Chapter 93 – Blood Battle, Luo Feng’s Madness! (above)

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:54:28
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Luo Feng’s mind was in chaos as countless thoughts surfaced.

Purple moon holy land?

He hadn’t entered the cosmic sea for a long time, and the only one he had a real grudge against was the “God’s Eye Clan”. The two major Holy Lands and himself could not be considered to have a grudge, and the Eastern Emperor Holy Land was somewhat involved because of the transaction! But the Purple Moon Holy Land …… from beginning to end, they and the universe sea other forces, everyone to grab the inheritance, the Purple Moon Holy Land also grabbed …… but not the best efforts to grab. At first, like the East Emperor Holy Land was directly occupying the most important and core area to capture the tomb boat, but the Purple Moon Holy Land is and other forces are in the periphery …… and never contacted Luo Feng during the battle, nor did he ever want to trade with Luo Feng.

“Even trading attempts have not tried, this Purple Moon Holy Land has always been very transcendent, but this time how uh …… “Luo Feng’s heart has hatred.

Can you not hate it?

The situation of his human race was stirred up by this Purple Moon Holy Land, and it became incredibly dangerous all of a sudden.

“I have a lot of doppelgangers, I have the tomb boat star tower, that Purple Moon Patriarch should also understand …… even if it breaks the sky and fights even more crazily, I can definitely survive.” Luo Feng secretly said, “He wants to rely on strength and force me to hand over my inheritance. This is simply impossible, so why is he still dealing with me? Against humans?”

“And if he really wants the inheritance, at the very least, he should try to attempt a trade first.”

Luo Feng judged based on many clues.

Purple Moon Holy Land ……

It wasn’t sufficiently attentive to the Broken East River lineage inheritance. Especially that Purple Moon Patriarch, his desire for the Broken East River lineage inheritance didn’t seem to be strong either. But why would he want to deal with himself, with humans?

Misty …… Luo Feng only felt that that Purple Moon Patriarch should have other purposes.

“Purple Moon Patriarch, what exactly does he want? Rather than passing out the ancient civilization inheritance message to the Freedom Alliance, he also wants to deal with me against humans?” Luo Feng felt that there must be a lot of secrets that he didn’t know.

Inside the great hall.

The Beginning Harmonization Island Lord said directly after he finished, “This time the matter is that I, Beginning Harmonization, didn’t do a good job, but since I got a part of the message given by you guys. Then, I won’t make a move in this battle …….” After saying this he directly disappeared into thin air.

Luo Feng, Darkness, Chaos, and Peng Gong watched the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord leave, but they didn’t stop him.

They understood that if they promised to give the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord the cultivation message of cultivating to the limit of the strongest, the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord would probably come over to the side of the human camp……. However, a single universe’s strongest person had no effect on the big picture at all. If he was truly willing to spread the word, he would have already pulled in a large number of the strongest people.

“Prepare to meet the battle.” The Chaos City Lord said in a low voice.


Luo Feng, Peng Gong, and Darkness all nodded with gloomy faces.

Inside the six palaces of the Freedom Alliance, the one controlled by the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord.

“Beginning Transformation, this time it was our fault, please forgive us.”

“Brother Beginning Harmonization, this time around, the Lord of Lightwalking was able to bring each of our universe lords great benefits, that’s why we’re all listening to him for the time being. Once this battle is over and we get the inheritance message. He Lightwalker …… is not qualified to guide us at all. The most convincing ally of our Freedom Alliance is still you.”

“Yes, we have always supported you, Beginning Harmonization.”

A large group of Cosmic Lords from Beginning Harmonization Islander’s faction consoled one after another, knowing that they had made Beginning Harmonization Islander very unhappy this time.

“Alright, I understand your thoughts, and there is nothing wrong with what you have done.” Beginning Transformation Island Lord swept a glance, at the same time also looked ahead of the palace exit, can not help but secretly sigh although all are his faction, but after all, it is not his slaves, so each and every one of them is to stay at the exit apparently lest Beginning Transformation Island Lord defected to the human race, will all of them to seize, offer to the human race, so that the human race has the capital of blackmail.

And now all are at the exit.

Once the strength of more than 70 Cosmic Lords explodes …… plus many of them have detachments that are enough to rival the instantaneous outburst of eight or nine of the strongest people in the universe, they are completely able to easily rush out of the exit and break away from the bondage of this palace supreme treasure.

“Prepare for battle.” The Beginning Harmonization Island Lord droned out in a voice transmission.

Although this plan failed, but the Beginning Harmonization Island Lord was not willing to turn the other cheek, after all, the Freedom Alliance’s internal factions were chaotic with each other, who did not obey each other, no one wanted to control the absolute power. And he led a faction, plus is the only strongest, but can be convinced by all parties. He has a lot of power.

This time, the Lord of Light Walking is holding the “ancient inheritance message given by the Purple Moon Patriarch”, so that he can temporarily make all the cosmic lords listen to him, but once this ancient civilization inheritance message is obtained, who will still listen to the Lord of Light Walking? After all, there were quite a few who had a grudge against the Lord of the Light Walk.

“Hahaha.” The Prison Clan Demon Ancestor transmitted a voice and laughed rampantly, “I didn’t realize that humans would be so stupid as to offend even your Freedom Alliance. Once your Freedom Alliance and our allied camps cooperate, we will have more than 800 Cosmic Lords and more than 10 Cosmic Strongest Persons, occupying almost 80% of the battle power of all the top level powerhouses in the entire Primordial Universe, and the tiny human beings are simply not qualified to fight with us! They will definitely lose!”

“Yes, they’re bound to lose.”

“Tiny humans, how dare they resist, I’m afraid that one collective attack from us will cause their resistance to completely collapse and a large group of Universe Lords to perish.”

