Chapter 94 – Blood Battle, Luo Feng’s Madness! (Middle)

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:54:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Freedom Alliance, the allied camp a total of 17 palaces to the treasure, in the dark silence of the void around the Star Tower, the distance from the Star Tower is about a hundred billion kilometers away …… and the original height of the Star Tower is a hundred billion kilometers level, while the diameter of the base of the Star Tower is a ten billion kilometers level, and so on is being that 17 palaces surrounded by a look of death.

“Hand over the inheritance!”

“Hand over the inheritance!”

The morale of the allied forces’ side was like a rainbow, the overwhelming advantage filled each of them with absolute confidence.

“Big, big, big!!!” The Star Tower violently erupted and became larger, its height directly skyrocketed from the level of a hundred billion kilometers to the level of a trillion kilometers, and instantly, the diameter of that Star Tower’s base also skyrocketed from the level of tens of billions of kilometers to the level of a hundred billions of kilometers, and it even directly crashed into the surrounding mouths of palaces to treasures.

“Humans are fleeing!”

“Be careful, this Star Tower has suddenly gotten bigger, the humans might be trying to find a way to escape.”

“Everyone be vigilant, Northern Border, it’s up to you.”

“They can’t escape.”

A star point suddenly appeared in the endless void around them, countless star points appeared out of nowhere, and each star point was vaguely connected to each other with light, and in a moment, the surrounding range of several light years was covered by countless light points. It was the most powerful treasure “Sutra Starlight Lake” which was a domain type of powerful treasure owned by the Northern Border Alliance Lord.

Luo Feng stood inside the star tower, watching the base of the huge star tower hit the 17 palace treasures, while the allied side didn’t care about the impact, but obviously saw the humans acting in such an odd way and feared for any changes, even the domain type supreme treasure “Sutra starlight lake” was used.

“Escape?” Luo Feng stared outside and laughed coldly, “It should be you who want to escape, but unfortunately, you can’t even escape if you want to.

“Endless sea of ghosts ……”


Luo Feng had already started to manipulate his Endless Psi Sea before he manipulated the Star Tower to become bigger, causing the endless seawater to already arrive directly at one of the side gates of the base, and when the Star Tower violently expanded at this moment, along with Luo Feng’s one intention …… at once the raging Endless Psi Sea seawater started to madly erupt and rush out towards the outside along that one of the side gates!

Star Tower base in all directions, a total of nine side doors. The “Abyssal Entrance” at the bottom of the base was the main entrance used for swallowing and sucking.

“Beware of humans escaping, be vigilant everywhere, don’t let them escape.”

The allied camp was worried about humans escaping when suddenly ……

That lofty star tower base nine side door, rumbling …… must know at this moment star tower height of more than trillion kilometers, and the height of the base side door each have tens of billions of kilometers high …… With the nine side door of the madness of the endless seawater gushing out, and the original was hit and the star Tower incomparably close to one of the palace treasures, almost instantly it was flooded by the madly gushing out seawater.

“Rumble …… “A universe lord god body if it becomes bigger, can instantly reach a million kilometers high or even ten million kilometers high. A supreme treasure can also instantly reach tens of billions of kilometers or hundreds of billions of kilometers if it grows in size ……, all without being limited by the so-called “speed of light” speed.

The endless sea of ghosts is essentially a divine body.

And is one of Luo Feng’s four divine bodies, only the “new sea of ghosts split” is only the use of the endless sea of ghosts of the talent created by an avatar only, that avatar is the top only a thousand times the genes, and the real endless sea of ghosts …… is the perfect genes of the universe of the Lord, with the endless sea water surged out violently expanding.

In particular, the abyss at the bottom of the Star Tower also gushed out a large amount of endless seawater at the same time.

“Big, big, big!!!” Luo Feng’s consciousness tried his best to manipulate, at the moment it was manipulating the endless ghostly sea to become bigger.


The endless ghost sea reached a terrifying level of 300 billion kilometers in maximum diameter and 30 billion kilometers in depth……. Of course the true volume of the endless ghost sea was 80 billion kilometers in length, width and height at this level, at this moment it turned into a terrifying ocean with a maximum diameter of 300 billion kilometers… …The divine body has intentionally become much larger.

It was only a matter of an instant.

The Star Pagoda became larger to a trillion kilometers tall, impacted 17 palace supreme treasures, and then the Endless Spectral Sea violently expanded out, even more so, causing the divine body to become a little larger …… because of its original size, it was easy to become slightly larger by a mere ten times or so.

“What’s going on? How are all the surrounding seawater?”

“What’s going on?”

“This, what’s going on, is it, is it a domain type supreme strongest supreme treasure?”

The allied camp was not in a hurry, having an absolute strength advantage made them very confident, only for the endless seawater that suddenly appeared they were puzzled, such endless seawater was a domain? But the Northern Border Alliance Master had already executed the “Sutra Starlight Lake” before, so it was reasonable to say that other domains shouldn’t have appeared.

“It’s not a domain, it’s divine power!” The Northern Border Alliance Master transmitted, “The endless seawater and my Sutra Starlight Lake aren’t in conflict, so it’s not a realm. Moreover, I sense powerful divine power …… This endless seawater should be endless divine power! It should be similar to that Nine Specters’ Sea of Nine Specters of the Lord of Nine Specters! The entire endless ocean has a maximum diameter of about 300 billion kilometers, while the minimum diameter is 30 billion kilometers.”

“Divine power? Yes, sensing carefully, it is indeed divine power, every drop of seawater is divine power. Such an endlessly huge divine body …… is only possessed by the Ancestral God Sect’s Lord of the Nine Specters.”

