Chapter 76 The League

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:53:44
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“Don’t worry Galaxy Lord, with the defeat in this battle, many of the idle clans that originally defected to the Insect, Demon, and Mechanical clans will definitely have some of them change their minds.” A Universe Lord with a human-like earth-colored upper body and octopus-like tentacles as lower limbs, his voice was majestic with echoes, “This time, the alliance of the three races was originally not solid, since the battle was lost, it is normal for some of the races to leave the alliance. Then the three tribes naturally do not dare to forcefully bind, if they forcefully bind …… will certainly be rebounded by many ethnic groups, at that time, when my tribe once detached, my tribe will join the Hong alliance since.”

“Good!” Luo Feng smiled and nodded, “Join the Hong alliance, in the final war whether you win or lose, I humans will guide you to cultivate to some of the experiences of the ancient civilizations that are the strongest in the universe.”

“But right now for the time being I can’t let you out, I’ll let you out when the Quatu lord of your clan comes to join.” Luo Feng promised.

“That I understand.” That octopus lower body alien race even responded in a good manner.

Just kidding, all imprisoned within the star tower, their lives are controlled by this galactic lord, how would they dare to be dissatisfied?

Luo Feng held the rail and looked at the thousand treasures river swirling under the endless darkness, but his expression was grave.

Just now, although he talked to the 12 alien cosmic lords alone, he also had some gains, but Luo Feng was clear …… that he had caused some of the idle communities to rebel and defect, and in fact the overall impact on the big picture was very slight. But mosquitoes are also meat, now the troubled human camp must seize every piece of meat, and then swallow it hard!

“The alliance of the three races is merely a preview.”

“The real war, it hasn’t started yet.” Luo Feng felt endless pressure and looked at the endless void in the distance.

Storm, it was coming.

This was a terrifying storm that would sweep through the entire primordial universe!

The defeat of the allied forces of the three races had extremely far reaching effects.

There were also good and bad things for the human community, the bad thing was that other hostile forces had raised the human threat to a new height, and I was afraid that they would fight even harder! However, relatively speaking …… the benefits are greater than the disadvantages, after all, to the human community will certainly lay down a deadly hand! And the benefits will be much more …… important is to attract the “middle forces” to vote!

Demon tribe territory, an ordinary life planet “blood teeth star”, was once the exclusive territory of the demon tribe of an immortal deity, but now it is a venue for the six major forces of high-level discussions.

On the beautiful grassland.

Six powerful thoughts coalesced into avatars here, namely the “Dream Demon Ancestor” and “Zhen Demon Ancestor” of the Demon Race, the Empress of the Insect Race, the Father God of the Mechanical Race, the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Race, and the Holy Lord of the Crystal Race. These six strongest people of the universe represented five of the nine super powers of the primordial universe.

“Why hasn’t the Northern Border Alliance arrived yet?” The Devil Ancestor’s enormous tail encircled his surroundings as his scarlet eyes scanned.

“We descended by intention, naturally fast. The Northern Border Alliance will have to rely on divine Kingdom teleportation and rely on instantaneous movement, so wait a moment.” The Zhen Demon Ancestor said in a low voice.

“After all, the one who really makes the decisions in the Northern Border Alliance isn’t that Northern Border Alliance Lord, but those Cosmic Lords.” The Crystal Race Saint Lord slowly said, then turned his head to look into the distance, “It’s coming.”

They all sensed the fluctuations of transients, clearly a strong person had arrived at this planet instantaneously.

“Buzz ……” “Buzz ……” “Buzz ……”

Three figures flew in from the distance.

They landed instantly.

“All five races have arrived? Our Northern Border Alliance is a bit late.” The leader of the three figures, whose entire body was as crystalline as flowing water, was none other than the Lord of the Star River. As the most powerful person in the entire Northern Border Alliance, the Lord of Star River usually appeared as a “Dark Void” figure, but this time, since he was meeting the five strongest people, he naturally appeared in his real body.

“Lord of the River of Stars, Lord of the Black Lotus, and Star Lord of the Wooing Lan.” The Mechanical Race Father God let out a voice, “This is the first time I’ve seen you all appear together.

“This time, it is extremely involved, so how could the three of us not show up?” The “Lord of the Black Lotus”, whose body was surrounded by a circle of lotus leaves and had a head like a plant stamen, said.

These three people were not ordinary.

The Northern Border Alliance was a super alliance that gathered a lot of idle communities, and the number of universe lords was about a hundred! After all, in an elite alliance like the Hong Alliance, there were about forty Masters of the Universe. The number of “Masters of the Universe” in such a loosely organized mega alliance like the Northern Frontier could be imagined, and within it, it was also divided into many factions.

As for the Northern Border Alliance?

It was just a nominee, and both sides helped each other out.

On the contrary, the Lord of the Star River, the Lord of the Black Lotus, and the Lord of the Woo Lan Star were the only ones with real influence. All three of them were at the top of the fifth order!

The Black Lotus Lord represented the six major plant life groups within the Northern Border Alliance, forming a super faction of its own. The Woo Lan Star Lord was the spiritual leader of the Woo Lan Clan, the number one clan in the Northern Border Alliance. Although the Lord of the Star River is a special being, he is famous for being good at reversing time and space and resurrecting the dead, and has saved an unknown number of Cosmic Exalted of various races, and has given out a wide range of benevolence, so he is somewhat similar to the position of the “Lord of Chaos City” in the human race within the Northern Border Alliance. They were supported by many small communities, and represented a union of “special life powerhouses” and “small community powerhouses”.

