Chapter 100: It’s begun

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:30:25
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The 7th Star Domain battlefield, within the 026th barracks base, on the snow-covered mountains, Luo Feng, clad in silver armor and wings, was standing on the snow talking to the delivery personnel of the Virtual Universe Company.

This scene was seen by two other kings in the distance.

“Look, it’s the human Yang.”

“It’s him.”

“The other races on the Yan Zi continent have been looking for him for a long time, but they never thought that Yang would be hiding in a military base. Even if they knew that Yang was in the military base, they would be unable to do anything about it.”

“Do you think… that Yang has obtained the treasure of the sacrificial tower?”

“I’ve personally visited the sacrificial tower once, and after carefully observing some of the battle traces inside the sacrificial tower, I judged that it should be true.

“This Yang is really lucky. Look, he’s meeting with the delivery person from the Virtual Universe Company. He must have bought a lot of treasures.”

“It’s useless to be jealous. Yang got the treasure of the sacrificial tower. What can you do about it?”

“Yes, I have no choice. We are on the same side. Who would dare to attack him? But I dare say that if it weren’t for the military system, even within the human race, there would probably be someone powerful who would attack Yang.”

The two alien village kings looked at the mountains hundreds of kilometers away. With their eyesight, they could clearly see the hairs on the faces of people hundreds of kilometers away.

They looked at each other while conversing.

The news of Luo Feng’s base in the human camp 026 quickly spread, and when the greedy alien overlords on the Yan Jie continent heard about it, they cursed one after another.




“This human is hiding in the barracks base, bastard!”

“Go, go, go, leave the Yan Zi continent! This human is so scared that he is hiding in the barracks. What can we do? Even the Universe Sage can’t do anything to the barracks. We’re wasting our time here. Let’s hurry back to the Star Tower! Maybe there are treasures in the Star Tower!”

Many alien warriors who had originally been hopeful began to despair. In fact, they also guessed that if the human “Yang” obtained the treasure, he would probably leave, but they just didn’t get accurate information and didn’t want to believe it.

After all, in the outer battlefield, the chance of getting treasure is very, very slim.

“Humans!” The purple king in the cave had cold eyes. “You are really cautious and timid.”

“But hiding in the barracks base makes the powerful of all the universes think that you are weak, and they are even more convinced that you have the treasure!”

“But I know…”

“Your cowardice is a disguise.” The Purple Bell King has always been wary of Luo Feng. He has had contact with Luo Feng. During the exploration of the treasure in the sacrificial tower, Luo Feng has always been low-key, but he definitely does not shrink from taking risks. When it comes to taking action, he is not the slightest bit soft-hearted. “When it’s time to be low-key, be low-key; when it’s time to be high-profile, be high-profile; when it’s time to be ruthless, be ruthless.”

“Human ‘Yang,’ what are you waiting for?”

The Purple Bell King whispered, “Waiting for the conditions to be ripe before you strike me? If you’re going to do it, then do it as soon as possible.”

He had a feeling that this human was waiting patiently for an opportunity…

Their duel will definitely come!

Luo Feng took out a brand new world ring, a world within a world.

A vast grassland.

Luofeng, dressed in black, sat cross-legged, his expression solemn, looking at the black suitcase in front of him.

“Fimo venom!” Luo Feng whispered, and the contents of this suitcase were the expensive and terrifying Fimo venom. This time, only 10 billion of the 560 billion mixed units were left, almost all of which had been spent, and the most expensive of these was a kilogram of Fimo venom purchased with a full 300 billion mixed units.

“Be careful.”

“If it leaks, my Demon Slayer clone will be finished.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, and he didn’t dare to handle the Fimo poison in his inner world, for fear that he would accidentally cause the inner world to collapse and he would perish.

The Demon Slayer clone and the world ring’s world.

This clone can be reborn into a new one, and this world is also a brand new world ring, so even if one world collapses, it’s not a big deal.

“Open.” Luo Feng gently opened it.


The black suitcase opened, revealing ten crystals inside. Each crystal was filled with a mesmerizing purple liquid that flowed slowly like mercury.

“Ten pieces of Fimo poison, each containing 100 grams of Fimo poison.” Luo Feng’s eyes were burning with passion.

Fimo poison: 1 gram is worth 300 million mixed units. It is a terrible potion created by the powerful pharmacist “Fimo” in the human race, hence its name. This Fimo poison has a strong erosive power. This potion is specially created to erode the “immortal god body.” Generally, 10 grams can erode and kill a king-sealing supreme being, and 100 grams of Fimo poison (one dose) can kill a “king-sealing invincible” being (such as the level of the King of Truth).

Its power is terrifying.

But its weaknesses are also obvious.

First, it is a disposable item, and the venom is used up with each use.

