Chapter 59 – Building the Divine Kingdom

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:28:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After three and a half days of flying in the dark universe, the disc-shaped spaceship finally traveled through the universe and arrived at the “shuttle point” closest to the Amazing Ritual Continent.

Inside the control room.

Luo Feng, wearing a black battle armor with a pair of black wings on his back, was looking at the outer void as if he was seeing the Amazing Sacrifice Continent in the distance through infinite space.

“A boiling sensation.”

“Fortunately, that strong person is still in the Amazing Ritual Continent.” Luo Feng said softly, he clearly sensed that incomparably strong summoning, far more than the soldier armor and general armor’s summoning of himself, every cell in his entire body clearly locked the location of that summoning, it was in the Amazing sacrifice continent. Obviously that strong person with the treasure was still in the Amazing Sacrifice Continent.

“It’s good to be there!”

“Soon, I’ll go find you.” Luo Feng said silently.

“Babata, find a remote silent place around.” Luo Feng ordered.


The spaceship flew swiftly, the seventh battlefield of the extraterrestrial battlefield was divided into battle area belts, and some of the areas outside of the battle area belts had far too little density of strong people. So the universe ship continued to fly for more than a day before it found an incomparably secluded place.

Wow! The hatch opened.

The black battle armored Luo Feng stepped out of the hatch alone, suspended in the void, and casually put the spaceship into the world ring.


Turning into a black stream of light directly landed on a meteorite, and then it drilled into the interior of the meteorite, the cave inside had traces of chiseling, but with Luo Feng’s scent sensing, it should have been a long, long time ago.

“Micro probe scanning …… the cave within this meteorite hasn’t been visited by life for at least 100,000 years.”


Luo Feng nodded, looked around the meteorite and nodded, “Very good, this meteorite also has a diameter of more than 10 kilometers, the material isn’t any worse than those shattered stars in the shattered star belt, it’s enough to just use it as a temporary coordinate point anyway.”

“Star eater, give me a leaf.” Luo Feng ordered.

A star eater plant flew out from his shoulder, a leaf fluttered down and landed in Luo Feng’s palm, this leaf was after all immortal divine power cohesion, it was considered immortal divine power cohesion, if the detector detects it …… it is very easy to detect the energy reaction.

Luo Feng flipped his hand and took out a spatial ring, put the leaf into the spatial ring, then threw this spatial ring into a crack in the inner cave of the meteorite.

“Coordinate token done.” Luo Feng grinned.

“Eclipse star, divine kingdom teleportation.” Luo Feng ordered.

The star eater grass next to him started to light up, emitting a dazzling light, the mesmerizing light enveloped the surroundings and enveloped Luo Feng as well.

Buzz! Luo Feng, who was shrouded in light, vaguely saw a divine mountain in the distance of the light.


Luo Feng and Star Eater Grass instantly followed this beam of light spatial channel and entered the middle of that divine kingdom.

They arrived at Star Eater Grass’s divine kingdom, and then teleported again from Star Eater divine kingdom, directly arriving at the human frontier.

The difference between Divine Kingdom Teleportation and Instantaneous Transmission is still very big, Instantaneous Transmission can be performed directly during battle, but Divine Kingdom Teleportation can not be …… Divine Kingdom Teleportation, two points must be formed and then open up a spatial channel, which must be stabilized during the process, once in the middle of a battle will cause the spatial channel to collapse, and it will not be able to successfully carry out the teleportation at all.


Although they had “divine teleportation”, there was absolutely no immortal deity that could perform divine teleportation during a fierce battle.

When Luo Feng was on his way to the Hole-in-the-wall starfield, he had left the star-eating grass token at several “points”. It was to be able to teleport in the divine kingdom in the future.

Within the celestial satellite of a barren mineral planet, in an underground cave.

A golden color glow lit up.

Luo Feng in a black battle armor appeared out of thin air.

“Arrived.” Luo Feng looked around, black rocky caverns without the slightest breath of life, while the surface gravity was roughly only one tenth of the earth’s gravity, and there wasn’t the slightest bit of gas, “Already entered the human community’s territory.”

“We have to find a remote place for Mo Yun to build a divine kingdom.”


Luo Feng instantly flashed and scurried out of this natural satellite, almost instantly flying millions of kilometers through the vast starry sky, and then directly by virtue of his speed reaching the speed of light, he directly physically shuttled and entered the dark universe. Generally immortal deities were able to physically travel through the universe, Luo Feng could certainly do the same.

“Mo Yun, how about here? There isn’t a single living planet within 100,000 light years around.” Luo Feng hovered in the starry sky.

“Master, this is it.” A two to three meter tall Mo Yun vine was on Luo Feng’s side.


Luo Feng waved his palm, this casual slash of his palm blade exceeded the battle power of an average peak sector lord powerhouse by a hundred times a thousand.


A spatial crack appeared, Luo Feng took a step in, and together with Mo Yun Vine, they directly entered the spatial sandwich.

The space sandwich was filled with endless space fragments.

Luo Feng however stood in the void.

The first element of choosing a god country is that it must be “remote”, it must not be a place where there are often strong people fighting, strong people fighting will tear up space, or even fight in the space sandwich, then the god country may be discovered accidentally. And the universe was incomparably vast, there were plenty of remote places!

The second element was to consider for divine Kingdom teleportation, one had to save money.

