Chapter 29: A Hundred Years

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:27:15
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Luo Feng was flying over Misty Sand Island in his spaceship, the immortal gnarled hobbyist that he had just forced to blow himself up …… instead made Luo Feng sober, even an immortal army lord peak himself couldn’t be killed dryly, his own fighting strength is still a bit different from what he imagined ah.

“Grind, grind myself well, I’ll grind on Misty Sand Island first, when I call myself the strongest overlord on Misty Sand Island. Then go to the main continent.” Luo Feng made a decision.

“Baba tower, just that mountain range.”


Luo Feng collected his spaceship, then quietly swooped down alone into that mountain range, there was a super large cave in the hinterland within that mountain range, it looked like there should be no life living here for a long time. It was estimated that a certain large team had once been stationed in here in history.

“From today, this is my lair.” Luo Feng reached out with his hand, “Eating star, completely fill the entire cave for me, leaving only this hall where I am!”

Instantly the golden star eater grass landed inside the cave, and then according to Luo Feng’s conscious command, it crazily started to grow longer, knowing that the limit of this immortal star eater grass was able to become comparable to the size of the sun, it was simply too easy to block the cave, countless grass blades filled the cave, making it seem like the cave had become a sea of grass blades.

Heavy guards!

Detection equipment can monitor 1 billion kilometers range, at the same time can also “high intensity” detection 10,000 kilometers range. Luo Feng purchased the detection instrument after all belongs to the very high end, can maintain the large range, small range two kinds of detection at the same time, naturally small range detection more carefully advanced.

In addition to the instrument, there is also the star eating grass guarding.

“At least I don’t want to be sneak attacked during my Yin cultivation. Detection instruments are just instruments after all, there will always be mistakes, star eating grass protection …… is safer.” Luo Feng then began to set up the hall hall, this was about to become his long term residence.

The grinding journey began, according to some extra-territorial battlefield survival experience found on the virtual universe network, as well as his own personal experience, Luo Feng’s life and death grinding in the extra-territorial battlefield had a certain pattern.

After a trip to hunt and fight, he would come back to counterenlighten and cultivate for as short as ten days and half a month, or as long as three to five months.

To know that most of those immortal deities acted in pairs, or even in threes.

Luo Feng went to fight alone!

With the Beast God Soldier it was indeed a struggle, sometimes instead he was surrounded and defeated, so he would have to use his sword technique to fight.

Luo feng using “beast god soldier”, his strength is barely considered as a feudal lord, mainly because of his “peak world power of sector lord”, the foundation is too weak. Moreover, Luo Feng’s “Marquis Primary” doesn’t have the body of immortality, so to be precise, he’s only slightly stronger than a normal peak immortal army lord.

He can use his sword to fight in close combat, but he can be comparable to a feudal lord. Because of the close combat Luo Feng with armor, the body to play the power is 1000 times the power of the realm master, the basic power is very strong. Plus close to the king of the “beast god realm” to perform the sword …… is naturally regarded as a feudal marquis high combat power.

As soon as Luo Feng fights with his sword, those alien powerhouses see the situation is not good and naturally flee immediately, even if Luo Feng uses the immortal star eater grass ……, he can catch and kill just one.

Time passes, in the extra-territorial battlefield those living strong which is not to break thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and Luo Feng in the fog sand island a shake will have been the past hundred years.

Hundred years ……

Luo Feng went out to hunt and kill hundreds of times, at the beginning, Luo Feng usually rely on himself alone can not succeed will rely on the “star eating grass” to assist in killing opponents, then also killed some foreign immortal deities. But gradually, Luo Feng’s fame spread out, those alien powerhouses on Misty Sand Island passed messages to each other, they all knew that there was a “human realm lord with immortal star eating grass”.

“Damn human, even relying on the Immortal Star Eating Grass.”

“How dare they possess immortal plant life.”


“Even my elder brother, who is a feudal lord immortal, doesn’t have immortal plant life. The other 11 Feudal Feudal Immortal Deities haven’t heard of anyone having auxiliary plant life either! That auxiliary plant life is too difficult to deal with, countless blades of grass, once it entangles and devours, there’s no place to escape, it’s even more terrifying than facing a Seal Marquis Immortal.”

In the past, the foreign race immortal deities on Misty Sand Island acted in twos and threes.

However, as the reputation of the “Star Eating Realm Lord” spread, even the Star Eating Realm Lord was recognized as one of the 13 terrifying existences along with the other 12 known Marquis Immortal Deities.

And so…

The foreign immortal deities on Misty Sand Island began to unite, two teams merged into one, and four or five immortal deities began to gather together, or six or seven immortal deities gathered. In this way – even if they encountered Luo Feng, they were still able to overpower Luo Feng, once Luo Feng took out his star eater grass or battle sword, each of them first preferred to lose 5% of their immortal body to blow themselves up to block the star eater grass for a few moments, and also shocked the world projection’s bindings away, and then frantically fled!

This led to Luo Feng’s later battle credits becoming less and less.

Luo Feng also sighed at that time: ”Immortal deities really no one is a fool, in the past there was no immortal plant life on the misty sand island, all acted in twos and threes, now I showed up …… suddenly turned into four or five, six or seven immortal deities teamed up together, and when the situation was bad they all preferred to blow up 5% of their immortal god bodies, fleeing up! , each maintaining nearly the speed of light to flee, I want to chase can not catch up …… make me want to kill an immortal deity are very difficult.”

“Fortunately, my current goal is to hone myself, accumulating military achievements is secondary, and I’m also more able to hone myself once there are more Immortal Deities …….”

