Chapter 85 Layout

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:54:08
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At the core of the Freedom Alliance, more than 400 powerful existences gathered, and the Beginning Transformation Island Lord even said directly, “Every Lord of the Universe should be aware of the human race’s reply, and even the few who don’t know, I believe that they must all have understood it now that they’ve talked to the other Lords of the Universe! Since this is the case, what should we choose, all of you say it!”

“The human race, they are really too arrogant, and have not put us, the Freedom Alliance, in their eyes at all! Nowadays, looking at the Primordial Universe, our Freedom Alliance is the strongest! Without our help, they won’t be able to gain a foothold in the Primordial Universe!”

“What kind of credentials do the humans have? How dare they be so arrogant? How dare they be so arrogant and not even leave a way out?”

“They’re really looking for death!”

Immediately, there were some short-tempered universe lords that directly roared.

Since the establishment of the Freedom Alliance, they felt that their status in the Primordial Universe was different, no longer a weak and idle group in the past, but a powerful Freedom Alliance. They have determined that …… the human race will have to beg them! So full of confidence, but this time the human reply, naturally let them all angry!

While some roared loudly, there were also some universe lords who secretly talked to each other.

“Night Flame, what does your faction think?”

“How do you think? Actually, we’ve been stuck in the Lord of the Universe for a long, long time, and being able to become the strongest in the universe is what we most desperately need at the moment. As for the limit of becoming the strongest person in the universe? It’s still far away from us……. Our entire Freedom Alliance, the one who wants to reach the Strongest Person Limit the most is that Initiate Islander! For us, the conditions …… given by humans are actually enough.”

“That’s what I think too, only, Beginning Transformation’s influence isn’t small, and it definitely won’t be easily agreed to.”


“There are also some guys who were bullied by peak communities in the past, some guys with exploding self-confidence …… who think they’re terrific now, are also on Beginning Harmonization Island Lord’s side.”

The Beginning Harmonization Island Lord sat and watched the argument take place.

He swept his gaze over the densely packed 400 or so Cosmic Lords, “Although the Freedom Alliance is huge, it’s precisely because it’s so huge, and some of them still have life and death grudges against each other! It is only because of the oppression of the two camps this time that it is united …… In fact, there are many internal factions and confusion ……”

“These factions, some radical, overconfident!”

“Some timid, still looking up to the peak communities as in the beginning, not daring to easily offend.”

“Somewhat stoic.”

“Some cunning. ……”

The Beginning Transformation Island Lord secretly said, “It’s hard to get them all to listen to me, I have to find a way to get them all to side with me on this issue. It’s necessary to force the humans to hand over the inheritance message of cultivating to the limit of the strongest person in the universe.”

Lords of the universe have an incomparably long lifespan, and this time the matter is incomparably critical, the Freedom Alliance internal factions and more, especially some factions each other is very wrong, all kinds of arguments, even if the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord can not be controlled, even a full controversy for half a month, but also has not yet been who can persuade who!

“So many universe lords, there are quite a lot of ambitious ones.” The Beginning Transformation Island Lord, however, rarely spoke, he had been quietly observing, “With such a powerful force as the Freedom Alliance, there must be quite a few guys that want to take control of this force.”

Just like the Northern Border Alliance.

The Alliance Lord was purely titular with no real power, and those with real power were the Star River Lord, the Black Lotus Lord, and the Tasseled Star Lord.

Now, some ambitious people within the Freedom Alliance were clearly attempting to get the “Beginning Harmonization Island Lord” to the side, making the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord a purely titular one. And the beginning of the island master naturally will not be willing …… to let their hands of power was taken away.

This time about how to choose ……

The internal controversy then reflected how serious the potential threat of the division of factions and power struggles within the Freedom Alliance was.

At the top of the Starry Sky Divine Mountain, there was an independent mountain peak named Mount Beginner.

On Beginning Ancestor Mountain.

“Rumbling ……” The surrounding space and time changed color, thick electric snakes rolled, and the atmosphere was incomparably oppressive.

A sinuous behemoth that was vaguely visible was on Mount Beginning Ancestor.

“Humans! What a great ambition!” The Starry Sky Patriarch let out a low, angry voice.

“Patriarch, what should we choose?”

“Ancestor, let’s let that human camp know how powerful my Starry Sky Beast Alliance is. Since they are not willing to hand …… over, then we will find a way to force them to hand over!”

In the surroundings, a Lord of the Universe gathered, and each of them was also furious.

The humans dared to reply like this!

Truly seeking death!

“Humans, having given birth to an existence like the Original Ancestor, already have pride in their bones. Now that Luo Feng within their community has obtained the ‘Broken East River Lineage Inheritance’, how could they not have huge ambitions?” The Starry Sky Patriarch slowly said, “Wouldn’t they easily hand over the cultivation method of their highest battle power? I had thought that under an absolute predicament, they would compromise.”

“I didn’t expect that they would still be unwilling to hand it over!” The Starry Sky Patriarch was also angry.

He had thought that he had some friendship with Luo Feng, plus Luo Feng’s position nowadays, he had a lot of say in the higher echelons of the human race, on top of that, he had personally gone to negotiate with Luo Feng …… to give the human race enough face, he had thought that in this way, the human race might pass on the method of experience of cultivating to the limit of the strongest person in the universe, to him.

But the truth is, humans are still not willing to hand it over! Only willing to give “how to become the strongest person in the universe” ancient civilization cultivation guide.

“Ancestor, tell me, what should we do?”

“Ancestor, we can’t let that human get away with this.”

