Chapter 63: Target “30 seconds”.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:28:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Not good.” Sensing the location of that Nascent Sense Clan youth and the fact that he was escaping at a rapid speed, Luo Feng instantly knew that it wasn’t good.


With a shock of its wings, the golden horned beast whistled and broke through the air to chase after him, instantly disappearing at the end of heaven and earth.

But that black armored youth’s speed had soared to sub-light speed, close to the speed of light, which could be considered the ultimate speed in the Amazing Ritual Continent! It was only because of the environment of the Cosmic Mystery Realm that it was impossible to continue accelerating the breakthrough. The Golden Horned Beast’s flying speed was likewise unable to exceed this limit, and with that black-armored youth always flying in a straight line, it was impossible to catch up.

“What to do?”

“It’s simply impossible to catch up.”

“Unless one casts a world projection, and the world projection amplitude of more than 90 million kilometers can limit his speed, otherwise it’s impossible to catch up!” Luo Feng quickly thought about it and made a new decision based on some of the messages he got from the battle just now, “This Nascent Sense Race youth can even cast ‘time pause’, it won’t be easy for me to kill him, hmmm, I’ll swindle him too!”

The Golden Horn Beast continued to chase after the Nascent Sense Race youth.

One after the other …… extreme speed was flying over the Amazing Ritual Continent.

Luo Feng’s large detector was also on.

Although not relying on the large detector can also determine the opponent’s location, Luo Feng doesn’t want to expose this, under the large detector …… the opponent relies on the micro detector shielding so that Luo Feng can’t detect the other party, but the other party shielding at most shielding the surrounding 20 kilometers of range, and the other party is flying at a sub-light speed… …

This kind of speed flying, is going to cause air waves of intense compression, tearing, even space will ripple.

When it whizzed by, it would leave clear traces in the air and space.

Through the air waves and space traces, one would naturally be able to determine the exact location of that opponent’s rapid flight.

“Still chasing.”

“What kind of grudge does that Silver Winged King have against me, to the extent that he keeps chasing me, knowing that he can’t catch up, yet he never gives up.” The black-armored youth who maintained his extreme speed and flew frantically knew through the miniature detector that that Silver-winged King had been detecting him, and became more and more enraged, “Chase after me, I’ll see how long you chase me.”

“I’m at my limit speed, and you’re at most comparable to my speed.”

“If you chase like this, you’ll never be able to catch up with me.” The black-armored youth gritted his teeth.


It was as if two meteors, a small one and a large one, were rapidly chasing along the same trajectory, one after the other.

This chase …… was the one that lasted for more than six hours.

“Ha ha ha ha ……”

“Hahahahaha ……” The black armored youth’s original iron green face suddenly revealed an ecstatic smile, keeping the rapid flight down, couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “I knew that there is no possibility of catching up with me, he won’t keep chasing like this, and will surely He will definitely give up! Haha, now he really has given up.”

His miniature probe found that the detection from the large probe had disappeared.

It had obviously stopped detecting.

“I was quietly guarding in the cave before, it’s not unreasonable for him to suddenly stop probing. But now that I’m flying …… at a rapid speed, I might change direction, and he even turned off the detector. Naturally, he can no longer catch up with me.” The black-armored youth was in a happy mood, could it be easy to be chased for so long?

The black armored youth first flew along a straight line for another three hours or so in one breath, and then changed direction for a day, changed direction again for another day ……

Enough to fly nine days.

Eventually, he flew over a large lake.

“I flew for nine consecutive days long before I changed direction. Since he didn’t rely on a detector to detect …… naturally, he couldn’t find my location.” The black-armored youth stood over the pale lake and then sneered, “Silver Wing King? Hmph your pursuit this time, I won’t forget this grudge …… In the future, I will properly ‘repay’ you.”


The dive directly rushed onto the pale and deep lake, which had a dark blue color and a cold, unfathomable atmosphere.

Only half a day later.

A black flying saucer appeared over the lake, inside the control room.

The black battle armor, black feathered wings of Luo Feng was sitting on a sofa with steaming hot tea, drinking it leisurely.

“Rather careful.” Luo Feng laughed softly, “But how do you know that …… even if you are cautious and careful, I can still easily find you.”

How strong was that intense call to Luo Feng’s body.

Every cell was frantically calling out, all locked onto the exact location of that treasure.

“It’s so hard to kill him.”

“I didn’t think that a Seal King Primary would be able to cast ‘time pause’.” Luo Feng muttered softly, “It seems like he should be one of the races that are quite talented amongst the Nascent Sense communities.” Just as there are many races amongst humans that are also divided into high and low talent, there are also many distinctions amongst the demon race such as the royal race, king race and so on that the Nascent Sense race is also the same.

“Time suspension ah.”

“If I had this move how good would it be.” Luo Feng sighed in his heart.

Instantaneous transfer and time suspension, were two very heaven defying moves.

Instantaneous transfer, a counter-intuitive move in the laws of space.

Time pause, a heaven-defying move in the law of screen time.

Even comparatively speaking, time pause is stronger, once hit by the “time pause”, then in an instant will have no power to resist, this moment the enemy can choose to attack can also choose to escape. Of course, there is a long and a short time to crack the “time suspension”, like Luo Feng was initially unsuspecting, did not think that the sealing of the king of the first class can perform “time suspension”.

If he was on guard and kept his power oscillating at all times, it would have taken him a second to crack it.

Like a peak King Sealer, he could probably break it in 0.1 seconds.


To a Seal King powerhouse, 0.1 seconds were enough to attack many times.

