Chapter 56 – The Message of the Blood Luo Crystal

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:28:27
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The morning was crisp and cold, the fog filled in and enveloped the entire lake.

On an island in the lake, Luo Feng was lying in a warm pool, relaxing his body and mind, just then the True Diffusion King contacted Luo Feng.

“Hurry up and come to my Thunder Island palace.”

“Yes, teacher.”

Virtual universe Thunder Island, where countless immortal deity powerhouses of the virtual universe company were gathered, inside one of the halls of the True Diffusion King’s palace.

“Your highness, lord they are here.” The attendant led Luo Feng to the outside of the hall hall.

“Disciple, hurry and come in.” King Zhen Yan’s loud voice came from within the hall hall.

Luo Feng immediately stepped in.

At a glance, there were three powerful people sitting at the square table, one was the True Diffusion King, the second was a foreigner with feathered wings and golden pupils, and the third was a tall figure whose entire body was as black as ink as if it was cast in black clay.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng shouted respectfully as he entered.

“Haha ……” True Yan Wang laughed, “Let me introduce you.”

“These two are foreign race powerhouses, this is the Lust Demon King and this is the Blackheart King.” True Difficulty King pointed at the feathered golden pupil powerhouse and the black mud powerhouse and said respectively, the two alien powerhouses were full of smiles, in which the feathered golden pupil powerhouse “Lust Demon King” even laughed and said, “This is True Difficulty King, your senior disciple, is also the Chaos Domain Lord’s personal disciple, True Difficulty King, you don’t need to introduce your disciple, your disciple has a great reputation. Your disciple’s fame can be very great.”

“Hmm.” The powerful person who seemed to have coalesced from the black mud also nodded slightly.

“Apprentice, take a seat.” True Diffusion King pointed to the seat.

“Yes.” Luo Feng sat down.

“I’ve already negotiated everything for you.” True Diffusion King explained, “The G grade metal mechanical puppets and those 1,530,000 mechanical puppets were all given to the Lust Demon King, while that instrument, was given to the Blackheart King. The price was also agreed upon, the Lust Demon King was willing to bid 1.8 billion hybrid units. The black heart king on the other hand is bidding 4.3 billion mixed yuan units.”

Luo Feng secretly nodded as he listened.

Like mechanical puppets, these powerhouses had buying channels, the virtual universe company was willing to buy it with Luo Feng for 1.5 billion, and in turn usually sold it for around 2 billion.

So bidding 1.8 billion is considered to be at the top because mechanical puppets are common items.

That Nine Extremities Divine Kingdom part of the instrument is a rare item, very rare, almost not much value to those who don’t love to make mechanical weapons, but to those who love mechanical items is a real heavy treasure, they can totally scrutinize this instrument and study the manufacturing means of that Mechanical Race Universe Venerable.

“Luo Feng.” That black mud powerhouse “black heart king” even said, “What other information do you know about this instrument?”

“This is one of the parts of the apparatus that set up the ‘Nine Extinction Divine Kingdom’.” Luo Feng immediately explained, “Once the Nine Extinction Divine Kingdom is set up, even peak Seal King powerhouses are feared to be entangled, and together with that special mechanical puppet, it can also perform all sorts of attacks, it’s really incredibly powerful.”

“Hmm.” The Blackheart King’s eyes lit up as he even smiled and nodded, “Entangled? Trapped mode? Let’s just trade immediately.”

“Good.” Luo Feng nodded.

Luo Feng talked to the Blackheart King and the Lust Demon King, and quickly confirmed the way the deal would be done – with the virtual universe company as the intermediary between each other, the virtual universe company was responsible for delivering the goods and confirming the goods, for this kind of intermediary business, the highest charge was 1000 mixed yuan, the lowest charge was 1 mixed yuan. Luo Feng they this business ……

Because the Blackheart King and Lust Demon King were both outside the human frontier, both intermediary fees were 100 mixed yuan.

