked to your demon race last time, you guys refused last time, and this time the loss is even greater. If you wait until next time …… then there will not even be a chance to talk.”

“Talk? The next time will be the destruction of your human camp.”



The allied forces of the three races didn’t bother to say much and directly disappeared into the Dark Universe.

The human camp was in the void of the Dark Universe, and the Lord of Darkness also walked out of the Black Prison Tower.

“This is a bunch of mongrels.” The good old Lord of Pangong, also gritted his teeth at this moment.

“It seems that next time, that allied army of the three races will come again!” The Lord of Darkness also had an ugly expression on his face, “And it’s just one part of the next army… These three clans’ allied forces, they really won’t die.”

“Of course they won’t die of heart!” Luo Feng coldly said, “How precious is the chance to transcend reincarnation, and the vast majority of the universe lords captured by us are foreign races, this loss won’t cause them to retreat in twenty hearts even if it hurts.”

“No matter what, we won this battle greatly! Let’s go back first.” The Dark Lord said.



Luo Feng, the Lord of Pangong, and the Golden Horned Beast all flew into the Tomb Ark at the same time, and the Lord of Darkness flew back to the Black Prison Tower.

With that, the Tomb Ark and the Black Prison Tower all left the Dark Universe, reviewing the original universe space, and rushed back towards the “primordial secret realm”.

At this moment, inside Luo Feng’s Star Tower.

The 16 universe lords of the three races allied army were separated, among them were two demon races, one mechanical race, one insect race, and the other 12 were all foreign races! In fact, this time to participate in the war of 112 masters of the universe …… three tribes of their own strong people together is only about 20, the other are their respective alliance of the original some subordinate groups and this war just defected to the foreign race.

Of the 112 names, there are only about 20 of the three tribes’ own tribes.

Just by looking at the ratio, one could see how low the three native races were. There were four Tri-race Originals out of the 16, which was considered a higher ratio. And at this moment, these four strong members of the three races were being held within a suppression space, while the other 12 foreign races were being held together.

“Killing so many strong people from my three races, and still want us to bow down?” A vast voice from the outside world was transmitted directly to the Star Tower.

“Looks like it’s a refusal.”

The voices of the four strongest people of the three races and Luo Feng’s negotiations with them all passed in.

“Bastards, mongrels.”

“Damn the two old scumbags of the demon race!”

“For the sake of their ambitions, let us be buried with them!” If those four powerful members of the three clans’ own clans were still calm, then in the space holding the 12 foreign clans, those 12 foreign cosmic lords suddenly howled in anger one by one, all of them coming from one weaker clan or another.

They were all from weaker clans. They were even the only Universe Lords in their clans.

If they died, what should the clans do?

Even if the demon race, the mechanical race, the insect race to help some, but if the prison race and other peak communities, suddenly destroyed their communities three communities and what can be done? At most, some of the seeds of their race would continue to spread and multiply, nothing more.

The 12 foreign race universe lords cursed angrily.

On the other hand, the four Three Races’ own races all let out a cry without a puddle. They are also angry, but …… they have to listen to the orders of the strongest.

And only three of the 16 of them who have a split are only three, and these three are not moving now for the time being, and they are also waiting …… to see if they can have a chance to go out alive, and they are not willing to easily give up their split and supreme treasures.

Primordial Mysterious Realm, the Chaos City Lord’s main hall was filled with jubilation.

“Lords of the universe, everyone has returned victorious, I, Chaos, am grateful, I, the human race, am grateful!” The Chaos City Lord stood on the steps of the main hall’s grand hall, holding a wine cup and looking down at the large group of Cosmic Lords below, excited.

“So what if the allied forces of the three clans are powerful, they are still being beaten into a hasty retreat.”

“This is the honor of my humanity, the honor of the Hong Alliance, and the honor of each and every one of you.”

“Let us, together, drink this cup.”

There was a great deal of rejoicing.

Many of the universe lords who were apprehensive before the battle were excited at the moment, even the Chaos City Lord was so excited, not to mention many ordinary universe lords. Even Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Pangong had temporarily put their dissatisfaction that none of the three allied races could compromise in the end to the back of their minds to celebrate this precious victory.

Soon, the universe lords gathered in twos and threes, talking and making merry, Luo Feng was naturally one of the brightest few among them.

After a long time ……

Luo Feng and the Chaos City Lord walked out of the main hall alone.

“Those three clans didn’t agree?” Chaos City Lord asked.

“As expected.” Luo Feng shook his head, “Those four old guys, they’re ambitious. But the next thing to do is to follow another program.”

“Hmm.” Chaos city lord also nodded slightly, “Although the effect isn’t as good as the three races compromising, but at least we can still gain a share of power for my human race.”

Another program.

It was the “disassociation” program!

Knowing that the three races had joined forces, the largest number of universe lords were still those of the foreign races! Those foreign races wouldn’t be absolutely loyal to the three races, and it was impossible for them to die for the three races. That’s why during the negotiations before …… Luo Feng intentionally let the voices from the outside world spread through the star tower to the group of imprisoned universe lords.

“They all have incarnations left within their respective clans, as well as incarnations left in the respective core places of the three clans alliance.” The Chaos City Lord slowly said, “They originally came from some small forces and small alliances, especially since some clans have two or three Cosmos Lords. Being imprisoned by you for one, it’s completely possible to pull in the others ……”

Luo Feng also nodded, “Right, we can at least pull in some of them. This way the three races alliance is weaker and my human camp is stronger.”

“I’ll enter the star tower now.” Luo Feng said, “Go and persuade them to surrender, at the same time make their avatars, dissociate within the three races alliance and make some small forces break away from the three races alliance.”

“Then what are you going to do about the three races native universe lord?” Chaos City Lord asked.

“Of course kill.” Luo Feng grinned, “Just practicing!”

Only by killing a universe lord with his own hands would he be qualified to ask teacher sitter to help refine a supreme treasure ah.

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