“The Sea of Nine Specters?”

“No, this isn’t the Sea of Nine Specters, the scent of the Sea of Nine Specters is clear to me, I’ve had contact with Nine Specters many times, and this scent of divine power isn’t his either.”

“This, this is Luo Feng’s aura!!!”

“Zhen Horn, what did you say?”

“It’s Luo Feng’s breath, yes, I’ve fought and battled with him. It’s his divine power breath!”

“Galaxy Lord Luo Feng?”

“This is Luo Feng’s divine body?”

“Luo Feng also has a godly body similar to the Sea of Nine Hells?”

At once, the allied forces side of more than 800 universe lords, more than 10 universe strongest people were a bit shocked, because the “sea of nine ghosts” in the primordial universe has a great reputation, and the one who owns the sea of nine ghosts is only the lord of nine ghosts, only this one, no other, can be called the strongest and most treasured godly body, so that no one can do anything about it, only that huge godly body swallowed and sucked in every moment. God body every moment to swallow the divine power, are more than the other universe of the Lord of the entire God body of the divine power …… who is not jealous?

However, the limitations of such a huge God body are also obvious, and it is extremely difficult to move! The Lord of the Nine Specters are relying on the natural secret method to split an avatar, the avatar is only one tenth of the level of divine power gene, the volume of the divine body is even more general, making the strength of the Lord of the Nine Specters is inferior to the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of the River of Stars, and a number of other existences.

“Luo Feng has a sixth rank top battle power! How can he still have such a huge divine body?”

“Right, Luo Feng previously manifested the Golden Horn Beast bilocation and manifested the Earthling bilocation, both of which had sixth rank top battle power. The bilocation strength is so strong …… how could he still possess a bilocation divine body like the Sea of Nine Humors?”

“The universe is fair, it’s impossible for something so heaven-defying to occur.”

“Moreover, the Sea of Nine Sephiroths has extremely high genes, and the Golden Horned Beast’s natural talent of ‘detachment’ is simply incapable of spawning such a heaven-defying detachment.”

When the allied forces side was shocked by the fact that this endless ocean was Luo Feng’s bilocation, those alien universe lords on the human camp side were equally astonished.

“Don’t hesitate.” The Chaos City Lord transmitted his voice and droned, “All the universe lords, start a joint collective attack.”

“Attack? Chaos City Lord, that, that coalition side counterattack we can’t stop it.”

“Right, Chaos City Lord …….”

One by one, the foreign races were clearly unwilling to die.

Chaos City Lord swept his gaze around and said indifferently, “Don’t worry, all of their palace supreme treasures are all within the Phantom Sea …… and the Phantom Sea is the condensation of endless divine power, their attacks will be consumed by the Phantom Sea divine power to resist them! So their attacks can’t attack you at all. You guys, on the other hand, can attack over recklessly, and the Phantom Sea won’t resist, instead it will attack along with you.”


“What the humans mean is ……”

The alien universe lords, as well as a group of powerful members of the Ancestral God Sect who had also received the message within the “Ancestral God Altar” next to the Star Tower, were all baffled. They all understood the human’s intention, even …… letting Luo Feng rely on this “sea of ghosts” to withstand the attack of the entire allied camp.


Too crazy.

Did the humans think that they could withstand the combined attacks of more than 800 universe lords and more than 10 of the strongest people in the universe with their ridiculously large god bodies?

“It’s too dangerous.”

“This, this is too dangerous.”

“Luo Feng is sending himself to death.” These foreign races couldn’t believe it, this was like sending it to the enemy to be killed by the enemy! Maybe this endless ghost sea one on one …… or one on ten, can boast the entire primordial universe who can’t be helped. But this time it was more than 800 universe lords converging ah.

At once more than 100 alien universe lords all looked at Luo Feng who was in silver armor and silver wings.

“All of you.” Luo Feng drank in a low voice, “Don’t waste time, attack, nearest target!”

Said Luo Feng, pointing at the nearest palace treasure, and the endless seawater that filled the area around that palace treasure began to swirl, the swirls directly parted into a passageway that led directly to the depths below within that palace treasure, that was a detachment led by the demon race’s Dream Demon Ancestor himself, within it was about 40 universe lords.

On the human side, along with the Ancestral God Cult, there were about 200 Masters of the Universe! Especially Luo Feng, the Chaos City Lord, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Pangong, and the three Ancestral Gods, each of them were capable of extreme battle power.

Making the human side all unite and attack that one palace supreme treasure ……

Naturally, they had an absolute advantage!

With this slight movement from the humans, the allied camp completely understood what exactly the human side was up to.

“Humans are too crazy, even presuming to block our other parties with the Nine Pixie Sea God Body, and then focusing their battle power to deal with a palace supreme treasure alone. To break them down one by one like this! Too crazy, too confident, too arrogant, they think that just one divine ocean can withstand more than 800 of our universe lords and more than 10 of our strongest people?” The Northern Border Alliance Lord’s pale voice came out, “All the Cosmos Lords, all the strongest people, all of them cast soul attacks, all of them!!!! Cast a collective soul attack against the surrounding ocean of divine power!”

“So many universe lords, so many universe strongest people …… collective soul attacks all cumulative, I don’t believe that Luo Feng alone can resist? I want this supreme genius to perish now.”

“Luo Feng, perish.”

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng.” The allied camp was instantly overwhelmed with excitement and euphoria.

“Attack!!!” The Northern Border Alliance Lord ordered with a voice transmission.

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