Chapter 51: Storm Clouds

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:28:15
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“Rushing over from the Star Tower?” The Nine Firmament King smiled, “Zvika should have paid a small price to invite you, Necromancer King, but after this battle, I’ll head to the Star Tower together with you, Necromancer King, I’m on the Amazing Ritual Continent, and my gains are getting smaller and smaller. It would be better to head to the Star Tower to make a break for it, perhaps there are some opportunities.”

“You’re coming too?” Momobu nodded slightly, “Good.”

The extra-territorial battlefield was naturally divided into battle zones according to the level of danger.

The Amazing Sacrifice Continent, was considered the most dangerous place in the 026 Human Barracks Base Wide Scattered Area, and then if it was the entire 7th Star Domain Battlefield, although the danger of the Amazing Sacrifice Continent was extremely high, there was still the highest first class above it. That highest dangerous place …… Star Tower is one of them!

The Star Tower, which is one class above the Amazing Sacrifice Continent.

A large number of Feudal King Seal Immortals gathered there, and Feudal Marquis were considered weak there.

“Then let’s study exactly how to deal with this Silver Wing King.” King Jiu Jian said.

“By the way, let’s also decide on the booty distribution plan earlier, so that we don’t end up, in the end, making conflicts.” Momobu also said.

“Right, right.” Tsvika smiled and nodded.

Tsvika and the two peak Seal King powerhouses he had invited were discussing the detailed plan for dealing with the Silver Wing King and confirming the distribution of the loot.

“Haha, according to this plan and the two contingency side plans, that Silver Winged King will have to be sealed even if he doesn’t die.” Tsvika looked excited, “He-”

Tsvika’s expression instantly stared, revealing a look of shock and anger.


“Tsvika?” The two superpowers of the Shaggy Maru Clan and the Thousand Eyes Heart Clan both sensed that something was wrong.

“Shame on you.” Tsvika stood up, his eyes unable to hide his anger, and shook his head, “For the time being, I won’t be able to deal with that Silverwing King.”

“What’s going on?” The Rose Firmament King and the Necromancer King were all a bit annoyed.

Playing tricks on them?

The plan was in place, the distribution of the loot was almost ready to be negotiated, and they were about to prepare to make their move, but now they were saying that they couldn’t deal with it.

“Both of you, please look.” Zvika suppressed his anger and pointed in the air, condensing a screen.

The screen played out a scene that Zvika had detected in reality through the detector, only to see that on the screen, a huge silver feathered monster was flying, and suddenly a beautiful translucent figure appeared next to it, and that figure spread out immortal divine power wrapping around the silver feathered monster.


It disappeared into thin air.

“Instantaneous transfer?” The Nine Firmament King and the Necromancer King furrowed their brows.

“Hmm, instantaneous transfer.” Zvika gritted his teeth, “This abominable Silverwing King, is too cunning, I secretly tracked him, he was even able to detect and decisively invited allied powerhouses to help, this transient …… completely exceeded the range of my detector, and I now have no idea where this Silverwing King is. ”

The Nine Firmament King and the Necromancer King looked at each other and were also quite helpless.

“But the two of you.”

Zvika even said, “This matter is not finished, I will place a reward on the Amazing Ritual Continent, and widely ask my allies to help monitor it, so that countless allies can keep an eye on it, as long as I find that Silver Wing King coordinates, I will immediately know …… when the time comes, I will also immediately notify the two of you.”

The Nine Firmament King and the Necromancer King nodded.

“That’s the only way.” The Necromantic Spirit King nodded, “Then I will leave first.” The consciousness directly detached from the virtual world.

“Find me again when you find that Silverwing King.” The Nine Firmament King also left.

Both Seal King existences were clearly unhappy.

If it weren’t for Zvika’s big backstage, the two of them definitely wouldn’t have been able to speak so nicely.


Tsvika slapped the table angrily and gritted his teeth, “Surprisingly, surprisingly, you escaped! As long as you are in the Amazing Ritual Continent, I will absolutely not give you a single chance, I will have countless allies watching you, once I discover your trail, you are finished.”

Immediately, Zvika began to send out notifications to a large number of allies on the Amazing Ritual Continent, and began to offer a large reward to check for traces of the Silverwing King.

Amazing Ritual continent edge area, cold lake appeared out of thin air two figures, the big one is like a mountain range, the whole body for the silver scale armor, it is a silver monster with a huge scale armor wings, small see also has more than ten meters high also has a misty feather wings, she has a full of seductive body, was translucent body, thin as a gauze armor, beautiful crystal long hair, and a pair of like the sea as the depth of the double eyes.

“Star Illusion King.” The golden-horned beast looked down at the little dot, “Thank you for your help.”

“Helping you once, Silver Wing King, you can easily smack 10 million hybrid units, this kind of good thing, if there are more, you can find me again. This is much easier than killing a peak Seal Marquis.” Transparent feather wings flapped slightly, that Star Illusion King’s eyes were like water, “If it’s fine, Silver Wing King, then I’ll be leaving.”

The Golden Horn Beast nodded slightly.


That Star Illusion King disappeared into thin air.

“Making money is so easy.” The golden horned behemoth instantly disappeared, Luo Feng in black armor appeared in the lake and couldn’t help but mutter, “To hire one time is 10 million hybrid units, teacher Huyan Bo’s entire wealth is just this much.”

“Spending money to eliminate disasters.”

“Instantly moving 1 light year away, that Tsvika won’t be able to find me in any way.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Previously, Luo Feng had speculated how that Tsvika couldn’t be willing and in all likelihood was stalking behind him …… He immediately made the decision to spend money to hire someone to help.