“Luckily, the Nascent Sense Clan youth thought that I was a genuine Seal King Immortal with an immortal body, his kind of ability couldn’t even hurt me, so he chose to save time and flee immediately.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “But it’s also right, even if he attacked me at that time, my Golden Horned Beast detachment has a general armor to protect it, and within it there is also the Mo Yun Battle Suit to protect it close to the body, with twofold protection……. Even if he blew himself up, I wouldn’t necessarily die.”

Mo Yun vine, the volume is huge.

So the formation of the Mo Yun battle suit that protects the entire Golden Horn Beast, of course, is also easy.

Outside the black flying saucer over the lake, a huge silver monster suddenly appeared, and then the black flying saucer disappeared in thin air.


The silver-colored monster directly swooped and rushed into the lake.

It dashed to a depth of tens of thousands of kilometers, and only then did the Golden Horn Beast stop. There were dangers everywhere in the Secret Realm of the Universe, such as the coldness of the lake water, which was enough to freeze to death Domain Masters, but of course, it was no threat to the Golden Horned Beast.



“Millions of King’s Legion out, give our lovely opponent, one more firework.”

“Yes, master.”

The Golden Horn Beast looked down at the bottom, which was a huge and deep lake, the deepest part of the lake was over a million kilometers deep, and some areas were only 200,000 to 300,000 kilometers deep. The Golden Horn Beast seemed to see the black-armored youth hiding in the cave below through the rocky layer at the bottom of the lake. Experienced the last battle Golden Horn Beast is very clear …… through the conventional battle is simply not able to kill the opponent, especially this young man actually can perform “time suspension”.

Last time, Luo Feng did not know the other party’s details.

Now that he knows the other party’s details, of course he wants to kill the enemy in one fell swoop, without giving the other party the slightest chance.

“Kill the alien opponent within 30 seconds!”

“Buzzing ……” A head of hideous Tiger Beetle Insect Kings appeared around the Golden Horn Beast, millions of Tiger Beetle Insects, as if countless locusts, on the side of the Golden Horn Beast there was even that Insect Mother Nest.

The Golden Horned Beast used a large detector to shield all the movements here.

Because and the opponent to keep about 600,000 kilometers distance, and the opponent’s micro detector …… only radius 20 kilometers range, naturally can not find everything here.

“Attack.” Luo Feng ordered.

“The exact coordinates are ……” Luo Feng informed Irina of the coordinates.

At the bottom of the lake underneath the rocky layer, inside a cave, there was an F9 class spaceship being parked, this F9 class spaceship he had more than a dozen of them, because he had twelve immortal slaves, it’s just that these twelve immortal slaves were progressing at different speeds, the strongest ones were the two that had been following him before.

Of the other ten, six were feudal vassals four were at the ordinary immortal army lord level.

Inside the F9 class spaceship, one of the compartments, was cast in G class metal, this small compartment alone, which was 10 meters in length and width and 5 meters in height, was more expensive than more than a dozen F9 class spaceships.

“Your Highness, that Silverwing King is self-concerned, the Mechanical Clan is the entire Amazing Ritual Continent’s bounty for him, if he keeps flying in the air, he is likely to be discovered by the Mechanical Clan’s camp …… so it’s only normal that he doesn’t dare to chase after him. And it’s not like he can do anything about Your Highness, so Your Highness doesn’t have to worry.”

There were precisely three slaves on the sidelines.

“Hmm.” The black-armored youth nodded silently.

“This G-ranked chamber should be somewhat useful in the face of that terrifying strike back then.” The black-armored youth secretly said.

The hatch defense was even more powerful, but weakening 90% of the impact would be considered good.

Luo Feng had the Wu Slayer Feather, the materials and effects of the Wu Slayer Feather were much better than the G grade hatch, it also defended against more than 90% of the impact.

“Enemy attack!”

The black armored youth’s face changed abruptly.


Immediately followed by an incomparably terrifying attack instantly tore through layers of rocks, and then it directly blasted onto the spaceship, which caused the black-armored youth’s eyes to be filled with shocked fury: “There was no detection of a probe detection at all, so how could it be attacked? Could it be an even more terrifying enemy than the Silver Wing King, the large detectors …… are more advanced than my miniature detector effect?”

Rumble ……

The F9 class spacecraft was hit by the frontal bombardment, as if it was a cardboard box, it was directly torn apart, one cabin inside the spacecraft seemed to be shattered one after another as if it was a soap bubble, and the fierce explosion impact acted on that G class cabin.

“Boom!” The G-class cabin was as if it was a soccer ball that had been kicked away by a deity.


Directly impacted like a meteor, flew out, around a million kilometers has long been bombarded directly torn open the cosmic space hole, the G-class cabin front has been impacted directly concave, concave the central position is a crack appeared, the cabin tumbled in the endless “spatial interlayer” chaotic flight, the black armor in the cabin of the youth is even more miserable. The black-armored youth in the cabin was even more miserable.

He sensed the attack and instantly collected three servants.

But the insect army combined attack is too terrible, instantly destroyed F9 level spacecraft, explosion impact on the G level cabin, although not destroyed G level cabin just cracked, but that produces a fierce impact …… will be inside the cabin chairs, tables and other artifacts instantly shocked into powder into nothingness, the space inside the cabin were shocked into particle flow, even that seal king junior strong man! “Black Armored Youth”, protected by the cabin, was shaken to the point that his body instantly burst away.

“Whoosh!” Once again, it coalesced into one.

“Even, even destroyed 3% of my Immortal God Body.” The black armored youth couldn’t help but be shocked and furious, if there was no G grade cabin, just now he was afraid that he would directly annihilate and die, and then …… he even dispersed his law domain.

At this moment, he was already in the spatial debris turbulence.

“Silver Wing King!” He clearly discovered through the Law Domain that in the spatial debris turbulence outside, a huge silver-colored monster rushed across, flying directly towards this cabin in the spatial turbulence.

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