Chapter 42: Early eradication

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:27:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the sky above the endless desert, the huge and incomparable Dread Gold Harvest and the black battle-armored human frantically killed each other, fighting in close combat, the fight was incomparably bloody.


Can leave a long river of blade light in the cosmic space crack “a knife” but only split the surface scales of the Dread Golden Snipe, golden blood sprayed out, but just after spraying out and then into the majestic immortal divine power into the body of the Dread Golden Snipe, these injuries to the Dread Golden Snipe did not have the slightest effect.

“Roar ……” Dread Gold Snipe tore at Luo Feng with a claw.

Luo Feng’s figure flickered strangely, in a flutter he dodged away from that terrifying claw, while dodging away he also swung out the battle sword in his hand!

The sword light was like a rainbow!

Hanging horizontally in the sky!

“Damn human!” After killing for a long time, the Dreadkin criminal roared in his heart, “It’s really too cunning, dodging is really too fast, I can’t even hurt him.” Originally held their own immortal body, go and this human martial artist close to kill certainly take advantage of the idea, but the fear of gold snipers found that this human is too slippery, continuous killing for a while, at most touch the human’s war knife, but did not really hurt the human once.

Anxious and angry!

“It’s very difficult to kill this human, unless one burns the Immortal God Body.” The Dread Gold Offender quickly recognized this.

“The Golden Sniper secretly said, “A human Realm Lord with such battle prowess that is close to being a Sealed King definitely belongs to the category of super geniuses, and once it is reported to the Alliance, even if it is a credit for reporting, there will be quite a lot of rewards once it is confirmed.”

The Dread Gold Sniper immediately began to contact through the communicator within the world ring.

“I’m in the Amazing Ritual Continent, my coordinates are ……”

“I’ve discovered a human Realm Lord who specializes in using battle blades, suspected to be the Misty Sand Island Star Eater Realm Lord. His true battle power is a bit stronger than the average peak Seal Marquis, close to Seal King battle power. The two Tailed Legacy Race Immortals under my command, who have just achieved immortality, both caused slight damage to their Immortal God Bodies under his attacks.” The Dread Gold Sniper immediately reported the message.


The communication system of the Demon Race was too weak, even the video pictures could not be disseminated, only the language of consciousness could be exchanged, and even the confirmation of the battle merit had to wait until the end to return to the barracks base. On the other hand, the human’s “Virtual Universe Network Synchronous Transmission” can clearly confirm the battle situation, and military honors can be issued anytime, anywhere.

“My sword technique is able to suppress this Dread Golden Harvest, my stance is perfect with my sword technique.” Luo Feng was killing extraordinarily freely, “The feeling of killing on an extra-territorial battlefield is different from in the virtual universe.”

In the virtual universe, the mind would naturally tell itself.

It’s all virtual.

It’s all fake.

This was a natural mental cue.

Even though there was a test gong effect, it couldn’t give Luo Feng the feeling of being on tenterhooks. But it’s not the same in the extraterrestrial battlefield …… foreign opponents may be able to come up with some killer mace, and don’t dare to have the slightest carelessness, for example, this fear of gold offender in front of you, once you burn the immortal god body, you can also instantly burst out with sealing the king’s combat power, of course, burning the immortal god body is also equal to burning the soul, it’s not necessary to be reluctant to do so.

“Sword practice is complete.”

“We can let the golden horned beast out.” Luo Feng immediately began to shield the other party’s probing training through the 1st probing engraving instrument, at the same time a huge silver phantom appeared out of thin air in the distance, it was a phantom created by the silver beast instantly moving at a high speed, this phantom directly impacted towards the two Tailed Remnant Race Immortals.

“Surprisingly, it’s not even close.”

“Quasi practice says that the captain is still at a disadvantage.” The two Tailed Legacy Race Immortals were watching the battle from afar and were stunned at the same time.

“It’s fine, the captain has an immortal body, although he’s at a slight disadvantage, he’s not in danger, once the captain desperately burns up 2%-5% gauge of his immortal divine body, it’s estimated that he’ll be able to settle this human, although almost all of this military credit has gone to the captain’s hands, as long as it’s slightly divided amongst us, we’ll have made a profit.”

The two Immortal Deities of the Tailed Legacy Race transmitted their voices to talk to each other, and suddenly they felt a terrifying aura of pressure.


The two Tailed Legacy Race Immortals turned their heads violently, those compound eyes looked towards the back, an incomparably bright and dazzling silver rainbow light cut through the long sky, the cosmic space was as if fragile tofu had been easily cut through, the two Tailed Legacy Race Immortal Deities couldn’t even dodge in time, they were penetrated by that one silver rainbow light!

This is not a silver rainbow light, this is simply a silver monster that “kill Wu feather wings”.

Feather wings like a knife, indestructible, Jin Li matchless, cut through!

“Buzz ……”

“Buzz ……”

The two Tailed Legacy Race Immortals who barely sealed their marquis and lost some of their immortal divine bodies under the attack of the Earthling’s own body, in the moment they were cut by the Wu-Slaying Feather Wings, a trace of the “Wu-Slaying Feather Wings’ spatial power” released instantly corroded the bodies of the two Tailed Legacy Race Immortals to nothing, and their immortal divine bodies were completely turned into nothingness.

The silver-colored monster’s feathers shook and flew directly towards Luo Feng and Dread Gold Sniper who were fighting.

Dread gold sniper had already noticed when the silver monster appeared out of nowhere to attack the tailed legacy race immortals, but it was still stunned when it realized that the two tailed legacy race immortals had been instantly destroyed.


“Sealed King Immortals.”