Second, the venom must come into contact with the immortal body in order to be effective, but the universe’s strongest beings almost always wear a layer of armor, so the venom is almost useless against armor and metal. So the armor must be torn to allow the venom to come into contact with the enemy’s immortal body. Or attack the face, which is not protected by armor…

Third, the Fiamo venom needs a carrier. After the venom is applied to a weapon and solidified, it is used to attack. But after the weapon cuts open the opponent’s immortal body… it is possible that only a very small amount of the venom applied to the weapon enters the enemy’s body, and the damage to the enemy is too small each time.

Fourth, assuming that 100 grams of venom enters the body of the true king at once, with the true king’s strength, when he discovers that the venom is frantically eroding and annihilating his immortal body, he will abandon part of his immortal power in the first instant, forcing the venom out of his body. I’m afraid that only one or two grams of venom will have time to erode, and the rest will be forced out of the body and wasted. So every time the amount is small, the enemy has not had time to force out the venom, and the venom has already had its full effect.

Four major weaknesses.

The value of the Fimo Venom… cannot be compared to some weapons that defy the heavens.

Like the “Caso Dagger,” it can be used continuously and permanently, and can instantly kill a King-level strongman by piercing it. Whether it is “permanent use” or efficiency, it far surpasses the Fimo Venom. But the price is also terrifyingly high.

Luofeng took out a blood shadow battle knife with a flick of his hand. This was a new blood shadow battle knife that had just been customized, made from a mixture of some expensive G-class metals. It was no worse than the defense of the sacrificial tower treasure chest, and the Fimo venom was very weak against metal, and it could not even corrode this new blood shadow battle knife.

Of course, this new blood shadow sword cost nearly 100 million points.

“I have simulated the experiment in the virtual universe thousands of times, so there shouldn’t be any problems.” Luo Feng, dressed in black, was very careful, and began to apply the “Fimo Venom” to the blood shadow sword. The blood shadow sword was only a little bigger, so he applied a maximum of 50 grams of venom on it.

After a moment…

Luo Feng took the new blood shadow sword in his hand, looked at the purple light on the blade, and couldn’t help but smile: “From today on, this sword will be called the ‘Poison Shadow Sword’. A blood shadow sword, a poison shadow sword… I usually use the blood shadow sword, and use the poison shadow sword at critical moments.”

“I have to wait patiently.”

“The Golden Horned Beast needs to practice the “True Self of the Universe,” and the Cloud-Catching Vine also needs to transform. I have to endure it for a while…”

A fierce light flashed in Luo Feng’s eyes. “Purple Bell King, it’s almost time!”

One year later, in the inner world.

“Wo!” The Golden Horned Beast raised its head and let out an excited roar. It had finally used up the vast amount of precious resources from the 110 billion mixed units it had purchased, and had cultivated the “True Self World” to an amplitude of 16 times.

“Everything is ready!” Luo Feng stood on the grass, his eyes full of anticipation. “Mowu.”


A stream of light flew from afar, and it was the Cloud-Sealing Vine with 256 main vines. After spending another 8 billion points, it finally upgraded the Cloud-Sealing Vine from 216 main vines to 256 main vines, and its strength also increased from the peak of Marquis to the early stage of King! If you want to upgrade to 360 main vines (King high level), you will need more than 100 billion points, and the success rate is less than 50%.

If you cultivate it from the juvenile stage, you can cultivate an immortal Morion vine with 360 main vines with more than 10 billion points.

This shows that… if you are weak from birth, in the later stages, the cost of wanting to advance may be a tenfold leap.


The Morwint vine flew over, wrapping around Luo Feng like an octopus, and then merged into Luo Feng’s skin. “Master,”

The voice of the Morwint vine was full of gratitude and excitement.

“Ha…” Luo Feng smiled.

The Cloud-Catching Vine has been with me for so many years, surviving and thriving all the way. Even if it costs me a lot of points, I’d rather spend a little more than cultivate another Cloud-Catching Vine. But I’m not rich yet, and with all the threats and pressures, I haven’t reached the point where I can casually spend over 100 billion mixed units to gamble on a success rate of less than 50%.

“Arm of the Sky.” Luo Feng placed a Water God Source Crystal in the energy nest of the Arm of the Sky.

“Silver Armor.” A layer of silver armor appeared, protecting the Cloud Battle Armor and the Locking Arm.

“Wu’s Wings.” A pair of silver wings unfolded on his back, concealing the aura of the original Lord of the Realm and spreading the pressure of the strong.

With silver armor and wings, Luo Feng’s eyes lit up and he smiled.

“Babata,” Luo Feng ordered, “send an email to all my friends who are the strongest human faction leaders on the Yan Jie continent, asking them to help find the Zizhong Wang of the Qixiang tribe in the mechanical faction.”


Send an email to ask for help.

“I don’t know if we can find the Purple Bell King,” said Babata. “The Purple Bell King probably spread the news because he was afraid that Luo Feng would go after him, so he probably hid himself.”

“If we can’t find him, we’ll offer a reward for his capture,” said Luo Feng in a low voice.

Just like when the mechanical race of Zivika offered a reward to find Luo Feng, as long as tens of millions of mixed units were offered as a reward, all the powerful people in the human camp would go crazy looking for him.

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