Chapter 45: Pushed to the Limit

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:28:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Amazing sacrifice continent, in the ancient underground palace.

There were still some ancient sacrificial patterns on the rock walls within the palace, the patterns vaguely had law fluctuations on them, able to go through billions of years without being completely destroyed, Luo Feng was also surprised to see these sacrificial patterns for the first time, he didn’t know what kind of beings lived in this Amazing Sacrifice Continent countless years ago.

Luo Feng himself was sitting cross-legged in one of the side halls.


“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” ……

At the same time the nine pillars of light pierced through the thick rocky strata in a devastating manner and blasted all the way to the underground palace, this ancient palace instantly shattered under the savage and powerful attack, even the cosmic space shattered under such an attack, a large amount of debris was swept away by the spatial turbulence.

Luo Feng only woke up when the underground palace was attacked by nine pillars of light.

“Not good!”

Luo Feng’s black battle armor quickly extended to protect his entire body, while he quickly put up a shield “beast god soldier”. A thick piercing pillar of light also affected Luo Feng when it pierced through the underground palace……. After piercing through the thick rocky floor, the attack power of this pillar of light had already been weakened by half, when it hit Luo Feng, naturally, it was first blocked by the Beast God Soldier’s shield, which allowed Luo Feng to avoid a disaster.

The underground palace collapsed.

Luo Feng also flew away backwards.

“What’s coming?” Luo Feng immediately adjusted his figure, still flying in the shattered cosmic space, clattering …… along the deep hole that pierced through, instantly flying beyond the surface.

Luo Feng looked up and was stunned!

In all directions ……

There were a total of nine pyramid airships suspended, judging from the orientation and the nine deep holes in the ground, the nine light pillars just now were blasted through these nine pyramid airships.

“Mechanical race airships?” Luo Feng frowned as he looked, “Surprisingly it’s the mechanical race, Babata, can the detectors spot the moving mechanical race airships in the distance.”

“Luo Feng, the detectors can’t spot any targets, they should be completely shielded, the enemy has higher end detectors than us.” Babata even communicated with his consciousness, “The detectors can be higher end than ours, Luo Feng, you must be careful, the enemy’s strength could be at the sealed king level.”

Luo Feng however was calm.

Those 9 pyramids, especially the energy shields on the surface of the pyramid ships, judging by Luo Feng’s senses, each one of them was much more expensive than his own Meteor Ink Star.

“What’s coming?” Luo Feng was secretly shocked, “Casually releasing 9 airships, all of them are better than my Meteor Ink Star ship? Sensing to see …… that energy cover defense is extremely strong, perhaps one would have to let the Golden Horn Beast detachment come out to harm those 9 pyramid airships.”


Real mechanical race strong man, this is not the year coveted Hu Yan Bo treasure of that mechanical race immortal can be comparable, when that mechanical race immortal, first of all, just immortal army master level, and are nothing powerful beaters, airships are only E-class top of a pyramid airship just, which can be in front of the eyes of the strong man who casually threw out the 9 super expensive pyramid airships compared to the strong man?

“Bastard, I can’t find any trace of the enemy at all.” Luo Feng was anxious.

For the first time –

Luo Feng tasted the pain of having a detector that was lower-end than the enemy, in the past it was Luo Feng who teased those alien powerhouses, fighting when he wanted to and escaping when he wanted to. Now the initiative was completely in the enemy’s hands.


In mid air Luo Feng only slightly paused for 0.01 seconds, then instantly turned into a stream of light and quickly fled.

“Little guy, still want to escape?”

“Heh heh heh, teasing a human sector lord who dares to come to the Amazing Sacrifice Continent, it’s really fun.” In mid-air millions of kilometers away from Luo Feng, Zvika was watching the scene with interest in the control room of the airship, the moment Luo Feng chose to escape, he ordered, “Attack!”

The 9 pyramid airships that hadn’t been moving much rumbled, their bottoms directly splitting apart, revealing a hatch passage hundreds of meters wide.

Clattering ……

As if countless locusts flew out, only to see a rack of black mechanical puppets flying out from the hatch like lightning, those 9 pyramid airships were all shooting out a large number of black mechanical puppets at the same time, according to reason, those 9 pyramid airships were only 1,800 meters in height, and there were also many chambers inside such as the power room, so there was no way to store too many mechanical puppets, but at the moment, the mechanical puppets were constantly and crazily flying out, and almost in the blink of an eye, inside every single pyramid airship, there were a lot of mechanical puppets. Almost in the blink of an eye, millions of black mechanical puppets flew out from each pyramid ship.

“Nine million!”

Looking at the nine directions, the sky was covered with densely packed countless black mechanical puppets, Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Each of these mechanical puppets were 10 meters tall, black in color, with huge axes or battle knives, huge swords and other weapons on their backs.

“What the hell is this from, this too, this is too extravagant.”

“9 million F9 grade mechanical puppets ah, each one is completely cast from F9 grade metal ‘black swan striped mother’, even if it is more cost effective, but an F9 grade mechanical puppet is at least a piece of metal of such a size ah, a piece of metal of such a large size has to be worth 10 mixed yuan units. ”

“9 million units, that’s 90 million mixed yuan units!”