“An absolute Sealed King Immortal, and so easily, I’m afraid it’s not a Sealed King Beginner, at the very least it’s a Sealed King Higher Immortal!” The Dread Gold Sniper was horrified in his heart, “No wonder the detecting instrument didn’t detect it in the slightest over this Sealed King Immortal’s detecting instrument must be more advanced than mine, damn it, what kind of monstrous beast is this.”

“Escape, escape, escape!”

The Dread Gold Sniper no longer cared about the human genius and immediately began to flee.

“Flee!” Luo Feng also seemed to be stunned and turned his head and flew away into the distance.

One person and one demonic beast were both fleeing.

“I hope this king sealing immortal goes after that human.” The Dread Gold Sniper howled in his heart, “Go after the human, ah, why are you chasing me, chasing me!”


With a tremor of Wu Slayer’s feathered wings, the golden horned behemoth instantly caught up with the Dread Gold Snipe.

“Wow!” Feather wings like a sword, “Bright Moon Strategy” creation of the original intention is the feather attack method, specifically with the Wu-Slaying Feather Wing, slightly modified although it becomes a sword method, but obviously with the Wu-Slaying Feather Wing to perform up more wantonly, unimpeded.

Silver rainbow light across the sky.

Dread gold criminal was immediately divided into two halves, blood, dirty umbilical cord is clearly visible, and those blood, dirty was invisible power erosion like, soon the two halves of the body cohesion into one.

“6% loss of Immortal God Body?” The Dread Golden Harvest was shocked and horrified, “This is the peak of the Seal King, it’s the peak of the Seal King!”

It, it was a peak Seal Marquis Immortal.

To easily harm the essence of a peak Seal Marquis, it would have to have the strength of a peak Seal King.

“Spare your life, spare your life.” The Fearful Gold Offender transmitted a voice and said eagerly.



The Golden Horn Beast’s wings shook and cut again and again, its speed was too fast, Dread Gold Sniper Thames had just coalesced his body when he was cut once again, instantly losing 50% of his Immortal God Body.

“Spare my life, senior, don’t force me!” Dread Gold Snipe was anxious.


The Golden Horn Beast attacked again, which caused the Dread Gold Snipe to despair.

“Die!!!” Dread Gold Snipe hissed, and then the remaining immortal divine body would completely blow itself up, the divine body that had accumulated for countless years and coalesced into a divine body that contained incomparably terrifying energies, at this moment, it completely burned and exploded, and almost instantly, the impact of that explosion was close to the attack of a peak Seal King powerhouse.

Rumble ……

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers above the desert were instantly completely torn apart, and countless torrents of spatial debris were shaken up.

Golden Horn Beast found Dread Gold Judas self-explosion is also immediately dodge at the same time the wings together, Wuicide feather wings become bigger one, the entire Golden Horn Beast are perfectly protected, Golden Horn Beast was shocked slightly backward flying hundreds of kilometers to stop.

Wufei feather wings unloaded more than 90% of the impact force, the remaining impact force although more than 10,000 times the boundaries of the boundary master power, but after the “will armor” again weakened 90% of the remaining impact force on their own body strength more than 6000 times the boundary master of the golden horn beast, is simply scratching an itch.

Luo Feng, who was originally pretending to flee, also stopped, letting the Golden Horned Beast split quickly pack up the loot, then letting the Golden Horned Beast split return to the inner world.


“My beast god intent reached the 18th layer and created another peak mastery.” Luo Feng secretly said, “But after all, physical quality wise it’s only a Seal King beginner, the combination of the three …… is only a Seal King high level of battle power.”

“But the Wuicide Feather is too powerful, the spatial power generated after transformation is truly terrifying.”

“It’s hard enough to harm a peak Feng Hou divine body.”

Luo Feng who was in a joyful mood.

Taking the loot of those three feudal lords with him, he then took out another spaceship before quickly leaving.

The ruling layer of the demon race on the extradimensional battlefield.

“Confirming message.”

“On the main continent of the Amazing Sacrifice Continent, a human sector lord has been discovered, and that human sector lord possesses a battle power close to that of a Sealed King. It should be a super genius among humans, a human sector lord genius ranked in the top 100.”

Looking at the results rolled out by the intelligent beings of the battlefield that were displayed on the screen, two puppet bodies that were black in color were sitting there.

“Possessing near-sealed king battle power, should be the genius of the most core layer of the five major forces of humanity, like that virtual universe company primordial secret realm realm lord, although there are 100 people, but to do near village king battle power, it is estimated that there can be a third of them would be good,” a body black body similar to a lion’s head of the man said in a low voice.


Nearly Feng Wang battle power, human geniuses can do hundreds of indeed! Like those in the realm master stage cultivation hundreds of thousands of years millions of years of top geniuses, law perception on a very few also reached the 18th layer level, and then with a variety of undercard means, can also play out nearly seal king battle power. But ……

Near Seal King battle power, killing a Seal Marquis Primordial was difficult.

“I didn’t expect the Misty Sand Island Star Eater Realm Lord to possess this kind of battle power… Previously, that Star Eater Realm Lord was only able to kill ordinary Immortals head on and kill the weak Seal Marquis in the Misty Sand Island. He even possesses the battle power of a near-time king.” Another black man with ninety-nine small heads said in a low voice.

“Human geniuses are all highly secretive, it’s rare to find one… This kind of super genius, the sector lord is this strong, once he becomes an immortal deity, he will definitely be a Seal King Immortal. And it’s likely to be a Seal King Higher, or even a Time King Peak, at that time, residing in an immortal body, the cost to kill them could be millions of times greater. Now the battle power although not low, is not an immortal body, kill is also easy, this kind of threat …… as early as possible to eradicate for good.” Black human body lion head man said.

“Uh-huh.” The black person ninety-nine small head man nodded, “I will immediately report to the clan and have them issue an order.”

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