Chapter 6: Dangerous situation

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:26:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Scampering out of this lounge cabin, he flew into the void that still had the aftermath of the explosion.

“Eh?” Luo Feng swept his gaze towards the surroundings, he only saw some debris from the exploded and disintegrated spaceship, he couldn’t see any enemies at all.

“Everyone be careful.” Captain Taiwo transmitted a voice and droned, at the same time instantly, he directly put the lounge cabin into his world ring, he wasn’t heartbroken about that one spaceship being blown to pieces, what was really expensive about the entire ship was this one lounge cabin that was cast from F9 grade metal tungsten inflammatory stone mother throughout.

“Where is the enemy?” Rock’s eyes were like lightning as he stood in the void and looked around in all directions.

“Recruit, don’t panic, just be careful and on guard, leave the rest to us.” Phantom Girl laughed crisply.

The other veterans are also all smiling, but they are also careful to look around, they have experienced too many great storms …… even in the face of a critical situation, they are still able to maintain a relatively calm state of mind.

“Since the opponent doesn’t show up, let’s go.” Taiwo fiercely flew towards the front.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The other nine members of the team even followed their captain, quickly cutting through the void and flying away towards the distance.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” ……

The universe starry sky in the distant nine directions, respectively in Luo Feng their group of people before, after, left, right, up, down and other directions, these nine “points” at the same time shot out dazzling electric light, electric light instantly through the void …… in the original universe, even if it’s the most powerful immortal deity In the original universe, even the most powerful immortal deities could not reach the speed of light instantly.


Electricity, light, etc, once it bursts out it is directly the speed of light. Luo Feng, on the other hand, they need a certain amount of time to accelerate, in order to gradually approach the “speed of light”. As for the cosmic flying repentance …… even more to accelerate for a while to reach the speed of light.

Therefore, the nine points of electric light, instantly linked together, forming a huge lightning cage!

The huge lightning cage completely wrapped Luo Feng and their squad in it.

“Snort snort snort …… “The moment the lightning cage was formed, instantly countless electric snakes ran through the void, the entire space of hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter of the lightning prison was littered with countless electric snakes, there was no doubt that… …Luo Feng and the ten of them were naturally attacked by the electric snakes.

“Thunderbolt prison!”

“It’s a lightning prison!”

The veterans however, transmitted their voices in alarm.

“Quickly go, this is a tactic of the Mechanical Race, and it’s a Mechanical Race powerhouse. Big trouble.” Taiwo transmitted his voice and drank.

Instantly, Taiwo led the way and the nine members of the team quickly followed him and flew away.

However Luo Feng and Rock, the two new recruits, were both puzzled in their minds.

Why flee?

This lightning prison wasn’t much of a threat at all.

“If that lightning light pillar shoots us directly, if it hits, I’m afraid it can instantly kill the sector lord. But …… this thunder and lightning light pillar but form this ‘thunder and lightning prison’, burst out of these electric snakes, amplitude dispersed hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter, I’m afraid that Boundary Lords first and second order can’t be killed, it’s not much of a danger at all.” Newcomer Rock inquired.

“What’s so scary about a lightning prison?” Luo Feng also inquired by transmitting his voice while fleeing, like the strongest of the elite sector lord squad, it was a normal ability to be distracted and talk while fleeing.

“Recruit, you’ll see later, this time there’s big trouble. This Thunder and Lightning Prison …… is not something that ordinary mechanical races can afford to set up.” Poison’s small face was a solemn face.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

How high his eyesight was, a glance could tell that …… a lightning prison that could amplify and disperse hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter, to set up successfully, I’m afraid that the cost of the instruments would have to be counted in millions of mixed yuan units! The mechanical race is good at this aspect, may cost less. However, it is estimated that the cost would be more than 100,000 hybrid units, which is definitely not something that an ordinary Realm Lord level “Mechanical Race” can set up.

As for the energy consumption of this lightning prison, it wasn’t amazing.

Because those electric snakes are in the entire lightning prison constantly roaming, assuming that there is no one in the lightning prison electric snakes can be running back and forth ceaselessly, can be done “energy cycle”, the consumption is infinitely close to zero!

“Energy circulation”, like AAA deity base, that huge base of colorful energy cover, that can withstand the attack of the universe honored one. But that colored energy cover is maintained at all times …… as long as it doesn’t suffer an attack, then the energy is able to circulate without loss.

Just as Luo Feng and his squad had just escaped, suddenly-

“Rumble ……”

From the nine base locations of the lightning prison, suddenly burst out densely packed points of light these densely packed points of light, from nine directions quickly surrounded Luo Feng and his team, which forced Luo Feng and his team, who had just accelerated to escape, could only decelerate violently as a large number of points of light dashed right in front of them.

“It’s mechanical puppets.” Luo Feng could tell at a glance.

From a distance it was points of light, if you looked closely, you were able to identify ……

These silver robots were about twelve meters tall, each of these silver robots was carrying a heavy alloy sword on their backs, at the same time on the surface of their alloy bodies there were also threads of electric snakes running across their alloy bodies, when the countless electric snakes in the entire “thunder and lightning prison” touched them, it didn’t affect them in the slightest.

“It’s a lightning mechanical puppet.” Taiwo solemnly said, “We’re in big trouble, the ‘Thunder and Lightning Prison’ together with the ‘Thunder and Lightning Mechanical Golem Legion’ is one of the more common combinations in the Mechanical Race, but it’s also a very terrifying combination. The ones who usually have such a big hand should be the immortal deities of the Mechanical Race.”