“Spending such a huge amount of wealth, yet all of it is used to purchase these massive amounts of mechanical puppets, this, this is too wasteful, too extravagant, what exactly is the origin?” As the saying goes, good steel has to be used on the blade of a knife, the same heart 90 million Mixed Yuan Units would have a much better combat effect if they were focused on purchasing some precious items.

9 million frames?

Truly precise maneuvering, generally a million frames is the limit, more than that is definitely suspected of being a waste.

“Buzz …… “Nine camps, each camp one million F9 level mechanical puppets, at the moment the million mechanical puppets of the camp closest to Luo Feng simultaneously accumulated energy in their chests.


Millions of light pillars shot towards Luo Feng at the same time, converging into a huge light pillar with a diameter of a hundred meters.

“Whoosh!” Luo Feng held the beast god soldier and quickly made a dodge, hard to avoid it.

Buzz …… buzz …… buzz …… buzz …… buzz… …Buzz…… buzz…… buzz…… buzz……

Nine camps, take turns to accumulate energy, take turns to attack, with the distance approaching, from the third round of bombardment, Luo Feng even if he dodges great can’t dodge away, can only rely on the “beast god soldier shield” and the body of the army armor twofold defense, that withstand that let a person palpitating terrible bombardment.

Luo Feng was in a hurry to perform his stance and desperately flew towards the mechanical puppets in one of the camps.

However, those mechanical puppets were simultaneously retreating and flying, the other eight camps’ mechanical puppets continued to force Luo Feng, in short, no matter how Luo Feng escaped, the nine camps kept a proper distance from Luo Feng, whichever way Luo Feng advanced, whichever mechanical puppets retreated, while the other mechanical puppets advanced.

In this way, Luo Feng was just trapped in the encirclement.


“It’s just too obscene.” Luo Feng was furious.

With this encirclement distance, that nine camps mechanical puppet swarm was completely capable of hitting Luo Feng every time.

“Eh? Surprisingly blocking 20 waves of my collective energy attacks in a row? Each wave that’s comparable to a peak feudal marquis full force strike.” Zvika who was controlling the entire battle from afar blinked in surprise, “This human sector lord is really extraordinary, the shield in his hand resisted the attacks hard without any damage, it seems to have chipped away a lot of the impact as well, tsk tsk ……”

“Begin the joint attack of the three camps.” Zvika ordered casually.

At first the nine camps surrounded Luo Feng, it was one camp by one camp taking turns attacking, Luo Feng couldn’t escape this encirclement, suffocating.

After Luo Feng resisted 20 attacks, the nine camps started the “three camps sub-joint attack mode”, the bombardment power is too big, in fact, this should be considered a limit of the nine camps, after all, the nine camps are in different directions, at most, it can ensure that the three camps bombardment are bombarded at the same time to Luo Feng.

However, Luo Feng resisted it again.

“Stimulate energy!”

“Flame mode, trapped style.” The distant Tsvika ordered again, “Even a true peak feudal lord powerhouse would have to be trapped, let alone you little guy, you should be proud of yourself for making me lose so much energy.”

The original silly countless mechanical puppets instantly body surface lit up dazzling red light, that powerful aura made Luo Feng who was surrounded by 9 million mechanical puppets face changed: “This, over …… good strong energy, this mechanical puppet is not a cheap metal pimple, it’s energy core is also very high end, so A mechanical puppet is at the very least worth hundreds of mixed yuan units, all together, this has to be …… billions of mixed yuan units!”

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Previously, after breaking through the domain master level primordial through the sky mountain and getting a reward of 3 billion points, Luo Feng thought that it was pretty impressive.

But this scene in front of him.

9 million F9 level mechanical puppets, each one belonged to a very high end mechanical puppet, not a silly iron lump. Like the time when Luo Feng and Taiwo, Poison and the others first entered the extra-territorial battlefield together and were attacked by the mechanical race, the mechanical race enemy on that occasion used mechanical puppets even if it was the core mechanical puppets that relied on the thunder and lightning prison combination to have that kind of power, and those core mechanical puppets and these 9 million compared to that, also appeared to be slightly lower end.

“Just smashing billions of hybrid units?” Luo Feng marveled and at the same time understood, “Since they smashed so much wealth into it, these nine camp mechanical puppets are definitely not the simple and silly ‘energy collective bombardment’ one mode from before.”


The 900 mechanical puppets’ body surfaces all burned with flames, wow, neatly, all of them pulled out the weapons behind their backs, either battle axes, battle swords, or giant swords.

Suddenly one of the nine camps, all the mechanical puppets violently waved the weapons in their hands, pointing at Luo Feng from afar.


The flame energy quickly transformed into a red ray through the giant sword and shot straight at Luo Feng.

Millions of red rays converged, from all directions, surprisingly forming a net-like shape that directly wrapped around Luo Feng.

“So terrifying.” Luo Feng had a heart palpitation, clearly sensing the terrifying nature of this infinite red light net.

It couldn’t be forcefully fought against!

Once you resist it hard you will definitely be trapped and won’t even be able to escape. Luo Feng had this feeling.


Luo Feng disappeared into thin air.

“Roar ……” A huge silver feathered monster appeared in mid air out of nowhere, an incomparable terrifying pressure directly spread out.

This scene caused the face of Zvika, who was controlling the battle from afar, to change, “Silver Wing King? This human Realm Lord is a puppet controlled by the Silverwing King? Or is this Silverwing King his bodyguard?”

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