Chapter 2 The Secret of the Frontier

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:26:02
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“Looks a bit capable, don’t know what’s the origin ……” Luo Feng looked at it and didn’t think much more about it.

The permission granting ended quickly, out of the 101 sector lords there were a total of 2 sector lord warlords, 62 elite sector lord warriors, and 37 ordinary sector lord warriors.

Realm Lords, universe level, the permission granting ceremony proceeded the fastest.

Although the domain lords had ten insiders conducting the permission granting ceremony at the same time, it took quite a while for it to end.

“Permission Granting Ceremony, all over.” The Immortal Deity’s voice steeply grew louder, echoing in the ears of the tens of thousands of universe warriors, “All of you come with me, later on, the collective will teleport you to the Extra-territorial Battlefield, this clan war, the warriors participating in the war are very many, so there are a total of eleven battlefields, all of them are outside of my human’s boundaries, and that’s why they are known as Extra-territorial Battlefields, and the one that you’re going to is the seventh battlefield. ”

“The seventh battlefield?”

“All outside the human frontier?”

“Woo, my teacher is in the second battlefield, it seems like there is no hope of running into him.”

All sorts of murmuring voices rang out.

Luo Feng however secretly pondered, “The seventh battlefield? Average mortality rate of 96.8%, ranked third amongst the eleven battlefields of the extradimensional battlefield, well, it’s kind of a good place to practice.”

“Depart!” The Immortal Deity ordered.

Immediately the vast tens of thousands of warriors advanced with them, Luo Feng and his group of realm lords were of course at the forefront, moments later, they came to a huge hall hall, this hall had to be thousands of miles in diameter this huge hall hall was having eleven huge spatial water curtain like passages.

“This is the spatial passage to the seventh battlefield.” The immortal deity walked to one of the water curtains, “The seventh battlefield, is a cosmic secret realm with a maximum diameter of about 1.1 million light years, of course billions of years of killing, the dangers of this cosmic secret realm itself have been weakened to the extreme, and the main threat comes from the alien enemies. There are a total of one hundred barracks bases in the seventh battlefield, and you are now teleporting to arrive at base 026.”

This water curtain was a full kilometer wide and a kilometer high.


One by one, the realm lords went in, Luo Feng stepped in with them, tens of thousands of soldiers soon all entered.

Using the divine kingdom as a staging area, when Luo Feng and his tens of thousands of soldiers arrived at that divine kingdom staging area, they once again entered the space channel, and then they were directly teleported to barracks base 026 in the seventh battlefield outside of the human territory.

When Luo Feng took a step inside that divine kingdom transit station, he felt that space and time changed in front of him to another place.

“Haha, new recruits are here.”

“There are new recruits.”

“Quick, quick, quick, don’t even sleep, hurry up and do something.”

Calls and shouts rang out one after another.

Luo Feng at first glance saw a dozen or so soldiers wearing white battle armor, oh not all of them were wearing white battle armor, there was still a white haired and white robed immortal deity amongst them, that immortal deity smiled, there were hidden electric snakes in all of his eyes, he smiled and said, “New recruits, welcome to the seventh battlefield ‘026 ‘ Barracks Base, all Sector Masters go with him, all Domain Masters go with this little guy, and all Cosmic Levels go with this little girl.”

The white-robed immortal deity quickly designated three leaders.

The universe-levels, domain lords, and sector lords were along three different passages.

“All Realm Lords, up ahead is the Realm Lord camp.” The ushers spoke.

A moment later.

Then they arrived at an elegantly decorated hall with tens of millions of seats, now at a glance, by Luo Feng’s visual estimation, there had to be hundreds of thousands of realm lords sitting here as well.

“Why are there so many sector lord soldiers?” Luo Feng was shocked, “There are only millions of sector lords in a universe country, the human frontier only has a total of 1008 universe countries. And there are a total of eleven battlefields in the extraterritorial battlefield, each battlefield has a hundred bases. On average, how many Realm Masters can there be in each base? It’s impossible for all of humanity’s Realm Masters to participate in the war. And logically …… there should be a lot of Realm Lords going out to fight, and the ones staying in the bases are the minority right, how come there are hundreds of thousands of Realm Lords here?”

The other 100 Realm Lord recruits were equally shocked.


The leader shouted loudly, “The new recruits are here, there are two ‘Realm Lord Battle Generals’ amongst this batch of new recruits, haha ……” The leader turned around and left after saying that.

“Realm Lord War Generals?”

“Realm Lord War Generals?” Those Boundary Lord soldiers who were originally drinking and chatting with tens of thousands of Boundary Lords all ran over.

When the realm lord soldiers were close to each other, the intelligent light brain they carried would prompt for each other’s permissions, so the gazes of these tens of thousands of realm lord veterans instantly landed on Luo Feng and the other tall young man.

“Join our elite squad, our elite squad is led by immortal deities, more military honors and higher probability of surviving in danger ah.”

“Our squad is stronger.”

“You two ……”

These realm lord veterans were frantically inviting Luo Feng’s duo, but they didn’t even bother with those other 99 realm lord recruits.

A moment later.

Luo Feng and that tall young man, were both sitting at a table, and beside them sat an immortal deity wearing blood colored battle armor with a scaly tail, this immortal deity, named Taiwo, was an earth immortal deity. It was because this immortal deity was the first to arrive to personally invite, Luo Feng and his duo, in the face of tens of thousands of realm lord veterans inviting them, eventually chose this immortal deity to talk first, as for whether or not they would join, they didn’t give a go ahead for now.

