Chapter 86 – Dividing the camps

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:54:11
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Primal secret realm, the core place.

Luo Feng, the Chaos City Lord and their palaces were scattered around, the river of a thousand treasures rippled, and in the center of the river of a thousand treasures, there was a tens of billions of kilometers tall nine story tower suspended there.

“Eh?” A figure suddenly flew out of the tower, he was dressed in black and was looking down in front of him.

“Snow Sand Sea!”

Demon Slayer Luo Feng quickly maneuvered, and in an instant, the roiling sea of snow sand quickly enveloped the surrounding area for nearly 10 billion kilometers, and naturally, it also enveloped one of the parts of the palace where Luo Feng resided and the base of the Star Tower.

“Boom–” the raging seawater of the sea of ghosts, directly from Luo Feng’s palace, like a water dragon, the speed was almost the speed of light, and the base of the star tower adjacent to the direction of Luo Feng’s palace on one side of the door was also open, this side of the door was about a billion kilometers high, the The seawater column easily rushed in.

“A water column with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers, even if it flies at near light speed and rushes over …… to transfer the entire Endless Phantom Sea, it still has to be a long, long time.” Demon killing clan Luo Feng frowned slightly in the drifting cold snow white sand particles.

Is has to be a long time.

So far only 100,000 kilometers of water column …… and Endless Phantom Sea is a huge ocean with a diameter of eighty billion kilometers.

This water column to the speed of light this constant eruption, even if the eruption of a full year! Still only a half a star of the entire endless sea of ghosts, must know that many of the universe of the Lord of the gods are not 100,000 kilometers high, Luo Feng this sea water column even if the sea water is passed for a year did not how to shake the sea of ghosts, can be seen in its vastness.

“We still need to continue to build god realm teleportation channels.” The Demon Slayer clan detachment secretly said.

“Boom ……”

The Demon Slayer Race bilocation was on this side, and the Earthling proper was in the Divine Kingdom.

The two of them worked together and began to establish the “Fixed Divine Realm Teleportation Channel.” Fixed Divine Kingdom Teleportation Channel …… is very common, like the Black Dragon Mountain Empire Founding Emperor kind of very ordinary immortal, can build fixed channel. Perhaps to an ordinary immortal, it wasn’t a small price to pay. But for Luo Feng? Even building ten thousand or a million fixed teleportation channels was a very simple and casual matter.


“Condense!” Demon Slayer Luo Feng pointed at one of the empty spaces in the courtyard of the palace where Luo Feng lived, about a million kilometers in diameter, and the entire channel quickly solidified and stabilized.

Divine Kingdom teleportation channels, could be big or small, the smaller the easier it was, the bigger it needed to be stabilized the harder it was. Especially as the divine kingdom teleportation channel continues to get bigger …… the cost required also rises sharply, Luo Feng although he has a huge amount of wealth does not care, but also do not want to waste too much, so he built the entrance to the divine kingdom teleportation channel, generally the largest diameter is only a million kilometers, small tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter.

One by one, the passageways were built!

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

A pillar of ethereal sea water, either incomparably thick or slender, like ten thousand horses galloping, each almost at the speed of light, quickly rushed towards the side door of the Star Tower. After all, that side door is one billion kilometers high, can easily accommodate the impact of the sea water. However, as the passageways continued to increase, it also forced the Star Tower to keep getting bigger and bigger, constantly expanding in other directions.


The core of the space is extremely large, after all, “Thousand Treasures River” spread out several light years, so you can see the width of the space.

Star Tower continues to get bigger, hundreds of billions of kilometers high …… continues to get bigger …… and even later all the side doors and even the base abyss of the entire Star Tower were opened, so as to accommodate more and more seawater from the Phantom Sea.

“Build, build, build.” Luo Feng went on a building spree.

“Too slow, too slow, too slow.” Luo Feng also had a headache over the enormity of the endless spectral sea, but he could only go out of his way to build godly kingdom passages that amounted to a million, filling up the area around the palace complex where Luo Feng lived. The total area of all the Divine Kingdom passages added up to 100 billion kilometers in diameter.

Even so, it took three days for all the seawater of the endless sea of ghosts to enter the star tower from the divine kingdom.

Within these three days, many strong foreigners, and even some immortals and sector masters of the human race were all puzzled …… Why did the endless snowy sandy sea cover that large area? But even though they were curious, they were unable to probe.

Inside the Star Tower.

Within the vast independent space, the endless sea of spectral waters was spreading out, and in the sky above them were Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Chaos City, and the Lord of Pangong.

“I’ve kind of seen it all.” The Lord of Darkness sighed, “I’ve been by the side for the past three days, and only then did I really feel the size of this endless sea of ghosts! The channel with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers, that is, the transmission of a year, or even ten years, a hundred years …… are still poor far, my divine body if the transmission, but a blink of an eye is not needed.”

“Otherwise, that Sea of Nine Specters of the Lord of Nine Specters, how can it be called comparable to a supreme supreme treasure?” The Chaos City Lord laughed, “It’s precisely because all the races are completely helpless …… against the ‘Sea of Nine Pantheon’ that it’s said to be comparable to a supreme supreme treasure ah.”

The Lord of Pangong also looked down enviously.

Such a huge divine body ……

“It’s so huge that it’s tough to move.” Luo Feng smiled to himself, “Look, how much effort it took to move from the godly country to here alone. Frantically establishing teleportation channels and relying on them is what allowed the seawater of the spectral sea to be gradually sent over.”