For Luo Feng who was about to gain a huge amount of 6.1 billion mixed yuan units, this was indeed a small amount of money and not worth mentioning.

After negotiating the deal.

The Blackheart King and Lust Demon King are interested in making friends with the Chaos City Lord’s personal disciple, after all, both of their communities are human vassals, like these strong vassals, almost even if they are human generals, they also use the “Mixed Yuan Unit” this kind of human currency, humans have too much influence on their communities, so the Chaos City Lord and other such existences are also in need of those who are attached to them. Existence …… is also need those subordinate communities to look up to, respect, can and Luo Feng friendship they are also very happy.

A banquet was set up, eating and chatting.

In the middle of the banquet, the virtual universe company in reality had a team go to Luo Feng’s place to collect the goods.

The goods were confirmed!

Blackheart King and Lust Demon King naturally paid the money and it all went to Luo Feng’s account.

“Hmm?” After the banquet, the Lust Demon King, who was talking about a past secret universe adventure, stood up violently.

“What’s wrong?” Blackheart King and True Diffraction King all looked at him in surprise.

Luo Feng was also puzzled.

“There’s a ‘Blood Luo Crystal’ auction in the Hong Alliance! The auction is about to start!” Lust Demon King said in a low voice, a suppressed excitement in his eyes.

“A Blood Luo Crystal auction?” The Blackheart King and True Diffraction King were also taken aback.

“Well, let’s see if I can get my hands on the Blood Luo Crystals this time.” The Lust Demon King’s eyes were filled with longing, and then laughed, “True Diffusion, you have reached the limit of sealing the king, and are comparable to an ordinary Universe Exalted, the Blood Luo Crystals …… don’t compete with me.”

“Blood Luo Crystals, they’re effective for Cosmic Exalted, who says I shouldn’t compete?” True Diffusion King teased.

“Just argue! There’s plenty to contend for anyway.” The Lust Demon King shook his head, “Let’s go, let’s go to the auction.”

“You two go first.” True Diffusion King said.

“Luo Feng, we’ll go first.” Lust Demon King, Blackheart King and Luo Feng said and hurriedly left disappearing in thin air into the hall.

Only True Diffusion King and Luo Feng remained in the hall.

“Teacher ……, what’s that Blood Luo Crystal auction all about? I remember, blood Luo crystals are forbidden items, prohibited from being sold and so on.” Luo Feng asked.

“Oh yes, you’ve been to the Blood Luo continent.”

True Diffusion King smiled and nodded, “You have to remember one thing, any so called forbidden objects, forbidden to sell are all relative, even if it’s even more precious treasures, maybe it’s forbidden to a realm lord, but it can be traded to an immortal! If it’s a forbidden object to an immortal …… but it’s not considered forbidden to a Cosmic Exalted, this so-called ‘forbidden’ also depends on the object.”

“Uh-” Luo Feng could only nod his head.


That was indeed the truth.

“Hong alliance, it’s an alliance of many human dominated communities, of course there will be many precious items.” True Diffusion King said.

“Then the blood Luo crystal?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask after it.

Fusing blood Luo crystals was extremely difficult, normal humans fusing 10 blood Luo crystals was incredible, so how much more meaningful was it to auction off blood Luo crystals?

“Why would even the universe honored ones compete for the blood Luo crystals?” Luo Feng even asked, “It’s hard to fuse Blood Luo Crystals.”

“Of course it’s hard.”

“At the sector lord level, the body genes are developed to the extreme. It’s unbelievable to even think of one of the human powerhouses that can directly fuse 10 Blood Luo Crystals.” The True Diffusion King laughed, “But the Blood Luo Crystals, that’s a crystal condensed from the body essence of the …… Beast God after he perished, that’s all the crystallization of the Beast God’s blood.”