All nine members of the team listened to Taiwo’s orders.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, felt his vulnerability, he was familiar with the fighting style of the human race. However, for the fighting styles of alien powerhouses, although he had looked up some information through the virtual universe network, the information explanation was too vague. Such as the mechanical race, the information description is said “mechanical race is essentially intelligent life, each mechanical race represents a mechanical empire, with the resources in hand, all kinds of layouts, fine and terrible control, coordination, strategy, will form all kinds of terrible attacks.”

“Everyone listen to the order.”

“Follow me, break through at the fastest speed, we need to rush out of the Thunderbolt Prison as soon as possible.” Taiwo ordered.


The nine team members answered the order.

Instantly the entire squad began to fly at an amazing speed, because the lightning prison was big enough, so Luo Feng and his elite squad were also desperately trying to bypass the legion of lightning mechanical puppets.

Inside the cabin of that wrecked flying ship in the distance.

The Mechanical Clan Parzenti example mouth smiled, “Still want to escape?Legion 6, program C19, proceed!”

“These mechanical race puppets are less flexible, they shouldn’t be able to catch up.” Luo Feng and his squad avoided the pursuing mechanical golem legions and quickly fled.

The nearest legion of mechanical puppets suddenly absorbed a large amount of electric snakes, instantly the countless electric snakes roaming throughout the thunder and lightning prison were absorbed, the more than 100,000 thunder and lightning mechanical puppets were as if they had formed a circuit, countless electric snakes roamed and gathered, and a dazzling ball of thunder and lightning light appeared on twenty one of the mechanical puppets.

“Boom!” “Boom! “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” ……

Citing a ball of lightning light, forming a special secret pattern with each other, it was like a “lightning fishing net” instantly blasting out directly.


The lightning fishing net, blasted at the speed of light.

When chasing after Luo Feng and his elite squad, the powerful binding compression quickly descended, this lightning fishing net, directly covering the entire squad, the binding compression force trapping the entire squad members, this is actually an energy attack containing the space law, couldn’t help but make Luo Feng secretly shocked.

“Drink!” Captain Taiwo let out a roar, immortal divine power and law domain erupted at the same time.

Countless earth yellow points of light spread out over tens of thousands of kilometers, each one of them heavy and terrifying, bombarding that huge lightning fishing net, immortal divine power also rapidly bombarded.

“Open for me.” The Inferno Brahma Clan’s “Hammer” then roared lowly, blasting that fishing net with his sledgehammer.


Realm Lord “Frenzied Dance” was also maneuvering his numinous weapon, one of the Nine Divine Armaments of the Spiritual Numinaries, the “Split Divine Armament”, which instantly combined into a dazzling wheel of light, and frantically chopped towards that lightning fishing net.

“Break apart.” The white-robed Realm Master “Divine Spirit” levitated a spear emitting a misty light behind him, and the space around him twisted and tore apart.

The nine members were all casting their moves, Luo Feng also cast his Derivative Divine Warrior.

But this one lightning fishing net didn’t have many attacks, but it entangled all the team members. And one of the nine mechanical legions in the distance had already arrived, and each of the others were rapidly arriving.

“Boom!” Captain Taiwo let out a hiss, finally shattering the lightning fishing net tens of kilometers around him.

At the same moment ……

The entire lightning fishing net instantly collapsed.

“Rumble …… “Once the originally still stable lightning fishing net collapsed, the powerful lightning energy in it instantly exploded, starting a chain reaction that instantly tore apart the surrounding void, the powerful energy wave also impacted Luo Feng and his squad, but it was hard to be resisted by captain Taiwo. Resisted.

“Captain.” Rock looked at the captain with some worry.

“I’m fine.” Taiwo let out a low gulp, “Everyone, it looks like this battle is in trouble. The legions of mechanical puppets have surrounded us, trying to avoid this battle …… seems to be impossible.”

“What is there to avoid, anyway, traveling to the destination is also a battle, here is also a battle.” Poison, however, licked his lower lips, his eyes bursting with refined light.

“Uh-huh.” Hammer nodded as well.

The other team members’ eyes burned with wariness.

“Phantom Girl, Wei, you two be careful.” Taiwo ordered.

“Self-preservation is no problem, killing the enemy mainly relies on you guys, when we encounter the mechanical race …… we illusionists will be of no use at all.” Skeleton-like lean “Wei” low humming voice transmission said, every illusionist actually also know how to manipulate Nian Li weapon, just the art of specialization, Nian Li weapon is certainly not too good at.

The void was quickly and automatically repaired.

While around the sector lord elite squad, three mechanical puppet legions had already gathered, each legion was over 100,000 mechanical puppets, at a glance, they had long surrounded Luo Feng and the others. And the other six mechanical puppet legions in the distance were also rapidly arriving at sub-light speed, as long as it took a few seconds they would be completely heavily encircled.

“I wonder how they’re going to cope.” Luo Feng was calm, the so-called mechanical puppet legions, one only needed to take out the immortal star eater grasses, and the immortal star eater grasses restored their bodies, each long vine amounted to a million kilometers, enough to entangle all the mechanical puppets!

Inside the cabin of that wrecked ship in the distance.

“The layout has been finalized, it’s time to reap the rewards!” Sitting on the alloy chair, Pacinti softly said, “One immortal deity, nine sector lords …… can be packed away with a maximum loss of 27%.”

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