Chapter 44: Walking by the River

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:27:57
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Time passed, in the blink of an eye Luo Feng had been in the main continent of the Amazing Ritual Continent for three years.

During these three years Luo Feng had a very fulfilling life, he had been spending all his time in battles and cultivation, his strength was progressing all the time, he spent the vast majority of his time reflecting on the battles, realizing the laws and the beast god realm of intent, researching the secret methods and so on, during these three years he fought 15 battles and killed 22 alien feudal lords and 19 alien immortal army lords.

Among them, 18 feudal lords and 13 immortal army lords were killed by the golden horned beast doppelganger, while the earthling’s own body only killed 4 feudal lords and 9 army lords, and killing feudal lords relied on wuxia plume killers.

This made Luo Feng feel more and more ……

He was still weak!

Although his own perception of the realm extremely fast, but his own cultivation only thousands of years, like the virtual universe company primitive secret realm master efficiency although not as good as their own, but cultivation hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years, in the law perception and their gap is not big, each is the level of feudal lords level.

And the ranking of the top twenty or thirty, is close to the level of the King’s perception.

Even the first few, law perception have reached the 18th level of the Tongtian Bridge.

However, the gap between them and the “Koti” is still far, far away, because the further the Law Sense is, the more difficult it is to raise each layer, like the True Diffusion King and others are trapped in the 20th layer, and for hundreds of millions of years they have not been able to cross over to the 21st layer, as can be seen – the further it is, the more difficult it is. Crossing over from the 18th layer to the 19th layer was almost comparable to the difficulty of going from the 1st layer to the 18th layer combined!

The difficulty rises geometrically.

So the 18th and 20th layers seem very close, but almost every generation of primordial secret realm realm masters have reached the 18th layer, but I’m afraid that only one in ten million epochs will reach the 20th …… layer.

In these three years, Luo Feng has made a name for himself.

The Golden Horn Beast detachment can even kill the peak of the Feudal Marquis, although the 18 Feudal Marquis killed only 2 peak Feudal Marquis, but also the Golden Horn Beast reputation out, after all, those Feudal Marquis Higher died in the Golden Horn Beast under the wings of a lot of people, which is the general sealing of the King Higher can only do.

The Amazing Ritual Continent is full of powerful people, countless foreign races, but there are only thousands of Seal Kings.

Every Seal King has a name.

The Golden Horned Beast is always a “silver monster” image, the power of the feather attack is terrifying, so naturally it gradually got the nickname “Silver Winged King”. As for Luo Feng’s earthling self? In the Amazing Ritual Continent, it’s a very common level, naturally it’s not conspicuous.

In Luo Feng’s fourth year on the Amazing Ritual Continent, the Mechanical Race’s virtual world base camp.

“Tsvika.” On the street, a tall mechanical race youth suddenly shouted.

“Senior brother.”

The handsome Mechanical Race youth whose entire body was mainly silver, with some gold coloring around his waist, arms, and other locations, which seemed like an alloy man at first glance, was slightly bowing his head in respect.

“Tsvika, how was your harvest in the Extraterrestrial Battlefield?” The tall Mechanical Race youth inquired with a spare smile.

“Already completed 51.2% of my master’s requirements “I’m currently on the seventh battlefield, the Amazing Ritual Continent, there are a lot of alien powerhouses on the Amazing Ritual Continent, my efficiency should still be improved, I estimate that I’ll almost complete my mission after killing thousands more alien feudal lords.” The handsome youth of the Mechanical Race revealed a smile, the Mechanical Race and other ethnic groups have a very special difference, because every Mechanical Race member is only an Intelligent Life when it is just born, as an Intelligent Life ……

born was one that would recognize its owner.

Within the Mechanical Race, a Cosmic Exalted level Mechanical Race member would allow some “Mechanical Race Immortals” to recognize their masters!

A powerful Mechanical Clan Overlord like the Chaos City Lord would still let a “Cosmic Exalted Mechanical Clan Member” recognize him! These masters have long been …… unless the servant’s strength exceeds that of the master one day, then the Mechanical Clan executives will order the master to dissolve the master-servant relationship, otherwise the master-servant relationship will be maintained forever.

The entire mechanical race, is a pyramid relationship.

A Universe Lord, controlling a large number of Universe Exalted, and the Universe Exalted controlling even more Mechanical Race Immortals!

They have feelings, they will also have resentment, jealousy, anger, excitement, happiness and many other emotions, but “recognize the master” is the intelligent life core of a kind of ability, once recognize the master, then the absolute essence of obedience to the master, there will not be the slightest betrayal of the idea, may be jealous of other people in the same family dissatisfaction, but to the master is absolutely loyal!

The pyramid structure of domination!

This was the Mechanical Race, a race that was absolutely hierarchical, without the slightest thought of betrayal, and also an extremely terrifying race.

“51.2% complete? Tsvika, you’re so excellent, no wonder master favors you.” The tall mechanical race youth smiled.

“Master’s favor, I will do my best to repay master with all the power of my life.” The handsome youth of the Mechanical Race was still humble maintaining a certain amount of respect.

“Very well, keep up the good work and seal the king as early as possible.” The tall mechanical race youth commanded.

“Yes, senior brother, I will definitely work hard and learn from you, senior brother.” The handsome mechanical race youth bowed his head and said.