“Captain Taiwo, why are there so many domain lords here?” Luo Feng asked, “There are eleven battlefields in the extraterrestrial battlefield, each battlefield has a hundred barracks bases, how come there are so many realm lords resting here alone?”

“I’m also skeptical.”

The tall youth next to him also asked with doubt.

“Haha ……”

Taiwo personally poured the wine, “Chatting over a drink, Crazy, Rock, not only you two, in fact, many Boundary Lord recruits are very skeptical when they first come here, how can there be so many Boundary Lords! If you come into contact with more realm lord soldiers and chat with them, you’ll know why.”

Luo Feng’s duo looked at him.

“Actually, the humans in the 1008 universe kingdom are just a part of the human community.” Captain Taiwo laughed, “As far as I know, in some universe secret realms there are many land masses, those mega land masses are living countless humans, it’s said that some large land masses are hundreds of billions of kilometers in diameter and so on, the population of a large land mass is comparable to a universe country in some cases.”

Luo Feng was stunned.



The Golden Horn tribe lived in the “Rasuo world”, which was a mega land. The Blood Luo world was also a mega land, the number of strong people on these two mega land was indeed far more than a cosmic country.

“There are many of those kinds of land masses in the cosmic secret realms in the human frontier. Those places are filled with abundant cosmic origin energy, and the humans living there are almost adult to planetary level, cultivating many strong people.” Taiwo laughed, “That’s one aspect, there are also a large number of human immortal deities, and a large number of humans survive in the divine kingdoms of immortal deities.”

“Divine Kingdom humans, Cosmic Secret Land humans, Cosmic Kingdom humans, this is what makes up the entire human community.” Taiwo laughed, “Like many of our life and death brothers, some grew up living in a god kingdom, some just live on a large land mass, but their material life is far inferior to cosmic country humans, just like the virtual universe network, it’s only when you reach the cosmic level that you can have the chance to go on the virtual universe network.”

Luo Feng was shocked to hear this.

Immediately, his consciousness connected to the virtual universe network to check the message, with his own authority, he immediately checked clearly.

Humans, according to their living environment, can indeed be divided into divine kingdom humans, cosmic secret realm humans, and cosmic kingdom humans.

Cosmic country human “population” is not much, to know those cosmic realm continents, a land is comparable to a cosmic country, and a cosmic realm in the construction of tens of thousands of continents, but also very easy. Moreover, the “divine kingdoms” of immortal deities are also incomparably vast, and a large number of human beings can live in them.

“Since a large number of humans can live on the land of the Secret Realm of the Universe. But why do they still have to go to war and fight over the boundaries?” Luo Feng had wondered about this when he was in the Rasuo world, and only after he became the Chaos City Lord’s personal disciple did Luo Feng have the authority to find out the answer.

War, the fight was over the frontier!

Why do they fight?

According to the information Luo Feng looked up.

It was as if plants needed enough sunlight to grow, once the plants were too dense, all of them would not grow well. The same reasoning! The formation of life is very special, no matter if it’s flesh and blood life, mechanical life, plant life, etc……. As long as it’s life, when it’s conceived, it will absorb the “essence” of the entire universe.

As long as it is a life, it will absorb the “essence” of the whole universe when it is conceived. Life is conceived and grows by absorbing special energy from the universe.

For example, within the range of 1000 light years, there is a life planet, this planet on the 10 billion people, then the universe within the range of 1000 light years of energy is almost all cultivation of this one life planet.

And the “cosmic secret realm”.

Comparable to the population of a cosmic country, but crowded in a large land, the population density does not know how many times higher, the “cosmic essence” naturally less.

And the “Kingdom of God human beings”.

The Kingdom of God is in the space crevice, are not in the original universe space, can absorb the essence of the universe, than the “universe in the secret realm of human beings” is even less pitiful!

According to the data.

“The humans of the Divine Kingdom, who are the most numerous, can only cultivate to the Realm Master level. Over the countless years, only 9,082 immortal deities have been born, all of which have had special encounters; without special encounters, the humans of the Divine Kingdom are destined to be unable to become ‘immortal’.”

“The Cosmic Mysteries land humans, second in number, can cultivate to become Immortal Deities just like the ‘Cosmic Kingdom Humans’, but to produce a ‘Cosmic Exalted’ . . the probability is ridiculously low!”

“Cosmic Kingdom humans, the least in number, occupy the most territory! A large number of immortal deities have been born throughout history, and 98.2% of the Cosmic Exalted are all from Cosmic Kingdom humans.”

A frontier was like fertile soil!

The larger the frontier, the greater the potential of the community, and the higher the probability of giving birth to a superpower.

Inside the hall.

“Among the Realm Lord soldiers, the largest number of them are Divine Kingdom humans, right?” Luo Feng asked.

“Right.” Taiwo nodded.

Luo Feng secretly sighed, I’m afraid those god kingdom humans didn’t realize that secret they had found out earlier, after all, the probability of becoming an immortal deity was originally super low, even if the birth of an immortal deity was extremely rare. Those Realm Lords probably didn’t realize this problem either.

“The human soldiers of the Divine Kingdom, are the most numerous, so many Realm Lord superpowers, are from the humans of the Divine Kingdom.” Taiwo laughed, “After experiencing life and death ordeals over and over again, and many threats of life and death, they gained breakthroughs in their strength, and then accumulated huge amounts of military merits to exchange for treasures and strengthen themselves. Although they are only sector lords, some of them are completely capable of rivaling ordinary immortal deities.”

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