Chapter 96 Capture

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:54:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“How can I live?” Luo Feng looked outside, his own divine seawater could even sense a strong emotion, it was the fluctuation generated by the incomparably intense emotions of the allied camp’s universe lords and universe’s strongest people.

“Why can’t I live!”

“It’s too late to regret now!” Luo Feng’s eyes swept through a cold light.

The combined attack of about a thousand universe lord level god bodies was indeed powerful and terrifying. In fact, as early as when this plan was proposed …… Luo Feng had guessed that the worst case scenario would be the Freedom Alliance joining the allied camp, so at that time he had thought that he was afraid that he would have to withstand this level of soul attack.

As for material attacks? Fighting a war of attrition with the vastness of the Psi-sea god body wasn’t a worry in the slightest.

The only thing to worry about was soul attacks.

Luo Feng himself was actually a bit worried internally, Chaos City Lord and the others were also worried about this when they first learned of this plan, so they first tried to have more than 100 alien cosmic lords to jointly attack Luo Feng, and the joint vaporized divine power attack of more than 100 alien cosmic lords had already reached the eighth level of power.

Before experimenting ……

The reason why Luo Feng dared to propose this plan was because he thought that his divine power was perfect, his will was at the level of the “strongest in the universe”, and he had the Star Pagoda to guard his soul! Ninth level power attack shouldn’t be a problem, and he got the three great masterpieces of Broken East River lineage, among them, “Broken Destruction” can accelerate the burning of his divine power, and his strength will be raised one level, so that his divine power will burn and explode into a stronger power, so that he should be able to withstand ten levels of attacks.

The conception is good, but Luo Feng is also a little worried in his heart ……

Then he attempted to resist the joint attack of over a hundred universe lords!

Huh, what’s going on?

I didn’t use the Mad Demon Destruction Armor and merely relied on the Star Tower to subdue my soul! How come the eighth rank sub attacks are weak like this? Luo Feng was very surprised, the 8th level attack felt like a breeze to him, so he was shocked, he immediately summoned the “New Phantom Sea Bilocation” (Thousand times gene), and then the Star Pagoda guarded the new phantom sea bilocation… …and once again let over a hundred universe lords attack.

Another attack!

With the Star Tower, the New Phantom Sea Bifurcation was able to block the eighth-order attack with surprising ease!

“The New Psi Sea bilocation was actually able to block it? Then isn’t the Endless Spectral Sea divine power even stronger …… to block the ninth rank? Plus, the ‘Severance’ can raise a level, even the tenth rank can resist it.” Luo Feng was incomparably excited, but at the same time, he was also surprised because he thought …… that he should use all his means to barely resist a tenth rank attack.

According to speculation:

Endless spectral sea plus The Severance (this one move then caused Luo Feng to reach the level of the strongest person in the universe in terms of divine power defense), plus the supreme supreme treasure Star Pagoda to hold it down, it should barely be able to block a tenth order might attack.

The new Phantom Sea split, plus the Star Pagoda, should barely be able to block an eighth order attack.

But the truth was–

It was easy.

The New Psi-Sea Split had the Star Tower to guard it, and it easily blocked the eighth-order attack without the slightest bit of strain.

“The strength of my New Pixie Sea detachment is obvious, then it should be due to the Star Tower.” Luo Feng realized …… at that moment that this was probably one of the Star Tower’s “differences”.

The Star Pagoda was a very special supreme treasure.

It is more difficult to recognize than all known supreme treasures, and even the Wufei Feather is far less difficult to recognize than the Star Pagoda! Than the general strongest treasure recognition difficult several grades …… alone in order to recognize the owner, sitting mountain guest is specially created “earthlings lineage”, and after endless years before finally selected a Luo Feng.

The recognition of the master is so difficult, how can it be ordinary?

