Chapter 38: A Thousand Years, A Jedi Mastery

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:27:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Go on.” A voice came from the air stream.

Luo Feng respectfully saluted and then disappeared into thin air.

“In just a few thousand years Luo Feng has actually been able to kill a feudal marquis, although it’s by virtue of the Golden Horned Beast detachment, and relying on the Wu Slayer Feather, but it’s also very good……. If this goes on, one day it will be able to catch up with his senior brother, Koti.” Chaos City Lord was sitting cross-legged on top of the divine hall, the air flow surrounded him, forming a blur of many phantom jia.

“If it is–”

“If I had also given Koti a supreme treasure back then, perhaps he would still be alive.” The Chaos City Lord sighed.

After all, Koti was the one who had broken through the “sector lord level” primordial heavenly mountain, naturally he had reached the 20th layer in terms of law perception, and was already infinitely close to a universe venerable, he was much stronger than Luo Feng in terms of law perception, of course, he had been practicing for a much longer time as well. Although Koti also has a lot of powerful cards, attacks to escape and other means can not be said to be not strong, but such a supreme treasure like the Wufei Feather, even the universe honors are very difficult to get, let alone Koti, Luo Feng these geniuses.

Just like the Chaos City Lord, this kind of universe hegemonic existence, can only be a supreme treasure.

Virtual universe rain phase mountain primitive area, Luo feng’s cultivation field, originally each primitive secret realm member’s cultivation field is a fixed space size, but after chaos city lord arranged, Luo feng’s cultivation field became like a “killing field” that charges a very high fee for external business, the internal virtual space is infinitely vast.

Pale starry sky.

Luo Feng stood in the starry sky, then his body changed and turned into a silver monster (Golden Horned Beast split) that was over a hundred kilometers long.

“It’s good to have a teacher like the Chaos City Lord, even the private cultivation grounds have become as extravagant as a publicly operated killing field, or free.” Virtual assistant Babata shouted cheerfully, “And it also specializes in arranging suitable opponents for you according to your progress and shortcomings in creating secret techniques.”

“Even if it’s your True Diffusion King teacher, I guess he doesn’t have this kind of vision, arranging it so accurately.” Babata shouted excitedly.

Luo Feng also nodded slightly.


Even the one who created the secret method himself wasn’t clear about his own shortcomings, making it hard to design his own opponents. However, the Chaos City Master teacher arrangement is different …… Chaos City Master, is the peak of the universe community “human” the peak of the existence of the universe in the hegemonic figure he look at Luo Feng created secret method, as if watching a small doll playing, easily can see through everything.

“Buzz ……” in the universe starry sky suddenly appeared a vague shadow and then gradually coalesced.

He, is a high more than ten kilometers high body full of black rock, at the same time the body surface also has a flame from the rock crevice eruption, a pair of eyes is completely burning purple flame of the alien deity, that powerful breath is diffused his hand is holding a handle about thirty kilometers long blood color fork.

Of course, in terms of size.

He was just like a baby in front of the Golden Horn Beast.

“Oooh……” The Golden Horned Beast also let out a low roar.

The first battle began!

The next years.

Every opponent Luo Feng faced with his Golden Horned Beast doppelganger was terrifying, almost every one of them targeted some of the Golden Horned Beast doppelganger’s shortcomings, and according to the cultivation plan the Chaos City Lord had given to Luo Feng, one had to defeat one opponent before another one would appear.

“In the virtual universe, the basic qualities of your golden horned behemoth are fixed, if you want to exert stronger combat power, you can only rely on law perception rely on creating powerful secret techniques.”

“I’ll arrange opponents for you.”

“Defeat one before a new one appears.”

“If you can defeat 500, it means that the secret law you created – is already in the top tier.”

“If you can defeat 1,000, it means that the secret method you created – has reached the peak, like the Jedi created by Shirodor is at this level, and of course, if judged accurately, when you defeat 1,200 it’s at the level of Shirodor’s Jedi.”

“Of course, if you can defeat 2,000 opponents, it means that the secret method you created has reached the ultimate, the level of the secret method I created.”

“Work hard, my disciple.”

These were the words that the Chaos City Lord had once said.

These words made Luo Feng’s heart burst with powerful ambition, and he also felt more and more that his teacher “Chaos city lord” was terrifying, that Xiluoduo’s creation of Jedi was at the “peak” level, but his teacher Chaos city lord’s creation had already been considered as the “ultimate”. “Tough!


Every time he killed an opponent, Luo Feng would reflect, study and improve his secret techniques.

The short term is ten days and half a month to solve an opponent.

A long period of ten years wouldn’t even be enough to resolve an opponent!

The most difficult one among the first 500 opponents was the star beast “Destroyer Beast”, and it was an immortal level Destroyer Beast, that talent “time pause” made Luo Feng suffer a lot of losses, and this Destroyer Beast fought hundreds of battles and took 18 years, which was considered the longest opponent. He fought hundreds of battles with this Ruoha Beast and spent 18 years, which is the longest time spent on an opponent.

After spending 200 years, the Golden Horn Beast had defeated 500 opponents, Luo Feng wasn’t satisfied with this.

He continued to fight and research!

The more he went on, the more difficult it became, the more amazing it was to solve each opponent, but Luo Feng went to watch the three ancient images he had recorded again and again to see the “Beast God”, the battle scene, when the Beast God fought, it was much more profound than the Heroic Jedi, the more he watched it, the more Luo Feng felt it.