Every battle.

It was a life and death fight, those foreign races were afraid of losing their lives if they weren’t careful, so they naturally fought for their lives, causing Luo Feng to gain a lot from the battles.

Of course in these hundred years, Luo Feng hadn’t not encountered danger.

There were three times he encountered danger.

Two of them were when he was chasing after escaping immortal deities and was surrounded! In fact, even though it was those immortal deities who set up the trap, Luo Feng’s detector of course realized it long ago, but in order to test and hone himself, Luo Feng knew that it was a trap and still barged in headfirst.

This kind of crazy killing, killing with all one’s might, also made Luo Feng quite rewarding, those two times although dangerous, but the earthling essence is at least alive.

The third danger was the most dangerous one in this century.

That time ……

Luo Feng locked a foreign race immortal team, there were only four immortal deities in that team, Luo Feng didn’t put it in his eyes, so he quietly forced his way over …… and then suddenly attacked, blowing up that biological airship, and the battle started instantly! The large number of sector lords, domain lords, and universe levels on that airship were scattering in all directions to escape.

Luo Feng and the four alien immortals fought madly and gruesomely.

Right at this moment!

One of the fleeing alien sector lords, a huge insect mother nest suddenly appeared next to him, that insect mother nest was surrounded by densely packed peak sector lord insect warriors, a full 300,000 peak sector lord insect warriors ah, just a combined attack, Luo Feng earthling essence couldn’t even escape in time to escape, even gave up on using the immortal star eater, Luo Feng didn’t want to be bombarded to death by the immortal star eater.

At that time, Luo Feng just did one thing –

Taking that golden shield, that two meter high and one meter wide beast god soldier shield to block himself.

Boom! 300,000 peak sector lord insect warriors’ combined attack, bombarded on the beast god soldier shield, which was worthy of being the standard weapon used by universe honored ones …… That bombardment naturally couldn’t destroy the golden shield, but it instantly bombarded the golden shield and threw it far away from him, and that strong impact also caused Luo Feng’s own body, which was hiding behind wearing the soldier armor, to instantly shocked and The force of the impact also caused Luo Feng’s original body, which was wearing the armor, to instantly shatter!

The armor weakened 99% of the impact!

But the physical quality which is only three times stronger than a realm lord, was still shattered and collapsed, even the origin bead in his body (coalesced from the world power, not the original core) was also directly shattered.

Earthman original, dead!

The moment of death.

Demon killer race split into the “earthling original” appearance instantly appeared, and the collapsed body, shattered armor and so on all instantly into the world ring, the demon killer race split into the world ring, holding a shield, at the same time being blown away, also borrowed the force of this impact to quickly escape.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

And then took the Meteorite Ink Star ship and quickly left.

When escaping through the detection instrument …… Luo Feng realized that those alien immortal deities and a large number of fighters were the entourage of the insect mother emperor, and the insect mother emperor who secretly hid in the “inner world” of a realm lord’s slave was the leader of the whole team, but he was only the leader of the entire team. The Insect Mother Emperor was also frightened.

The Insect Mother Emperor was also stunned, 300,000 peak Realm Lord warriors’ joint strike was enough to seriously injure a Seal King Primary Immortal Deity, but it didn’t even kill that human.

“Surprisingly, he didn’t die, hurry and escape.” The Insect Mother Emperor ordered the same.

“Escape.” Luo Feng did the same.

Because fighting hard with that insect mother emperor, even if he could win, the cost wouldn’t be small.

Other than this one time by the insect mother emperor, all other times were fine.

In fact, in the extraterrestrial battlefield, for immortal deities would adjust appropriately according to the situation, for example if it was very dangerous, then several teams would unite. A low level of danger, such as the Shattered Star Belt, is when a single Immortal Deity alone can break through. Overall …… Luo Feng’s probability of encountering danger was considered normal.

Encountering a great calamity once in a hundred years wouldn’t be easy if one could live for tens of thousands of years.

In another hinterland of the mountain range where Luo Feng’s lair was located.

Three men and women with human and animal heads were sitting on alloy chairs, apparently these human and animal heads were all “demon puppet bodies”.

“Step Stabbing Tooth is dead.”

“It was that Star Eater Realm Lord who killed him.”

“How can we be so unlucky, these sixty years, it has already been three times that we ran into that Star Eating Realm Lord, this is also too unlucky. These three times …… the first two times have desperately saved their lives. But the third time, still folded the step piercing teeth, that Star Eating Realm Lord’s progress is really fast, this third time is much more powerful than the first two times.”

“The progress is too fast, if we run into the Star Eating Realm Lord again, I am afraid …… The three Demon Immortals fell silent, the atmosphere in the entire hall was depressing, there are thirteen terrifying characters in the Misty Sand Island.

Twelve Sealed Marquis Immortal Deities as well as the Star Eater Realm Lord!

As the saying goes – one would rather touch a Feudal Immortal than a Star Eater Realm Lord!

Yet they have encountered the Star Eating Realm Lord three times in just sixty years …… Indeed unlucky.

In the other hinterland of this mountain range, which was where Luo Feng dived.

“Haha, 1200 years of enlightenment in Chaos City, after a long time of enlightenment, real life and death killings work better instead.” Luo Feng walked out of the hall, stretched his back, stroked the star eater grass leaves that stretched over, revealing a smile, “Demon race immortal, your lair is just 120 million kilometers away from me, always in my monitoring, only looking for you three times in sixty years, I counted it as very merciful.”

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