Luo Feng has always thought that the Star Tower must have a special place, but has always felt similar to other strongest treasures. This time, he used him to “guard his soul” and tried his limits over and over again, only to realize how powerful the Star Pagoda was in guarding his soul.

“Just now, my divine seawater in the Sea of Secrets, the divine seawater surrounding the 17 supreme treasure palaces all burned, and all performed the “Severance” to maintain the strongest power. And the Star Pagoda sat in the center of the Endless Spectral Sea, subduing the soul! And then it was attacked by the soul …… but it felt easy, and then I gradually slowed down the burning, and even stopped The Severance of Destruction completely, before I felt the strain only.” Luo Feng secretly said.

He was well prepared himself.

And the star tower, even more so, gave himself an unexpected surprise.

Both sides fell into very different states, one side was excited as hell, and the other side was chilled and terrified.

“Gentlemen don’t waste time, attack quickly!” The Chaos City Lord pointed remotely at the nearest palace treasure.

The other foreign race universe lords glanced at the Chaos City Lord, wasting time? Just now they foreign races could all be fine, instead it was the human native race universe lords who were all agitated like crazy, even going to hug Luo Feng, some even shedding tears …… To say that they were wasting time, it should also be the human native race that was wasting time.



But no one was talking nonsense, including the Ancestral God altar, about 200 universe lords from the human camp collectively cast a vaporized divine power attack.

Whoosh! A figure appeared out of thin air in the outside world over the endless divine power seawater, it was Luo Feng who was carrying a battle sword all dressed in black, holding the Ancient God’s Eye in his left hand, directly shining towards that palace supreme treasure, and the direction that the Ancient God’s Eye was irradiating naturally separated a channel, not blocking it in the slightest, and the powerful impact of the will …… swept directly through that palace supreme treasure.

“Rumble ……” The soul attack that spreads over the sky also follows the attack.

“Dream Tea, be careful!” A pale voice transmitted sound.

As soon as the voice was transmitted, followed by a powerful will shock descended within this palace treasure, the Dream Demon Ancestor herself naturally resisted it easily, but the group of Universe Lords under her command instantly collapsed by ninety percent, leaving only three Universe Lords still standing.

“Will Impact!” Dream Demon Ancestor was instantly in a great hurry.


The Dream Demon Ancestor couldn’t care less, and even swept his tail to include all of this group of Universe Lords in the world ring he carried with him.

“Rumble ……” The sweeping impact of the Voiding Divine Power instantly swept through the entire palace treasure, while only one Dream Demon Ancestor was left inside the palace treasure all the others were put away by the Dream Demon Ancestor.

This scene was clearly detected by the Northern Border Alliance Lord through the “perch qu starlight lake”, and was instantly shocked, and even sent a message to every other palace treasure, and even sent a message: “Each team be careful, we failed to kill Luo Feng, then we are in an absolute disadvantage. Once we are attacked by the combined souls of the human communities, it will be incredibly dangerous for any detachment……. Once we find the human teams approaching, it is best for the strongest person in the universe of each detachment to immediately put the Lord of the Universe away.”

“Our detachment doesn’t have the strongest person.”

“Our detachment doesn’t have one either.”

Every single detachment on the Freedom Alliance’s side immediately all became anxious.

The Freedom Alliance had a total of six divisions, and only one division had the strongest person, the “Beginning Harmonization Island Lord”, while the other five divisions didn’t have the strongest person.

“Quickly converge towards the other teams, the more Masters of the Universe there are together, the safer they are.” The Northern Border Alliance Lord transmitted his voice urgently, “It’s best to converge with the team that has the strongest person.”

“Everywhere around us are endless divine seawater, these burning divine seawater, the binding force is amazingly large, is desperately entangling us …… Palace Supreme Treasure can’t fly, the flying speed is too slow.”

“Can’t fly.”

“The divine force seawater has been entangling.”

One team after another was in a hurry, and even those strongest of the strongest felt a headache.