“Beginning Ancestor ……”

A head of Starry Sky Beasts let out a furious roar, most of the Starry Sky Beasts were murderous by nature and extremely proud. They put forward conditions, but the human did not agree and was only willing to give a part …… This naturally made them angry and dissatisfied.

“Don’t be anxious, there’s no hurry to make a choice yet. With the personality of the humans, even if the allied camp wins, I’m afraid that they will not hand over their inheritance even if they retreat to the Initial Universe.” The Starry Sky Patriarch slowly said, “We wait, wait for the opportunity …… to wait for humanity to fall into a truly desperate moment, I don’t believe it, they really aren’t in a hurry! If it comes to the last moment, and still refuses to agree to us …… then we will join the allied camp at the last moment, causing them to lose even more miserably!”


“Humans, humans.”

A starry sky behemoth all roared, some of them had friendships with other group universe lords, some of them might have friendships, but when it came to the interests of the entire group, they all stood for their own group’s point of view without hesitation! Just like Luo Feng also knows many friends, but at the moment he is also standing in the perspective of the human community.

The survival of the ethnic group, the war …… was just so cruel.

The human clans, to the Freedom Alliance, the Ancestral God Cult, the Star Beast Alliance, and the solo strongest, all replied one by one.

It was impossible for any party to be completely satisfied.

Human Frontier, Primordial Secret Realm.

“Some of them must be very dissatisfied with our reply. However, they must face the choice …… of choosing the allied camp, and they may not get the slightest message of inheritance even if they go to war. By choosing us, even if they lose the war they will be able to obtain part of the inheritance message.” Luo Feng stood over the Thousand Treasure River, and next to him was the Dark Lord.

The darkness lord nodded, “Right, so the situation shouldn’t be too bad, I guess there will still be forces that will defect to us.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded, “Even if my human race slows down temporarily, it won’t be too long before they can still quickly rise up and become powerful.”


Chaos city lord was also full of confidence.


Luo Feng waved his hand and instantly a nine story tower flew out from his palm and quickly flew to the center of the Thousand Treasure River in the distance.

“Great, great, great!” Luo Feng immediately maneuvered the star tower.

Rumbling …… the star tower began to rapidly keep getting bigger and bigger expanding away and increasing in height, hundreds of millions of kilometers, billions of kilometers, tens of billions of kilometers, only when the entire edge of the tower of the star tower had expanded all the way to the palace near the far away one where Luo Feng resided did the tower of the star tower finally come to a stop.

“Start laying out.” Luo Feng said.

“Let’s go, I have to see this scene as well, if I don’t see this shrapnel scene, it’ll be rare to see it in the future.” The dark lord laughed.

Luo Feng smiled, “Go!”

A single step.

The two of them then flew directly to the edge of the base of the lofty star tower, which was right near the palace where Luo Feng lived, the two of them directly entered the palace and soon came inside a serene huge chamber inside, in the dark silent chamber, one of the walls was having a huge exquisite carving, the whole carving was about 100,000 kilometers high. After all, these palaces are for the master of the universe to live, the palace itself is naturally incomparable lofty, used to practice the chamber is naturally large enough …… a wall height of 100,000 kilometers is also very normal.

The seemingly normal exquisite carvings were, in reality, channel entrances.

“Divine Kingdom teleportation fixed channel, already established.” Luo Feng pointed at the carvings on the wall, “This is the entrance to it, directly connecting to my divine kingdom.”


As soon as Luo Feng took a step, he touched the wall, the wall glowed with a fluctuation and Luo Feng’s entirety entered. The Dark Lord followed and entered as well.

There was a Demon Slayer clan bilocation sitting inside the star tower, so naturally, he could easily manipulate the star tower and wasn’t worried.

Endlessly vast divine kingdom.

“Rumble ……” the endless spectral sea surged, above the spectral sea, surprisingly a light screen was suspended in mid air, two figures came out of the light screen, it was Luo Feng and the Lord of Darkness.

“This is your divine kingdom?” The dark lord looked around, sighing and sighing, “Not bad.”

Luo Feng also smiled and nodded.

One’s own divine kingdom had already reached its limit! One step further …… was a small universe. Such a powerful god kingdom, even the strongest person in the universe wouldn’t dare to break in, so at this level now Luo Feng …… god kingdom doesn’t have the slightest need to hide anymore.

“This Endless Spectral Sea divine body of yours ……,” the Dark Lord looked down at the vast Endless Spectral Sea, there was a hint of envy in his eyes, “Awesome, with a divine body like this, the divine power is really unending. ”

“Luck.” Luo Feng smiled.

Firstly, he had taken over the Golden Horned Beast, secondly, the “blood” he chose at the beginning was the limit of the Golden Horned Beast’s conception, if it exceeded the limit it wouldn’t be able to conceive at all. Three, he has “nine robberies secret canon”, in order to the original potential of the general blood sea, genetic level on the continuous improvement, potential only from the level of the Prince, reached the level of the Lord of the nine ghosts.

“This luck, it’s not something that can come to hand just by wanting it.” The Dark Lord gently shook his head.

Luo Feng smiled, “I’ll start then.”

Luo Feng looked towards the endless ghost sea, his consciousness began to maneuver up, at once the endless ghost sea water surged up, only to see the sea water as if a dragon, directly flew up and rushed into that curtain of light, rumbling …… along that one curtain of light entrance, the surging ghost sea water in a frenzy towards the other end of the channel rolled away… …And the primordial secret realm, the statue wall of the chamber where Luo Feng practiced, was also madly gushing out a large amount of seawater from the Phantom Sea ……

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