Chapter 80: The Big Change

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:53:54
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Luo Feng instantly appeared in the hall, saw the surrounding one after another instantly appeared a silhouette, just a moment, including the Chaos City Lord standing on top of the hall, a total of 19 Lords of the Universe …… surprisingly one are not less, which made Luo Feng could not help but be shocked.

This made Luo Feng shocked. Because, there are several universe lords staying in the “initial universe”.

But now, all of them were “divine power incarnations” that arrived at the first time.

“What exactly happened, teacher even summoned all the universe lords of the human race.” Luo Feng felt the pressure, even if he had previously marched against the allied forces of the three races, he had never had all the universe lords of the human race gathered here.

For a while, within the great hall, every expression was grave.


Not a single Lord of the Universe spoke.

The invisible pressure …… caused all the Cosmic Lords present to sink in, and they all looked at the Chaos City Lord.

“All of you!” Chaos City Lord walked down the steps, looked around at one of the surrounding Cosmos Lords, and slowly said, “The situation, there has been a big change.”

“What changes?” The Lord of Dragonwalk couldn’t help but ask.

“Chaos, what has happened?”

“What exactly has gone wrong?”

“Teacher!” One opened his mouth, each opened his mouth, Luo Feng all opened his mouth to ask after him, it was obvious that this scene had all the universe lords worried.

Chaos city lord solemnly said, “I just got news, a large number of idle communities ……”

Luo Feng and one of them instantly had a lump in their hearts.

The universe lords of the idle communities were the key to this final war! The human camp and the allied camp, whoever could fight for enough …… then the advantage would be even greater. Looking at the situation now, it was hard to believe that many idle ethnic groups had defected to the allied camp?

“A total of 282 powerful ethnic groups, nearly 10,000 ordinary ethnic groups, and a sea of weak and small ethnic groups ……,” the Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “They have actually formed an alliance!”


“An alliance?”

“Idle ethnic groups forming an alliance?”

There was an outcry.

Luo Feng and the rest of them were shocked.

The hundreds of millions of idle communities, the so called “ordinary communities” and “weak communities” were very weak, just like the “golden horn communities” and many others that lived in the human territory, these communities didn’t even have a single universe lord. These communities don’t even have a Master of the Universe. Therefore, in the Universe, they are in a precarious situation, and they are more dependent on the powerful communities, and even on the peak communities.

Therefore, when it was said to be billions of ethnic groups, it was actually mainly an alliance of 282 powerful ethnic groups!

“How could this happen?”

“How could this happen?”

“Idle ethnic groups, this, such idle ethnic groups can even form an alliance? They can actually unite?”

For a time, the great hall was in chaos.

Everyone was shocked and confused.

This news was too shocking!

There were a total of nine super powers in the Primal Universe before, and each super power, like the Hong Alliance and the Insect Alliance, was around 40 Lords of the Universe. The North Border Alliance has the most Lords of the Universe …… but also about 100 just, and it is more loose! So the primordial universe was quite calm.

That countless scattered groups of the united, too difficult, their boundaries, divided in all corners of the primitive universe, some of the grudges with each other is also very great.


The human camp and the allied camp hadn’t thought about it before! After all, in a very short period of time, letting countless idle ethnic groups unite …… this is too tough.

“282 powerful ethnic groups, this, how many Universe Lords does this have to be?” The Lord of Ice Peak couldn’t help but say.

“How did this happen.” Luo Feng couldn’t even believe it.

Forming an alliance.

It wasn’t something that could be done with a mouthful of words, so many ethnic groups involved, grudges and interests entangled, who had a high status, who had a low status, who led?

Chaos city lord solemnly said: ”The facts have happened and will soon be made public. In the beginning, the idle communities were not subjected to enough pressure, and now they are affected by the two camps, forcing them to stand in line …… Naturally, there are some cosmic lords, wanting to help each other in two ways, but worrying that they are weak. So began to pull together some of the Lord of the Universe, ganging up, before although there are these signs, but I did not take it seriously.”

“Unexpectedly, this turn of the eye, the whole are formed alliance.”

“And …… the ‘ally’ of this alliance is the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord!”

The moment these words came out, the great hall was even more dumbfounded.

Beginning Transformation Island Lord?

One of the strongest solo travelers, and the always mysterious Beginning Harmonization Island Master? Among the strongest solo travelers, the Beginning Harmonization Island Master, the Mountain Sitting Guest, and the Northern Border Alliance Master, these three were said to be the most mysterious. Such a mysterious fellow has suddenly become the ally of such a super alliance?

“This super alliance …… has six major sub-prime forces, and many more minor forces converging to form a total of 282 powerful communities, with the number of Cosmic Lords exceeding 400!” The Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “And, in both my human camp and the allied camp, there are some Masters of the Universe who have detached and joined that super alliance.”

“Detached?” Luo Feng and the rest of them looked even more unsightly.

“Chaos, my human camp’s universe lords have decreased?” The Lord of the Desolate Grimoire asked after them.

The Lord of Chaos nodded his head, “As you all know, the vassal communities that have defected are just vassals after all! When fighting, one could hold some of the Cosmos Lords hostage in the ‘Initial Universe’. But before the war with the three allied races ended, there’s naturally no reason to keep disallowing them to return to the Initial Universe.”