They only felt heavy resistance when maneuvering the palace supreme treasure to fly, and a large snake of divine force seawater crazily wrapped around the palace, wrapping around it to death, causing the palace supreme treasure to fly at a ridiculously slow speed, barely reaching one percent of the speed of light. They are unaware that …… in order to intercept and hinder them, but all the divine power seawater that surrounds each palace treasure is all burning and casting 銆夿reak Off銆�, the resistance is incomparably amazing.

“Three Ancestral Gods, please also cast Five Colored Aurora Lake!” Luo Feng didn’t think the resistance was enough and immediately transmitted his voice.


Boom ……

An aurora appeared in the surrounding void, the colorful aurora swept across the void, directly colliding with the “Qiqu Starlight Lake”. Sutra Starlight Lake and Colorful Aurora Lake are both domain-type strongest treasures! The two immediately fought with each other, and for a time, the Sutra Starlight Lake was forced to start retreating.

Soon, several light years around, the Lake of Colorful Aurora and the Lake of Sutra Starlight were almost half each.

“Golden kingdom!” Luo Feng’s silver wings spread out behind him, and suddenly, hazy endless golden light spread out, and began to assist the “colorful aurora lake” to suppress the “perch curved starlight lake”, causing the perch curved starlight lake’s range to shrink once again! Within a few light years, about 80% of the area was controlled by the human camp.

It could only be said that the golden kingdom wasn’t strong enough to help the Lake of Colorful Aurora to a limited extent.

“Hmph.” Luo Feng saw this but laughed in satisfaction.


If you let your teacher use the treasure left behind by the original ancestor “control the universe”, that control the universe, naturally also control space and time, than your own “golden kingdom” is much stronger. Just not in a hurry …… in case the coalition camp dying to appear any unexpected situation, or not in a hurry to use all out.

“Uncle Darkness.” Luo Feng looked to the Darkness Lord next to him.

The lord of darkness instantly smiled, “It’s our turn? I’ve been waiting impatiently for a long time.”

“Let’s go, go capture prey.” Luo Feng immediately moved his body and flew out directly, next to him, the dark lord also flew out directly with the star tower, as for the other alien universe lords, human universe lords and so on, they were all inside the star tower.

The North Border Alliance Lord performed the “perch song starlight lake”, only occupy part of the range, because he is the coalition camp, the spread protection to the 8 palaces belonging to the coalition camp. The other 3 palaces and the 6 palaces of the Freedom Alliance …… are not protected at all.

Especially the Freedom Alliance!

First, it was subjected to the seawater of divine power under the burning of “Breakdown”, and the resistance was terrifyingly large.

Secondly, it was obstructed by the “Colorful Aurora Lake” and “Golden Kingdom”. How can it speed up? Even one percent of the speed of light could not be reached, and each of their palaces and treasures were billions of kilometers away from each other or even farther.

After all, the base of the Star Tower was at the level of hundreds of billions of kilometers, and each palace was surrounded by it, so they were naturally far away from each other.

“Matter attack.”

“All matter attacks, blast away the surrounding divine power seawater.”

“Damn divine power seawater, blast away.”

One by one, the palace supreme treasure detachment were all anxious and frantic, madly attacking towards the surrounding seawater, rumbling …… their attacks just out of the palace, and the surrounding divine power seawater crazily canceled out, after all, every drop of seawater is divine power! This divine power crazily consumes each other, while the other divine power seawater in the surrounding area is still surging up!

And at this moment-

Luo Feng was carrying an ancient god’s eye, and next to him was the dark lord with the star tower, their speed was yet unrestricted, easily reaching the speed of light into the dark universe. Following closely, they soon returned from the dark universe back to the primordial universe …… and had arrived in front of a palace supreme treasure more than 10 billion kilometers away.

“Dark master uncle, catalyze the black prison tower and capture the prey.” Luo Feng stared at a palace belonging to the Freedom Alliance in front of him, but there were over 70 universe lords inside.

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