The tall Mechanical Race youth answered, and no longer paid attention to this “Zvika”, but in his heart, he was secretly indignant, “Hmph, isn’t it just an intelligent life that evolved from the intelligence of the airship that the master rode in when he was weak, and the master has had the feelings of wandering through life and death together, and now it’s just the peak of a Feudal Marquis, which is even more favored by the master than these Feudal Kings of ours. These feudal lords are more favored by the master! Hmph, if the master did not give you so much help, how can you kill so many alien feudal lords, said it is easy to say, I guess to kill a thousand more alien immortal will complete the task, hmph ……, really hope that you perish in the extraterritorial battlefield!”

The handsome youth glanced at the departing senior brother, and a hint of coldness swept through his eyes.

“These servants that master has collected, especially these servants who have sealed the king, every one of them rely on their strength to be higher than me, and casually point out some poses in front of me, what a bunch of idiots. When master and I broke into life and death back then, you guys didn’t know where you were! Hmph, weak hours time and time again to break into the life and death of the feelings of you jealous so what? If it wasn’t for the clan’s rule that one must maintain respect for those of higher rank, I would ignore you all.” Zvika disdained in his heart.

He really looked down on those Feudal Kings.

The master treated him like a brother, so how would he care about these Feudal Kings.

“See the master and report back to him. Hmph, these guys of theirs – I’m afraid that if they want to see the master, they’ll have to wait for an opportunity, how can they see the master as often as I do.” Tsvika rubbed his nose and walked towards where his master was with a slightly raised head.

The virtual worlds made by the Mechanical Race could spread across a star area.

So each of the hundreds of star zones in the Mechanical Race’s territory had a virtual world.

Although dispersed in a star area, but each star area is able to contact with the “base camp”, there is a base camp for the overall scheduling, of course,……, just very cumbersome, and the general mechanical people do not have this qualification to enter the “base camp”. The main camp”. Zvika …… he through the “mechanical race” in the extra-terrestrial battlefield arrangement of the virtual world, after a long time of transmission, the consciousness to enter the base camp.

Only then could he communicate with his master.

The “Mechanical Race virtual world base camp” is also called “Yu Blue World”.

A pyramid airship was flying over the Amazing Ritual Continent.


The Mechanical Race youth “Tsvika” wearing turquoise battle armor opened his eyes, revealing a smile, “Master treats me so well, I only had to complete 80% of my master’s requirements, and my master even gave me another treasure, if that group of jealous brothers knew about it, they would probably be even more resentful, but so what if they are resentful? ”

“A bunch of idiots.”

“Although in terms of ontological strength alone, I am inferior to them. But life and death killings …… my mechanical race was originally to utilize a variety of means, there are many treasures and cards given to me by my master, even if the Seal King Immortal can’t help me, push me to be anxious, it’s the peak of the Seal King I can be seriously injured.” Zvika was quite confident.

Because he had killed a lot of foreign race immortals over the years, and there were quite a few Sealed Marquis, experiencing countless killings had also forged confidence.


“This human realm lord …… detector, projection!” Zvika ordered.

At once, Zvika, who was sitting on the alloy chair, saw the three-dimensional projection formed in front of his eyes at a glance, and in the projection, the Human Realm Lord who was wearing a black battle armor was sitting there cross-legged.

“Human Realm Lord? The Amazing Ritual Continent actually has a Human Realm Lord?” Zvika touched his alloy nose and frowned, “His detector is really high-end, even in my Mechanical Race it would have to be the peak of a feudal lord to be equipped with it. If it’s another alien race …… it’s usually a Sealed King Immortal that would be equipped.”

“A weak human Realm Lord is actually equipped with such a high-end detector.”


“My detector, a gift from my master, is even more high-end than the detectors used by the Sealed Kings of my Mechanical Race!” Zvika slapped the alloy chair and directly stood up, “This little guy has still been cultivating, and didn’t even realize that I …… Realm Lord have such a high-end instrument, his origin must be great.”

“Maybe there is a human’s heavy treasure on him!”

“And he’s probably a human super genius, even if he’s not a super genius it’s still a terrifying background. But the bigger the background the better ah, the bigger the background the more amazing the wealth on his body is estimated to be the more genius …… he is, the higher he is worth the military honor.” Tsvika’s eyes were glowing, the alien powerhouses wouldn’t care about the background of your human genius.


“I’m going to kill this human sector lord.” Invica directly ordered.

This cheap pyramid airship immediately flew towards Luo Feng’s cultivation location.

As the saying goes, if you always walk by the river, how can you not wet your shoes.

Luo Feng these three years with his detectors was hitting whoever he wanted to hit and blocking the other party’s detections if he didn’t want to. However – when the enemy detectors were higher end than Luo Feng, then the initiative was in the enemy’s hands.

At the moment, Luo Feng didn’t have the slightest idea of the approaching crisis, he was separating a sliver of his consciousness to connect to the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, black dragon mountain island nine star bay, inside Luo Feng’s mansion, in a private movie hall.

Luo Feng and Xu Xin were sitting in the movie hall watching.

It was just the two of them.

“It’s much better than our Earth’s movies.” Xu Xin whispered, Luo Feng held his wife’s hand and laughed, “How many talented people in the universe are dedicated to making up movies and TVs, no matter if it’s the plot or the various virtual techniques they are all wonderful. Naturally watching it is painfully shocking.”

Husband and wife, talking in low voices while watching.

This was one of the most common ways for Luo Feng and his wife to exchange feelings.

“Hm?” Luo Feng’s face suddenly changed.

“What’s wrong?” Xu Xin was startled.

“Wife, I’m sorry.” Luo Feng smiled apologetically and disappeared directly out of thin air, instantly his consciousness returned because in reality he had encountered a terrifying danger.

Xu Xin suddenly stood up, a little nervous and apprehensive.

She knew that Luo Feng was intruding in the extra-territorial battlefield and couldn’t help but feel worried!

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