Although he could also ask his third senior brother, the Bloodthirsty King, to help, but the Bloodthirsty King himself wasn’t in the Extra-territorial Battlefield, the long distance divine kingdom teleportation, and that area was being monitored by Tzvika at all times, easily exposing his third senior brother’s divine kingdom coordinates. So …… Luo Feng would rather spend more money and invited an ally from the human camp on the Amazing Sacrifice Continent who was able to perform instantaneous transfer.

Ask the other party to take themselves and instantly move away.

It was an easy job.

Merely instantaneous transfer without the need to fight, so the price need not be too high, 10 million mixed units is a normal price. Lower …… superpower who can instantly move doesn’t bother to do it, this price is considered a normal price. Assuming that it was asking allies to help as fighters to fight to the death, the price could be high.

“Whew.” Luo Feng flipped his hand, sesame sized silver feathered wings appeared in his hand, which then merged into his body.

A pair of feathered wings instantly grew on his back, the color of the wings changed slightly, after all, it was a supreme treasure, the ability to change the color was very easy, after fusing with the Wu Slayer Feathered Wings, Luo Feng’s entire person emitted a faint pressure, his own realm lord aura was completely masked by the Wu Slayer Feathered Wings.

All of a sudden, Luo Feng turned into a deity with black feathered wings.

“Go.” Luo Feng casually flipped his hand and randomly chose a C9 class spaceship from the countless airships and rode in the airship, breaking through the water and quickly leaving.

The airship flew over the Amazing Ritual Continent.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng.” Babata’s voice rang in Luo Feng’s mind, “There’s an important message, take a look, this is a segment that the probe just detected, it’s a conversation between immortal deities in a foreign team 920 million kilometers away.”

“Hmm?” Luo Feng, who was sitting in the control room, looked down at the arm guard screen, which immediately presented a video in which three immortal deities were conversing.

“50 million yogic blue units.”

“Tsk tsk, what a big deal, 50 million yoga blue units just to buy the coordinates of a silver winged king, once the coordinates are confirmed, you’ll get 50 million yoga blue units. This one who released the bounty, in the end what’s the origin, the bounty coordinate message alone is out of such a high price, too rich, right?”

“Who knows, but this release bounty surely does not dare to deceive us, this is a public bounty, countless allies know, if you dare to deceive …… trickery does not pay the bill, that is to offend the entire Amazing Ritual continent countless allies.”


“Poor Silver Wing King oh.”

“This Silverwing King can’t move an inch in the Amazing Sacrifice Continent.”

Looking at the detected content, Luo Feng’s expression was serious and his brows furrowed.

“Luo Feng, that enemy indeed refuses to stop.” Babata’s consciousness exchanged words.

“It’s normal that he won’t stop, after all, I seized one of his important airships, that holds the important parts of the Nine Extremities divine Kingdom.” Luo Feng snorted, “But to go so far as to openly offer a bounty to countless allies of the Amazing Ritual Continent in the Mechanical Clan’s camp to find my coordinates, hmmm …… it seems like that guy must have prepared a series of tactics and has the confidence to deal with me otherwise he wouldn’t have offered a bounty openly, it seems like… . my Golden Horn Beast doppelganger is temporarily unable to show up to fight.”

“It’s good to be careful.” Babata also solemnly said.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

He was well aware of this, the enemy had prepared numerous means just waiting to strike at him.


“Hate that my detectors are much lower end than his, otherwise I wouldn’t be so stifled. Once my detector is higher end than him, then I can go and suppress him instead.” Luo Feng clenched his teeth, “There’s no time to lose, I’ll go back to barracks base 026 right now and try to find a way to sell the loot I’ve gotten for a high price, with enough wealth to buy a high end detector.”


The spaceship quickly flew towards the outside of the Amazing Ritual continent, to return to barracks base 026 from the Amazing Ritual continent, the journey would instantly take a year and a half.

When Luo Feng set off on his return journey, he was at the closest shuttle point to the Amazing Sacrifice Continent.

Buzz ……

The cosmic space rippled silkily as a pitch black sword shaped spaceship appeared out of thin air.

“Shuttle complete.”

“Your Highness, it will take about six more days to reach the outermost region of the Amazing Sacrifice Continent, that outermost region has a large amount of land fragments, and even if it is a land fragment, it is so huge that it will take a long time to fly. It will probably take about a month or two of flying to reach the main continent of the Amazing Ritual Continent.”


The youth whose black battle armor looked like a rock carving emitted a dark aura as he looked at the infinite starry sky through the spaceship.

“The Amazing Ritual Continent, is my first step.” The black-armored youth said softly.

Just at the moment when this spaceship that the black armored youth was riding on had just shuttled, Luo Feng who was still riding the spaceship in the outer space of the Amazing Sacrifice Continent changed his face.


Luo Feng turned his head violently, staring dead center in the direction of that shuttle point, his gaze seemed to have traveled through the obstacles of space to see that point in the infinite distance.



Luo Feng felt all the cells of the whole body are trembling are cheering, as if countless hungry beggars see food like that crazy, this kind of cheering from every cell of the whole body,…… all locked in one direction, Luo Feng can even be distantly sensed that point in the distant starry sky.

The treasure that caused his whole body cells to cheer, is there!

“This feeling …… this feeling, similar to encountering a soldier armor or general armor.” Luo Feng’s heartbeat accelerated.

“But even the soldier armor and general armor didn’t make my whole body tremble so much, this sense of trembling, separated by an incomparable distance, is as strong as this. It’s definitely far beyond the importance of soldier armor and general armor.” Luo Feng swallowed his throat, “What exactly is it?”

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