At one time, the allied camps and the Freedom Alliance quickly approached each other, and they all communicated with each other through divine voice transmission, obviously incomparably happy and full of absolute confidence, jokingly, more than 800 Masters of the Universe, more than 10 of the Universe’s Strongest Person! Over 10 of the strongest people in the universe! Such a powerful force, no force in the primordial universe could resist, only to be crushed.

“The group of cowards from the human camp are hiding inside the Star Tower, we can’t hurt them at all.”


“Surround the Star Tower!”

“Yes, surround, completely surround the Star Tower! Once they come out from the mouth of the Star Tower, we will collectively attack …… haha, how can they resist our collective attack?”

“Unless they hide inside the Star Tower forever.”

“If they hide inside the Star Tower forever, then we’ll keep trapping them and suppressing them. We only need a third of the Cosmic Lords, the strongest people in the universe, to be stationed here. Then we will be able to prevent the humans from struggling. And we can also take the opportunity to plunder the human race’s frontier completely.”

“Without a frontier, and being trapped forever! Unless they retreat to the Initial Universe …… but retreating to the Initial Universe, without the resources of the Primordial Universe, they humans have no future at all and are no longer a threat.”

The towering nine-tiered Star Tower.

Surrounding the void in the allied camp of the Freedom Alliance of a palace to the treasure, as if a huge fortress, suspended in a place, and all began to move up, began to surround the Star Tower, as if a huge sphere, the Star Tower is the sphere of the “sphere center” and that a palace to the treasure is distributed in the sphere of the “sphere”. “The palace was the center of the sphere, and the treasures were spread out on the sphere’s surface, completely encircling the Star Tower.

“More than 800 Cosmic Lords, more than 10 of the strongest.”

Inside the Ancestral God Altar, a group of Cosmic Lords and the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect all panicked.

“Such a terrifying power.”

“Humans have no hope of winning.” One by one, they all completely panicked.

“Don’t panic! No matter what, although our Ancestral God Sect has the intention to help the humans, in this situation, once we emerge from within the Ancestral God Altar, we will definitely be bombarded by hundreds of Cosmic Lords, and we are afraid that we will have to perish many of them in an instant. Therefore, we can only hide within the Ancestral God Altar and passively defend ourselves in this battle.” The pale-faced Ancestral God roared lowly, “We only need to hide within the Ancestral God Altar, all material attacks on the Ancestral God Altar can be blocked, and with our three Ancestral Gods joining forces, along with the addition of the Primordial Cosmic Will, it’s impossible for any soul attacks to break through our Voided Divine Power defense.”

“Right, we don’t need to worry. It’s just that we won’t be able to help the humans. I believe the humans will understand our plight as well.”

The three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect, as well as a group of Cosmic Lords, quickly decided.

They hid within the Ancestral God Altar and defended with all their might, absolutely not venturing out! No matter what, preserving one’s life was most important. After all, it is more than 800 universe lords and more than 10 of the strongest people ah …… who dares to block it?

Inside the Star Tower, people were on edge.

The unobstructed sight of the 100+ Cosmos Lords could see through the Star Tower to the outside void that surrounded a palace supreme treasure in all directions.

“Humans, quickly admit defeat!”

“Hand over the ancient civilization inheritance!”

“From the Lord of the Universe to the Ultimate Inheritance of the Strongest Person in the Universe, all of them will be handed over to us. Once we confirm it, then we will immediately retreat. If you don’t hand it over …… then you humans will have no foothold in this primordial universe from now on. The boundaries of your humans …… will never belong to your humans again.”

“Hand over the inheritance!”

“Hand over the inheritance!”

A magnificent voice spread directly into the Star Tower.

The more than 100 universe lords inside the Star Tower, especially the group of alien universe lords panicked one by one, and one by one, the Chaos City Lord, Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Pangong, the Lord of Dragonwalker, the Lord of Desolate Discernment, and other one by one, the human universe lords looked towards the surroundings, and understood that even if they forcefully ordered it, I’m afraid that these alien universe lords wouldn’t be able to get to the the exit to attack externally.

After all, those foreign races weren’t willing to go to their deaths.

“Forcing us humans to hand over our inheritance?” The Chaos City Lord’s face turned cold.

“Beautiful thought indeed.” Luo Feng was also staring outside.

That one community ……”

Seeing the humans as a big threat, but once the humans handed over their inheritance, then the bug race, the demon race, the mechanical race and the other one race groups could also continue to grow stronger, in this way, even if the humans became stronger in the future, they wouldn’t be much of a threat to them. So the two options of getting the inheritance and retreating, or directly beating the humans out of the primordial universe were both acceptable to the allied camp.

“Luo Feng!” Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng.

“Luo Feng!” The Dark Lord also looked over.

“Galaxy!” Peng Gong looked towards Luo Feng.

Every single human universe lord around them looked at Luo Feng, they all knew about this plan and understood how crazy and dangerous it was, but at this moment’s predicament, only Luo Feng’s plan had any hope of success. It’s just that this plan …… is completely betting Luo Feng’s life on it.

“Leave it to me.” Luo Feng’s eyes glowed harshly.

“Be careful.” Chaos City Lord couldn’t help but instruct.

“Don’t worry.” Luo Feng looked towards the lofty palace supreme treasure outside, “Just them want to kill me?”

It was easy to say, but it was over 800 universe lords and 10 strongest people.

“Great, great, great!!!” Luo Feng whole body breath violently strong Wei up, at the same time that originally already lofty star tower violently began to get bigger, hundreds of billions of kilometers height, trillions of kilometers height …… crazy towards the outward expansion, all of a sudden all hit the surrounding surrounding surrounded that a palace to treasure ……

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