For example, if you often wander within the Qianwu universe, then the divine kingdom will be built within the “Qianwu universe country”, in this way, the divine kingdom teleportation, etc., the distance is close to the energy consumed is less. However,……, for Luo Feng, there is really no need to worry about these issues. And it was impossible for Luo Feng to keep barging around within a cosmic country.

“Spatial sandwich, it’s said to be divided into thousands and thousands of layers.”

“The first layer is spatial debris.”

“The second layer is the divine Kingdom layer.”

“The third layer is the spatial flood layer.”

Luo Feng said silently.

Spatial interlayers were terrifying places, like the spatial debris layer was the closest to the “primordial universe space”, the threat was very small. Some realm masters were able to resist those spatial fragments. On the other hand, the “God’s Kingdom Layer” is relatively stable, and immortal deities can generally survive, but the space debris there is much larger, and some of those space debris have diameters of tens of millions of kilometers, hundreds of millions of kilometers, and so on.

Outside of the Kingdom of God layer, the so-called spatial flood layer ……

Even powerful Immortal Deities could perish, and the further out, the greater the threat.

“It feels like swimming at the beach, the water against the edge of the beach is shallow the threat is small. The further away from the shore, the greater the threat, the depths of the sea are even more choppy, any expert swimmer would have to die.” Luo Feng muttered, “Spatial sandwich is the same, it’s always the farther away the more dangerous.”


Luo Feng quickly flew towards the depths of the spatial fragment, this flight was a flight of hundreds of billions of kilometers range, taking more than ten days.

“Flying is also far enough, the space debris is big enough.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

“Mo Yun, how is it here?”

“It’s good, master.”

Far away.

A huge piece of space debris flew around chaotically, those huge fragments contained void space within them, all lifeless.

“Master, I’m starting to build the divine kingdom.” Luo Feng had a crystalline Mo Yun vine suspended on his side, instantly an invisible energy locked onto a space fragment about 30 million kilometers in diameter in the distance, only to see a side of the world appear vaguely, this side of the world seemed to exist in another dimension of space, slowly flying towards that space fragment.

The space debris was affected and also flew slowly.

The two were one virtual and one real.

They were close to each other!

One was less than 100,000 kilometers in diameter, and the other was 30 million kilometers in diameter.

“Rumble ……” as if the collision of heaven and earth, the two continue to converge and merge, gradually the internal space debris is very empty, gradually emerged a world, the world gradually solidified, a moment will be fully visible.


Fusion, into!

Since then, that internal world completely disappeared, and the divine Kingdom was accomplished!

“Master, the divine kingdom has become a reality, in the years to come, the divine kingdom will continue to expand and become bigger, even devouring other space fragments to continue to become bigger.” The Mo Yun vine brought Luo Feng and easily entered the divine kingdom.

The divine kingdom was less than 100,000 kilometers in diameter.

It was expanding towards the void world in all directions.

Luo Feng stood on a mountain range, looking at the expanding godly country in the distance, and then looking up at one of the huge space fragments outside the godly country, he couldn’t help but say, “I wonder, when I can become immortal.”

“Master, your sense of law is very high, as long as the master is willing I’m afraid that he will soon be able to realize the entire law of space, with the master’s ability, breaking the protocore shackles is not expected to be difficult.” Mo Yun Vine’s consciousness transmitted a voice, “However, once master becomes immortal, then he won’t be able to conceive a third bilocation.”


“That’s why I don’t even dare to cultivate the law of gold now.” Luo Feng shook his head and smiled.

The law of gold was indeed easy for Luo Feng, nowadays he didn’t dare to cultivate it at all, he didn’t dare to gamble!

The third doppelganger ……

Luo Feng put a lot of hope in it, he had long had the hair of the Destroyed Haha Beast, but Luo Feng wasn’t willing to settle for this, he could also exchange some rare life’s fur and scales and armor etc through the treasury of the Virtual Universe Company, but …… Luo Feng was still waiting, because this third incarnation was the last incarnation slot for him.

Definitely had to pick the best one.

Extraterrestrial battlefield seventh battlefield.

In that remote and silent part of the starry sky, inside the meteorite.

Dazzling golden light lit up, along the spatial channel that was instantly opened, a black battle armored figure appeared out of thin air, it was Luo Feng who had left more than a month ago, the main time spent on this trip was spent on entering the divine kingdom layer of the spatial sandwich, and then spent his strength to slowly fly back to the original universe space.

In fact, there was no need for Luo Feng to personally enter the divine kingdom layer, letting Mo Yun Teng go on his own would be fine.

However, Luo Feng wanted to see the scene of Mo Yun constructing the divine kingdom with his own eyes, because the last time the star eater grass constructed the divine kingdom, Luo Feng didn’t follow to see it with his own eyes.

“Safe.” Luo Feng looked down at his arm guards, the large detectors and micro detectors all kept detecting, there was no other strong presence around.


Luo Feng flew out of the meteorite.

“This strong summoning …… reminds me every now and then that there’s a heavy treasure waiting for me there.” Luo Feng looked distantly in the direction of the Amazing Ritual Continent in the void, “But the alien warrior with the heavy treasure is estimated to be very strong as well. You have to kill your opponent to seize the treasure.”

“At all costs!”

“The treasure must be seized.”

“Action!” Luo Feng then took a spaceship and traveled directly to the Amazing Sacrifice Continent.

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