The three of them were the three major factions within the entire Northern Border Alliance. If they agreed, it meant that 95% of the communities in the Northern Border Alliance agreed.

This kind of idle alliance was just like that, and the unity was obviously not as good as the human, demonic, and prison races and many other forces.

“Since they’re all here, let’s begin.” The Zhen Demon Ancestor roared in a low voice, “As you all know, in the previous battle, my Demon Race allied with the Insect Race and the Mechanical Race, but lost at the hands of the human alliance, the rewards of that Luo Feng’s self-broken East River lineage inheritance, the impact on the human race has been able to be seen in quite a few ways. Will impact treasures, black prison tower and many other treasures, before this, the human race simply didn’t have them!”

“Right, before this, who has ever possessed a Will Shock Treasure? Never even heard of it. Things like the Black Stripe Stone Pillar and the like are all wondrous objects that can’t be moved at all.”

“The human group forces are indeed much stronger.”

“That Broken East River lineage inheritance, just how much did that human race gain.”

Just as everyone was talking.

“These are all secondary!” The Father God of the Mechanical Race suddenly spoke, causing the other five strongest people of the universe and the three Cosmic Lords to look at them.

“Inheritance, the emphasis is on cultivation experience guidance!” The Mechanical Race Father God slowly said, “With cultivation guidance, I believe the human race will give birth to more Universe Strongest Persons in the future! The God’s Eye Race had seven of them, and with the human race receiving the inheritance from the ancient civilization, I’m afraid that ten or even more of the strongest people in the universe will be possible!”

“Back in the First Reincarnation Era, the God’s Eye Race was brutal in the Primordial Universe, occupying a large amount of territory.

“The human race, with its great power, is destined to occupy more territories, and as soon as there are more territories, the more life is bred, the more geniuses there are, and the more powerful people are born……. More powerful people, bigger territories……. In this way, a cycle will be formed that so that human power will continue to expand.” The Father God of the Mechanical Race solemnly said, “How strong will humans be in the future? Three times what the God’s Eye Race was back then, imagine!”

Three times?

For a moment, all parties fell silent.

The God’s Eye Race had seven of the strongest people back then, occupying an incomparably vast swath of cosmic territory. If it was tripled?21 strongest people in the universe? Triple their territory?

“Then all of the boundaries of my five peak clans, all of them given to the humans, wouldn’t even be enough.” The Devil Ancestor exuded an aura of evil madness, “This, absolutely cannot be allowed to happen.”

“The Primordial Universe Boundary is just this big, and there are only so many living beings that have been bred! The expansion of humanity is naturally accompanied by the weakening of the other races.” The Father God of the Mechanical Race continued, “Before, I didn’t think that humans were much of a threat, but, this has only just been handed down, and humans have actually defeated the Three Races Alliance. If we give them some more time …… I’m afraid that all the other forces in the entire Primordial Universe combined won’t be able to defeat the humans! At that time, the Primordial Universe, I’m afraid that humans will be the sole hegemony. It will be too late for us to regret.”

“Right, right.”

“If we can defeat the Three Races Alliance now, how terrifying it must be in the future.”

Even the Star River Lord said, “This, must never be allowed to happen.”

As the Father God of the Mechanical Race spoke out, the six forces quickly harmonized their opinions, the boundaries were the foundation of each of their communities, it was only natural that as humans expanded, their boundaries shrank and declined.

“Our six forces ……” a gentle voice rang out, the Queen of the Insect Race slowly said, “It’s easy to unite, because we all occupy extremely important and vast territories in the primordial universe. But the other forces are different. Like the Ancestral God Cult, purely many special beings gathered, the only territory is the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, and human beings do not have any territorial conflict! Like the Star Beast Alliance is even more transcendent, those weak Star Beast was born, are in the universe wandering wanderer …… simply do not need much territory. As for the strongest solo travelers, there is even less need for a frontier.”


“Right, the dispute over frontiers makes it easy for all of us to unify. But the Solitary Strongest, the Starry Sky Beast Alliance, and the Ancestral God Sect, don’t care too much. They value the inheritance of the Transcendent Reincarnation more! If the humans pulled together, it was likely that they would defect to the past! In that case, it won’t work for all six of our powers to unite.”

“Therefore, we must unite all the forces that can be united, all the solo strongest ones, the Ancestral God Cult, and the Starry Sky Beast Alliance, all of them must be pulled together as much as possible. I just don’t believe that humans will tell them the secrets of the Transcendent Reincarnation, and even if they do, it may not necessarily be true.”


“In the entire Primordial Universe, the greatest power is not any of our nine powers, nor is it the solitary strongest ones. Rather, it’s the countless idle ethnic groups scattered throughout the various boundaries of the Primordial Universe. Those scattered communities, billions of them, among them powerful, or just one or two Lords of the Universe, but all together, I’m afraid there must be hundreds of Lords of the Universe. But because they are so scattered, they only unite to form one small power, what we need to do is to try to pull them together.”

The threat of the Ancient God’s Eye was not small though.

But a trump card could only produce maximum effect when it was not exposed, but now that it was exposed, there were naturally many ways to deal with it and minimize the threat of the Ancient God’s Eye.

“Hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, each weak and insignificant, the powerful ones are only one or two Cosmic Lords. But when all of them are added up, their territory is huge, huge. When humanity expands in the future, I’m afraid that they will exterminate them and occupy their territories all the same. With this, a lot of idle communities can also be pulled over.”

The six powers talked and discussed with each other.

Trying to do everything they could to increase their own forces and weaken the other side’s forces.

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