It took 1000 years!

Only then did Luo Feng finally settle the last 500 opponents.

“Roar ……”

On a barren planet, countless green lines flashed within tens of thousands of kilometers, almost encircling the entire planet.

Only to see the Golden Horned Beast’s silver feathered wings shook, leaving a mesmerizing silver rainbow light residue in the starry sky for a long time, and those countless green lines had all been exterminated in that instant, and the planet rumbled …… The planet also broke the monument, and it was as if the planet had been sliced tofu by the Golden Horned Beast’s silvered feathered wings.

The 1000th opponent, the rare life in the universe “green line phagocytosis” was finally solved after blocking Luo Feng for 102 years.

Green line phage, can split into thousands, can be rooted in the planet, can manipulate life puppets, the golden horn beast to solve this green line phage without a puppet, rely solely on their own ability and the golden horn beast to kill, fight after fight, the golden horn beast has always been a loser, has always been killed.

It was only after a hundred years that it finally won a battle.

“Roar ……”

The Golden Horned Beast threw back its head and roared wildly.

Then its figure transformed into human form.

“Hahahahahaha, hahahaha …… I actually managed to create a peak jutsu, even though it’s only the first style, it’s still too strong!” Luo Feng was excited, like that Beast God Soldier had six styles in total, the first style was the Beast God descending, the jedi Luo Feng had created now was only the first style.

This was also normal.

According to Luo Feng’s own planning, before universe honors, it was estimated that he would only create two or three styles.

“Luo Feng, I have to worship you too.” Virtual assistant Baba Towers strangely shouted from the side.


Luo Feng carved his mouth and smiled, but his heart was full of joy.

How could he not rejoice?

What kind of character was Xiluoduo, what kind of amazing Jedi he created, even though he only created the first style, at least the first style was already a “peak Jedi”. What’s more, now Luo Feng’s law perception is not too high,…… this first style is already enough for Luo Feng to use, just like that Beast God Soldier second style Luo Feng can’t even use it, can’t use the secret method can only look at it.

“Well, creation success, it’s time to go see the teacher.” Luo Feng secretly said.

With an illusion of his figure, Luo Feng had disappeared.

At the highest point of the virtual universe thunder island, there was a shrine in the chaotic airflow, there were no servants in the shrine, it was empty, only endless chaotic airflow surrounded it.

Luo Feng suddenly appeared and marched into the divine hall.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng bowed respectfully and gratefully, a blurry silhouette slowly stepped out from the chaotic airflow in the depths of the divine hall, he, wearing golden robes, but his head was a piece of green scales, his face was similar to that of a ball man, his expression was easygoing, only that pair of eyes were as flat as the endless ocean, and as far away as the starry sky.

Looks and the initial universe chaos city in the same in the slightest.

But the eyes were the same.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng even bowed respectfully, before he came to the divine temple he could only hear the teacher’s voice but couldn’t see him in person.

“Can create a peak jedi, although only the first style, but also enough for you to use …… and is your own creation, the universe in the ultimate jedi have some, but their own creation is ultimately the most suitable for their own, even if you cultivate the ultimate jedi, but that is not suitable for you to perform, the power is not as good as your own 缁濆…… “The Chaos City Lord has satisfaction in his eyes, “Not bad, not bad.”

Luo Feng obediently listened.

Ultimate Jedi?

First of all, there are a lot of difficulties in learning, and I’m afraid that the creator of each set of ultimate jedi must be a “cosmic hegemon” and so on, so it’s very difficult to learn. Even if it’s not suitable for you,……, by virtue of the power of the Ultimate Jedi, it’s at least better than the general top-level Jedi created by yourself. However, Luo Feng’s creation is already considered to be a “peak Jedi” category, only one level lower than the ultimate Jedi.

And because he created it himself, it’s the most suitable.

It was the most suitable, so it was naturally extremely powerful!

“Do you want to continue the trial? Go and break through the 1001st opponent and continue to the back?” The Chaos City Lord inquired with a hint of a smile.

“Disciple naturally wants to continue barging on.” Luo Feng respectfully said.

A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general isn’t a good soldier.

A strong man who doesn’t want to be a cosmic overlord isn’t a qualified strong man, Luo Feng naturally has a heart that desires to reach the peak, and also desires that the Jedi he creates can reach the “ultimate” level, even though he knows that this path is incredibly difficult, and the probability of success is horribly low, he still has to go and break into it!

“Very good.” Chaos City Lord nodded his head in satisfaction, “Do you have a name for your mastery?”

“The name of the first style has been decided, the whole set of jedi is undecided.” Luo Feng said.

“What name?” Chaos city lord was curious.

“The first style ‘Galaxy Wild Long Sky’.” Luo Feng respectfully said.

This mastery ……

was the method of using scaled wings and at the same time could be easily transformed into a blade technique. After all, wing saber, wing saber, feathers are like sabers, it was indeed easy to convert the two.

Luo Feng’s mastery first style “Milky Way hanging in the sky” was a name that Luo Feng naturally came up with in his creation.

“Think of a name for the jedi.” Chaos city lord laughed, “Although it’s only the first style, but after all, it’s a set of peak jedi that was first created, it has to have a name.”

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