Actually, in order to teleport the Endless Psi Sea over, Luo Feng was trying to do everything he could.

Because the endless sea of ghosts has to move and fly as a whole, it’s literally moving slowly like a turtle, so at first, Luo Feng was bringing the star tower into the divine kingdom, the star tower became incomparably huge, and then the whole of the endless sea of ghosts seawater would be rushed into the star tower so that it could come and move, at first, when Luo Feng’s strength was still weak, he had relied on the star tower to do so!

However, back then, the range of the sea of ghosts was very small! The level of divine power was very weak!

But now …… is completely different.

The Star Pagoda that carries the entire “endless sea of ghosts” moves at a ridiculously slow speed! Luo Feng is overwhelmed …… Even if it is slow, through the Divine Kingdom teleportation channel should also be fast. But in fact, the Star Tower just touched the Divine Realm teleportation channel, and it caused the entire Divine Realm teleportation channel to collapse!

The pressure of the Star Pagoda after carrying the Endless Spectral Sea was too great! The divine kingdom teleportation channel was too fragile and couldn’t carry it at all.

This caused Luo Feng to be dumbfounded.

Could it be that he couldn’t even transfer over?


Luo Feng remembered to build more divine kingdom teleportation channels, letting the endless sea water directly “flow” through. This sea water is good at flowing …… naturally fast. This also makes Luo Feng sigh, fortunately it is seawater structure, if it is a huge mountain range, or the world tree or something, I’m afraid that you can’t build that big divine country teleportation channel ah!

Anyway, after a lot of hard work, he finally transferred the endless sea of ghosts from the divine realm to the “primordial secret realm” within the star tower. Luo Feng then collected the “snow sand sea”, everything is back to quiet …… those foreigners strong, etc., are full of doubts but do not know what happened in the past three days.

Then, the human race waited slowly.

Many means all ready, just waiting for the major forces to reply.

“The Ancestral God Sect has agreed to join my human camp!”

“The Ancestral God Sect has requested that they be given partial guidance first, and then after the battle, they will be given the other part of the guidance.”


“Haha…… Ancestral God Sect joins my human camp, that’s like having three more top Sixth Order combatants. Moreover, the Ancestral God Sect has two supreme supreme treasures.”

As the news came, the human side was in a state of jubilation.

On the contrary.

The allied camp was furious when they found out, while the Freedom Alliance was still fighting internally, and when they heard that the Ancestral God Cult had joined the human camp, the strife within the Freedom Alliance became even more intense!

“The Black Zeus Founding Lord joins the allied camp!”

“Northern Border Alliance Master joins the allied camp!”

“Erzhou, join the allied camp!”

“Void Truth Demon God, joining the allied camp!”

News came in one after another.

Although the humans felt the slightest bit of pressure, everything was being prepared, because since they intended not to hand over the message of “cultivating to the limit of the strongest in the universe”, it was destined that these lone strongest would not be able to help the humans.

The allied camp, on the other hand, was overjoyed.

At this moment.

The division between the bilateral forces was also beginning to become clearer. Other than the few strongest people such as Sitting Mountain Guest and Demon Beast Patriarch who didn’t take a stance, most of the forces had taken a stance. Now, only the Star Beast Alliance and the Freedom Alliance remained to make their final choice.

“The Starry Sky Beast Alliance messenger came again, but quite capable of talking, but also said that the message of imparting them to cultivate to the limit of the strongest person in the universe will have no impact on the overall situation of the primordial universe……. In the conversation, the meaning of the threat is also very obvious, obviously this Starry Sky Beast Alliance is expected to join the allied forces camp. ”

“No need to care about him, the most important thing now is the Freedom Alliance.”

Now the entire primitive universe, the major forces are staring at the Freedom Alliance, which is the most important force, the coalition camp is now much stronger …… than the human camp, but once the Freedom Alliance to help the human, then doomed to the coalition camp will not be able to succeed.


The differences within the Freedom Alliance are very serious.

A large part, want to join the human camp, at least they can get cultivation to the level of the strongest person in the universe ancient civilization cultivation guide.

The other part, including the Beginning Harmonization Islander, wanted to coerce the humans by putting pressure on them or else they would join the Alliance camp.

The differences between the two sides, especially when looking at the situation of the entire primordial universe finally fell on them, the differences became more and more serious, the radical side led by the Beginning Harmonization Island Master, and the more calm side formed by many other factions, fighting each other incomparably.

In the third month of the Endless Specter Sea entering the Star Tower.

“Luo Feng.”


Luo Feng met with the Chaos City Lord.

“You quickly travel to Earth.” Chaos City Lord commanded, “That Freedom Alliance’s ally, ‘Beginning Harmonization Island Lord’, at the moment one of his avatars is descending on Earth.”

“Descending to Earth?” Luo Feng frowned.

“Well, he’s come alone to negotiate with us humans.” Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “And our primordial secret realm now has many alien powerhouses, he doesn’t want his identity to be leaked …… so he’s come alone to negotiate, it seems, the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord has the intention of helping my human camp.”

“Alone?” Luo Feng understood a bit, “Teacher means, he doesn’t represent the freedom alliance, but himself?”

Chaos city lord nodded slightly.

“Alright, I’ll go see him.” Luo Feng nodded.

Who was sent to negotiate could also show the level of importance. Right now, the highest status in the human camp were Chaos, Luo Feng, Darkness, and Peng Gong. Among them, Chaos and Luo Feng’s status importance was a bit higher again.

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