“Beast God, that is comparable to the great existence of the universe venerable, and as a powerful life born naturally in the universe, the incarnation of the ‘space, gold’ fusion law, that the magic of the blood Luo crystal …… which will only have one fusion Blood Luo Crystal?”

Luo Feng listened in a haze.

So that’s how …… the beast god perished, the blood of the beast god?

“Blood Luo crystals have many uses, even for universe reverends they are of great benefit.” The True Diffusion King shook his head, “However, the human hierarchy restricts some of the important treasures such as the Blood Luo Crystals very tightly, and generally prioritizes the supply of super strong people! That’s why only occasionally a small amount of Blood Luo Crystals will leak out, and this Blood Luo Crystals …… is a heavy treasure for any blood flesh life.”

“Each 100 Blood Luo Crystals is a unit, because 100 Blood Luo Crystals can refine a drop of Beast God’s blood.” The True Diffusion King said.

“But …… I reached the Seal King Pole, what I lack now is Law Sense, external treasures are useless, so I won’t fight for them.” True Diffusion King laughed, “When I become a Cosmic Exalted, I’m afraid I’ll have to go and fight for it as well.”

“Haha …… the Blood Luo Crystal auction has always attracted many strong people, I’ll go and join in the fun as well. You go back.”

Luo Feng even said, “Yes, teacher.”


True Diffusion King disappeared into the hall out of thin air.

“Blood Luo crystals? 100 blood Luo crystals can refine a drop of beast god blood?” Luo Feng muttered, “It’s a heavy treasure for any blood flesh life, even the universe honored ones compete for it?”


“Back in the day, the virtual universe company offered our little universe level guys to buy them at 600 points a piece.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but reveal an odd smile and shook his head, “That’s right, there’s certainly no need to give a high price just to the universe level little guys, and in the eyes of the virtual universe company, the chance for the universe level little guys to get the blood Luo crystals was also given by them, this price to acquire them is also considered reasonable, but where are the ways of those little guys… . the Blood Luo Crystals are treasures that are incomparably important to the Seal King and to the Cosmic Exalted.”


Luo Feng also disappeared into thin air.

100 blood Luo crystals only refined a drop of beast god blood, and it wasn’t easy for the average universe level geniuses to get a few blood Luo crystals in the blood Luo world, like Luo Feng who clearly seemed to be a universe level but had a domain lord level powerful doppelganger and was a demon slayer doppelganger who was good at stealthy assassinations and lurking ……

It’s too rare.

And Luo Feng plundered nearly 10,000 blood Luo crystals back then on the strength of his Demon Slayer Clan bilocation.

When he was faced with the purchase price of 600 points a piece, Luo Yi suppressed his desire to exchange it for huge amounts of points, he determined that …… the Blood Luo Crystals were treasures and couldn’t be sold off like that.

“Haha, how could I think of it in the first place, I wouldn’t have thought that the use of blood Luo crystals would be as big as this.” Luo Feng stepped out of the pool, the water beads rolling off his body while the cold air outside hit his body, but it gave Luo Feng a burst of relief.

Luo Feng casually laid down on a nearby chair.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became.

Wise ah, he was really wise to keep all of that blood Luo crystal, now he’s really earning a lot.


“I only fused three blood Luo crystals back when I was at the earthling origin universe level, I’m now at the peak of sector lord, and I’ve practiced the nameless secret code, my genes have evolved again.” Luo Feng secretly said, “It’s also time to try …… fusing blood Luo crystals again.”

For so many years, he hadn’t tried it himself.

It was because fusing three blood Luo crystals back then was too difficult, even the ‘black martial artist’ in the history of the blood Luo continent was a legend! I’m afraid that I can’t fuse less than 10 blood Luo crystals, if less than 10 blood Luo crystals, the strength enhancement is extremely limited, so I haven’t tried it, this put …… on it has been a few thousand years in the past.

“Time to try.” Luo Feng couldn’t help it, he immediately got up and walked into the quiet room within his residence ready to start fusing blood Luo crystals.

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