“Previously …… they were faced with a dilemma and finally gritted their teeth and chose to defect to us. But when this alliance secretly scuttled, naturally contacted some of the universe lords who defected to us and to the allied camp. With a little bit of pulling together, some of the universe lords broke away.”

“Some time ago, the total number of Masters of the Universe in my human camp had risen to over 180.”

“But now, together with me, there are only 162, and there are still continuing to be Masters of the Universe coming to say goodbye.” The Chaos City Lord sighed, “If they want to leave, can my human camp stop them?”

Deadly silence.

Luo Feng and the rest of them were all depressed.

When those idle communities came to defect, they were merely defecting, the humans gave promises. But it wasn’t possible to say that they would sell out to humans forever! Those idle communities had fought for you humans and left without asking for the slightest favor. Even if they weren’t allowed to leave, they could still fly out of the Initial Universe and enter the Cosmic Sea.

Is it possible that humans want to kill them?

If the humans really dared to do so, then I was afraid that it would cause an even bigger storm.

The hall was quiet.

Each of the 19 universe lords was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

Finally, it was the Chaos City Lord who spoke.

“Just in these days, many of the major powers in the Cosmic Sea have contacted our clan.” The Chaos City Lord said, “They demanded the cultivation guidelines of the ancient civilizations that transcended the cycle of reincarnation, and many of them are aware of the effects of the ‘Primordial Cosmic Origin Will’, so they all demanded to be able to cultivate up to the ‘Limit of the Strongest Person in the Universe’ cultivation Experience. They are willing to trade ‘the strongest supreme treasure’ in exchange!”

The major powers in the Cosmic Sea were powerful.

Like the God’s Eye Clan, the Skeleton Clan, and many other clans, there were several of the strongest people in the universe, and they were willing to take out a supreme treasure in exchange for the cultivation experience of cultivating to the ‘limit of the strongest person in the universe’! After all, they were facing the end of their lives, so would they not be willing to part with it?

“The damnable Cosmic Sea forces are coming to negotiate with my race at this most critical moment.” The Lord of Void Gold coldly said, “They know that we are in a predicament right now.”

“It is the predicament that has come to tempt us.” The Lord of Darkness said in a low voice.

“Not only they ……” Luo Feng said, “Just before, that Eastern Emperor Holy Land contacted me again.”

“Eastern Emperor Holy Land?”

One by one, they looked at Luo Feng.

Humans were unwilling to trade with other forces because giving part of their inheritance to other forces was erecting a strong rival for their future! However, giving it to the “Eastern Emperor Holy Land” was different because the Eastern Emperor Holy Land already had an existence that had transcended the cycle of reincarnation, and had long since had the experience of cultivating to the limit of the strongest people in the universe.

For humans to give them a brief portion of that experience would just be the icing on the cake! It had no effect on the human race itself.

“The Eastern Emperor Patriarch is very cunning and greedy.” Luo Feng sighed and shook his head, “It’s hard to get another supreme supreme treasure from him.”

“It’s all based on my human plight at this moment.” The lord of the phantom marquis gritted his teeth.

The major forces of the Cosmic Sea were actually very greedy.

It was just that they couldn’t get involved, so they could only make up for the critical moment, see that humanity was in a difficult situation, and then take out the “most powerful treasure” to tempt them! After all, for the cosmic sea forces, they want to cooperate can only look for human, like the allied forces camp simply do not have the major forces want.

As for lending to the allied camp to the strongest treasure? It was afraid that if they borrowed it, they wouldn’t return it once it was gone!

“We’ll wait!” The Chaos City Lord slowly said, “We can only wait.”

“Wait for the reaction of this super alliance of idle communities! Previously, individually, one by one, the idle communities didn’t have much of a backbone to make demands with us. But now …… there are more than 400 Cosmic Lords, more than the allied camp! It’s a force that can truly influence the final war, it can be said that whichever side they join, then, whichever side will win!”

“They have enough backbone.”

“Especially that Beginning Harmonization Island Lord, without a word, became the ally of this super alliance. How can this mysterious Beginning Transformation Island Lord, who has made it this far, have nothing to ask for? He must have a purpose.”


“This super alliance will soon make a move.” Chaos City Lord solemnly said.

Luo Feng and the others nodded one by one, their hearts heavy.

In fact, everyone guessed that if the other party had a strong bottom line, then the conditions they wanted would be high! Could it be that humans really want to give? It can’t be given …… If these over 400 universe lords join the allied camp, it would be a disaster for the human community!

Demon Race Frontier, Blood Tooth Star.

A strand of intent descended here, and the Northern Frontier Alliance was the one incarnation of the Lord of the Black Lotus here.


“After all, these small, weak, sub-par forces have united! Forming such a super alliance, even some of the Cosmic Lords who originally defected to my allied camp have broken away. I can’t stop them, I can’t persuade them!”

“Beginning of transformation, Beginning of transformation, Beginning of transformation this guy …… knew that he had extraordinary means, but even gave him this super alliance. Such a super alliance, to get into extraordinary …… I estimate that the giant axe a perish, may he realize the future situation, it is estimated that secretly began to arrange this matter.”

“Now, the initiative is all in the hands of this super alliance.”

“We’ll just wait.”

“Wait for this Super Alliance, what exactly is it going to do.”

The allied camps, the human camps, were similarly caught off guard.

Half a month later.

The Super Alliance was established, officially open to the entire primordial universe, this Super Alliance named “Freedom Alliance”, once established, it directly became the number one force in the primordial universe.

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